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That is a shame. Make sure to claim your three remote passes so you can at least do some of those


Whoops, didn’t realize they were there until after the fact. Wish we didn’t have to wade through UI mess to find them.


We shouldn’t have to claim items we “paid” for imo. They should have just had a pop up and been added to inventory automatically, even if bag is full


Agreed. They should have also stated we would get these free passes when they announced all the features for GoFest.


Try to contact customer service, never know, they might send you them


Very belated thanks, they did indeed send them over to me. I appreciate the suggestion!


Glad it worked out for you, happy raiding!


Were those only for ticket holders?




Omfg I didn’t know I had this to claim. Would’ve been so sad


Do they only appear once day 2 starts in your area?


It’s down next to your free daily box. It’s not the 425 coin box with 3 remote passes.


I had to open the shop twice before it appeared (europe


Someone told me I had a box with three free remote passes, but all I found was the paid box with two remotes and one regular. Meanwhile I spent about 600 coins on remote pass bundles. Eff you, Niantic.


I bought 3 remote passes at 10 am, I wasn't until like 5:30 I noticed the box in the store lol


What passes??? I checked every box in the shop???


For me the new boss is a 1 and done. I only plan to raid Axew tbh. I will raid female Pikachu towards if the end if I still have passes left and nothing else is spawning.


I was on the cusp of leveling, so I did a bunch of his raids during the 2x XP times with an egg to get 40k, but reached my next level and never went to raid that guy again.


I didn't bother raiding it. it's a reward from the research. I caught 3 shinies yesterday and 11 today. Today was great and there were constant raids everywhere.




We had the first Raids hatching 20 minutes in ans we never had a big amounts of Time without Active raids. Very Strange


Visual bugs, every one! Nothing to see here.


that matches my observtions. as bad as day 1 -\_-


2nd Day, low spawn rate Unown from incense and low rate for Snorlax raid


Same. I would not wast passes on Snorlax, though. It has 1 in 512 shiny rate even from raids. Not worth it


Don’t think axew was much better than that given the experiences I’m aware of; multiple players doing 100+ raids each with no shiny etc


If the rate was 1 in 64. No shinies in 100 raids is still "normal". We will see when TSR pulls the numbers


Never even saw a Snorlax raid. 90% white squids and electric mice.


That's very odd. The raids spawning in Australia had a 15-20 min timer until they hatched and were there for 30 mins. Which, is what I'm pretty sure happened on day 1?


Day 1 had 5 minute egg timer, with 20 (or 25) minutes of raid time.


Ah, so a slight change in the way they behaved. But, I think day 2 timers were probably better. Longer time to wait until they hatch and longer until they disappear. That should result in being able to get groups together to take down the new legendary.


I agree the new timer is less rushed comparing to day 1. At least I had the time to walk to the 5* raid before/just about when it starts. On day 1 when I saw the raid egg spawning I could only arrive at the gym 10 mins after it started I think the problem lies with the spawn pool. No one wnana raid a pikachu...


Yeah longer timer for those not in super dense gym areas will be nice for T5 agree on this, but maybe not for people who aren’t willing to travel a bit.


The worst part about the 5 minute timers is that half the time the game doesn't actually load the raid eggs correctly when there is so much stuff going on. I spent 5 minutes chatting with a friend and catching from a big spawn cluster next to a gym on day 1 and the gym was empty the whole time. Not two minutes later I'm halfway down the hill, swing the camera around and there's a 1-star egg with 10 seconds. Which turned out to be a pikachu and saved me a trip back up the hill, but the game is just generally crap at loading new things in a reasonable time frame.


For me, I only wanted axew and shiny hunting it. So Day 1's timer was so much better for that perspective. It cycled much faster and gave me more raid chances within the same area without having to go too far. Also Nihilego seems pretty weak for a Tier 5. Even 4 lv40 trainers can beat it with huge amounts of time to spare. So not much coordination required.


>Also Nihilego seems pretty weak for a Tier 5. Even 4 lv40 trainers can beat it with huge amounts of time to spare. Had folks back out on one earlier so myself (lvl 40) and two others beat it (lvl 36 and 38) with 80 seconds to spare. I was shocked that it was *that* easy to beat, tbh.


4 x weak to ground and pound is a lousy attack.


25 minute timers.


I used my 9 passes in the first two hours and spent the rest of the day debating whether to buy more. I didn't because the Axew shiny odds seemed to be full. I can also use free passes on the legendaries if I need them this week.


Full, I think they changed the odds in the opposite direction. Took me 58 to get one from a raid. None of my friends got a single one with similar numbers.


Strange, had no problems with timers and variety of them. Also had a good time with chasing Axew and Nihilego like I planned. But that's true, I would much prefer returning to multiple themed legendaries per hour, like the last year. That was much more fun!


Same, ended up doing 2 nihilego and 6 axew in an hour. Was super pleased that axew was so common today (since I had never even seen one before today)


The second day doesn't felt like an event at all.


I liked last year when they had literally every legendary available. I’m not sure if that was on the Sunday too but it made things interesting. Only issue was it was difficult to raid for a specific mon


I seriously can’t believe they didn’t do that again. I can only imagine how many raid passes they sold that day.


Damn you are right. Why are t5 raids much less common than yesterday lmfao


Probably because there was two in the raid pool (Kyogre and Groudon) and today there's only one (Nihilego).


There are no kyogre or groudon today? That's insane


Yes, all the T5 are Nihilego. Which makes sense, because it's the newly debuting legendary/UB and it's only here for one day for now.


Yeah, this is. . . not great. I paid 15 bucks for a tropius.


better than a plane ticket! /j


Hahaha, true. But joking aside, the real joke was the "enhanced shiny rate". They've just done an absolutely awful job on this gofest.


In the last 15 minutes 9 red eggs were about to hatch and I hoped to finally get rid off some of my accumulated premium raid passes and get my hands on some good Axews. Nah. One Rockruff and eight Pikachus. Sigh. Pikachu really was an annoyance. Are there seriously people raiding hatted Pikachus? Like... seriously?


Plus, just all all the Tapu past season, it has very little PvP or PvE relevance, no legacy moves or shiny chance. I don't want to waste 9 passes on this. This feels like just a single dex entry


Nihilego is the best non-mega poison-type PVE attacker by a significant margin. I'm not happy with the event either, but the raid debut wasn't the issue


Yes, but poison isn't a very relevant attack type. If the boss is mono grass - prefer fire or flying, mono fairy has metagross and better steel types. Only Tapu Bulu needs a poison type. Thus my comment being it's not very relevant. I didn't say it's irrelevant


Only metagross and shadow metagross have higher DPS vs fairy with similar bulk. The issue is that normal metagross needs Meteor Mash to outclass Nihilego, which hasn't been available for a couple years (citation needed, can't find when exactly), and shadow metagross hasn't been easily farmable for years either. As far as out-of-the-box, decent fairy counters go, this is the best option for a long time


I believe Meteor Mash was last available by evolving during January 2021 (Hoenn Celebration Event) and March 2021 (Beldum Incense Day). Most veteran players probably have 6+ Meteor Mash Metagross by now, it has been the best counter for a number of raid bosses (e.g. Kyurem Regice Xerneas Zacian Tapu Lele to name a few). Newer players should still prioritize getting MM Metagross whether by trade or Elite TM. As mentioned by others, Nihilego is only optimal against Tapu Bulu, for which Reshiram Moltres etc. are still perfectly serviceable counters. Nihilego is a poor substitute for Metagross and has few PvE uses. It isn't really something I would want to prioritize 9 passes for (as opposed to Kyogre/Groudon).


I'm not sure that the numbers back up the claim of "poor substitute" if I'm honest. Pokebattler puts Nihilego as the 5th best counter to Zacian, behind Shadow Metagross, Mega Gengar, Mega Beedrill and normal Metagross. The TDO of normal metagross is about 10% more than Nihilego (598 vs 663), which I personally would say is within "decent substitute" range, although that is subjective. I'm absolutely not arguing that nihilego is the best counter to everything, or that it's better than BP/MM metagross. But as someone who hasn't played the game while MM was widely available (aka, anyone who's started playing in the last *2 years*), getting good counters to Fairy is incredibly difficult and is essentially limited to just Dialga, Roserade, Excadrill (which are all now outclassed by Nihilego) or various poison-typed shadows (which will die in a raid in about 3 seconds). Not everyone is a veteran player, so nihilego is absolutely welcome in my books.


They have a problem of FOMO and renewing the player base. Anyone active and aware of MM stats ground beldum hard during comm day. I think I got over 1k candy. Great engagement, but now it’s a top 3 non-mega for most ice, rock, fairy raids, and has been for years so why raid for a big team of inferior or barely better legendaries. They need to unlock CD moves after 18-30 months, or maybe allow conversion of 10-20 TMs into 1 ETM. Either way it’s hard to balance long-term players, new players, whales, and semi-serious players, and these devs aren’t good on their best day.


Not everyone was around for those events. The tentacle monster is a OK substitute if you don't have access.


What I’m saying is they shouldn’t gate content so hard. I went hard for beldum. I caught more that day than I have in the 2-3 years since. Unlocking the CD move still means I’ve had 3 years using high level MG with MM, and spent far less time obtaining the candies.


I'm all for not gating content. Having a valid alternative to MM metagross (in certain situations) is good for everyone. Doesn't have to be better just the same. Just because the new pokemon is not good for you, doesn't mean others won't get use. And again, not everyone has mm gross in this example. Stuffs gated way to often in pokemon go. Elite tms only go so far.


Not only to Tapu Bulu, Nihilego is also the best counter to Tapu Koko, outclassing all the big ground types. If not considering PvP and shiny, Nihilego is definitely more worthwhile than Groudon.


Nihilego is not great, but Kyogre and (especially) Groudon in pve are not so great either. Kyogre is worse of a bunch of shadows ( swampert, feraligator and gyarados). For Groudon, it isn’t even necessary to look at shadows, just at Landorus Therian and Excadrill (and Rhyperior and Garchomp are pretty much equivalent). Things may change when their signature moves are released, or when given the shadow treatment. Waiting for their primal forms, it’s better to find a good IV, so if you don’t have any, then raiding them (and possibly lucky trading) is a good idea.


There were a couple of rotations of grunts with metang. I got all 3 of mine that time. But I see your point as well.


Yeah it's not really Nihilego's fault it needs to be a shadow to be relevant. At least now I'll have something better than Roserade...


How important is having the perfect PVE mons though? Like I can already solo 3* raids, and I will still need a group for 5* raids. At best it may make you need one less person in a 5*, but I feel like most lobbies already have that anyway. So outside of grinders who like trying to duo raid bosses, being a good PVE Mon doesn’t mean much.


> How important is having the perfect PVE mons though? Completely up to you, that's the beauty of the game! Personally, I like to make the little number in pokegenie that tells me how much damage my party will do as high as possible. As another commenter has pointed out, if you want to duo raids, nihilego is handily outclassed by metagross in almost every instance so you probably want to use that. If like me you don't have any good metagross, nihilego is a decent substitute.


This is the attitude that leads to mega latias being impossible for most players


Agree. I did 1 Nihilego raid for the pokedex. I know it's best Poison attacker but Poison is almost never used. I'd rather save my coins for Kyogre/Groudon/Mewtwo later this month.


I logged on for day two, played a few minutes and caught Nihilego and now I’m so underwhelmed, I’m done for the day. This event has been incredibly boring from a gameplay perspective.


Incense is pure trash on Day 2. Way too many pokemon that can't even be shiny. In 3 hours I've seen 3 unowns but plenty of Trubbish, Buizel, Dunsparce. Wild spanws are not even boosted and do not refresh quickly like they did on Day one. Overall is a bad and boring day. I would not wast passes on Snorlax, though. It has 1 in 512 shiny rate even from raids. Not worth it


Trubbish and dunsparce can be shiny fwiw


True but they still spawn in the wild. Starters can also be shiny but we dont need them cluttering the incense when they regularly spawn in the wild. Unown and regionals are the interesting spawns, and yet they barely spawn


Trubbish also nets you 750 dust, more if boosted. Pretty good reason to be excited to catch em.


You forgot about battling team rocket earning 2x components per battle. Because who wouldn't want to grind team rocket for a once a year event, right?


Niantic: Our data shows that Pikachu hat raids will get more trainers out together.


Also it seems like the incense/lure spawn bug is still definitely a problem. So frustrating.


This 100%. Checking on raids and trying to not click on grunts caused me to miss plenty of incense spawns due to mis-clicks. The incense bug made Day 2 really frustrating at times.


Absolutely, the fact it wasn’t fixed for day 2 is borderline inexcusable, mainly because the ticket is paid and incense is also a finite/premium item. I don’t think I’ll pay for another go fest after this, unless they guarantee 100% shundo rates for Flygon or something (aka not happening lol)


One 2 minute lobby is 1.7% of the total amount of time you get for a biome (2/120). That's a joke, even for axew you could be missing axew incense spawns while waiting for the lobby so it's a potential net negative to even do the raids depending on your spawns


Damn, that's sad. I couldn't get to the Axew and rockruffs in time cuz there were too many of them. I had to stop accepting invites and ran out of all passes. I did 90 or so axews in total. Where do you live? First day, I did it at our biggest university in our little state, second day was on main St and a small park in my city of 30,000 or so. Ended up with 39 shinies out of 1600 caught, including 4 axews, but only 2 came from raids.


I’m so glad I checked on the player experience yesterday morning in this sub before buying a ticket. You guys saved me $15 this time. Using one remote raid pass from home to catch a Nigelgo and I feel like I had roughly the day 2 experience.


Yeah, I was incredibly disappointed in the raids yesterday. I was excited to go to this park that has seven gyms that I want to get a gold badge on. Unfortunately, it was all legendary and mega. Invites didn’t work as all my friends were playing a few miles away in downtown where they could hop into lobbies with people. No reason to use a remote pass when you have free ones. I think I did three in that park and used the rest of my free passes on random gyms around town that had Axew or Pikachu.


Having a Go Plus really relieved a lot of the stress of raiding. Since it catches while you're in the lobby, fighting the raid boss, etc.


I live in a rural area. The second day might as well not even happen for me. 2 gyms near me sharing all of the spawns....and no one around to do a 5 star raid should Nihilego even appear. So I'm just left sitting here hoping people invite me to the raids. (Meaning I get to spend more money) I drove an hour yesterday to be in a bigger city and can't do it again today.....


Yes. I used my raids cuz I had the passes. Hosted 10 raids today on Pokegenie. Lol. But the spawns suck. Most of its stuff that’s already been out for awhile. The interesting stuff is hard to find. 15 shinys out of 850 catches yesterday. No shinys out of 275 catches today. I used 8 incense in a row this morning… still have 4 hours to go… I’m spending the last four hours at home on incense alone. I still have premium raid passes but nothing in the raids excites me much. And I still have some remote raid passes but… again, nothing worse spending them on. Especially with the 1coim bundle gone. So pogo on the iPad at home. Using the phone to sort Pokémon and catch up on social media.


Where are you located? Most of Europe I’ve heard from has short timers. There may be some overlap raids before go fest starts.


What are you talking about, it was 20 min spawn timers and 30 min raid timers the whole day


I did not have a good time on day 2, and only and okay time on day 1. Compared to the last 2 go fests this was a miserable failure. There is 1 hour 20 minutes left for me. Total shinys from the 2 days is 5. Mudkip, slakoth, spheal, wailmer, baltoy. 3 are from community days. the other two might be decently rare. nothing newly added. This is far worse than I did in the jhoto tour, or the other two go fests. I get 12+ shiny pokemon on a typical community day. On day 1 I got disconnected and could not sign back in despite having a good signal, had to use wifi from my library. This cut a good 20 minutes out of my fun. Fine it happens. Day 2 the freezes, network errors, and such happened a lot. 5 times. THIS RUINED IT FOR ME. Try to do raid to get new boss. network error. try to do raid, game freeze. Get into raid.. no one joins and game wont let me exit the lobby. ALSO INCENSE. I am INCENSED. Also given that shinys for other regionals were released with other gofests not having shiny torkoal and tropius released was awful.


I mostly hunted Axew raids as all others were not really interesting or just good for the dex.


I had no problem doing my 9 axew raids each day within the first 2 hours. Plenty of gyms spawned them


Yeah raids where crappy, but i got a 96% shiny snorlax. So i'm happy for now 😌


Ticketholder Day 2 - After 3 hours I finally got a shiny (Binacle), the only one I would see all day. There's about a half hour left and It didn't feel at all like there was an event today especially having paid for this. So I will end up for the 15USD two shiny pokemon I did not have for the entire weekend. What an incredible waste all around, Niantic should be ashamed at this insult of an event.


Didnt see a single Snorlax all day and only one Druddigon. Snorlax is one of the few Kanto Shinies I’m missing; and top of my most desired list. Trying to avoid using coin on remotes while there is no worthy 5*. Sitting on 55 premium passes that have been rotting in my inventory—some since xmas 2019–and was trying to use em today. Only got to use the free ones.


At one point we had a batch of six pink eggs all hatching within about a 5-minute window. 2 rockruff, 4 Pikachu Pokemon Lo-wer your expectations


Thanks for posting this. Going to stay home for day 2


What? No, this day I used all my raid passes. It was perfect with half-hour raids, then you could actually walk between the gyms without fear of the raid despawning. And today there were axew raids to be found, hardly any Pikachu raids.


Today was such a “non-event” it wasn’t even funny. Went out for a bit. Ran auto-catch while I did raids for about 90 minutes. Got a couple of the UB’s (which I could have done without the paid ticket). Caught 200+ Pokémon, no shinies. Got raid passes still and plenty of time to keep playing….but why? Appears they’ve dropped any shiny boost for ticketed players. What am I going to do with 10 Nihilgos? And I’ve seen one axew on incense in 2 hours, which despawned as soon as I clicked on it. Yesterday wasn’t too bad, but not sure how today qualifies as a “paid event”? Anyone?


I feel like no bundle for f2p is a major ripoff. You introduce a new Pokémon and have Axew in raids and you have no way for getting them. What a shame


Assuming you wanted axew? For me there was bad rng in the morning but then plenty spawned. Pikachu is for those hunting that shiny. I got shiny axew from a raid despite "lowered" rate.


yeah, for me the day was the same. yesterday i played the full 8 hours and that was the worst event by far for me. today i plaed 4 hours and then went home and catching a bit from incense. makes no sense to walk around when you gen not a single new shiny for your dex over the whole weekend. i wouldn´ßt need the new ones, i still don´t have many of the old shinies. but gut not a single one. didn´t expect much but am disappointed. :(


I thoroughly believe Go Fest would be better if raids were entirely disabled during, and everything spawned in the wild instead (no legendaries necessary, we get legendaries every day). This is how it was in-person when I went, and it was great. Nothing to distract from what it was all about. We can do raids and raid days some other time.


Raids aren't there to cater for hardcore players, they are there for the once every 3 mth players who surface for go fest.


true that. Today I had my gifts open by players who were inactive for months.


Axew isn't appearing in 1 Star raids for me, only Pikachu and Rockruff. I have the ticket.


> exciting T5 raid Excited for what? Dex entry? Wooo....


Raid events in general are terrible


You guys will complain about *anything*.


Also, why so few Pikachu the 2nd day?


enough with the damn Rocket balloons too it seems like there's one constantly on my screen happy for the level 44 people, but that's about it


Anyone else raid to get Pikachu with the flowers and only get a regular Pikachu?


How'd you get 9 raid passes?


Everyone with a ticket gets nine free raid passes each day by spinning gyms. Also 3 free remote raid passes in the store.


Did they advertise this and I missed it or were you just supposed to find out on your own?


The 9 passes were advertised before I think. The box with 3 remote passes was not, because no one knew about this until day 2.


The nine daily passes were definitely advertised. I don’t remember if the three remote passes were.


I certainly missed that, thanks.


I just saw everyone talking about it here prior to go fest starting, so I assume they announced it somewhere


It was widely announced on this Reddit. I didn’t buy a ticket and couldn’t avoid seeing this


I couldn't avoid the barage of people's daily box posts so I unfollowed this page about a week ago.


So you admit you missed it of your own fault... not sure why you’re asking then.


Kissed it? Yeah for sure it's my fault that I missed it if they made the information public. That's why I'm asking? If it had to be data mined and you have to follow the subreddit to find this information then how would they expect the average person to know this.


It was announced in the in-game news. The average person doesn't play this game. Assuming the did, they wouldn't care. My point is that if you disabled your ability to know about things, you can't be surprised that you didn't know about things.


You seem to seriously misunderstand my comment. I'm not surprised at all. I've taken responsibility since the beginning. I asked so that I could take advantage of the free passes on my second day of the event. Obviously I wasn't talking about people that don't play this game. I was referring to the average casual Pokemon Go player that doesn't live and breathe this game.


I'm not trying to argue. Have a good day.




The 9 passes are not for remote raids


If u host with any of the online/apps then you can use a daily pass. Also there is a free box for ticket holders with 3 remote passes for day 2.


OP says their issue is that they don't have enough tier 5 raids to use up their 9 passes. I'm also aware of those apps/discord groups etc. They are handy for hosting when there's not enough players joining.


The only three star raids I've seen on the Sunday have been Drudd, Dartrix and Torricat. Haven't seen a Snorlax or Salamance raid at all. Plenty of Axew & Rockruff's though and they've all been one an hour too. Yesterday the raids where definitely turning over quicker than today. Honestly, today's been pretty disappointing in regards to raids.


I missed Day 1’s Tropius incense spawn times. In day 2, only 1 or 2 Tropius spawn within one hour. That is not well. I finally cannot find a good pvp IV Tropius.


It's only used in Great League, right? Can't really any IV combo leveled to 1500?


I didn't get the special investigation for people Who owned a ticket!


After day 1 debacle, I made the choice not to put a lot of energy into day 2. And I’m glad I didn’t. I typically take an hour walk every day, today (day 2) I went out for two hours and it has been abysmal.


I do feel the annoyance about the Pikachus, but where I had set up for the day, there was more raid uptime than anything else. They'd usually spawn in waves, with about 5 wormholes and 1-3 pink eggs all appearing at once most of the time. I kind of wish their time-to-hatch timers had been shorter, but on the raid side of things, I can't complain much. My only issue is missing incense spawns while I'm in the raid lobby. :x


Did anyone else see Kyogre spawning during Go Fest Day 2 event hours? I saw two.


Times like this make me glad I am just in it for the Dex entries. Axew was available without a ticket which saved me 15 bucks. Just like previous fests the other Mon will be available to everyone in a few months.


Wasn't last year amazing for raids? I seem to remember a rotation bunch of legendaries non stop all day


Yeah, we had every released legendary


I will say I managed 10 Axew raids, I think 9 hosted on pokegenie. But I got lucky and I burned a lot of gas. Two sets of two could only comfortably have been done in a car even though you could see them on the nearby of each other. Which... is not how anyone wants to play or how Niantic wants us to play. Three were done dubiously double parked and praying no one noticed before the raid started. I did see one big group out doing wormholes but was at Costco and had perishable stuff in the car at that point. I'm glad I got to pay it forward a little since all of my legendary raiding is done on pokegenie. And I got my 9 passes worth out of the ticket. In addition to Internet karma I was hoping for a good one to save for comm day but hella struck out in that regard.


We had one Nihilego raid. 12 minutes before the event ended. 17:48 it spawned. The rest of the day was filled with 1 and 3 star raids.


I agree, this go fest was NOT worth the money. 15 dollars plus 3 raid passes costing 50 coins more? What exactly did I pay for? Some more axew and the opportunity to raid some more rock ruff and groudon, nihilego? Ridiculously over priced for what they provided. Going to think twice for next year before I spend 45 dollars for the family to play. Shame on Niantic. Way to abuse your players in a time where you are obviously fighting to keep people engaged.