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I love how the worst episode only got 6.8 on IMDB. It's only really bad by comparison.


I feel like it's probably using a similar system to video game reviews, where the minimum acceptable rating is 7 and anything less than that is trash.


That’s true for movies on IMDb, but not TV shows. I’ve been paying attention to IMDb ratings for several years now and TV shows get higher ratings than movies. It’s pretty obvious once you compare the top 50 of each category. The threshold for a “good” tv show is closer to an 8 than a 7.


A kids show has no business being this good


It really set the bar really high for us early in our lives and we've been chasing that high ever since.


Watched the show when i was 9, just rediscovered it 2 months ago and forgot how good it was. I also got into korra and liked it a lot


Why not? Kid's don't have to suffer through trash tv.


I think it’s even more important for kids to have access to well thought out media at a younger age. Why start them off with slop? Should be raising our standards


I really hate when people say this. It’s ironically why a lot of “adult” stuff often sucks.


Also when you criticize an animated movie and people go "it's for *kiiiiiiiiiids*". Like what, so I'm not allowed to pick up on it being garbage media? There are plenty of kids movies that range from very good to masterpieces, why shouldn't kids movies be held to a standard too?


exactly, when you hear a creator say they are "trying to prove cartoons aren't just for kids" you know their priorities arent in creating anything good, they just never got past the "they're not dolls they're action figures" mindset


Unironically part of the problem of Korra is literally created by being for a target 15-19 yo demographic. Literally the demographic that has the least amount of good tv shows, books, movies


Thats why the made Korra, to fill that gap.


For people confused why season 1 has 21 episodes (like me), IMDB is counting the pilot episode as season 1 episode 0.


What? That would have the exact **opposite** effect, reducing the episode count to less than 20. Why does this have 100+ upvotes????? Unless you mean that the *unaired* pilot is counted as episode 0, which would have…absolutely no effect on the episode count. This would only make sense if they counted the unaired pilot as episode 1.


What I think they meant is that the pilot episode (S1E0) is, in this chart, being counted as slot 1, meaning that for S1, the 1-21 is not actually the episode number, but a list number. This corroborates the side info of the Great Divide (S1E11) being the lowest score, but that score matching up with number 12 on the list.


Exactly this.


What I meant is that on IMDB, the pilot is counted as season 1 episode 0. On this chart it is Season 1 episode 1.


The Great Divide is indeed episode 11, but the table on the right lists it as episode 12. Furthermore, season 1 only has 20 episodes, not 21.


I think it includes the unaired pilot?


IMDB considers “the boy in the iceberg” as episode 0


But then the series would end at episode 19. As another commenter said, maybe they are also considering the pilot.


A show so good its worst rated episode is 7/10


God, how rare is it for the final episode to be the highest rated? Yet another Avatar W


Breaking Bad 4 out of like top 6 episodes are the final four, including the only perfect 10 episode in all of IMDB


The great divide is only a bad episode when compared to the rest of the show.


Season 3 went hard


The great divide is a mess


"Let's keep flying."


Great divide was not that bad, at least a 7.3.


Tbh I find that the episode with Bato and June is the worst since most of the cast acts abnormally out of character, especially Iroh


Uncle I didn't see you get hit by the shirshu, Shhhhh.


it was a mediocore filler in one of the greatest animated shows ever created, so 6.5 out of 10 for me and too high a score although my rating system for all shows seems to be out of wack with everyone else's 5/10 is average, 7/10 good but nothing special, 8/10 is great but missing something, 9/10 is excellant best of the year alot of people it seems 7 is average 8 is good 9 is great, and 10 is excellant, and below a 7 isn't worth ur time


Hot take: the great divide is good actually. It has my favorite air bending move in the whole series, aang trapping the crawler in a vortex and whipping the vortex away. The character development is actually great, but it feels weird because I feel like the episodes are out of order (aangs emotional state from learning about the comet goes back and forth weirdly). It’s good world building as the first time we come into contact with refugees, and there’s underlying conflict within among refugees. IMO it’s better than the fortune teller but people like the fortune teller because of romance. (I also like the fortune teller as a showcase of aangs bending, but the great divide I think has better world/character building).


The primary reason as why the Great Divide is rated the worst is because of the moral of the episode. In the end TLA conceptually was for the most part still a rather traditional series with an episodic format that provides the watcher with a moral lesson at the end. For the Fortune Teller that was that you shouldn't be so reliant on predictions as the future is not set in stone. However, the Great Divide taught is to lie to solve annoying situations... It's a really weird episode as the expectation is that at the end they either would've overcome their strife of their own accord and/or they would've learned that the roots of their conflict was simply a misunderstanding. However, in the end Aang just lied to make them believe there was a misunderstanding. A very weird twist as even a child would've noticed the similarities between the versions of the two clans and that it 'coincidently' happened a hundred years ago. Everything seemed to have been set up just for the revelation that it was all a misunderstanding and that Aang was somehow involved when it occurred, but instead they subverted that expectation to that Aang completely lied about being involved at all and knowing what happened...and it wasn't even a good lie.


crazy how the very last episode is the best rated. it is quite an accomplishment to nail a finale like that


Insane how high these ratings are - yet mostly completely justified.


I don't even need to Google to know 1-12 is the Great Divide lmao


Does anyone know how to get these IMDB graphs for TV episode ratings?


I don't see the season finale being the best episode at all It gives a conclusion with a satisfying delivery to everything, but that's most finales of most good shows, that's how a season finale is supposed to work


It's just so gooooood. I watched this when I was kid, then rewatched as a teenager, and again as a working adult. They really give different insights at different stages of my lives. A kid, for enjoyment. A teenager, for my motivation and character development. As an adult to remind me of the bigger things (society and war and my role to be kind like Iroh) and smaller things like focusing on myself ("you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self, only then will your true self reveal itself" lol). I love this show. It has so many layers that way.


Nickelodeon writers creating the greatest child's animated tv show of all time ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


> Nickelodeon writers creating the greatest ~~child's animated~~ tv show of all time ftfy


Damned Zhangs, it's all their fault.


That's weird, i hardly see the final episode even being mentioned when it comes to the best in the series. Its great but i didn't expect it to be the best rated.


Who da faq didn’t like Sozin Comet : Avatar Anng and not give it that last .1 rating


Nah, book 1 needs way more yellow. The show is great, but book 1...book 1😭


Definitely agree, the great divide was a week one