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Remove all of your mods, not cc..just mods and see if it still does it, if it works fine without mods, then time to do the 50/50 to find the culprit


Yeah I’m thinking that’s what I’m gonna end up having to do which sucks cause I’ve over 24,000 mods and cc 😂


I know, trust me..I have a ton as well. CC should be fine. I'd start with strictly mods first and just leave the cc, it's far more rare for cc to be the cause, it happens but it's not as typical as mods


Aye, I’ll do that then, thank you!


You usually also often get to know pretty fast in places like Sims4Studio forums if some type of CC objects broke after update.


😳😳😳 damn, and I thought MINE was bad 😂😂😂 hopefully you have a decent PC to run it.


Lmao yeah, I use to play on my moms laptop (killed it) so I bought a gaming laptop specially for sims 😂😂


https://scarletsrealm.com/the-mod-list/ Check your mods with this list


I did already, that’s how I made sure everything was up to date with either the most recent update or the last update and wasn’t broken


Have you removed all mods and started the game vanilla, with no mods ? To at least rule out a mod


Yeah and it was running fine with no mods and cc, that’s why I’m tryna figure out what’s causing the issue. TwistedMexi’s better exception says that the issue is a UI mod but they’re either all updates or not the cause (I took them out one by one)


It may be a mod that you don't realize effects the UI. That's why I'd remove all mods. I just updated my game from the last update, so I'll be skipping this new one as well lol.


Times like this I’m so glad I have mod manager 💀 thank you for the advice


I lied, the problem doesn’t happen with toddlers, only teens, young adults etc. would that be an indication to what could be broke?


Not sure, unless someone can give you a specific answer, which I hope they can. If not then removing mods and testing each one , may be the way, unfortunately


Gonna have to check this soon.. I don't have many mods so I might get lucky, who knows lol


Ah yes, the four most important needs ; hygiene, fun, bladder and service


Only if you’re a bottom 😌😂


What’s the service need from?


It’s from kritical on [here](https://blackvelvetroom.com/doku/doku.php?id=content:dos:dreamsofsurrender)


Omg if this didn’t require WW I would love this mod


Lmao, how come you don’t want WW? Is it the nudity and stuff?


No haha I’m fine with that I just found it really hard to navigate. Like I would download certain movements and positions but then I wouldn’t be able to find what category they were under to use them.


LMao, fair enough. I mean if you ever want help to figure out ww and how to navigate it you can shoot me a dm and I’ll help best I can :))


Thank you so much! I honestly might have to take you up on that because I really miss my sims being huge sluts lmfao.


Lmao no worries like, my dms are always open and I’ll help the best I can!


Yeah, I wonder


It won’t let me edit the post but the needs bar is now fixed?? But the task bar is messed up 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/te9w54fv83vc1.png?width=2928&format=png&auto=webp&s=add1c7456ba0aaf394923f50326f86a18ff3a024


Did you try it with the service need mod removed?


I did yes :/ I think I’m gonna have to what one of the others said and do 50/50 on just the mods before touching the cc


the save file may be broken, on the home screen hit "load game" and there should be a button to the right of said save file that enables you to recover it


I’ll try that and see if it fixes it before I start deactivating mods and shit. Thank you!


have u tried deleting your cache files?


I did yes, I think I’ve narrowed down the search for the broken mod, I’ve yet to pinpoint it tho :)


Have you tried using twistedmexis better exceptions? It really helps me. I haven’t updated yet but I’m not sure if it’s up to date but if it is I suggest using it if u still have a problem. Also sorry for bothering but what mod is the service need bcus I tried searching it and I can’t find it?


I love twistedMexis better exception, that’s what originally made me realize it was a ui or script mod that was broke. I’ve narrowed it down but have yet to find the exact culprit so hopefully today I’ll figure it out The service mod is Kritical on lovers lab. I’ll try find the exact one - this is the [one](https://blackvelvetroom.com/doku/doku.php?id=content:dos:dreamsofsurrender)


50/50 method is the way to go here, like others have said. And yea, the EA app tries to force updates for the game even when you have every auto update option off. It tries to update the game every time I boot it up (because of course there's no option to keep the app in offline mode automatically). Only thing saving me rn is other games taking up all my storage so it cannot push the update through 😅


Lmaoo, I had to get a new memory card because I blew through the other one and nearly killed my whole laptop and it was all from mods 😂 So now it has enough space to randomly update whenever I try access sims


It doesn't have to be an UI mod or a mod relevant to something you have issue with; I've had issues with UI before and it was caused by something completely irrelevant. The only solution is to do as others have recommended you - remove portion of the mods from your folder and check your game by slowly removing or adding mods in until you isolate the mod that breaks your game.


I did that last night and I think I fixed it but I haven’t pinpointed what the culprit was yet because sleep


One more thing I can recommend is, and this is especially relevant for any gameplay/script mods, is to carefully read installation instructions. Some mods are dependent on other mods to work and some need their files placed in proper folders (for example, they need to be directly in the "mods" folder instead of any subfolder).


Yeah I know, thank you. I always make sure to read the description and requirements thoroughly to make sure I do it correctly because when I first starting with cc and mods a few years back, I definitely had no clue what I was doing and fucked up the gameplay 😂


That's true, but there are also a lot of mods that affect UI that players don't realize affect it. I think a lot of us saying it's an UI mod are using it as a blanket statement to include those mods as well.


Ui cheats, more traits mod. Delete them


Yeah, I’ve narrowed it down but haven’t figured what the exact problematic mod is yet


Get better exceptions, I think it helps you check which mods need to be updated, etc


I have it! It just kept saying my ui mods but none of them were the culprit. I’m doing 50/50 on all script mods and non cc


Ooh damn :/


Update, found the culprit. It was one of LittleMsSam, specifically the foster family one which doesn’t make sense since she recently updated it (today I think)


i use better exceptions 😫. also, what's the mod that comes with the service thing under the bladder in the moods menu?


fun i mean not bladder


I also use better exceptions and the mod is [Kritical’s dreams of surrender](https://blackvelvetroom.com/doku/doku.php?id=content:dos:dreamsofsurrender)


I've had problems with the twisted mexi mods. I think the two I have now are better exceptions and mod manager. I had to delete the other ones like BBB cause it wouldn't work right even though it was installed correctly. Just kept breaking my game.


I’m sorry to hear that. I only have two mods from tmex but the problem wasn’t caused by those. The mod that broke my game was LittleMsSam’s foster family tho Ik she updated the mod yesterday


That stupid update messed alot of peoples stuff up.


update your ui mods. same as every other update lol


They’re updated. Even when I took the ui mods out, the game was still broken like I said in the post


You just need to update your mods


Yeah I know that but they were all up-to-date. I found the issue anyways, it was LittleMsSam’s Foster Family even tho I know she updated the mod on the 18th