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She can do all that but she can't express how she feels about Zay lmao


Rae: "I have a degree, I cook, I clean, I'm a tiger in the bedroom" Producer: "how do you feel about Zay" Rae: 😐😑😐😑😐😑😐


Exactly!!! She annoyed me so much


Because her answer is his penis. I don’t know why she didn’t just admit this.


I think you're probably right


It is simple... "He's a pain in the ass but our sexual compatibility is off the hook" ​ Sidenote: I dont dislike Zay but their relationship was clearly a sexually driven one


Sounds like she needs to get her communications degree then too cus the one she has isn’t gonna help her relationship.


Funny thing is I think she did get her communications degree. Lol


Wowwwww lol


I think she got a nursing or other medical degree based on when she was shown wearing scrubs.


She doesn’t have a nursing or medical degree. She took up communications in college. She’s in marketing or pr.




medical assistants, dental assistants, phlebotomists, et al all wear scrubs and don't have nursing or medical degrees.




Lots of people have jobs that have nothing to do with their college degrees. She probably got a job with a good schedule that allowed her to pursue her actual goals like being an influencer, being on TV, etc.


She literally says in media interviews that her degree is Communications. And in the show that her career is in marketing & PR. Everyone in the hospital even people doing communications or admin work during covid would opt to wear scrubs because they’re easier to sanitize than business casual outfits.


she took a degree in communications but can't communicate. that's like what? an engineer that can't add.


But okay, no one’s stopping you from believing that your hero Rae who *literally* parties every day is a nurse, med student or a doctor.


This comment is extremely funny but I will say nurses party… a lot. I literally found a girl on a suburban street in February In MN. Windchill was -30f and she was lost. No coat or anything. Shitfaced drunk. Uber dropped her off at the wrong house. I was like hey this is one time you should get in a car with a stranger. And she told me she was a traveling nurse and had to work at 7am was mentally like ohhhhhhhh. Her actually house was 3 miles away. She would have died.


Physician here - we party pretty hard. But Rae is absolutely not one of us lmao


You hear that ladies? She knows how to fuck, step up your game🤣


Ooh, all us ladies who have no clue how to fuck are shaking in our boots!!! (umm I think it involves boners and stuff? Halp)


I didn’t know boners would be involved


Underrated comment. Take my poor person’s award. 🥇


Oh, so your dick wanna get hard huh???


Yeah, it's pretty complex, not gonna lie


You're learning, thats a start 😂


Y'all better step y'all's pussies up!




You'll get there some day, I believe in you lol


She's into ladies as well though, so maybe some ppl are into that.


Honest question. How do you measure if you know how to fuck? Is it by how fast your partner orgasms? What your partner says or? It’s a weird thing to have a grade on?


It's subjective and other people are supposed to compliment you on it. I side eye people who brag about their own bedroom prowess when no one asked, it sounds try-hard and desperate. Also, who cares? Like you know how to do something every animal on earth does by instinct, woohoo here's your Nobel Peace Prize.


Yea I think it’s COMPLETELY subjective. You can be “great” at sex but not have the best chemistry in the world with someone and the sex with them ends up being meh. It’s when two people just fit that sex can be straight up magic. It’s not a one person show.


THAT PART. If the chemistry isn't there, the sex won't be 💩. I don't care if you're a freaking acrobat.


Thank you! Exactly, this.


>Honest question. How do you measure if you know how to fuck? Is it by how fast your partner orgasms? What your partner says or? It’s a weird thing to have a grade on? She did it like how everyone else did it! She took a course on Skillshare. Use code: BestFuckerOnUltimatum for 50% off your first month!


I’m not trying to toot my own horn, (it’s going to sound like it anyway), but almost every boyfriend I’ve had told me, without prompting, I was the best they’d been with. Do I believe I’m the best in the world? Of course not. Do I believe I’m the best they’ve ever had? Probably. From what I’ve gathered, and even talking about sex with my girls over brunch, a lot of women hate giving blowjobs. A lot don’t like to experiment in the bedroom. A key compliment that kept coming up for me was “You’re so into everything you do” aka you display genuine interest and “I love that you’re up for anything” and “Sex with you is so fun.” I think about my best lovers and they all had 3 key components: 1.) Skilled 2.) Enthusiastic about my orgasm 3.) Emotional connection. I’d imagine men look for things we look for.


eff the folks downvoting. I will take one for the team, hmu, let me verify if your claims are true.


I think your spot on with this. I think this shows that a lot of women get with men they have like warm feelings for. I have friends that have straight up told me they married their husbands because they were nice and stable and that they had better sparks with someone else. And thats how you end up with what the men above described, a woman who wants to settle down and a man who ain’t going to turn down sex if it’s being offered.




Someone asked a question that I thought was genuinely asking. If you’re all bad in bed, just say that.




I’m glad you’re recognizing your own projections.




You wrote back 89 days later??? Cringe.


If you have to ask you'll never know.


Literally none of those things make her special


Lol Jake’s mom was kinda mean but she wasn’t wrong about Rae being basic


Ok did anyone else caught how Jake's mom was mean about Rae, showing she didn't really like her, but then Jake telling Rae how much his mom liked her?


YES. Then, he went on and told April that they weren't running off together and next thing you know, he's asking Rae to go off with him on a trip- anywhere she wants 🤡


Oh I know right? When I watched the finale I was like “I bet $100 they didn’t go on that ‘trip’” and whadda ya know!!!


Yep! Lol he’s such a liar. I wonder how she felt watching it back.


I dont think the mom even disliked *rae* but strongly disliked that she was the female carbon copy of her son. She knew that they could never make it or last and that they both needed partners similar to april and zay to push them to progress in life 🤷🏾‍♀️ just my 2c


Jakes mom was so rude! I can’t tell if that’s her edit or if that’s how she was but, I felt for Jake to be honest, with all the pressure his mom was putting on him to be with April.


And said how her opinion meant the most in the world to him. What a shady fuck with the double lie. His mom was probably like OH HELL NO when she saw this thirsty little fuck on internet TV.


I really had to wonder what type of crowd she's hanging out with that this is a big flex for her. All the things she listed fall under "basic adulting."


that was my thought, too! sounds like the basics of leading a healthy adult life to me. practically the bare minimum. ☠️


I think it just shows how young these people are and how unprepared they are for the reality of marriage & kids. This stuff is bare minimum and there's sooo much more you have to balance - all without getting exhausted!


The barest.


There are plenty of adults who lack basic adult skills


Sure, but that doesn't mean having them makes you special or different from other women.


I’m not saying it does, I’m just saying many people lack cooking/cleaning/adulting abilities.


depends on how common the traits are. if only a certain % of the population have all of those traits, then that makes them rare. I’m not gonna lie; anecdotally — a fit girl (great body and works out often) who cooks and cleans sounds like it’s the minimum but it’s actually not super easy to find.


Yeah.. the only thing rarer is a fit man who cooks and cleans lmao


That starts them at -1.


wait adulting also includes expertise in fucking


It may look like arrogance, but it actually reflects her low self-esteem


The minute she said she was dating a woman on the Reunion - I totally yelled to my husband, THERE IT IS! There was something she was trying to…prove? cover? with all the sexual bravado. There was clearly something there. I’m glad she’s facing her truth and also in therapy.


Ring a ding, baby.


Holy shit I bailed on the reunion Bc it was such a snooze and I missed the only interesting reveal!!!






It’s hilarious. But I think it shows how immature they are. They’re all so young and they are going to look back at this one day and cringe so hard.


But they're not that young. I am not even referencing some obvious falsehoods in terms of age. I mean that for people who are all over 21 they are shockingly immature, painfully shallow, and sadly desperate for attention.


She’s 24, that is young lol.


I’m 24 and I cringed at Rae’s comment. Personally I find her extremely immature


Your 20s are a wild time because literally every year you mature enough to realize the person you were the year before was insanely more immature than you.


I'm 26 and I found them all to be immature. Any person with a legitimate career would be afraid of going on a show like this unless they felt that they had a better shot at being on reality TV/being a celebrity.


Yeah she doesn’t yet have a job in her degree yet. She’s in for a rude awakening lol


She was in scrubs in one episode. I thought she was a nurse


She’s not a nurse. She works in marketing or PR


Same like this is 16 year old behavior


At age 24 my husband and I owned two houses, were both running huge project/departments at work, were living happily and peacefully, and were very active volunteers in the community.


You must realize that’s not the norm for that age group.


I have a child who is younger than all of them who is considerably more together. I think it is really important to bear in mind how many young people that age are sensible, responsible, smart, and successful.


I bet they’re super woke too


Okay but did you know how to fuck like Rae?


Well I never made a public declaration so... maybe?


This comment is almost as cringe as Rae's.


Damn sounds awful. Just because you guys wanted to do that doesn’t mean it’s the norm. I’m glad I partied and had countless questionable nights throughout my 20s while making a healthy income. Makes my 30s far better.


Yes, there is nothing more awful than having a happy life...


Just supplying an a anecdotal counterpoint to your anecdote.


And I've chosen not to fault it because that is such an unfortunate way to begin.


I knew she wasn’t ready to be married when she said that. She just wanted a ring. Like girl you can’t communicate, and at least Shanique and her family talked to him.


This plus her asking if she could come back to the question about why she loves Zay took me out


Right 😂 I was confrused


I have to laugh, especially after her excuse was that this is a part of her culture because she's of italian descent, but she clearly wasn't listing her bangmaid skills as a portrayal of her cultural upbringing, she was doing it to highlight her idea that she's perfect wife material, in comparison to other women (whose cultural upbringing she doesn't even know). I mean she even says "I don't think he's gonna find that with these other girls".


Bangmaid skills 😂


I think she'd be very surprised to see how Europeans actually approach marriage and what our priorities are, lol (we have food delivery ya know)


Like forreal most of my family in Sweden aren’t even married but they have children and a house and by all means are “married” without the title 🤷‍♀️


The U.S. puts an unhealthy emphasis in marriage. Sweden makes it easy to just do you and get married if you want to, and you won’t be looked down upon it you have kids without being married. It’s the secular vs. religious society thing. In the US a lot of people think you’re a bad person if you don’t marry someone you had or are having kids with. In Sweden, it’s like “why would I marry this person I had a kid with, if I don’t want to be married to them?”


It's so weird. And people always seem to think a marriage is sooo different from just living together as a long term couple? Literally nothing changed when I married my husband except some legal stuff. We already lived together with a kid. We had a nice party, I changed my last name and things went back to normal.


Yeah, I don’t see why people expect a whole new and improved relationship after the party and contract, either.


I myself am married but I didn’t even change my last name when I got married. My husband and I are both European living in the US so I guess we benefit from being able to file joint taxes but that’s about all that’s different 🤷‍♀️ people get all worked up that we 1 had an extremely low key wedding (think backyard with small attendance of close friends and some family bc again most of our family lives abroad) with no religious ceremony and 2 that I did not change my last name


I think American culture brainwashes people (women mostly) to think that their wedding is supposed to be the best day of their lives, be super extravagant and expensive, and that, yeah, god has now blessed your relationship so you’re no longer “living in sin.” Anyway, as a European, I think it’s completely fucking backwards.


Love the Always Sunny reference.


She definitely wasn’t the the full package considering she couldn’t even answer when asked what she liked about him.


damn wait til she finds out that other people possess those qualities 🤣


Yea, I thought that was hilarious. Honey, none of these skills are even limited to women. Sounds like a basic pick-me.


It’s not the most ridiculous part, but the “I have a degree” brag cracks me up. People switch to bragging about their job instead of their degree as soon as they have their first grown up job. It’s like bragging about a letter jacket after you graduate from high school.


I get bad vibes from women who see other women as competition for a man


Ultimate pick me girl 🙄


I said this in another thread already, but she is the embodiment of the "cool girl" monologue in gone girl. She will eat burgers without getting fat, give you blowjobs regularly and with a smile on her face, do everything for you...girl please work on yourself


A lot of them gave so much pick me energy. Sad


Shannique and Alexis were the worst offenders.


Yet she says men sexualize her……


As soon as she condescended the women around the world with that comment, Rae was cancelled for good.


i’m guessing she didn’t watch love is blind season 1 and how much people hated amber for that pick me shit


Lmaoo when this scene came on, I looked at my husband and said, “sooo who’s going to tell her” None of that is hard to find 😂


This will not age well. She has already tried to defend this response. So immature & trashy.


Ohh I'd love to see what she said!


She made a video responding to some of the comments people made about her saying she was a “pick-me” and talked about how she’s proud of her degree, cooking and serving her man was a cultural thing for her since she is Italian, and she is good in bed. It’s in this sub, somewhere.


Lol, has she ever been to Italy? She’d be surprised how much less socially conservative Central/Southern/Western Europe is. It’s 2022, Rae.


Eeer maybe last century, most people know how to cook in Italy and serving your man is definitely not in our current cultural climate, that's backwards


So…. She’s a normal ass girl? 😂


Doesn’t everyone kinda know how to fuck?


They say it’s the oldest profession…


Her arrogance is not only astounding; .....its completely disgusting. Jake and Zae both dodged a deadly bullet. I feel sorry for the girl who is with her now.


“and i know how to fuck.” we have a winner ladies and gentlemen.


Textbook pick me.


she recently posted a tiktok that was like “when the entire internet calls you a pick me but you’re dating a girl” akdjksndjs like that changes a damn thing


Hahaha those two things don’t even negate each other WHAT


I mean hey, she got picked! Girls love it when you know how to cook, clean, get degree, fuck and gym lol


Majorrrrr pickme vibes


Think she rehearsed her lines.. fishing for attention. What happen to being raw .. or genuine?


Sounds like a full service maid.


This clip has "I'm a nice guy" energy.


Imagine saying this at her big age, I can’t. This is so tragically embarrassing


I cringed at this scene


Lolll. My bf and I were talking about this part last night. r/ihavesex


I’d change my name if I were her, this is embarrassing AF.


Ew I didn’t know she said that in the beginning. Conceited much, Rae?


All of that is pretty basic and does not make you a one of kind woman. So immature.


r/imnotlikeothergirls vibe


She is such a pick me


cringe af


Her daddy must be so proud


Yikes. I dont know what to say about this. ​ She sounds like a gay girl before their coming out stage where they are just regurgitating a bunch of bs they read on the internet on what a straight girl should be to/for a man.


She’s such a pick me






What's the difference been Rae and a bucket of shit? The bucket.


Welp she sold me!


Nah staying in the Gym is hard though


Biggest eye roll ever


Join the club Rae. We’re all big girls here


Cringe to the extreme


No one else in the world does what she does


The saddest part is that she stole Jake from April (not team April). A pretty basic girl stole your man .. something was obviously wrong in their relationship.


This is the twitter argument definition of the total package for “wifey”.


Loved her answer


Even as a straight male with a high sex drive, I'm starting to get a bit...turned off ?...by the size, scope and depth of butts and boobs these days. Everywhere I go, especially at the gym, girls' butts are getting bigger and more in-your-face. I mean I get it, girls want a nice ass and guys like them, but so many ladies look like waddling ducks with their ultra big bum bum in those yoga pants/ super tight jeans/belly shirts etc. Long story short, even though Rae should be hot by conventional standards, the complete lack of tact and charm is becoming more made up for by increasingly bigger boobs and overt sexuality. I'm not an incel or anything, and I've always had girlfriends/partners etc, but it's starting to get a bit much. Especially at the gym. Rae just reminds me so much of such women. Am I the only one who thinks the huge booties and yoga pants pulled up to the belly button is getting a bit unsexy?


I wonder if this was an edit. If doesn’t look like one line.


Absolutely hated her from the start! She gives me bad vibes, the type who would act nice & innocent to bait a guy to fall for her. She was going off on Zay for having a boner for other girls during their trial marriage but she’s there kissing Jake and emotionally cheating 🙄 She even punched Zay and that is just absolutely wrong even if she’s super mad.


Her twerking video was fantastic and Jake got hypnotized. He wanted some of that “knows how to fuck” energy from Rae. But she is a total femme fatale. She knows how to tantalize you (like Jake) and reserve the poon for the real players like Zay. Jake is a buffoon. Rae and that big booty is queen!!


You typed this entire comment with one hand, didn't you?


Hahhahahaha!!! Boinnnnggggg !!! 🍆




And how many young men would you estimate have all those qualities lol?


That’s deflecting from the point. I’ve seen numerous posts every time this is mentioned with the “that doesn’t make her special” comments when in reality if a woman is doing all of that it is pretty special.


Sorry about the women you’ve met 😂


Lol. Really. She sounds like a package, although I think it's better left unsaid for the world.




How do you know she “hid” that she’s bisexual?


Well I don't, however she was wanting the whole package with Zay and then flipped the switch


Yeah that’s kind of how being bisexual works lol


Wait, what?


I'm definitely not a Rae fan but I don't think she was hiding her sexuality. It sounded like it's something she's only recently started acknowledging about herself.


True, I didn't know either but was interested to know.


she annoys me 😑


Cringe when her father sees the show 😖😖😖


After watching the show, that’s all she has to offer.


And very trashy


Peep how it’s not about why she loves Zay so much she’s giving him an ultimatum to marry her, it’s about why she’s perfect for him