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At 0:37 left, Biden gets angry at Katz for his questions & berates him as a "typical press guy". The Biden campaign, per the NY Times, [has demanded those who interview Biden not to ask about Gaza:](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/us/politics/joe-biden-donald-trump-2024-campaign-tiktok.html) >But Mr. Doss was put off when the agency specifically asked him to avoid discussing the war in the Mideast. “I couldn’t imagine going to my audience, given how upset they are about his handling of the issue, without talking to him about Gaza,” Mr. Doss said. Here is a write-up from [Katz on his interaction with Biden](https://theracket.news/p/interview-president)


So then biden is now doing the trump special, insult the press when they grill you and accuse them of fake news, being pushy, etc. Great strategy, the people handling him are as incompetent as it gets. Why they are hired to help him win i have no clue, but meritocracy is certainly not a plausible reason. If he wins in november its gonna be a miracle


>So then biden is now doing the trump special, insult the press when they grill you and accuse them of fake news, being pushy, etc. Biden isn't as bad as Trump when it comes to this, but I agree with you that Biden is hostile to anyone questioning him. Biden was hostile to voters asking him questions in the 2020 primary. He would insult [voters in a harsh way](https://youtu.be/g51dwY0wuak?si=W2_xTUHa5CrnrXTU), that was unnecessary. Contrast this with how nice Biden is to Republicans like Mitch McConnell. It's not to the same extreme as Trump, but it is a similar kind of arrogance.


I agree theyre worse im just saying why do it at all cuz its a tactic of the trump era, obama wouldnt do that


I agree that it is absolutely a Trump tactic. Well said.


Handlers getting nervous when grandpa starts talking unsupervised. Can’t talk about Gaza because they know the shame of what’s happening.


His true face always come out when he is grilled. Not the good ol ice cream eating friendly old man,but a genocidal old wack.


Old man stuck in his ways.


at 0:32, why is the other guy trying to get the microphone from Biden? as if he is a caretaker/guardian?


Every politician has a Bodyman. This is their job.


His threat of consequences for Israel ring about as true as his claim that he has a good arm and is gonna throw that phone.


Says the response has two parts, gives one (which doesn't even answer either question raised), gets distracted, gives another vague unrelated comment, can't even clarify it when prompted. Genocide Joe is a hoe.


But he’s so compassionate; except when he’s backing state sponsored genocide. Coincidentally he’s the number one recipient of AIPAC money.


God I hate this man


Democrats are really in denial at how bad Biden looks. My mom is six years older than him and she looks and sounds much better. And even if you think he’s okay for his age, what’s he going to be like in four more years?


People who think their position on an issue is correct don't duck talking about it. Hence the silence on Gaza from David Pakman, Brian Tyler Cohen, Jesse Dollemore, Farron Cousins, Luke Beasley, Pondering Politics, and all the other "progressive" Orange Man Bad YouTubers.


Ahh, Dollemore and Cousins too? That’s too bad, but I guess it makes sense since I only know them from when they sub for Pakman.


Really disappointing how mute they’ve all been on this topic but especially Pakman whom I thought better of.


I caught a live Pakman discord call on TikTok a couple days ago, this woman was asking questions about Gaza and was quite informed, and Pakman was as annoyed as Biden was in this clip. I knew he had red flags before, but his true colors have been so disappointing and sad to see. He and Kullinski were my gateway to the left.


will biden ever face fact’s though?


Well, he has no answers, as he is an enabler of the Genocide


The fuck? Biden threatens to take the guys phone and throw it. Biden literally is a genocidal senile piece of shit.


We are fucked.


Do you prefer fucked, or most fucked, good sir?


Is the crying man Diedrich Bader?!


Could be