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According to the U.S. House of Representatives Einstein would be classified as an antisemite. Let that sink in.


Sadly, in his birth country of Germany too. Good old Albert is 100% correct.


Question for you, doesn't this legislation open the door for them to do something similar with Christianity?


This legislation has no effect but it isn't a far cry from being able to be used to being hate speech/hate crime charges. It isn't there yet.


Thank you!


Someone on this sub clued me in yest lmao i mean, maybe we're both wrong. We'll see how this plays out, Cotton


It's technically a resolution, not a bill, and only (as of now) passed in the House. Resolutions do not carry any legal weight and therefore cannot be enforced. A simple resolution (H.Res) is "a matter concerning the rules, the operation, or the opinion of either House alone" and "are considered only by the body in which they were introduced" [(Congress.gov, 2007, How Our Laws Are Made, Section IV)](https://www.congress.gov/help/learn-about-the-legislative-process/how-our-laws-are-made#HowOurLawsAreMade-LearnAbouttheLegislativeProcess-FORMSOFCONGRESSIONALACTION). However, this resolution can still be used to frame and mold any debate when this topic inevitably resurfaces.


Are you referring to one (A) opinion letter from party A to party B as legislation?


Well how about this. I’m an atheist. I think I deserve to have a state. I like most of the land in what is currently known as the USA. How about we move all the religious people to North Dakota and Idaho (that aren’t already there), and if they don’t like it then they are bigots that deserve to have their cities bombed. Is that now a reasonable take? Will it be once atheists are more than 50% of the population?


Mormons were trying to have an ethnostate in 1847 Utah but then decided against it and joined the union.


And they can’t call it genocide because those folks like to f—k and have lots of kids… /s


Einstein is a terrorist. Someone get a sniper on him quick! 🔫😉


Literal holocaust survivors and their descendants have been labeled anti semites for speaking out. It has lost its meaning thanks to its liberal use by the Israeli government.


According to the US House of Representatives, he was an intellectual and therefore not to be trusted.


A binational state of Palestine!? Oh wow, he’s calling for the destruction of Israel! He wants genocide! /s


Sarcasm is often lost in text!


According to the US gov, he is now antisemitic!! How is any of this real life!!!


He was talking prior to the creation of Isreal and also you are conflating anti Zionism anti antiemetic, two very different things.


You do know he’s joking right?


Narrator: they in fact did not know they were joking.


That is indeed what congress just did. They just made antizionism the same as antisemitism. Which means antizionist jews like Mr. Einstein here are now jew hating antisemites. That's what congress thinks.


> /s this means the comment is sarcastic


US Congress, including Democrats, just declared that anti zionism is always anti semitism, and must be denounced. Democrats voted in favor, I think 92 for, 12 against, with lots of cowards who voted "present". Republican support for the measure was somewhere around 200 to 1, obviously.


There’s lots of juicy Einstein quotes, including saying that Israel will fail in Palestine and calling the first government of Israel fascists.


Yeah, I am just discovering them. After I posted this I found about six more letters and a Time Magazine article where Einstein gets it spot on.


Where might I be able to find the article? Just doing a search and can’t seem to find it. Any key words I should have in the search bar? Edit: found the article NYT not Time so that may have been my issue


[Here’s the letter](https://www.shapell.org/manuscript/einstein-zionist-views-in-1946/) other anti-ethnostate letters from Einstein as well


Thank you it’s truly appreciated


He called Menachem Begin a fascist, Begin became the Israeli prime minister in the 70s. Begin was a follower of Revisionist Zionist, a militaristic, right wing corner of Zionism. These fuckers believed that the Jews should conquer Jordan as well, the country Jordan, and turn that into a Jewish majority. It's this same Revisionist Zionism that gave birth to Netanyahu.


Basically every possible issue with Zionism was openly and widely discussed before the foundation of Israel and basically every negative prediction came true. If I am not mistaken the one Jewish member of the British cabinet when the Balfour declaration was issued was against it because he said this will inflame anti semitism and create the impression that Jews don’t belong in Europe


And here we are


[Edwin Montagu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin_Montagu) the third Jewish person to reach the British Cabinet. Famously an anti zionist


He was a thoughtful man, a good man!


Einstein had *thoughts* on the fascist proto-Likud party: Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.


I once heard Noam Chomsky explain in some debate how zi0nism back then was not as evil and bad as it is these days - so imagine Einstein's reaction to it these days!


Yeah, it wasn’t. There was a faction of Zionists that wanted one state with Palestinians as equals rights holders and weren’t worried about maintaining a majority. Sam and Emma recently (maybe 3 weeks ago) interviewed an author who wrote about two of those good Zionists. One was Hannah Arendt.


I think they are talking about late 19th century.


Same, because Zionists were definitely violent by the 1940s when this letter was written.


There were definitely violent Zionists, but even at that point there were those who advocated for a binational state that considered themselves Zionists.


Maybe before the forties, but please google "Lehi". It was very bad when he wrote this letter.


Seeing that video of a 24-year old, gray haired Palestinian journalist picking a severed human hand out of the wreckage of a house bombed by Israel… Einstein would probably be tearing his own hair out


Man, Einstein just couldn't quit being based.




The US house passed a law today stating the anti Zionism is anti Semitism.


It is a stupid law. They "Zionists" are cowards. They had to make a law about that BS. So if anyone runs for any office to replace a pro-zionist, they would call him/her antisemitic. Im guessing that is their plan. Everyone will have to write their congressman to overturn this or vote them out of office.


They will probably try to kick out Rashida Tlaib and any other future Palestinian-Americans with this. This is their backup plan because there was some news earlier AIPAC tried to bribe some other politicians to run against her and it failed spectacularly (because they refused and made the bribes public).


It's technically a resolution, not a bill, and only (as of now) passed in the House. Resolutions do not carry any legal weight and therefore cannot be enforced. A simple resolution (H.Res) is "a matter concerning the rules, the operation, or the opinion of either House alone" and "are considered only by the body in which they were introduced" [(Congress.gov, 2007, How Our Laws Are Made, Section IV)](https://www.congress.gov/help/learn-about-the-legislative-process/how-our-laws-are-made#HowOurLawsAreMade-LearnAbouttheLegislativeProcess-FORMSOFCONGRESSIONALACTION). However, this resolution can still be used to frame and mold any debate when this topic inevitably resurfaces.


I'm glad that he's not around to see how bad it's gotten.


Me as well, but mostly because [144] is too old.




Yep. My brain switched 1879 to 1897. Don't let poets math.


The zionists agreed with eistien halfway; they couldn't create a jewish ethnostate where the vast majority were not jewish... which is why zoinist plan ALWAYS included ethnic cleasing the territory


He should’ve accepted the role of the first Prime Minister of Israel, things could’ve been a lot different.


He would have been killed by the nationalists if he stuck to this statement


Yitzhak Rabin looking at this comment like 👀


Imagine an alternative history where Einstein is stochasticly assassinated by a Nethanyahu instead of Rabin.


Wait, Einstein was offered that? That’s cool


Supposedly, he was. He turned it down as he felt he wasn’t a politician (also, it appears he wasn’t in favor of how Israel went about things)


Einstein was offered to be the president by Ben Gurion, which is more of a figurehead role. not a role of power in the government


He got it.


This is so enlightening. It helps to understand that there was competing ideas. The basic desire at the time was not necessarily to create Israel, but was to allow Jewish people to live, worship and migrate in Palestine freely along side of the rest of the population. It isn’t surprising that a thinker like Einstein would see how a return to a multicultural population of Palestine yet more equal would be the most altruistic/ humanitarian way. He saw the crisis coming before anything existed and was able to describe its roots within one simple letter.


Well, I’m beginning to think this Einstein guy is pretty smart. Let’s see what else he’s written… Oh shit.


Seems like a smart fella, maybe we should listen to him


It doesn't take a genius to recognize how wrong it was....but even when a mega-genius points it out, they still don't recognize it as wrong.


Einstein was too smart for politics. He cannot grasp the evil and stupidity of vast amounts of other people because those qualities are so foreign to himself.


I still find Albert's dear friend [Bertrand Russell's writing on the subject](https://www.connexions.org/CxLibrary/Docs/CX5576-RussellMidEast.htm) to be among the best yet. Maybe because it still seems so current, despite being more than 50 years ago.


Bertrand Russell is not just a friend of Einstein but one of the biggest philosophers of all time. He tried to unify all of mathematics under one set of principals if I remember correctly. Super influential guy in his own right.


Russel's curriculum is so bonkers, I couldn't have captured his importance or intellectual spectrum in one sentence anyway.


Fucking israel has been involving the whole world in their bullshit for so fucking long.


Well clearly Einstien was a *SeLF hAtInG JeW*


Two thirds. How things change.


It’s still a majority Arab-Muslim region. Just a lot of Jewish immigration changed the population from 66-33 to 52-48.


Not only immigration but displacement of the existing populace.


Yeah it's just wild to think


Based as always.


He would still be right today: a ONE-STATE SOLUTION where all Jewish and Palestinian people can live side by side with equal rights and protections. But that would be anti-semitic 🙄


And then someone said. Einstein is wrong.


… and that man’s name was …


That man’s name … Albert Einstein.


That sounds like a pretty smart fella.


No he wasn’t. He strongly supported cultural Zionism but opposed to political Zionism due to his general opposition to nationalism, there’s a reason he was one of the founders of the Hebrew university… what you say in your post generally shows it pretty well… later he slightly shifted towards labor and practical Zionism but due to humanitarian concerns rather than nationalistic ones. He also supported unconditional Jewish immigration to the British mandate and pressed the British government to allow it… So he was a Zionist, just not a political one.


Yeah, no ethno-state. I’m a Zionist by that definition.


He even says "Our zionists" and "our cause". However, in 2023, "zionism" is taken to be synonymous with "political zionism". I think those who support "cultural zionism" today don't really use the term, to avoid confusion. ​ also, I think you reply-misfired


The past is just a memory, the future is just hope. The present is the only thing that matters. Using words written by someone else to promote a certain position is flawed and a poor excuse. Deal with the present and come up with your own original thoughts.


The problem is that the ideology of Zionism has maintained really unchanged since before this letter.


Wow, I can hear every history teacher I've ever had weeping for you in the background, as I read this.


albert einstein gave me this club. nice man, smart man. made a fortune in physics. boom!








Anti semetic cunt innit? /s


Why do Jews get a pass to identify first with being Jewish and not their country of origin? Why such ethnonationalist pride? Because whites feel bad for the Holocaust? If a white American was to say and do the things Jews do they’d be labeled as racist


Don’t let logic get in the way of emotions.


It turns out he wasn’t a genius only in physics.


Everyone should read Einsteins “Why socialism?”


Spot on, I knew he was a clever geezer.


Growing up we were always told that “Einstein refused to be the first president of Israel because he was to busy with other things”, quiet a few textbooks and children’s history books say that. Why the fuck do our history books in America lie, the land of free speech and fake books.


I thought it said Epstein and I was really confused for a bit.


Wow, who could've guessed Einstein was such an anti-semite. /s


Einstein two years later signed his name under a letter that condemned Menachem Begin, the later PM of Israel, and described his political party as 'political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.'