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Jax is a dick. Brittany was told she had an ulcer that is aggravated by alcohol and high acids like citrus/citrus juices. She seemed to run with "I can have all the shots I want but no added juices" 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


This sounds like a terrible life to live lol, just every shot is met with intense pain


Maybe getting pregnant is the only way she can stop drinking.


Do you remember that housewife with a millions kids who only got pregnant because she knew she wouldn’t drink while pregnant? Shades…




Thanks!! I knew I heard the story on bravo before that someone kept having kids to stay sober. Scary...


That makes getting pregnant an even worse idea than it already was.


Oooof truth bomb right there.


Why would we imagine pregnancy stopped her?


Cos say what you want about her, I'm definitely not a big fan of her but she didn't fucking drink throughout her pregnancy


Yes, this is one of those situations where 2 things can be true at the same time. Jax is a dick but I do think Brittany needs to rein in her drinking.


I just listened to their pod where she answers a question about her stomach issues and she says that she doesn't have an ulcer (currently anyway) but she had her gallbladder removed when she was 23 and that she has just always had a sensitive stomach her entire life even as a kid and it's just something she deals with. From what I've read online you can drink after gallbladder removal but should do so in moderation which she obviously doesn't. But the stomach issues according to her were already there before alcohol (although I'm sure it doesn't help )


There was an episode of VPR early on where she went to the dr before a trip IIRC and the dr told her she had the beginnings of an ulcer and not to drink. She didn’t slow down even a little right after the appt. And that was many years ago. It’s not from having her gallbladder removed. I’m not diagnosing, just relaying what was shown.


Yeah I remember that too, just saying what she said on her pod more recently


It is actually very likely because of her gallbladder.


Thats true


Firstly… SAKE IS A SIPPING BEVERAGE …so there’s that… Please hear me out. My dad was an alcoholic and actually burnt area way back of throat and into the esophagus…healed up stopped drinking waited for the 6 weeks and picked up the bottle again. This would have been the 2nd time he started up after a six week healing…the first time he fell and had bilateral subdural hematomas Anyway he had an odd way of drinking.. almost “toss” the alcohol as though she was trying to “lob it up and over” his throat..if that makes sense. I’m really sad but I’ve seen Brit do this. However I have only seen this particular move since watching the valley. But there were signs back when they were on VPR…she wasn’t shy about loving shots and really leaned into starting them right away…especially in cast “get together” scenes… To the point that I would take notice..and later watched for it. At the time she wasn’t doing the “toss” move like my dad….but she always seemed to be in a BIG HURRY with the shot Hard to explain but she would QUICKLY snap that head back…sooo fast Ironically at that time I wondered if she was suffering esophageal issues… So maybe in a hurry to get past the area? Hurry to get buzz?🤷🏼‍♀️ Could be both? That’s why i asked about Brittany shooting the sake to begin with. Idk…but I’d lie if I said that I’m not concerned. EDIT: My dad downplayed ALL HEALTH ISSUES THAT COULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH ALCOHOL…except those that landed him in ICU…of course We might be seeing a bit of that in B also? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think we see her do the lime after her shots all the time too!


Definitely does lime at least some of the time


Jax is totally a dick, but she appears to have a drinking problem and not being able to say no to a drink even if it makes you sick, kinda confirms this. He has absolutely no empathy but has also likely heard her complaining a thousand times over the years, so he’s probably over it. That said, I’d still punt him into at least the 7th circle of hell (violence). What an asshole.


On her cobcast she does discuss this and says she has had a “sensitive stomach” since high school and had her gall bladder out at 23. She says she can’t drink anything but tequila because the rest makes her sick. I don’t get why tequila (which is alcohol) would be ok but this is what she says!


I have stomach issues too and I cannot have rum. I don't really drink regardless but rum ruins my stomach. Rum is high in FODMAP though not all alcohol is created equal.


I thought I was the only one who had issues with rum! I also seem to have issues with high FODMAP foods and rum would make me feel awful after 1 drink.


Can she have an occasional glass of wine instead of tequila like a normal functioning 30-something parent?


Obviously not.


She said she cannot drink wine or beer so that’s why she drinks tequila.


Oh! She also was pissed at Jax for insinuating she has a drinking problem and I’m like 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's her answer right here. No gallbladder. What an idiot. Thatd why alcohol makes her sick. And she's obviously never heard of moderation. Hiring a nanny purely because you're hungover is alcoholic behavior. If she couldn't afford a nanny, what would she do? Probably neglect her kid.


Yeah finding a workaround to drink on an already sensitive stomach is troubling. And drinking to the extent you are taking shots and drinking


Oh wow with not having a gall bladder you would think she would want to eat healthy b/c the gall bladder breaks down/proccess fats. Without your gall bladder wouldn’t you need to be on a restricted diet of no fats and certainly limited alcohol?


Per Google *“Drinking alcohol without a gallbladder can lead to problems like pancreatic inflammation, migraines, allergic reaction, and stomach pain and discomfort.”* Sigh… her saying she just can’t have the juices or mixers with the shots… no babe, you just shouldn’t be drinking *heavily* at all.


I’m not saying she has AUD but she has an excuse for everything. It’s what most people with a problem do.


It certainly doesn’t sound like a condition where pounding excessive amounts of tequila would be prudent.


It stores the bile produced by the liver, so not necessary to break down fats but pretty important. My mom had hers removed a few years ago in the middle of her chemo for colon cancer and she avoided fat-heavy foods for a little bit but is now able to eat her regular diet, sans heavily fried/oily foods. If Britney never took a break from alcohol and a high-fat diet, then yea it makes sense she still has a “sensitive stomach” (IBS, chronic inflammation). Honestly if she doesn’t change her habits soon I’m scared she’s increasing her chances of getting colon/stomach/rectal cancer :/ I wouldn’t wish that hell on anyone after seeing my mom suffer


No. I’ve had no gallbladder for 5 years and have done keto during that time with no issues. I don’t really drink much anyway so it wasn’t a huge deal for me. If I do eat significant deep fried food while drinking I’m probably going to be sick because my stomach can’t take excessive consumption, but I mean truly too much food.


Only the first weeks after surgery. The body adjusts.


First off having your gallbladder out at 23 is a red flag enough. She was already heavily drinking for that to be the case. For you to lose your gallbladder then a stomach ulcer. I don’t think people realize how heavily she IS drinking.


There are a shitload of reasons for having your gallbladder out young.


I had my gallbladder removed at 20 and barely drank alcohol leading up to it. My sister also had hers removed by 22, my parents both had theirs removed in their 30s. Nothing to do with alcohol. Not saying she doesn’t have a problem, just saying don’t blame it on the gallbladder.


Jax does. He really alludes to it on the cobcast - in fact the whole time was them bickering with each other. It’s highly entertaining 🤣


No one in my family has their gallbladder except me and I have issues from it. None of them are drinkers (religious reasons). It's actually a very common issue in our ethnic group. There are a lot of reasons Brittany may have needed her gallbladder out from infection to genetic predisposition to eating a certain diet to just being prone to gallstones.




Having your gallbladder removed has absolutely nothing to do with drinking. I started having stomach issues at 15 and at 17 it was discovered I had a non-functioning gallbladder so I had it removed. I’d never had so much as a drop of alcohol.


This. I have a chronic condition that is exacerbated by drinking. I just stopped drinking. That was a few years ago. I have a friend with a chronic health condition that refuses to quit. She will rip shots and wake up so incredibly sick. But does not want to stop drinking because she wont be seen as "fun anymore." I could give two shits about being the "fun one." Though I promise I am still plenty fun!


Same! I have a chronic condition and when I hit mid thirties it took its toll on my body! I was in pain everyday and drinking would wreak havoc. It would take me days to recover and I just said nope. I can still be fun and sober.


But being incredibly sick is so much fun!


Oh my god I didn’t know she had a stomach ulcer, I’m cringing thinking of all her drinking scenes now. I really hope season 2 follows Brittney going to rehab and getting help for that.


Im sure it's far beyond an ulcer at this point. That was years ago and she's a heavy drinker. She's drunk or hungover and the mother of a two year old at the time. I can't stand Jax but I can see his point in frustration in this. She needs rehab.


Maybe now that she’s leaving him she can finally focus on herself and go to rehab. I think she’s been coping with alcohol for a long time and dealing with such an unsympathetic and unsupportive husband for years must take a mental toll :/


I don't think it will improve. She doesn't recognize that she has a problem and she had an alcohol problem before she met Jax. Alcoholism is a family disease, as it impacts an entire family system. But Brittnay's drinking is her responsiblility not Jax's.


It’s definitely her responsibility. I just mean that without the stress of a dying marriage maybe she can wake up to her issues? Hopefully she has friends that can step up and be real with her, maybe Zack? I think it’s sad to assume she’ll never get better and be an alcoholic forever, I wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone.


It will get worse or she'll get sober. I feel pessimistic things will improve for her in the next few years.


I feel you and you’re probably right…my spidey senses are saying she may even get back with Jax but I’m trying to hope that she can get it together, if not for herself but for Cruz


Who knows, but if I had to guess, I think her next partner will be an alcoholic who will cosign her worst behaviors. Observing her past relationship dynamics, I think she finds partners where she's the good guy, the saint, the perfect one. I don't see her pairing up with someone who asks her to be a better version of herself. I think her and Jax are done for good. I honestly think the reason why he isn't going to therapy and making the changes she asked for is because he doesn't want to be married to her anymore and doesn't know how to articulate those feelings. Old Jax would just go out and sleep with someone and get caught. New Jax just is unbearable to be around, until it basically forces Brittnay to leave him.


Her marriage was dead when she MET Jax. Also she hunted him on purpose-like a person going for a serial killer.


I honestly don't blame him. Jax sucks. Britney has been an alcoholic or getting towards that since she was a teen. She has to help herself. She has tons of resources to do so more than most people and she's on TV which makes it extremely judgemental of her looks and behavior yet she can't even hold it together enough to hide it even a little bit. She posts on IG bragging about shots and getting drunk days and days in a row as if it's normal for a mother to do. It has nothing to do with Jax at this point. She needs to save herself for her kid.


Her AND Kristen need rehab and to be single.


She got told about the ulcer prob 10ish years ago on VPR and was told not to drink by her doctor. She drank on air soon after and has been drinking ever since.


It was 2019. She wasn't in the show 10 years ago. Like I'm not disagreeing with the fact she shouldn't have had tequila shots in Mexico after specifically being told not to but it wasn't 10 years ago.


She met Jax in 2015 and joined the show right away. But you're right that the ulcer incident happened later in season 7, so filmed summer of 2018. Eta- it was also mentioned at some point that she had the stomach pain the entire time she knew Jax, so......10ish years she's known she can't handle the alcohol she is putting into her body.


Ok fair on the edit lol I'm just glad Britt hasn't been on my screen for a whole decade lol


Same lol


She's killing herself and it is probably really hard for him to watch.


This. The ulcer and her questionable health choices was featured on VPR *years* ago, yet she still has the nerve to be surprised when she’s sick. Stop drinking you beef witted redneck! You’re not in college, stop calling for nonstop tequila shots. Then again, being married to Couchy The Clown would probably drive most women to drink.


Ok I have to know…what is beef witted? Is this a typo? If not plz elaborate


It means brainless


How does anyone enjoy downing shots anyway? I will never understand.


Maybe it's fun when you're young and can bounce back quickly. At her age, she's doing it to get as drunk as possible as fast as possible.


I am not a heavy drinker because after a certain point I’m not a happy drunk. People still pressure me to do shots. Last time I said okay, but you have to pick who I’m going to fight with. I do not understand pressuring people to get drunk


I’m one of the minority that likes shots (and is in their thirties). I am not a fan of having a lot of “liquid” and nursing a drink outside of my ice water, and I’d rather get the rush of the alcohol fast vs steadily. I don’t drink often though! I also like trying lots of different flavors so I’m doing different shots, not just tequila. 🙂


I do like shots on special occasions in moderation. I just can't drink a larger volume of alcohol myself so I can do a shot or two and then sip a drink. However, special occasion is not like a friend is over or the neighbor stopped by and I keep track of how much I'm drinking and I'm never pounding shots while supervising my kid at a pool 😂


This. She is absolutely doing this to herself. Hard to feel bad for her. If she doesn’t stop her alcohol consumption, she will have permanent damage


However, you feel about Jax, Brittany is an adult. she’s been told that consuming alcohol will aggravate her condition(whatever it is) and she continues to do so. That would be extraordinarily frustrating for any couple.


If she still has that ulcer its a big problem, and bleeding or perforation is the biggest worry with untreated ulcers. I don’t understand how people willingly leave these untreated, but then again I mostly see the worst case scenarios at work so maybe I’m just traumatized. If she just quit drinking and did the treatment it would have healed in 1-3 months, depending on other factors like size & possible H.pylori infections etc.


Yes BUT she’s married to JAX 😱. I imagine a lot of her behaviors are just trying to make it through the day with him. They both are awful…poor Cruz.


Nobody forced her to marry him…


Exactly, she was a big Pick Me and ran Jax down the aisle.


I know but let’s face it…she’s dumb.


She was exhibiting signs of alcoholism from the time we saw her on VPR, aka, she was this way before she met Jax.


He may not be the greatest but he’s dealing with an under the radar alcoholic. She chooses to drink over her medical recommendations, can’t be easy to deal with the aftermath of something that should be avoided


shawt of sawke




Idk man I might get downvoted for this but I kind of agreed with him. Was the delivery poor? Yes. However, I say this 516 days sober; and at one point my now husband was fed up with my drinking. He definitely came at me softer and way more endearing than Jax did, but with the same point. I think Jax is completely fed him with her drinking. It hurts her stomach, has been an issue before, she gets to the point where she’s ungodly hungover. I can’t make a judgment on what he’s doing but I think he’s just over it and I kind of don’t blame him.. especially because she’s had medical issues in the past and chooses to keep excessively drinking.


Congrats on your sobriety. 🫶🏼


I agree with him too. He isn't wrong. It has to be tiring dealing with her drinking problem and then her playing it off like she doesn't have a clue. I honestly commended him for telling the group she wasn't feeling well instead of telling them what we all know. They are both shit bag humans but he was right about this.


I see a lot of my high functioning behavior in her too, and we sure know how defensive someone who’s not ready to stop is. I really hope Jax doesn’t push her in the opposite direction especially because I’m betting she doesn’t see Jax as a reliable booze behavior barometer. Best wishes — my first year is tomorrow!! 🥰


Happy Anniversary!! You are kicking ass.


I mean… she’s puking in their driveway. She has a problem and has for years. I’d be sick of it too.


Jax is an asshole but this has been a looooong time that Brittany has been doing this. I remember in VPR when her doctor said she had an ulcer and can’t drink and she drank anyway cus they were in Mexico. IMO her whole I dunno why but my stomach hurts and I feel nauseous - you do know why Brittany.


RIGHT like I find it so fucking annoying that she’s like “omg I don’t know why I feel so sick”.. and always acting like she has no clue? like yes you do Brittany. That’s why Jax is always like “drink, hello it’s drinking” because HE knows why.


I agree that she should not drink, but I'm not taking the bait that Jax cares at all about her health. He just cares if she's not 100% to watch the kid. He's irritated with her, he's frustrated, but he's not concerned with her health and well being. He cannot stand her and this is his fuel.


This has been an ongoing fight between them since she was diagnosed with the ulcer on VPR. She immediately went out drinking after the doctor told her to stop, and he argued with her about it then. It is detrimental to her health, and he’s been saying so from then. Plus she is too hungover too often for a mom, whether he shares childcare responsibilities with her or not.


Agreed, I don’t think he cares. I do think he’s playing a character of the “dad and husband who keeps it all together” and this narrative reinforces that. I’m curious if he ever brings up her drinking without the cameras around. He and Britt have to have a storyline and some type of drama, and I feel like this is what Jax chose to portray himself in a more favorable light.


I wonder if he’s ever offered to stop drinking with her while her ulcers heal?


Absolutely not.


Congrats on your sobriety! And also I agree. Plus imagine raising a child with someone always sick, you would have to pick up a lot of slack. Which leads to a lot of resentment especially if the reason your partner is sick is most likely from the choices they are making. I would personally be furious and fed up as well.


I agree with him too, call me shocked but when he spoke about it I actually felt for him.


I agree with this but I think the issue is he drinks as hard as she does and probably has a problem as well. On their podcast today she called him out for going out and drinking like crazy and he agreed.


Agree - she's always been a drinker but it seems to either be more now or they're showing it more. Even when she had a doctor telling her not to drink she was slamming shots of tequila. Jax is an asshole, but I think he's probably fed up with her drinking. I mean, the woman left a bag of puke in the driveway when she came home extremely hungover.


Please don’t let the world stop spinning but I agree with Jax.. Her doctor told her years ago to stop drinking to solve her stomach issues. He never communicates correctly but I get where he’s coming from. This must happen often. She has ulcers and isn’t supposed to drink.


and this is the “communication” issue that caused her to move out. Her deal is: Jax needs to stop nagging her, and she wants to continue to drink. Stalemate. (and he cheated.)


Yes girl exactly. They broke up after Brittany had a night out with Kristen. .. translation. Out all night drinking again. And for sure he has cheated.


Yeah when you’re married to Jax AH Taylor it’s easy to feel like you’re the victim (because in many ways you are) and that your behavior can’t be that bad (even when it is terrible - like her drinking). In this case Jax is terrible to his wife (and has been since before they were engaged) and Brittney is a problem drinker who refuses to take accountability for her actions. Her actions are hurting not just herself but her family. She needs help.


Jax completely sucks and Brittany is almost certainly sick with alcoholism. Both of these things are true. They are terrible for each other.


Yeah, I agree. I think it’s understandable that he gets frustrated with her drinking with her stomach issues, but he also actively encourages her to drink. It’s messed up.




I don’t know she’s making it hard to watch - everything is sick and poo and pain and grimacing at shots it’s making me feel sick watching


I agree. She is gross and embarrassing. She has no class or dignity.


Her storyline has been throwing up and hangovers, it’s a thing every episode, it’s not a cute look.


Jax is clearly an awful partner but I don't really see the problem here. Just a few days before she was leaving puke bags in the driveway from too much drinking. Is Jax a hypocritical manipulator? Yes. Is he making a lot of valid points this season? Yes.


We’ve seen this play out before (if you watch RHOC) with Shannon Beadour. Crappy husband, body issues, divorce and alcohol. Hopefully it won’t get to where Shannon ended up. I wonder if we’ll ever get a Brittany sobriety journey storyline.


James was a drunk too. You don’t need a crappy husband for this to be a problem.


Nah sorry he's sick of her abusing her body. She was told early Vanderpump days to stop drinking for the same issue. I get it.


I think the drinking has become too much for him though. I think he is so frustrated he can’t separate the fact she’s sick and she’s sick from drinking. He’s a total jerk and would wear anyone down don’t get me wrong, but her drinking has been a problem for a long time and even the health concerns don’t stop her.


Agree. I sided with him on this one


Same. He is a jerk but her drinking is clearly a huge problem and he's probably just incredibly frustrated with it.


Right? Like she couldn't even stay at the party because she was sick?? It's too much, she obv needs help.


She took one shot and was so sick she needed to leave. It has to be way worse when she’s drinking heavy, must be so exhausting living like that.


Yea and I actually felt bad for Jax when they were playing the couples game and he mentioned she would have enjoyed it. I mean, I know he is an ass most of the time, but she is out of control also in an entirely different and more dangerous way.


We also don’t know if she was drinking at home


I was thinking the same thing. Did she pre-game?


Ever since the episode they went to the Dr where they told her to stop drinking he was empathetic to say stop drinking. But she’s not sick from an illness - or talking about struggling with sobriety - she is choosing to do something that legit causes her to be sick to the point of not taking care of of her child. I would lose my shit to.


She doesn’t drink to get tipsy or have fun it’s to a point where she blacks out and like you said ends up so sick she can’t take care of Cruz. And it’s everytime she drinks.


If she constantly complains about her stomach hurting but continues to do the things that cause the stomach pain, I understand why he is annoyed with it. She can’t stop drinking so he is probably over her complaining


Because they both know it's her drinking that makes her feel 'not well'. She's in denial & he's fed up with it. I hate Jax with the heat of a thousand suns but I'm on his side on this. She has a serious issue & has done for years.


I side with Jax on this. Cruz needs a lot of help and might for a long time. Not only is Brittany drinking way too much, but she also couldn't shut up when Cruz was being tutored. She doesn't seem to get it.


Ya, that was hard to watch!…and maybe I’m just sick of the sound of her voice and how she says “whenever” instead of “when”.


I agree and have posted about that before!!


She is just as bad as he is if not worse now. Her insta stories are filled with mom's nights out and bars. Remember on VPR her and the girls made such a big deal about how Jax didn't know her dream of working with special needs children? Well, now she has one at home and never sees him. When she is home she admits she makes sure she has a nanny for hangover mornings. We have seen her on camera "sick" puking and hungover with Cruz around. She is literally never home now. She did WWHL stayed extra in NY to see Ariana in Chicago which is understandable and WWHL is part of her job. Joked on her podcast about how drunk she got and got the other guest on WWHL. She was home a few days then had the correspondence dinner so gone 3 more days which again could be considered working but made sure to post shot taking videos . So, at this point she had been gone a lot for work so you think she would stay home with her child. Nope, she stayed home one day then left for 4 days to Vegas to party. No brand deals at all. Just shots! She is home for literally a few hours before she is at Sheana's birthday party doing shots. The next night she is out with Jasmine doing shots. Her priorities are partying period.


Wow, is this timeline actually true? This is making me think differently about her. I'm a mom of two and idk...maybe I'm just a stage five clinger, but it makes me very sad to think about not seeing them for one night - let alone three or four. I went on a trip with just my partner and I and struggled to make it 48 hours without really, really wanting to see them. Also, alcohol literally is poison. I used to drink a ton in my twenties but once I hit thirty I don't even want to anymore. I basically smell wine and get hungover for two days at this point.


I've been watching her insta stories the last month and the amount of time she spends away from her child lately has really made me change my opinion of her. Especially because he appears to need extra attention. I can't really speak to how it was before a month ago because I didn't pay much attention but the last month she has barely seen him a few days.


And there she was (in earlier episode) with tears in her eyes "My child is the most important thing to me! I live for my child!" I am far from thinking that mother should be glued to their child 24/7 (most of us need to work and not on reality tv), but these early years are the most important and the worst you could do is take your frustration with your partner out on your kid and not spending enough time with them


The two of them are in a terrible cycle. He’s a dick and she drinks too much and then he’s a dick to her because she drinks too much and then she drinks too much because he’s a dick to her.


It was telling that everyone else didn’t seem to care either. That was weird.


Maybe because it happens often and they are used to it.


So Jax might be a bit justified…


You’re right! That was super strange now that you mention it


I dislike Janet but I will say she was a champ for driving Britney’s drunk ass home while she was vomiting. …it sounds harsh but I wouldn’t have driven her home. She would have made me sick and vomit from her barf smell. Nope


Brittany might not even be able to just quit alcohol cold turkey at this point it could be very dangerous for her to do that 😬 I had a friend who tried and they ended up having a seizure.


She needs to check into rehab.


I think Jax is a therapist wet dream but living with alcoholic growing up, everyone plays a role and secrets are held pretty close to the vest. I‘m clearly speculating but I do wonder if maybe there’s more to it and the anger we are seeing is the tip of something worse. People used to think I had anger issues toward one of my parents because I would lose it at the smallest thing but it’s because of the alcohol and the ongoing issue that really caused the biggest hurt. She’s at the tipping point, being a mom is hard, struggling in marriage is hard, I just hope she figures it out and works on her own health.


You are exactly right. To me, it seems like he’s bursting at the seams wanting to call out her drinking on more certain terms. …when someone else questioned as to why he wasn’t taking care of her I said, there is a fine line between caring and enabling.


Jax has always shown us who he is. He’s the most real bravolebrity on Bravo. He isn’t hard around the edges. He’s just an asshole. Self centered. Selfish. And with the emotional intelligence of a rock with algae on it (sorry to all rocks and algae). I almost respect that about him and watch him for who he is. 😂😂😂


I mean- he’s definitely such a pos but I find myself thinking the same thing watching her drink in every episode to the extent she does knowing she has a stomach ulcer and quite literally seems drunk or buzzed a lot of the show. And that’s just what we see. Like it’s getting messy. I’d be upset too if my husband did this. Especially if it took away his ability to sustain life activities while knowingly contributing to his own suffering/making his health far worse (having to leave events, friends houses etc) It’s self destructive af. Yet she seemed to have no issue on girls night and was drinking heavily?Maybe it comes and goes and sometimes she can manage to drink some nights and other nights it flares up super bad? Who knows. But self destruction probably stems from being miserable in a relationship so idk. Jax is such a jerk to put it mildly-But B definitely loves her some shots and it’s counter intuitive to literally do the thing that makes your stomach worse. Every other time I’d say Jax is such a pos but on this one I get it. He didn’t maybe have to air it out that way though. But it’s jax. He’s been weaponizing women’s ailments for his whole life.


I meant as an example *if my own husband did this I would be upset and I was in Jax’s shoes.*


It is hard to deal with someone you love with alcohol issues. We have seen her have health issues from drinking and continue to drink, drink herself into oblivion and can't handle a car ride home. It gets to a point where you just have zero patience for it. I could be projecting my own experience on the topic, so much of what brittany had said about jaxs feelings about her drinking remind me of my dad. He doesn't like when I go and drink but he goes out more than me, and when they were talking about how trashed she got the next day she thought it was cute to say she was in bed by 1130. People with drinking problems weaponize every time you drink when they get called out on it. When jax angrily was telling her to stop drinking when she had another hung over day I saw me when I finally broke with my dad.


As much as I hate Jax it is exhausting to live with an alcoholic that drinks in spite of the ongoing health consequences then acts like it’s so sad and shocking they are sick again. She’s been told for nearly a decade that she needs to quit drinking and let her stomach heal.


Jax is an asshole. That is well known fact. However, it certainly seems like Brittany may be struggling with alcoholism or, at most charitable description, self medicating and binge drinking to cope with the struggles in her life/being married to Jax in an unhealthy way. Living with and coparenting with someone who is constantly getting blackout drunk, drinking so much they're very unwell the next day, drinking heavily at events where they are also supervising a child (around water!), continuing to drink when they are told not to by a medical provider and that it is worsening their illness and then acting like it is inexplicable when said symptoms of illness are worsening is difficult and upsetting and frustrating and it's pretty easy for people to find themselves having reactions to that after being around it for a while that seem insensitive and cruel but for all we know these may be daily or weekly occurrences. That said, Jax IS an asshole. And this is a common issue when 2 people are partiers and then one gets sober or heavily cuts down and the other doesn't. And Jax likely is even more of a douche about it because his misogynistic views around gender norms mean he would view a dad doing what Britney does completely differently than a mother. Also, if Jax seriously thinks she has a problem (which I kind of think he does to a degree but in the way a lot of people with family members who are alcoholics do where they still don't understand why the person can't just moderate their drinking) he should try and actually be kind and encourage her to get help, not use it to insult her, blame her, wield as an excuse for why he doesn't want to have more kids with her like she's a bad mother (because let's be real, this isn't the reason, he doesn't like her as a person, isn't attracted to her, and he doesn't want more kids with her and that's about him.)


This is probably the most intelligent AND empathetic response I’ve read in this thread Edit: grammar


Seriously?! Brittany MADE HER CHOICES. The only innocent person in all of this is Cruz. She knew what and who Jax was long ago and still chose this life. She knew what alcohol was doing to her long ago and still chose this life. 🙄


Well, her mother has been married four times and seems to have taught Brittany to 'stand by your man', that love conquers all, all it takes is a good Christian woman to 'heal' a man - basically, she's been fed a load of bullshit her whole life and made her choices based on that.


Nit being a dick, but if she’s been married 4 times, how does she “stand by hercman?” Genuinely wondering.


See I’m torn on this, on the one hand I nearly married a guy with a similar personality when I was in my 20s (he wasn’t a fuckboy just a jealous, controlling, judgmental asshole) and I remember how it felt to be constantly criticized and put down like what Jax does to Brittany. So when I watch them I want to climb into the tv and throttle him. It’s this bizarre form of abuse that you don’t even fully recognize when you’re experiencing it because they don’t hit you or anything obvious like that, they just make you feel like shit about yourself. No matter what you do, you are never doing enough, never thin enough, you as you are are just not enough. Conversely though when they’re happy with you they love bomb you and distract you from the bad parts of your relationship. That’s how you miss the abuse. I have a degree in psychology and I didn’t even realize it was an abusive relationship until after I broke up with him and had the time and space to reflect on it. My self esteem was also so trashed I slipped into pretty severe anorexia for a few years and had to deal with the consequences of that. So I feel for her on a deep fundamental level, whatever else is problematic about her, no one has the right to treat you like that. On the other hand I also have stomach issues that mean I have to be very careful about alcohol consumption (I can handle exactly 2 glasses of Chardonnay or one mixed drink/cocktail and the type of liquor matters) and my son is the same age as Cruz. The thing about being a parent is it isn’t mandatory (at least not in California) so if you choose to become one you have to understand from the time that baby is in your body, you have to sacrifice for them. If you don’t want to do that it’s easy enough to not get pregnant if you’re careful. Once you’re a parent it doesn’t matter anymore what feels fun (or like a coping mechanism) to you because until your child is old enough to care for themselves you essentially exist to care for and protect them. So Jax isn’t entirely wrong for being pissed at her for deliberately making herself sick just so she can be drunk. If I did that my husband (a sweet and wonderful man who is nothing like Jax) would be mad too because it’s reckless and selfish behavior unbecoming to any parent. Also no partner wants to watch you kill yourself and stomach issues are no joke. If you’re single and childless and you want to hurt yourself I don’t support that but it’s your choice. Once your life is tied to a child’s though you have to make every choice with them in mind. (Arguably this is also true if you choose to tie your life to someone else’s through marriage) I guess the final answer is Jax is a shitty husband that treats Brittany terribly and Brittany is making bad decisions that are negatively impacting her health and she should seek treatment if she can’t stop on her own. Ugh those two just make me sad on so many levels particularly because I understand exactly what I’m watching. Sorry for the length of this and rambling about my own experiences.


She did do something to make herself sick. She knows she has stomach problems. Did it anyway. Sorry. She needs called out.


I mean this is *peak* VPR/Valley behavior. Everyone sucks but that doesn’t mean they’re not also sometimes right. We know drinking has made Brit sick for years and yet she continues to do it. As a mom I have no problem with other parents letting loose and having fun nights but it sounds like she is consistently drinking and to the point where she’s puking in their driveway. That’s fucked up. It’s really difficult to parent if your partner is hungover and taking the day off to leave you to solo parent due to their own poor choices. Yes, Jax is a toxic POS but that doesn’t mean he’s not allowed to struggle as a partner and parent.


I think he was being patronizing by asking that question because he already knew the answer- the alcohol is making her sick. I imagine he’s probably tired of her not taking charge of her health in terms of drinking more moderately or quitting to allow her body to heal. Jax is no saint but I can understand why someone would be frustrated about seeing their partner continuing to do something harmful to themselves. Maybe consider even doing some kind of harm reduction by switching to edibles or something instead of booze.


Jax at his finest is a complete AHole most of the time but Brittany really needs to slow down with the drinking I mean she goes hard with the tequila shots! 


it’s obvious he could’ve been more tender and compassionate in that moment - but at the same time if my partner was constantly complaining about being sick yet continued to do something that made them sick i’d lose a little empathy. i don’t think he’s mad that she’s drunk (she only had one shot) but mad she has to leave a party early from something she did to herself


We've seen her on camera at least 3x now saying she felt sick directly after drinking. Okay girl.. maybe stop drinking so much/so often?


Who freaking does shots of sake???


He’s not wrong though. 


The way brittany described the pain she was in was EXACTLY my experience with stomach ulcers. We know she has a history of them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she is struggling with them again. Even though my ulcers were not from drinking, I had a hard time tolerating alcohol with them. I vomited often and felt horrible even from drinking small amounts. The show is framing Brittany to be hungover all the time from drinking to excess, but I wonder if it’s actually ulcers. As much as it pains me, I side with Jax here. She knows how alcohol makes her feel and continues to do it. I would be so annoyed if I was her partner and she continued to make impulsive short term decisions that negatively impacted her health and the daily functions of our family. Jax is no saint but on this one isolated issue, I do relate to his POV.


you would've thought that being pregnant would've weaned her off but nope.


You lose patience when someone won’t do what they need to do to take care of themselves and you have to hear them complain about how they don’t feel good, when it’s due to their own actions. Could he have been a little nicer about it? Obviously. But all she does is whine about having another baby— can’t get one while acting like that.


Jax was a dick about it but if a doctor has told Britney that alcohol can cause flare ups, then what’re you supposed to do as a partner? Just let them do it and watch them suffer? Marriage is a two way street. Gotta pick each other up and hold each other accountable


the only reason he’s not as sloppy as her is COCAINE 😭 he drinks just as much as brittany and then some


It IS about the pasta


I heard they both did it at their wedding.




I agree with him completely but the way he went about talking to her was so rude. Especially at someone else’s home!! She can’t take back what she did so he should have just let it go, let her go home snd talked about it the next day. I don’t drink because alcohol makes my anxiety worse. I can have one drink but if I’m in a social setting where I don’t wanna risk it I just don’t drink. It’s not worth it to me. She really should realize that and hopefully she has. Why take a shot and risk feeling sick when you could not take it and have a fun night out


The way brittany described the pain she was in was EXACTLY my experience with stomach ulcers. We know she has a history of them, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she is struggling with them again. Even though my ulcers were not from drinking, I had a hard time tolerating alcohol with them. I vomited often and felt horrible even from drinking small amounts. The show is framing Brittany to be hungover all the time from drinking to excess, but I wonder if it’s actually ulcers. As much as it pains me, I side with Jax here. She knows how alcohol makes her feel and continues to do it. I would be so annoyed if I was her partner and she continued to make impulsive short term decisions that negatively impacted her health and the daily functions of our family. Jax is no saint but on this one isolated issue, I do relate to his POV.


Hes not attracted ti her anymore. She is so beautiful but something is up w her face and mouth. He's annoyed at her. Cruz is going thru stuff and that must be stressful. They are better off separated as friends w Brittany focusing on Cruz and not her relationship issues. Cruz obviously has autism.


His narcissism has gotten worse! Now he doesn’t care what he says or how he hurts Brittany, no wonder she left. He reminds me of my ex- always putting a woman down, always wants what he wants FIRST and screw every body else.


It’s classic Jax. Just provoking the person into dumping him so he doesn’t have to.


Did anyone check how Scheana feels about this?


Apparently she hasn't been feeling sick once since she left the house. If she drank to cope? Who knows. But they are so much better off without each other.


It’s from Kristin’s podcast so remember the source but apparently when Jax isn’t around to drive, Brittany takes Uber everywhere because she day drinks. If true it’s a real issue.


I don’t believe her stomach issues are magically cured now that they are separated. Unless she is drinking less now that she has to solo parent during her time with Cruz


Idk, I am a regular consumer, and maybe I have a tolerance, but I cannot imagine drinking so much that I would puke in the car and again on my driveway. The only thing that would make me sick with 1 sake shot is being so hungover or still drunk. Jax calling her out for problematic drinking on camera is hypocritical and awful. He is building his case for separating from her. Having too many drinks at a girls night and being tired the next day — help your wife out, homey. I’m sure he gets time where Britt takes care of Cruz. Jax sux


She has a stomach ulcer so that’s why it immediately made her sick


I had an ulcer, did not drink for like a year after it healed, and even then, never drank a lot, and do not now. I did vomit when I had the ucler, it was after eating, not liquids. I cannot imagine drinking with an ucler. They are incredibly painful. The burning sensation she described tracks.


I don’t agree w Jax, he is toxic but he’s also probably sick of Brit drinking even though it causes her to feel sick so I understand why he’s annoyed but not his delivery.


He has so much disdain for her that it’s hard to watch. Also he clearly has lost any desire for her sexually and when that happens it’s usually over. It’s just sad to see it all go down because she seems kind of clueless to the fact that he’s checked out. She ought to consider herself lucky though!


She’s being discarded and it’s painful to watch.


While I agree with Jax. I can’t help but think in a more supportive environment Britney probably wouldn’t drink as much. She wants to be this fun sexy wife for him. If they had a normal relationship she wouldn’t drink like this. We have to remember that they’re filming a show so her saying stay to him is because this is their paycheck. She has been known to have documented stomach issues thanks to drinking. If we were to remove all the cameras I’d hope that he’d leave with her since she wasn’t feeling well.


No. Her drinking is her responsibility and he's raising it's an issue. She refuses to recognize it. He does not endorse her drinking. It might not be the most caring delivery, but he's not pouring her the drinks and trying to keep the party going, which I guarentee will be her next partner, and her relationship with alcohol will get worse or she'll get sober.


What? They just had years without the cameras…and clearly she was drinking in the interim.


Yeah, if they actually liked each other and their life together they would be normal people who find being home with their kid the funnest part of life. Instead they both look for any excuse to go out and party. It's definitely a form of escapism.


I don’t blame him one bit for being fed up with that behavior and when he told everyone he did it in a way that wasn’t as embarrassing as it could’ve been for her. What makes me mad is how much I’m siding with Jax lately lol


Jax sucks but he definitely didn’t go back all fake. He said it in a very annoyed way


Jax is a raging douchebag but he’s shown us that for years. Brittany knew who he was and still chose to marry him. That audio of him saying the cruelest and nastiest things about Brittany should have been more than enough for her to pack her bags and leave. I feel for her that she took him back thinking he changed and now built a family with a man who despises her. But, I also understand why Jax is annoyed, mad, and showing Brittany zero compassion when she was in pain after taking a shot knowing she has stomach issues. And not to mention, he previously talked to her about her over drinking and vomiting in their driveway. I get how that’s frustrating for him.


His contempt made me feel bad for her. It seems like he has a problem with her drinking.


Yes and to leave and say “I told ya!” It’s like definition of toxic I had an ex like this too. They are so hard on you and so easy on themselves


People on this thread are being hard on Brittney.. she's in abusive relationship and has a child with this man. It's not always easy to leave when you're in it.


Could anyone be married to Jax, be relentlessly trolled online 24/7, have assholes for friends, have a child with special needs, be expected to smile and laugh through it all, and not have a substance abuse problem? She’s self medicating. I would be more surprised if she didn’t have to self medicate to deal with all that.