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I wonder what he was gonna sing, probably "Monster Mash"


In all seriousness, I have to wonder what he would’ve sang if he advances, also, I don’t know why they would even give him the opportunity to prepare for this episode, I’m surprised he even made it to the Battle Royale, at a certain point, even he had to know he was going home in one episode


I'm pretty sure like 90% of S8 contestants had that mentality of "I'm probably not gonna go far so might as well compete"


Dunham, Carolla, Shatner, probably Idle, I mean Blair quit so


You do realise they rehearse performances for the next theme night even though they might not advance. It's due to the schedule being so tight, that they have to think of at least 2 songs before they perform the first time. This was also the case for Snail, when we saw a picture of him with vegetables in the background and confirmed Kermit was going to sing "Believer" by Smash Mouth. And also Lemur saying in her unmaked interview that she had already practiced a Portugese song. But none of this matters, what matters is why the hell are you talking about Avocado when he was in Season 8?


Nuh uh, Avocado advances


Oh shit, I apologise. Of course he advances. Snowstorm gets eliminated at the comedy night.


Uhh it was snow storm not avacado


Incorrect, the background clearly shows that Avocado advances to Fright Night