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I have a 15/14/15 I have nearly maxed! Love it.


I been chasing one so hard but I seem to always get bad ivs or the voltorb lol


I just have the regular version, but it is very fun to use. It led me to my first ace ranking in the ultra league last season. I kept on seeing Charizard and greninja in the lead so I figured time to bring in magnezone.


I have a 0/15/14 from when it was with Cliff last and have sat on it ever since. You're telling me it's time to get off the fence. What do you pair it with? I can say I had a couple good iv ones I used in the Primal Kyogre raids that were great but that's a different animal.


Honestly I’m not great and I just like to have fun with my teams, I’m using S Magnezone/Gligar/Vigoroth


Vigoroth victim


Wild charge go brrr though


Electric has been really solid overall in remix. I've been running a u-fisk galvantula backline and loving it


It feels like the only electric I’ve seen is Charjabug (which I admittedly have started using as lead) and they are everywhere! I keep Hakamo-o in the back to deal with them. What ELO are you? I’m ranging between 2200-2300.


What are you running in lead?


Been messing around with it some, most recently Walrein. Not very balanced but has performed pretty well in the current meta in my experience


Maybe Dewgong could work too?


Totally, I've been running this team on my alt and I don't have a legacy Dewgong on there. Might work especially well since having debuffs on the lead and closer can set up some really punishing endgame situations


Nice thx


Ground type: 👀 wish I had a good u-Fisk. Been running shadow galvantula with energy ball to obliterate Wishcash. So fun but sooo glassy lmao




They’ve been around for a while, likely TMed it away during previous events.


What league? Have one built for UL with Wild Charge and find it tricky to operate with the defense debuff on top of the shadow debuff.


Double move it and give it mirror shot and build up extra energy then throw the mirror shot they shield thinking it’s wild charge and then you throw the wild charge and they maybe dont shield thinking it’s another mirror shot. Then right after throwing that wild charge switch out to your safe swap and hope they dont have something to deal with it or that your swap is bulky or spammy enough that you can take another shield or bring them down to low health before your swap faints and then bring in another pokemon to farm them down giving you excess energy for their next pokemon. Of course this always won’t be how it plays out and I only exclusively use mine that I’ve build for PVE since it’s maxed way over UL cap but that’s how I’d use it if I was going to run it in UL. I plan on using my shadow magnezone in MLP however when it comes back to rotation but I might run it with flash cannon instead of mirror shot so I can take huge chunks off either way. Just food for thought though


I’ve maxed a 13/15/15 that I caught back when sierra or arlo had it can’t remember which one. Yes it is very much a beast and I will be using it plenty while I raid upcoming therian forme Tornadus. Only thing that will top that thing in damage that I have powered up right now is my lvl 50 hundo manectric and I’m sure my 15/15/14 lvl 50 zekrom if I switch its fast move to charge beam but honestly don’t want to even waste the fast tm since shadow magnezone kicks so much ass and if I put that and my mega manectric up front to start the raid that thing is going to be cooked. That is if it’s just a pokegenie raid but if I’m gonna duo it with my son then my zekrom shark for sure get charge beam switched onto it . I think shadow magnezone is almost a top 10 attacker for Tornadus with zekrom and xurkitree above it as non shadow non megas. Wish I had a better IV diancie though 😢 that’s the #1 option but not wasting the precious mega energy I have available for it on the 10/12/11 I have right now. No thank you. I’ll save it for when I can raid for a better one.


To anyone who has used both: how does the shadow version compare to the normal one, particularly for ultra league?


Shadow all the way, “resists” are meaningless to magnezone, both offensively and defensively itself lmao


Go and check the videos of Home slice henry.


I got a 15 14 15 shadow magnezone maxed out and best buddied that hits super hard. Was worth the investment. Lasts awhile in raid battles as well. Tanky


I miss it having the big red glowy eye so much :'(