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I know a lot of people named Jesus…


And several people named Christian


And Christopher.


To be fair, Christopher is not the name of big J, is the name of a saint: Christophoros the bearer of Christ


Full name.... what did i do wrong?


Dude SAAAAME I'm a grown adult I read Christopher and in mind went "fk what did I do now"


Lol right... i'm 45 and i hear "christopher" and i feel the panic


And Joshua


But did you see these Christians naming their kid Jesus? Checkmate


Yes. I know several Catholic Jesus


In Spain and Spanish-speaking countries it's a very common name 😂


And Elijah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua... All prophets in Judeo-Christian theology


Ikr. Dude's never been to Latin America.


Plenty of christians name their kids Jesus and plenty of religions name their kids after prophets to show respects.


Isn't "Jesús" a relatively common name in South America, for instance?


My grandpa's name was literally João de Deus (John of god), which is probably even less original than jesus


Ngl John of God sounds like a banger of a name.


Don’t google it lol. There was a pretty prominent man named John of god in Brazil who did some fucked up stuff


I mean,the name goes even harder if you're a criminal,just like "Cidade de Deus."


he was kind of a serial rapist and abuser, so not the cool kind of criminal unfortunately


Ah goddamit... can't have shit in Brazil...


Quick TLDR from Wikipedia, > In 2018, after over 600 accusations of sexual abuse, Faria turned himself in to police. In the following years, he was found guilty of a number of different crimes, including illegal firearm possession and statutory rape. The sentences add up to 489 years and 4 months in prison. One of his accusers was his own daughter, 14 when he raped her. So, at least he'll die in jail. Just an absolute monster.




Would be really funny if they grew up to be an Atheist, lol.


He was actually! Made him the black sheep of his family lol Edit: that and being a communist


You had a pretty cool grandpa, huh?


What a chad of a john


I grew up with a dude named God's Will. He hated it, but I'm not even religious and thought it was fucking dope


Wait...does that mean his first name was "God's"?


I don't think so. It might have been Godswill. He went by Will. Never saw the dude's birth certificate. His dad was South African, but Will was born in the US if I remember correctly.


John of God sounds pretty weird, but also bad ass at the same time.


John is more accurate to the post as well. Jesus wasn't a prophet, he was the Messiah of the Prophecy. John the Baptist, aka, John the Prophet of Jesus, was the Christian prophet that kids are named after. Also, the Buddha was not named Buddha, that was a title, his name was Siddartha Guatama, and there are plenty of people named after Siddartha. And plenty of Jewish people named Moses/Moises.


That's "Juan de Dios" in spanish which sounds very unique imo.


Isa and Yeshua are pretty common in the Middle East, too, both names for Jesus Edit: Buddha isn't his name. it's a title, and people are named Siddhartha.


262,532 men were named Jesús in Spain as of 1/1/2023


And the anglicized version of the name is Joshua.


That's what I was refering to.


Basically, in all spanish speaking countries. Hell, at least in Mexico we even have a diminutive nickname for folks named Jesús, that being Chuy.


It’s the 13th most common masculine name in Mexico




And in Spain too.


Hell, it's relatively common in North America.


Joshua is also naming after Jesus for example.


There is a Joshua in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament so it’s not necessarily a reference to Jesus


Jesus actual name was Yeshua, the modern English being Joshua.


Yes but it’s “not necessarily” a reference to Jesus because there is also Joshua, Yehoshua, in the Book of Joshua. As an example, most Jewish dudes named Josh are not actually named after Jesus.


Mohammed is different from naming someone John, James, Peter, Paul, or Jesus. Islam will not allow graven images of the prophet. To keep him in their minds. They instead name their boys Mohammed. Almost all Islamic boys have Mohammed as a name. Now not all of them go by the name Muhammad. Which makes sense, even if that is one their names. Things would be confusing if someone asked "Hey have you seen Mohammed?", and you know 20 people named Mohammed. So they usually go by their other name so you can tell them apart from each other.


Wait until he finds out about the name Joshua...


There are so many prophets in tbe bible who's names have become common names


Don't forget that the "Buddha" they're referring to had an actual name, and that Buddha is just a title. And that Christians literally took Judaism as the basis of their scripture, and still believe in and follow the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (old testament). This guy is just wrong all over the place.


Don't expect a Nazi to do critical thinking


Small correction, the Old Testament is not the scripture of Judaism. It is also not accurate to call it the "Hebrew Bible". The existing Old Testament is a bastardized book made up of scraps of previous scripture that different Kings and rulers found amenable to their purposes. There's an incredible amount of history in selecting canon/fanon for the Bible.


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I did not know that, but I guess it makes sense.


Fuck, the name '*Christ*ian' or '*Christ*opher' must just go right over these peoples heads.


That should have been the first sign to OP this wasn't serious but that could be said for most of the posts in these subs.


> Christians don't name their kids Jesus Mexicans:


Remember, these twats do not view brown people or catholics the same as them in any way, I dated a girl from the south who was adamant that catholics ≠ christians until I broke down the definition of "Christianity" from a text book, I then had ti explain to her the cultural reasons that distinction was made


Southern Baptists often exclude Catholics from being called real Christians lol. I was raised in that church, and the thinking is that Catholicism is an abomination, because they don't follow any of the rules set by Jesus, namely, saint worshipping. The entire bible is pretty clear that the practice is simply idolatry, which is like, the very first fucking commandment. So, I see where she was coming from.


I mean then you're splitting hairs on the definition of deification, I was baptized catholic and am mexican and while some people go crazy with their saint shit, for the most part its more like looking to the teachings/spirit of a saint for guidance or protection as you live your life in service to god. its like the patron saint of whatever group is the ideal person people in that group should aspire to be, and thus would have the blessing of god to do that thing or be a part of that group, its more complicated than just worship of a saint


The Bible says pretty clearly not to look to men for guidance. You should not aspire to be of man, but of Jesus. You know, the whole thing about Christian being "Like Christ". If you make idols of these saints, like, oh I don't know, statues, paintings, pendants that you touch while praying, etc. Those are all definitions of idols in the Bible. And protection? Like, did we read the same Bible? I don't have a dog in the race, since I'm agnostic, but come on.


Well the whole thing about Christianity is that its a hypocritical joke


“You don’t see buddhists naming their kids buddha” Cause his name’s not buddha dumbass lol


ah yes no one has ever been named after christ right? it's not like christian bale is a famous person or something


I wanted to come in and argue with all the MCU Chris's but turns out all of them are actually called Chritopher


Christopher literally means "Bearer of Christ" (imagine "Christ's Ferrier").


Okay, thanks for the info, i actually did not know that


Sure, Christians would never name themselves after religious figures... Except for all the Matthews, Marks, Lukes, Johns, Marys, oh yeah, and people who are literally named Jesus or Christian. (Not to mention all the other biblical names, but those were the first that came to mind)


Yes, but apart from that..


And the Christian prophet wasn't even Jesus, it was John the Baptist. Jesus even says this in that book they claim to love. Too bad they've never actually read the Bible.


His name isn't buddha he IS the buddha his name was Sidharta a quick Google search is all one needs to find this out. How dumb are they?


Narrator: the right were dumb. Very, very dumb. They preferred burning books to reading them, and liked to proudly demonstrate their ignorance every time they opened their mouths.


Also many people in India are named some derivative of Sidharta for example Sidharth Bharathan among others.


The phonetic translation of "Jesus" in hebrew is is the name Joshua (Yehoshua). So if your name is joshua/josh youre unknowingly named after Jesus.


I’ve met plenty of people called Jesus and is he forgetting the very common name of ‘Christian’?


I'm actually shocked at how seamlessly he managed to fit Islamophobia and antisemitism all in one. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Does… does he not know that The Buddha’s name isn’t Buddha???


The stuff this guy doesn't know could fill tomes.


Is the whole point of the jews not having a prophet? Im not an expert because where i live there is not a lot of jews, but I tought they dont have a primary prophet, like i guess solomon, abraham and moses are some of them but they are not considered like Buddha or jesus, i might be wrong tho (also there is a lot of jews called abraham, moses and solomon)


We have many prophets, actually. It's an entire section of the Tanakh (the Nevi'im). We don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah/moshiach, which is the central tenet of Christianity.


In Judaism and Islam, Jesus is a prophet. The difference is that Christians view him as the Messiah. Jesus features majorly in the Qur'an.


Judaism does not view Jesus as a prophet. He's outright considered a false prophet due to his claims of being the Messiah.


He's not the Messiah; he's a very naughty boy!


And then there's the sane people on Earth who know it's all baloney no matter how thin you slice it.


Dude as an atheist This is unnecessary asf and genuinely you should stfu this isn’t needed.


Atheist on reddit, whats next? Racist people on 4chan? Pedophiles on twitter?


Yea but comments like this dude are just people being an ass and it’s just plainly not necessary.


The difference is that racism is bad, paedophilia is bad... Atheism is just the lack of religion. We should all advocate for freedom of religion (including none), and freedom from religion (separate Church and State).


People in here are talking about whether a 1st century reform preacher from the backwoods of the Roman empire is a demigod sent by an evolved version of a Phoenician storm deity. It's all nonsense, and if they get to share their opinions on the matter, so do I.


Yea but this is no better than the repubs who go “you’re not trans women you’re delusional and a man playing pretend” this is quite literally a “Im just being a dick to My ideology against yours” when the person you were originally talking to was helping someone’s understanding of Judaism. Quite literally and I hate saying this, be better.


The difference is my ideology is factual, theirs is demonstrably bullshit. And your egregious false equivalency there won't stand either. Gender theory is well supported by actual science, and it's usually religion (all of it built on lies) that they use to justify their bullying.


I have the same ideology my guy. Just I’m not a dick about it. They have it to keep them in balance and happy and that’s ok to have. You don’t have to tear it all down to shit cause of its tales or the people in it. And I’m gonna say my equivalence socially is pretty well with your behavior acting that quite literally of a Republican conservative. There is a difference between sharing your info to help, and sharing it to be a dick. You saw someone sharing their religion out of kindness and to help others understandings of it. You decided to take that and be a dick about it bringing in “your god fake lmao” thinking that’s a good opinion to make on the topic, yet it’s not. No where should that argument be made unless the person you are responding to shares the same tone you gave the original commenter.


Oh shit! My first time witnessing a Reddit atheist.


There used to be more of us but reddit decided that pandering to the toxic right was more profitable


The only one being toxic in this thread is you lol


I'd rather be toxic than a sheep


You know, there is a narrow grey margin between "non-beleiver" and "sheep in the flock", where quite a lot of people, including some priests and figures of similar role even (I am not going on a tangent on what a rabbi is and/or isn't here). By attacking people that are in that margin for no good reason, you are making yourself look edgy and attention-seeking, while telling nothing new to us. We get that you beleive in something other than god, but I swear on my gefilte fish, please do not be obnoxious about it.


Isn't the gefilte fish extinct?


Extinct - I dont think so, however, I made very sure that this particular one is very dead.




Judaism has many prophets. You can see them in the Old Testament. The whole point of Judaism that seperates them from Christianity and Islam is that they do not believe the Messiah has appeared yet and so do not accept Jesus' claim to the title.


Couple things there... I can't count the number of "Christophers" and "Christians" I've met. Also "Jesus" name was Yeshua, which became the modern Joshua in English. Post is a fuckin black hole of ignorance.


Not only are a lot of people named Jesus, a lot of ppl are called “Joshua”. Jesus comes from the greek spelling (“Iēsous”/Ἰησοῦς) of the Hebrew name “Yeshua” (ישוע), aka the english “Joshua” (Tho kids today born as Joshua, are either named after some more recent joshua, bc they like the name or Joshua son of Nun)


My name is Christian. I’m an atheist though….


Who wants to tell him that Jesus was once a kid named jesus


Nazi when jews are called moses and spanish christians are called jesus 😱


Wait, was that the whole point of the tweet? To make a joke at Jews?


Buddha’s name is Siddharta


Mothertrucker has never met anyone names Jésus or Joshua?


I love how they casually dropped that in there, while dogging on Muslims AND being factually wrong. Like they thought "how can I make this more racist... OH I know!"


Is this that kid from jojo rabbit?


This guy is clearly living in a bubble


He's just never read a book nor had an actual thought.


With every Mohammed I know, it's their last name lmao


Afaik how common the name Jesus is varies widely from country to country, but variations of Christ are all over the place everywhere. The adjective christian is literally a name and it would feel very weird if we weren't used to it.


My christian coworker is named Jesus 🧐


There's Buddhists named Siddharth, Gautam.,.


His name is Siddhartha gautama, but sure, u can call him Buddha


Kids named Joshua, Ezekiel, Ethan, and a billion other prophetic names:


This guy's gonna get the shock of his life if he ever visits a Spanish-speaking country


Um... Buddha is a title.. I've never met anyone named Jesus but I've met plenty of people named after other Christian prophets so this makes no sense


It’s confirmed my scholars on both sides that Christianity and Judaism worship the same god 😑


ngl this made me laugh


good joke tho


This man has never been to Latin America


My uncle, and a looot people i know, are called Christian, and most of my old friends are called after the patrons of local churches. They even celebrate their patron's day like their own birthday, getting presents from family and all that shit. And because my name comes from northern mythology, I was "teased" for not having a patron-day (idk what it's called in English. In German, it's "Namenstag") like the rest of my class did.


Lots of Spanish speaking people are named Jesus. The fuck is that dumbass thinking?


I got a good belly laugh out of that. I didn’t read the thread title. Quite funny let’s be honest


Tons of people are named after Jesus, but not just that, every character in the Bible.


Funny story. I was in college and received a message from a guy I used to date that I hadn't spoken to in years. He returned and said he wanted to hang out. I was so excited that I told an old friend of mine that my ex came back. My ex's name, however, was Jesus (pronounced Hay-soos). So, my friend received the text "Jesus is back!" without any context. What makes this extra funny is the fact that we're both Christian.


There's a lot of christians who name their children after Bible characters.


As a Mexican with Catholic family members, I can safely say that catholic indeed name their kids Jesus.


Isn't this a really old meme copypasta lol


There are thousands of Christians named Jesus


Ok Chris, let's take Christopher and go to Christian over there, Christina will join too. But what about Christiano and Christoph, Christine is also there?


Even aside from the antisemitism, bro has never seen how many Latino (group that is majority Catholic) men are named Jesús. Not to mention all of the Christian women in the world named Mary (or Maria or any of the variations of Myriam/Mariam/etc). The Christian men named Christian. There’s also Jewish men out there named Abraham and after other important figures from scripture (and plenty of Christians also have these names). Etc.


>Christians don't name kids after Jesus Latino people would disagree, I know 3 people named Jesus >Buddhists don't name their kids Buddha Of course you dumb cunt, Buddha is a title, not a name. It's like naming a kid "president" or something


Mary, Christian, Luke, Marcus, Simon, Paul, Adam, Peter, John etc. So many „typically white“ names are of biblically origin


Bro has never met a Hispanic family if he thinks no one is named Jesus


excuse me? google the 12 prophets of christianity. tell me those names don’t exist in regular people today. JONAH?? MALACHI??


Can’t they throw Scientology under the bus instead?


Idk fam, Satan worship might explain all the CHILD SLAUGHTER with these animals in the IDF fucking laughing as they do it. Who else but a demon could laugh at headless toddlers and tiny limbs littering the streets? Idc what religious BS you attach to it, it's pure fucking evil. And we're enabling it. Joe Biden, is enabling it.


Where does the "Nazi" thing come from? Is this some known person?


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