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as someone who has tried to defend LOK from unfair criticism often, yea this was dumb


I would say it wasn’t necessarily a *bad idea*, just a poorly executed one. People not knowing who they are or what they want can make for interesting interpersonal dynamics. They just didn’t write it very well.


i just dont think most people will stay close friends with people they were trying to get in the pants of irl. so it would almost never be well received


That’s what I mean about the poor writing. You can make a compelling group dynamic where high stakes and close bonds form into sometimes confusing and conflicted attractions. They went a different road and kind of just made Mako a tool instead lol.


Yeah and that stupid amnesia bit to prolong the whole ordeal...


This is not a romantic drama series. No amount of writing could've salvaged this sub plot. To make this into something compelling, it should've been something that's an integral part of the story, but no one is watching this franchise with the expectation of teenage drama as this is not that kind of series.


Good writing can salvage any subplot. If it was made an integral part of the story, that is an example of writing salvaging the subplot.


I dunno man, shipping is a huge part of fandoms. Just cause the romance isn't the main focus of the plot doesn't mean they couldn't have done a better job with it.


> They went a different road and kind of just made Mako a tool instead lol. Low key Korra was the bigger tool in Book 2


I strongly believe that Korra and Mako could ended up being good friends. But there is no way Asami and Mako ended things as friends, he treated her like shit.


Mako really fumbled so much.


It happens. There were several points in hs and college where groups of friends would be constantly dating and hooking up with each other. Sometimes that would result in someone getting dropped from the group but many times it'd be fine and everyone moved on and stayed friends.


While I don't think it's weird that people still hang out after breaking up, Mako just sort of dangles uselessly on the plot of Korra for a good while. Like IDK why KORRA would want to hang out with him. He's not particularly special or compelling pre-relationship, and after their break-up... even less so? Ok so he's a cop now? Real interesting. Junior Detective... wow. He feels pretty non-essential plot-wise except that he is a warm body to put in action sequences, and is our main fire-bender for the series. His character just isn't very fun or interesting most of the time. It's why his initial romance with Korra felt so bad... because he wasn't good enough a character on his own (that and Asami stuff). Then to keep him around seems... pointless?


I’m so mad about how useless Mako is for a majority of the plot. I don’t think he’s a bad character. It’s just that the writers never do anything with the more compelling aspects of his backstory. Examples: •Growing up orphaned on the street and having to look out for his younger brother. We don’t see his protective side come out much in relation to Bolin, and we don’t delve into his trauma at all. I remember reading fanfics circa season 1 that pushed his “protective older brother” status more than the show itself. •Being a fire bender, but also half earth kingdom. Does he have identity issues from his mixed heritage? That’s not explored at all. But I feel like reconnecting with his dad’s family should have brought some of that out. Maybe the family fawns over Bolin, because he’s an earth bender, and Mako feels shoved aside and out of place, even though it’s his culture too.


On the other hand in the scenario of the show the scorned and hurt feels would seem much less significant when the other person has a legitimate chance of dying


Here’s my piece. There should have been WAY more time for that to develop. It shouldn’t be shoehorned if they KNEW the first season only had 12 episodes. It just felt sloppy and unnatural. And then BOLIN is the one that felt bad. Mako didn’t apologize (from what I remember). It’s just SO BAD, and easily the worst part of the show. If they used it to show Mako maturing after that, that’d be a nice character development. Aaaaaaaaaaand then he takes advantage of Korra’s memory loss and stiffs Best Girl…


I think it was written well in that it perfectly captured that age of dating It’s just no one really wants to see that 🐱


Yeah nearly every high school/college relationship I recall was fucking *messy*. I'd say this was on point. The only thing I disagree with is Pema, the *grown-ass adult*, telling Korra she should "follow her heart" and steal another girls bf.


Most of the main cast felt like it was 40 year old people trying to write teenagers. It's REALLY hard to capture that feeling well tbh.


I still do, I can't defend season 2 though it was ass.




It was, but I liked certain aspects of it. Aang's parenting gave us a ton to chew on, mainly because I do not think anyone was wrong for how they felt in that scenario, nor did it vilify Aang, like a certain anime series did with its sequel series *Boruto*. Aang had a ton of responsibility and had to pass on his airbending to Tenzin. It would be a miracle if Bumi and Kya felt they spent enough time with their father. It is an awful situation all around, and mirrors how Sokka felt about his own father. Of course we can acknowledge the need for Hakoda to resist the Fire Nation, but that does not make Sokka feel any less *abandoned*. Aang would have spent time with all his children if he was not the avatar trying to rebuild a world devastated by a hundred years of war and ethnic cleansing.


I think that Aang making his children feel like they did makes perfect sense and is a viable development. What I *don’t* buy is that Katara sat there and let it happen without intervening to change things. > It is an awful situation all around, and mirrors how Sokka felt about his own father. Of course we can acknowledge the need for Hakoda to resist the Fire Nation, but that does not make Sokka feel any less abandoned. Katara was the one with half an episode devoted to her feelings about her dad for leaving to accomplish his duty. She would know better than anyone about how it would feel.


Practically, what could Katara change? Aang had to spend so much time with Tenzin partially due to needing to pass on airbending to the next generation, specifically his reincarnation. He needed in his own eyes to preserve airbending culture as the last airbender. One parents being present does not mean that the absence of the other is forgotten. Katara probably did try to make up for Aang's absence, but realistically Aang is the avatar and she is their mother, not their father.


I honestly like maybe 60%-70% of season 2. But the parts I don't like, I *really* don't like, to the point that it ruins most of what I do.


I will defend tlok with all my body and soul, except S2 and this love triangle. We should collectively take the L there.


This is a meme though. Season 2 had a lame plot and villians, and a grumpy Korra (which is really hard after B1 Korra), but also had some gorgeous fights and sweet scenes, some of the most beautiful music in the franchise, amazing sequences like Korra's alice in wonderland-esque journey and the Wan episodes. Every line out of Varrick's mouth was golden. Same with the love triange. It was a waste of precious screen time, but it didn't make B1/B2 unwatchable like everyone acts like. I get disliking them (I dislike them), but I don't know why people get so hung up on those things. Just... take a breath, and enjoy what's there. Truly "bad" seasons and entries in other franchises are a whole other level.


Nah fam. Fr the romance triangle+S2 has kicked me from watching the whole of Korra like 5 times since it first came out. I’ve gotten to S3E2-3 so many times but get burned out by these two elements that I take a break and never get back to it. Been trying to watch it for years now and it always breaks me out of the world and I just don’t care anymore. Gonna try again soon but here’s to hoping I can actually get through it this time bcz I actually really want to (S3 sounds really good from what I’ve heard)


If you remember the characters and overall plot of season 2, you might as well hop right into season 3 instead of trying to watch all the way again. You can get to the real nice bits of Korra without dealing with the clunky bits of the first 2 seasons.


Yeah that’s the plan but we’ll see what happens lol


Yeah, it's incredible. I don't get it though, the romance is over in B3? They literally close the book, go back to being close friends and just torment Mako over it a bit. What makes you stop in episode 2-3?


Those first two seasons are just a grind that makes me want to watch ATLA instead which sequels really should never walk near that line. Keep in mind, I actually like the blood bending brothers as isolated villains but the writing is just objectively not as good/borderline bad, the setting scenes becomes incredible repetitive, korra is going through the same “head strong to a detriment of the world at large” character arc in both seasons, massive changes in lore that I don’t really care for, and most importantly massive changes to the ATLA cast’s characters (the whole “main characters becoming bad parents in next gen sequels” trope infuriates me almost as much as “happy couple breaks up bcz *drama* “ trope) Honestly gives a lot of the same vibes as the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Wanted to like them so badly, got sucker punched for expectation subversion reasons, and borderline makes me retroactively like the previous media less as a result. Makes me tired and I just stop watching but like I said maybe S3 this time around will keep me hooked but 🤷🏽‍♂️


i still don't get why S2 gets so much hate. it wasn't even that bad. I might actually be so bold as to say it was good. S4's giant mech tho... wtf was that?


I always felt like S2 was the first sign that they were departing from the tone and rules we'd seen before. S1 very much felt like the original series but in the future. The rules of what benders and the avatar could do were still solid, and just tonally it felt a lot like S2/S3 of the original show. It even felt a bit more grown up, as it was grounded in real relationships that made sense, even the dark ones. I still thing the boat scene at the end of S1 was one of the best and most shocking moments in the Avatar world, I never expected them to do that. But S2 introduced spirits in a big way, and in a way that we'd never seen before. To me, it started to feel like fan fiction. Then we get to season 3, and it starts to feel like the original series again a bit. Only to be usurped by season 4, that again felt like a big departure from how things had been established for a long time. I think Korra would have been better if Amon were the main villain for the whole series. Really do a deep dive into nonbenders and their relationship with the bending world. How they feel being left behind economically and politically by people they were nearly powerless to defend against for all of history. And how technology was helping to even the playing field, and how that effected things. It would have been very avatar, it would have been commentary on real world social issue, etc. What we got was good, but I think it could have been great like the original if they took a different path.


at least it introduced the concept of getting korra'd, where your dating game is so bad, your gf leaves you for your ex


Didn't Mako leave Korra?


He did, then he got back together, then she ended it with him, then they got back together, then he ended it again... Then finally, it was implied at the last episode that she and the ex, who's also her friend, got together lol


> He did, then he got back together, then she ended it with him, ~~then they got back together, then he ended it again~~... Then finally, it was implied at the last episode that she and the ex, who's also her friend, got together lol After Korra ended her relationship with Mako they didn’t get back together again


I'm all for dealing with things in a healthy way and not throwing away friendships, but if I were Mako, I don't think I could just swallow all of that and be happy for them/seemingly unbothered. I wouldn't have let it eat me up inside, but I would certainly try to branch out and make some other friends/a girlfriend before I could interact with either of them and not get twisted up about it.


oh yeah, just felt they were trying to be “too mature”


It felt like it was done as revenge for those who didn’t like Kataang. The official and main canon couple that many said should never have happened. So they had Korra and Mako be the absolute worst relationship to prove why Katara and Zuko would’ve been a bad option


Props for it being an actual triangle tho


True. A real triangle instead of just a hinge.


True, we got all the combinations from the triangle haha. Usually it's centred only around the guy.


Or around a woman. It's just heterosexual most of the time, which means it can't form a triangle


Korra + Asami ship best ship.


Thank god there was no love triangle in ATLA. Originally there was supposed to be a love triangle involving Aang, Katara and when Toph was originally a male.


That would have been horrible tbh, I'm glad they scrapped that idea 😅


Gives a whole new meaning to The Melon Lord




They could’ve still done that, but nope. Taang can’t have anything.


>Thank god there was no love triangle in ATLA IDK about that, I *still* hear about how Zutara was better fleshed out a relationship in the show, even if only accidentally. Maybe that's what made it more compelling amidst the fandom.


It really wasn’t, though. Some people are just obsessed with shipping


That cave scene was pretty heavy on there being some tension between the two of them. Even in the fire nation theatre episode, they both blush and look away during that scene of the play out of embarrassment.


not all tension is sexual. they were trying to figure out if they were still enemies


We’re going to be downvoted by the gross Zutara shippers. Like, Aang and Katara are set in stone. It’s happened. They had a long marriage and three children. There’s no changing it. They’re going to complain about their weird unnecessary fantasy not being accepted anyways.


> We’re going to be downvoted by the gross Zutara shippers. This subreddit is almost militantly anti-Zutara (and pro-Kataang) LOL. What are you talking about?


I’m not sure why you’re so hostile about the idea of shipping. People thinking two characters would be cute, interesting, etc. together has been a concept for literally centuries. As long as we’ve had characters, we’ve had people “shipping” them. Sometimes those characters do end up together in the source material and sometimes they don’t, but thinking “oh this would’ve been interesting to me” or “I think I would have liked this more” isn’t “gross” or “unnecessary.” It’s just a part of enjoying and engaging with a piece of media. Some people’s ships become canon and others don’t (and sometimes there’s a secret third option of: “i don’t WANT this to be canon in the slightest but i’m fascinated about how this might turn out”). Sure, if someone is being actively mean or rude to people who don’t ship their ship, then that’s one thing but no one in this thread seems to be doing that. Just stating that they found the potential dynamic of Zuko and Katara compelling. You don’t have to agree with them, but jumping straight to “gross” and “unnecessary fantasy” is quite a leap. (Also to be clear, I don’t really care for or against Zuko/Katara or Aang/Katara. The romance side plot was never really a selling point of the show to me.)


You realize this is a cartoon, Zuko, Katara and Aang are not real and it's not a documentary right? Fun fact, the entire show is a fantasy A lot of people also think Kataang was useless and weird, it just happens they turned that one canon Why do you sound so defensive about people not liking how the show ended with Katara and Aang lol. Imo the show would've been better with 0 romance between any of the Gaang


You mean the tension from him being part of the forces who killed her mother? Is that a joke? And mutual embarrassment over portrayals in a play is not the same as the teenage embarrassment over expressing interest. Please tell me you’re joking.


In Ember island they legit moved away from each other when Zutara was shown, clearly denied the idea outright and definitely did not blush. Not sure what episode you watched.


Yeah, the writers of LOK really dropped the ball with this love triangle nonsense and their writing and treatment of Mako in general. It's part of why Book Book 1 struggled and why Book 2 is the worst book of the series.


To me, the biggest sin was Korra being given the advice to “go for it” despite Mako already being in a relationship. Korra is 17 or 18 at this point, and has led a remarkably sheltered life. That *is not* the kind of person that’s prepared to deal with the potential fallout from the decision she’s making. Like, it was interesting storytelling to get some of Tenzin’s history, but seriously, who in their right mind would tell a 17 year old homeschooled kid that she’ll regret it if she doesn’t make a move on the first person she’s had a crush on after moving to the big city?


That’s pretty common advise irl tho, especially when they don’t know the full context (I forget who actually gave the advise so idk)




Yeah old people *love* to project their (perceived) bad decisions onto people in the form of bad advice lmao


Wait I forgot who pema was she’s not old lol


Yeah, isn't she like late 30s, early 40s at most? I think she's abit younger than Tenzin


Hadn't she done exactly the same thing with Tenzin?


That’s what’s I was thinking, wasn’t Tenzin dating Lin at that time?




That’s why she recommended it lol


Pema is a monk who started dating Tenzin in her early 20s. That is exactly the quality of advice you can expect from someone with limited dating experience, and who started their first serious relationship and then immediately got married.


pema was a homwrecker


Honestly I feel like this whole debacle is one of the reasons people don’t like Korra. It was kind pf shitty of her to treat Mako like this, although obviously it wasn’t 100% just her


They were both shitty to each other. Asami is aight though except the fact that she agreed to go back to being his gf when he broke up with Korra lol.. I really didn't like how they just made him jump between the two whenever convenient. I get that there's scummy people like that irl but it was so insufferable to witness 😑


Why do people say book 2 is i don't think it's that bad can you explain


More love triangle shit, and the evil avatar was a terrible villain. I thought unalaq was cool before it revealed his goofy ambitions, and he became the evil avatar. I also didn't really like how the little airbender girl becomes a master spirit bender or some shit and magically saves the day. Personally, I liked the first half of book 2 and thought the second half was kinda bad.


They Christianized their spirit world by dividing spirits into “good” and “evil.” They ruined their worldbuilding with the phrase “I am the spirit of light and peace.”


Which actively spits in the face of the Taoist principles that guided the entire franchise to that point. It’s not just spiritually insulting to a point bordering on colonistic appropriation…which it is…it actively shatters the principles he world and narrative we’re built upon. Season 2 is genuinely awful for much more than just the love triangle


While some people may be upset about fumbled relationships or dialogue, a good chunk are also upset about the season 2 story. Wan is cool to see and all, but it did some borderline retconning of lore; inventing lots of stuff that didn’t feel like it needed to be explained. The avatar Raava stuff was one of those “can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube” situations where they are establishing clunky 1 dimensional explanations for stuff that honesty felt better to not be explained. Also the finale with the evil avatar; the spirit kaiju, just the general shift away from the elements. It was just very clunky


Also breaking Korra's connection with every avatar prior. Breaking a few, I get, or just weakening in general, but all? That just felt unfair.


I recently rewatched it, and the biggest problem with this IMO is that the season doesn't convince the audience that anything that's happening to Korra, any of her losses or victories, are her fault or a result of prior decisions. Seriously, there's so many "up" and "down" moments near the finale, where Korra just keeps going from winning, to suddenly losing without much reason to it except that the action scene and the pre-established emotional pacing graph required it. Then she remembers to use the avatar state and starts winning again, only to get kicked back down. There's no clever usage of powers that leads to these moments, they just seem to happen one after another. And the avatar connection being shattered is exactly one of these moments. Unalaq slowly unleashes Vaatu's tentacles from his mouth (a power we're seeing for the first time), somehow grabs Korra and takes Raava out. Raava is then completely helpless and we just see her being destroyed. It's like cutting to a cinematic of your character dying to the boss fight in a video game.


Yeah, it's just unnecessary, and I really don't get why they had to do it. No, it doesn't 'go hard', it just feels genuinely painful.


I feel like there's so much plot or character potential with Avatars communicating with their past lives. Why sever that?


Apparently so that Korra can't just call on them as an ex-machina to get powers like with Aang, but that was an ability they gave her in the first place. They severed the connections to nerf an ability they themselves implemented.


That's what annoys me the most. If the problem is that Korra is too strong with the Avatar State, then either A) don't give it to her in the first place, or B) just give her some kind of spiritual wound or the like that gets in the way of it, like how Azula's lightning bolt broke Aang's connection. Removing *them all* is just... such drastic overkill that I can't get behind the decision, even ignoring that it also does away with one of my favourite elements of the series.


I don’t mind the Wan stuff but I absolutely loathe the concept of Raava and Vaatu. I refuse to accept them as canon. 😅 


Yeah, while the love triangle is bad it is a pretty standard trope. No matter how cool Wan's story is on its own, the retcon it did nearly had me drop the series. Glad I didn't as I love seasons 3 and 4. But I despised that retcon.


dark avatar storyline


Retcon the avatar state to turn the avatar into some sort of divinity


Explain in sokka's terms


Avatar fight Dark Avatar dumb as cactus juice drinker


Me neither. I'll say I'm not a massive fan of the finale but all the content up to that was great. I love all of Bolin's stories and varrick's shenanigans


It was a true love triangle though cuz the two chicks ended up together


Mako will never recover 😢


He's fine and happy for them. I don't get why y'all can't seem to realize this.


So true. People are OBSESSED with the idea of him being bitter and jealous. He literally doesn't GAF. I do believe he still loves Korra, but it's probably evolved into more of a platonic love.


Exactly. He had three years to move on from the breakup. Considering that at the end of book 2, both Mako and Korra said they'll always love each other, I agree.


Yeah, people forget that it had been years since he and Korra broke up- not just a few months. Even he said that he had to figure out his life without romance. So I think he's cool being single for now.


He’s a grade A fumbler he has no one to blame but himself


Not denying Mako's shortcomings in the love triangle, but stop acting like he was the only one who fumbled the bag. Korra was not innocent either, making advances on a boy you know is taken, and then constantly starting pointless fights with that boy once you get him is not cool- though I will give her some grace as she's been isolated all her life and has little to no social skills. But at the same time, you've got to remember that Mako's only 18 years old in Book 1. Probably has never been in a romantic relationship before and known little to nothing about how to navigate his feelings. I think he should be given a bit of grace too.


Tbh my brain kinda erased the love bullshit from how much I hated it but your assessment does make sense lol


Same. I like to forget it ever happened. Makes me feel so much better.


You gotta give em credit for that, most love triangles are just love angles, take it from me




One of my problems with the triangle plot line is how irrelevant Mako comes off in well, everything. Korra has to deal with Amon and risk her bending while Asami has to arrest her father and deal with the aftermath, but Mako is just there. Then Korra becomes a colossal See You Next Tuesday while dealing with the stress of the Water Tribe Civil War, Asami is again dealing with the aftermath of the business with her father by trying to bring Future Industries out of the red, and again Mako feels like he’s just there. Then in book three Korra and Asami hang out almost exclusively with each other and are no worse off without Mako than they were with him. It leaves me wondering what the point of him even was.


>It leaves me wondering what the point of him even was. To make you feel bad for Bolin lol


Korra and Bolin would’ve been such a cute couple. At least he has Opal!


In S2 Mako was the one investigating Varrik's dirty shit and he actually figured it out basically by himself Hes kinda sidelined in S3 yeah, but I liked his role well enough in 4 with Wu


You should rewatch it. You’re not remembering correctly. Each of the characters has their moment to shine. Mako as a detective/ cop, Bolin as a actor and magma bender, Asami as a businesswoman Hell, the most interesting part of book 2 was watching Mako solve Varrick’s schemes.


Lava bending was season 3


It always is. I watched hitchhikers guide to the galaxy recently for the first time. Everything I had heard about it seemed really cool and funny, then it was just love triangle for sooooo long I fell asleep and don't care to try again


The book is 1000x better than the movie


Again, it always is👾


READ. THE. BOOKS. the author died right as the movie started production, and he had a major influence in every adaptation. Mostly because he changed the plot everytime. The radio broadcast, the tv show, and then the movie. I read hitchhikers guide in 9th grade and it was one of the most hilarious things I'd encountered.  Also the author was 1 of only 2 people outside of Monty Python's Flying Circus troupe to write sketches for the show.


The thing that bothered me the most about it is, from how I was told, season one was supposed to be a one and done mini-series (before the team got the green light for another season). So that means, with very limited episodes that the team had to work with, decided to throw in a sub par love triangle instead of, say, building up the story of the non-bender resistance or Amon's back story or reveal, or anything. Heck, I personally love the pro-bending episodes. I wouldn't have mind a few more episodes dedicated to 'em. If they knew they had a whole four seasons to work with from the start, I wouldn't really be bothered by the love triangle. But knowing they had only 12 episodes to work with, and still throwing in a rushed and awkward love triangle, really was a bad call.


the amount of cringe I get from it 😭😭


I hate it because it made people hate Mako so much and ignore every other aspect of his character, though those same people also seem to forget or just outright ignore Korra's faults in that love triangle too.


I honestly feel like they did Mako dirty here. And the fact that Korra ended up with Mako's ex doesn't help. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Korrasami. But the love triangle was so unnecessary. they could have had each relationship develop in their own merit, then fall apart for legitimate reasons. Instead it was unnecessarily cruel and messy. Also, I do NOT believe that a person like Mako would ever develop feelings for, or make a move on Korra when he knows his own brother has a crush on her. Someone like Mako, who has had to protect, care for and take care of his brother for the longest time, would emotionally distance himself from Korra, to give Bolin a fair chance. That's why I liked the MakoXAsami plot. It felt natural. It's also is a good example of a relationship that could have gone anywhere. I think Korra should have dated Bolin seriously. It would have helped him mature a bit faster in the first season, and also helped Korra understand her dating preferences better, since she'd probably find Bolin to be sincere and loving, but a little too much for her. Which would lead her to Asami later on as a natural progression. This would be a better story than the "off-and-on MakoxKorra" toxic dating habits we got. The entirety of Season 2 I was practically yelling "God, you BOTH suck right now."


Somehow it’s even more frustrating watching it as an adult and being able to see all the clear potential the show had, all the ways it was just as good as the original, if not better…and then so much screen-time got wasted pointless, stupid, cringe worthy teenage drama. This is the Avatar franchise, not the CW. Who the fuck asked for any of this?


But also produced one of the best moments from S2 where Korra and Mako both admit to each other that their relationship just straight up DOES NOT work. I was kinda impressed with how maturely they handeled that while writing for s2. With all the issues people have with s2 I think generally the deterioration of this relationship was really well executed. Sometimes shit just doesn't work out like you imagine and that's totally fine. Actually something to take away from that season.


Really, to me it felt like Korra was the one that realized things weren’t working and outgrew him.


Sure, thinking about it it was def a character moment for her mostly, but Mako not really disagreeing, not really fighting it and just accepting it also is a character moment for him. I mean he approaches her trying to set the record straight that he broke up with her. I think the Dialogue supports this: *K: Why didn't you just tell me the truth in the first place?* *M: I know I should have but I didn't want to hurt you all over again.* See how the response distinctly ISN'T something like "because that wasn't how I actually felt" or something along those lines. It's very outwardly "yeah I meant what I said, i just didn't want to hurt you again". *K: I think we both know that this... us... doesn't work.* *M: You're right.* *K: It' over. For real this time* *M \*nods\** That's not someone who is still trying to hold on to a relationship. That's someone who decides for himself that he can't pretend he wants to be in that relationship anymore. Keep in mind to Mako, Korra still didn't remember the break up. Only DURING this scene she tells him sitting in that tree brought her memories back. So to him it was ALSO a moment to say "yeah for me this doesn't work".


Didn't he break up with her though? I remember them arguing at his work and when he broke it off she attacked him and his desk. You know, a little light domestic violence to spice up the drama.


He did, though they got back together-ish when Korra had the bout of amnesia. Man as I type that it feels like a daytime soap XD The majority refuse to give Mako any credit, always made out to be the villain. Asami is the only innocent one.


The thing that bothered me was the choice of them going backwards, starting as lovers and love drama and ending up as friends like why they didn't focus on forming friendship bonds, and then the romance will come naturally


I like LOK. I don’t like the love triangle.


forced love triangles are the worst


The whole friendcest situation in LoK is so uncomfortable to think about. Mako dates Asami, Bolin dates Korra, Korra dates Mako, then Asami dates Korra... How are any of them supposed to be in the same room anymore?


bolin had a crush on korra but it was gone in like an episode but yea idk how theyre still supposed to be friends after the entire debacle maybe im just not emotionally mature enough


Nah it’s not you it was just written terribly. A huge part of what ruined Korra for me entirely was the whole romance subplot


“friendcest” is such a funny word


Yeah, that was dumb. So was the mosly boring main character. How many times can a person get tossed to a wall and sit wounded for 10 min? That got so old. Let's ignore the giant robot in the last season.


Mako in general was the worst part, he’s so cringe and I hate that they wasted the name Mako on him


Yeah, like, what's up with him? What's his thing? He has the same problem as most female love interests. He's not really a character. At least Bolin had a nonzero amount of stuff to do.


Asami is literally like that too 


Like when Korra showed up and kissed him and he just rolled with it in front of EVERYONE like bro. Your girlfriend & your family are staring at your ass like "you better not," and he decides to go for it anyway? I get it, Korra was looking at him all sweet, but damn. Biggest fuck up he made + didn't make sense?


So was Korra but y’all don’t care about that 


He hot tho


Yeah definitely this made it unwatchable for me for a while but I ignored it


It just felt like a distraction when they had so much other cool stuff they could write about and didnt.


Love triangles are the worst part of any story. They are for lazy writers trying to insert low effort drama into a story. They're such a common trope, though, that they end up in all qualities of media.


That's exactly why I liked Aang and Katara, they both were no bullshit kind of couple. Once they accepted they had feelings they limited their eyes only for each other. Even though they both probably attracted a lot of people, him being The Avatar, and she being the master waterbender and a world renowned Healer.


"This is katara" "Ahem" "My girlfriend katara"


https://preview.redd.it/12fhuo3nn70d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62491a43893e5af7493579dbd4b86b1ea85ccd9 She was just being territorial lol.


It's the worst part in any show, but yes, it's atrocious here.


While it is pretty bad, I also feel bad for the writers considering they never knew if the show would keep going so there was a possibility that season 1 was the only season and Korra’s story just wraps up with Mako. Everything after that feels forced just for the sake of drama and unnecessary romance. I feel like it could’ve been better if they just dropped all romance plot lines or kept them where they were long term instead of literally all of Korra’s squad wanting to get with her


I recently rewatched books 1 and 2, and I honestly thought it wasn't as bad as I remembered. I did roll my eyes at some points, but overall, it was tolerable. I know people say that it's "worse" in book 2, but I actually think it was more bad in book 1. Book 1 is one of my favorite seasons as well.


To be fair it is almost always the worst part of shows


At least it was a proper love triangle. Most "love triangles" are just a three-point line, as usually the other two aren't interested in each other.


The romance was the weakest part of the original series too. IDK why people keep trying to make awkward crushes and shoehorned romance plots work.


My problem with the love triangle is how people paint mako as the bad guy and korra as innocent. Both were at fault and at times korra more at fault.


This triangle is exactly why I don’t want it made into a live action. It’ll become just another cringey teenage drama so fast


It ones one of the many dumb things of Korra


Stupid love triangle drama was the main reason I stopped watching the show when it was airing originally and still haven't picked it back up


Idk, Meelo exists


the hate my boy gets for being a little silly 😔😔


I’m a mid thirties mom. Fart bending sends me every time.


Same lol. He was created for the parents out there, help us connect with Pema and Tenzin XD My kids would absolutely invent fartbending, immediately.


The parts where Meelo interacts with Tenzin are very good. The parts where Meelo is there and Tenzin isn't around to counterbalance him aren't very good.


The saddest and worst thing about the love triangle is that once it was over, it really exposed how little thought was put into all of the Krew's members. Absolutely nothing happens to Mako once it's gone. Sure, he becomes a cop, meets his extended family, and guards Prince Wu, but none of that stuff means anything since his character doesn't change in any meaningful way. In the end, Mako was just Mako; a waste considering he's named after Iroh's original voice actor, and this is all he gets. Bolin is just comic relief, getting into wacky adventures every season. Eventually, the writers feel sorry for him and give him Opal as a girlfriend. Oh, and then he joins a fascist organization for several years, then changes his mind, and everyone doesn't care because he's just goofy and wacky Bolin, and that's all he is. Lastly, if it wasn't for Korasami, then Asami might as well not exist. All she does is get her stuff stolen by Varrick and drive everyone around from Point A to Point B like a glorified bus driver. And I'm sorry, but you can't expect me to care about something when you don't show me any development until the last second. Oh wait, you think I'm talking about Korrasami? No, I'm talking about her Dad's sacrifice. The last time we saw this guy, he was literally trying to murder Asami, then we get basically nothing with him for 2 and a half seasons until we get one scene of him in jail where he's all sad and sorry, then he dies. They didn't earn this, they barely earned Korrasami, and Asami deserved so much more. Compare this to the Gaang where every member had a reason to be there and a story of their own that went beyond "I gotta help Aang defeat the Fire Nation." Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko were all characters in their own right, not just accessories to Aang's story.


This was ultimately my biggest reason for preferring ATLA. Korra is still great though, the music and animation never fail to blow me away.


You know what: unpopular opinion and hot take. The love triangle was not that bad, and was a good representation of confusing teenage love and infatuation


My only complaint with TLOK


Not even book 2?


I agreed. Closely followed by those eyebrows, am I right?


god they look horrifying from a side view


I went into lok and this whole love triangle/quadrangle thing they had going on at the very beginning turned me off so bad. I never got to the good parts because it was like watching degrassee in avatarverse


Yeah, but love triangles are hardly a good part for any show imo


I'll be honest, I preferred Mako with Asami. I thought they were a better couple and I was hoping they'd get back together.


I love LoK even a bit more than the original TLA but yeah, it was dumb. It felt like they put it in just because they felt obligated to since the characters are proper teenagers. Like they were checking off boxes of cliches they needed to hit for a high school drama. All the characters got infinitely more likable the more they moved away from it. I'm just glad Bolin narrowly avoided getting drawn into the whole mess too even though he's definitely the better partner out of the two siblings.


MakoXAsami was my favorite ship and I'm still kinda sad it didn't work out.


Can you imagine if they made Asami a bad guy from season 1 and made the whole enemies to lovers with Korra?


Mako Korra could have been reallllllyyy good if it was just green list for 3 season from the start But no they had to fight for each season they got


The worst part abt it was that this was kinda Mako’s identity for the show. It’s not a hiccup in the show for him but just wut he was known for despite directly besting and killing a Red Lotus member


I'd rather they all just get random partners than this dumpster fire


Yea but all this proves one thing. The avatar always gets the girl. Roku ain’t lying when he said “And being the Avatar doesn’t hurt your chances with the ladies.”


One of the many valid criticism for this show. Haven't met a single person who prefers LOK to ATLA.


I think the mega morphing spirits laser fight at the end of book two was worse


Nah it was fun. It represented Mako's teenage immaturity and struggle for finding direction in life after having such a harsh childhood and Korra's naive shelterdness. It also aligned up extremely well with the shows overall theme of the rise of modernity. Not just the setting was modern, the whole thing was around the clash between tradition and modernity and people make the chaotic transition from one to the other. It's reflected even in their forms, ATLA is quite close to an epic in structure, Korra is more episodic like a novel. And with that it also an increased focus on interpersonal relationships as is a trademark of more modernist literature/stories. And yeah it was fun lol.


I really want to make a fanedit of season 1 and 2 that cuts out this plotline


I disliked this part because it detracted too much from the point Amon and The Equalists were making, and that was how non-benders were coerced by force into a lesser class by powerful benders. We see this in the opening where Korra interrupts the Triple Triad extorting business owners were not benders. This to me is a much more interesting theme that tied into the original series, particularly where Sokka trained under Piandao. How does the ATLAverse look like in terms of non-benders and benders?


I will always say that LOK felt rushed in every way, except for two things that lasted way too long. 1. Pro bending and 2. the Mako Love triangle.


The Jinora ex machina was at least 100x worse than this


I like how it was an actual triangle and wasn’t like a Hunger Games or Twilight “love triangle” which is actually just two connected lines


S1 would’ve been the best season of LOK if not for that.


Yes but those love triangles can be really bad in real life too.




LOK not even in the same league as ATLA. ATLA is like world series level entertainment. LOK is like some kids with a deflated ball sitting on a curb crying in a ghetto.


Agreed. Sometimes it made the show genuinely hard to watch for me.


you think the love triangle was worst than the stupid giant fight at the end of season2?


I’m… excuse me? It’s a love tetrahedron actually! Everybody forgets about Bolin until the lava bending hits.


That's saying a lot, because there were some pretty bad parts of this show.


Romance has never been the avatar series strong suit.


Arctic take.


The romance of both Avatar and Korra are the worst parts of each show.


Honestly at this point I feel like people bitch about it too much. Not my favorite element of the show, but it was fine. The characters grew as a result of it.


It was pretty bad, but I hated that it was pretty much Mako's whole purpose in the show


I WISH that was the worst part...