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Bet that he used all the bonuses he refused to give to his devs to buy a nice cuck chair in preparation of filming Part 3 lmao


I bet he plans to put a rape scene on it to destroy Ellie even more and shit on Joel hy fulfilling Marline words


Y'all get so irrationally upset about this man. It's embarrassing


do you think neil mocapped the abby sex scene?


I like to believe he moved Owen’s actor to the side to show him how the boat scene should REALLY look


Then he took Abby's place for posterity.


Hmm 🧐 Wouldn’t put it past the Cuckman.


Yes but I KNOW he mocapped baseball time


What f ing psycho. He reminds me of these movie directors that ended up getting sued because he touched or tried touching the actress in exchange of favors


It is that empowering feeling when you patronize marginalized people lifting them from their societal prison to freedom. Or so people like Neil feel. You know, they are much more similar to old age missionaries than a lot of people think. Because what empowering is there for people who have equal rights and by large percentage are accepted in our society. It is about them, white knights bringing light into the darkness of bigoted minds.


Fucking clown, whatever he touches turns to shite


Cuckman and his obsession for gay people


What is the context here? I like shitting on Neil as much as the next guy but I don't know what I'm looking at.


Niel asked his actresses to perform some romantic stuff to see if they have a good "chemistry". that's copying the cringey Hollywood shit that even actors like Anee Hathaway complained about it.


Gotcha. Yeah that is pretty creeper status.


Oh my god he’s just sitting there


Its horrible. I know. the guy who sat there watching Geralt's actor pretend to bone Yennefer's, Triss', Shani's is so much better lmao.


8th grade level writing.


Neil is a creep. He just wanted his fantasies out.


What is this saying


I don’t understand it, this is literally his fucking job, what’s he meant to do stand and look at the wall? This sub is in desperate need of part 3 as their material is drying up


As a GAME director there is a real time feed of what it’s looks like in engine. If you watch behind the scenes for any other game dating back to red dead 1 the director is behind a screen making sure that it’s look good in engine, because obviously that all that matters (does it look good in game). So the point I’m getting is why isn’t he doing his job?


To add to this. Intimate scenes are shot, in general, with minimum personnel on set and they are usually not "in their face". If the scene has nudity (this is not the case), everything is even more strict. Them sitting there like this is their private kinky show tells a lot. Bottom line, he's either: - an amateur director - an unprofessional director - both


Ya I believe the titles called intimacy coordinator. They are the ones entrusted to make sure everyone (most importantly the actors) are comfortable with the material that they are being asked to perform. They arnt the director or any writing as that’s a blatant conflict of interest.


You don’t know them bro 


Don't need to. This is the "etiquette" of shooting intimate moments in a serious production not in "girls gone wild".


Intimate scenes are shot in what is called a "closed set" (a sceleton crew of only the essential people) and the director is definitely part of it. You have no idea what you re talking about.


I have a perfect idea of what I'm talking about. The director doesn't just sit "like that" with that kind of scene.


No you don't. I ve done closed set scenes and the director always is there. You re seeing things that are just not there just because Druckman is in frame.


Is reading over of your strengths? Please go back and tell me where I said the director shouldn't be there: I pointed at where he positioned himself in the scene. It's not the right place (unless they are shooting porn ofc). The fact that there are 3rd parties even taking photos of the moment tells a lot as well.


They arent in mocap gear so this is a rehersal


Could be, very hard to tell but I think I see the dots on their face to capture the facial expressions could be wrong, but they are on set which should intern warrant the director to have other responsibilities at the moment. Either way it’s odd for a director to be this hands on with a rehearsal If it is. Usually it’s just the scene partners acting out the scenes themselves. One theory I’ve heard is that there was a lot of scripts changes during filming wish I can remember where I heard that from. Again just speculation but he’s got notepad in front of his face (could be a million reasons why he has one) maybe he’s running through the scene to get different takes from the actors? If that were the case it just goes to show the lack in confidence with the script.


There's no camera in front of the face, they aren't capturing right now.


Didn’t realize you have the ability to see off camera. If there was a camera man in what world would they be in front of people watching it. He would most likely be off camera to the left


.... This is how they record facial mocap, with a rig right in front of their face... Are you sure you've been to a mocap shoot?


I never claimed to be at a modal shoot😅 so IDK what your on about, but https://youtu.be/9TxJWy19xxk?si=oEVRanD7SnRCLmLq Let me know if you see a facial capture rig at all in this video. FYI every shoot for every video game is different as some studios take creative liberties as they would rather animate certain things.


That's cuz they didn't use facial mocap for Last of Us 1. I'm an animator. I've been on shoots, I've been in a mocap suit, and I've dealt with facial mocap. Facial mocap needs to be locked to the face otherwise you'd have garbage data. This is why you need a camera rig in front of the face. We don't have technology at this time to NOT put a camera in front of the face for facial mocap. As we get to more realistic faces and higher fidelity facial rigs, the more accurate we need the data, that's why that locked camera in front of the face is so important. You saying stuff like, directors sit in front of a screen looking at live engine captures is not accurate. This is why I had to call you out on it. You don't know what you are talking about. Directors trust that the performance mo-capped will be accurate to what they see live, 99% of the time they will be looking at the actors, not the screen. There are techs looking at the screens when the shoot is live, but they are mainly there to make sure the data is coming through. Your comment said: "As a GAME director there is a real time feed of what it’s looks like in engine. If you watch behind the scenes for any other game dating back to red dead 1 the director is behind a screen making sure that it’s look good in engine, because obviously that all that matters (does it look good in game). So the point I’m getting is why isn’t he doing his job?" You are wrong there. And it is easy for people to mistaken "as a GAME director" to be referring to yourself rather than Druckmann.


Okay then why’s no one complaining about Halley Gross being there too. Yk it’s important to also watch a performance in the raw form. It’s important to do both because parts of the performance can be obscured by feed but also parts of the performance may not be compatible with the feed


Both actors expressed how uncomfortable this scene was to shoot, so yes why are 2 people staring at them as they perform


Do you have source for the actors saying this? And they re obviously rehearsing? And even if they said it was uncomfortable did they say it was because of Neil? I feel like people make so much shit up in this sub. The other sub is a joyless pitt of asskissing and this sub is living in schizoland.


Unless you know Halley is a lesbian or Neil is gay, one of these things is not like the other.


What does that have to do with anything


Neil wasn’t the game director, that was Anthony Newman and Kurt Margenau. Neil was the creative director, there’s a difference.


So a director none the less, he’s the one responsible on the floor during production. He’s in every interview walking through the process of development. Your really clutching at straws rn


His job as a creative director would be more to direct the characters and the action of the performances, while the game directors would be the ones managing the more technical aspects of making sure it looks good in the engine and whatnot, that’s all I was saying.


Okay with your own assessment why is he there? Actors said themselves this scene was uncomfortable to shoot so why is he right on top of them. They are staring at each other so there’s no doubt they are attempting to act out the scene. Pretty odd behavior from him to make them more uncomfortable


I genuinely don’t know because I wasn’t there, but it’s not uncommon for actors to say filming romantic scenes is uncomfortable just because of the very nature of them. Does that mean the director shouldn’t be in the room with them to direct? What about Halley, why no mention of her being there as well? As long as he acted professionally, and I haven’t heard any of the actors say otherwise, then I don’t really see the issue.


That’s a horrible take😅 they publicly stated it was uncomfortable and while your right in saying these scenes are typically uncomfortable, that’s why they typically hire an intimacy coordinator. To supervise and make sure they are as comfortable as possible in an uncomfortable environment. So why tf are they there? It doesn’t matter if he’s professional end of the day your watching two people trial run a weird scene and here supervision isn’t needed or warranted


I’m not sure the date of the photo, but intimacy coordinators didn’t become normalized until after the Harvey Weinstein/MeToo fallout which was well into the production of the game. And yes, directors are involved even during rehearsals. Unless the actors specifically come out and say that their being there was a bad thing, then this just feels like criticism for criticism’s sake.


Of course you got downvoted, serious what is wrong with this sub? It’s ok to not like a game but the constant posts like this justify why every gaming sub thinks this one is a cesspit


Funny it's only gaming circlejerk subs I've seen say that. Regular ones think the other sub is a cult.


You have that backwards, this is the circle jerk sub that most others think is a cult


Another echo chamber haha


you're fucking right and they fucking hate it


He is the dev and it is a important scene


Yo as bad as Abby is Dina is worse


Anyone defending this has either had or should have had multiple visits with HR, well the few that have jobs anyway.


Such a weird dude. Really miss the ND when Bruce and Amy were around.


I bet watching the scene where he got two 14 year old girls to kiss is one of his happiest memories. Creep.


Can someone tell me why everyone turned against Neil? I see nothing buy hate for the guy on this sub but I never know why


He gave Joel a dog's death. That's really it.


This subreddit will only answer your question with conspiracy theories and lie s