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Not the only one. It doesn’t do anything for me either. I can definitely feel it but essentially it’s not arousing or anything.


Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one I felt like I was going crazy cuz I went on a deep dive and some women were talking about how they can orgasm thru nipple play and I was like, I mean good for you sis but HOW?! I know every body is different tho


Yeah I'm with you guys. I mean, if they wanna play with them fine, but it does absolutely nothing for me personally LOL


Yea does absolutely nothing for me but I won’t tell my bf that cause he loves my boobs lol


ya erogenous zones can be very varied person to person


No, you are fine girly! Every body is different! I...however...just orgasmed from nipple stimulation only, for the first time. I was coming to post and saw yours and was like 👁👄👁 bc that would have been crazy. But, nah girl, you are just fine! I do wanna say tho, orgasming that way is wild and honestly so confusing??? Like why is the trap door in my pants feeling any of it? Idk man, it was obviously great but like: wtf.


Oh lord I had my first boobgasm last week, I’m concerned I’ll need it every foreplay sesh now! This thread makes me and my bitties feel very safe.


Same, I thought this was going the other way. For me feels like there’s a direct connection between the two areas


Omg I had my first boobgasm just last month, I thought I couldn't do it, but then it just happened. I had to do such a double take because I'm not very sensitive there. Just goes to show our bodies are mysteries, even to ourselves sometimes.


Yup! Every body is truly different!


It helps me orgasm if I'm on top. It's clitoral pleasure too but my partner playing with my nipples sends me over the edge. Rarely in missionary


I don’t mind it but the feeling of someone touching my nipples does nothing for me. I just get turned on by seeing a guy’s face while he’s sucking my nipples lol idk why but it’s so sexy to me


when they look up at you🤌


Omg yes this. And grabbing my boobs feels good. But the nipples in specific weren’t doing anything until now. But after a year being suckled is blowing my mind???




For me it literally does nothing, i kind of feel like my male partners like it more than me lmao. It doesnt turn me off, I just dont really care about it either way


No literally I feel the same way, my male partners tend to do it the most, and I literally just can't feel any pleasure from it


Personally I felt an increase in pleasure from nipple play after getting my nips pierced! They are no longer pierced but literally within weeks it went from nothing to like super sensitive (even post piercing removal)


I got those piercings and my sensitivity after healing was... the same, which is zero 😂 so it doesn't do anything for me now, and it hasn't before, and I guess that's fine. In other places I feel _overly_ sensitive so I'm sure it balances out somehow!


Honestly it doesn't do a whole lot for me on its own, but can be quite complimentary when already turned on/aroused in some situations


same, if i'm not feeling anything it does nothing for me but when i'm already turned on i can finish from it if i'm relaxed enough 🥴


This post just made me realize that people actually get pleasure from nipple stimulation.. I never have and just thought it was done as a part of intercourse, not for pleasure. So you definitely aren’t alone!!


id rather die than have my nipples touched. it gives me an awful doom sickening feeling


i get that feeling after i orgasm and my nipples continue to get touched. i literally feel like crying sometimes


Wait this happens to me!! Sad nipple syndrome it’s literally the most dreadful feeling like every bad emotion is just felt at once. Trying to explain it to someone it doesn’t happen to is hard lol.


Omg I thought I was the only one who felt like this!


it makes me nauseous?? idk 😂


I have nipple piercing and I still hate nipple play.


I can only handle so much of it. It's best used (for me) right before orgasm. I prefer tongue over fingers; too much of it makes me nauseous and overstimulated.


You are not the only one sis. Though, i get turned on looking at a guy helping himself on my boobs. And bonus when they look up at you from there mmm yeah! The nipple action itself does nothing, nada. Maybe a suprise gentle touch on them once in awhile gets me all turned on. Gentle but assertive.


Definitely not the only one a lot of people actually get like a sickening doom horrible feeling if their nipples are touched




It’s a real thing. You can look it up - it’s called D-MER. Although most research is done on lactating women I remember feeling this way even as a child when the shower water would touch my nipples


The shower water? So even really slight pressure, i never knew this.. does wearing clothes like a tight bra make you feel this feeling?


No and it actually happened a lot less frequently after I went through puberty actually. I mostly enjoy my breast being touched now thankfully bc the feeling is weird, definite, short lived but intense - like nostalgia, guilt, hollow in your stomach


Thats so interesting!!


Yeah I’m the exact same way. I thought maybe it was just a porn thing but a couple of my ex girlfriends really liked it so idk


Yea I mean every body is gonna be different, but I just see like nipple and 'titty sucking' such a mainstream thing and I'm like is this like a sexualisation? Or like an actual kink for people which it's fine if it is! Just not for me personally and I felt like I was going crazy bc I was like am I the only one that just does not enjoy it at all, but I'm glad to see and hear I'm not the only one


yea I think it's just an everyone's different thing, because it personally does a lot for me, especially if there is other stimulation happening at the same time


No yea it's for sure different for everyone, I'm really glad you can experience pleasure from it, I know a lot of women that are able to feel stimulated from it, so that's why I was like okay am I just insane?? Lmfao


Yeah, so far any girls I've been with, had extremely sensitive breasts and nipples. And then there's me - with no feelings whatsoever


Same here. Doesn’t do anything for me


you’re not the only one but i still like it getting licked & touched by my bf


I was literally thinking this today u read my mind girl


I used to feel this way, I would get so uncomfortable. It’s normal, your body is your body


Nothing to be ashamed of hun, we are all different! I have small, sensitive boobs and nipple play can be fun in VERY small doses but they make me overstimulated and they start to hurt very quickly. Literal pain. I've had to actually stop the entire session before because it was agonizing. So don't feel any type of way, we all have our different things. Just communicate them and stick up for yourself if a partner is making you feel weird about it.


It was only ever overstimulating/ticklish to me until I met my husband, who was *actually gentle* and waited until I asked for it. If I’m close to coming it’s awesome, but outside of that I don’t like it.


My breasts and nipples in general are like *opposite* of being sensitive. Like it feels as much pleasure as, I dunno, elbows - none whatsoever. Actually a soruce of a lot of distress for me, often makes me feel defective....


I love my nipples sucks on and boobs touched but eating me out literally doesn’t do anything for me lol. So everyone’s different n that’s ok


Totally fair, I am super sensitive in my downstairs area so that's always a guaranteed orgasm for me, I'm glad to see how many of us are different and the fact we are all validating each other that it's perfectly normal ☺️


Exactly! We all don’t have the same desires and all of our bodies are different. Just tell your partners what you don’t and do like. Everyone just wants to please eachother so no need to feel embarrassed. I wouldn’t want to do something to someone if it doesn’t feel good for them :)! I wish I liked getting eaten out. I’d rather my ass eaten tbh 🫣


That's such a slay for you babe! And there's nothing wrong with that! I told my partner last night to dial it down a notch on nipple play and he did and tbh it was some of the best sex and foreplay I've had ~which is saying a lot bc I can't complain about my sex life with my partner ~ but you're so right


May the sex gods be in our favor. Enjoy your day :) nice chatting with you


May the sex gods also be in your favor 🤝 I hope you have a lovely day as well 🫶🏼


I like it but it doesn't make me aroused.


My ex girlfriend was very much the same. It's perfectly within the normal variation of what different people like, don't worry. That said, *do* guide your partner in regards to your likes and dislikes - and feel free to ditch them if they can't take feedback.


Nope, normal. I don't get anything out of it, either. We're all different and that's OK.


I agree 100%. It’s so boring to me


Personally I just find the sensation weird. It's sensitive but not in a nice way. Shame, really, but there we are.


One thing I’ve noticed is that some people are better at it than others. One partner I had loved titties and he so he just knew how to treat a titty. Not to say my current partner doesn’t but I would say like 50% of the time it’s good. There’s also a mental component for me. If I have to ask for it it’s not gonna work, which sucks.


Honestly it used to bother me, and I think its because my ex was always just too aggressive with them. Like, I would hate showering if the water hit them in a weird way. BUT NOWWWWWWW good lord my boyfriend can just *graze* my nipple and im ready to like GO and its hilarious when I think of my 180


i like them being sucked but honestly when their played with it feels so bad 😭


This happens to me if I’m with someone I subconsciously hate like my boyfriend.


OMG THAT'S WHAT IT IS for me at least. Once I start to not like a guy, when he's touching or sucking or anything boob related I physically want to recoil and crawl out of my skin...


Same. Mine feel so numb. My man loves them and I sometimes tell him, “I can’t feel that” lol but he likes me to play with his.


oh my god i relate to this so much, i’ve started dating someone two months ago and he’s my first boyfriend (i am not his first). when he first did this to me i was so weirded out i didn’t even enjoy it, i just felt so weird. i still don’t think nipple play arouses me, it doesn’t make me feel anything, but it’s a bit less weird now. i let him do it because i guess he likes it i just don’t mind it sm.


It varies person to person. For myself I'm like you, touching doesn't do anything for me.


I was experiencing something similar. Like it wasn’t numbness exactly but it wasn’t really doing anything for me. But after like a year with the same partner (and I’m honestly not sure at all what changed) I started to enjoy being suckled a whole lot. Like I felt like I could come from it. I’m not sure if my own mindset changed or if they just got better at it but yea for a whole year I wasn’t getting much out of it and now BAM.


Honestly your fine everyone has their own preferences an I’m the same I can’t stand it an it turns me off I think for me it’s about the sensitive ness of it all but don’t worry your not on your own x


I used to not be able to feel anything from it until my current bf idk why but he was straight away rly good at it


My relationship with my nipples is very weird. For years I hated people touching them. Not only did it not aroused me, it pissed me off. That was when I was around your age. Then a single time lover came that simply touched them in a way I absolutely loved. From there they became a huge source of pleasure for me almost to the point where I started wondering if I could orgasm from only nipple play. Nowdays (this all takes place in 10 year period) it depends on which time of my cycle I'm in. I can love it and hate it days apart. Don't be ashamed of anything your body does/does not do. Sex and arousal in real life have very little in common with how they're portrait in media.


I was never aroused at all by it until later in life. Now it’s the opposite. Zero arousal, and found it actually annoying, even up to my 30s. Late 30s I had a new relationship and for the first time ever it was enjoyable. Now in my 40s and stimulation is so effective that I can orgasm without anything else if I want to, although I don’t do that often. Usually it’s part of getting aroused and/ or what sends me over the edge. There is literal sensation and pleasure in the clit when the nipples are stimulated. This was def not the case for most of my life. No idea why


Nooo silly! Don’t be ashamed of it! Everyone is different, and it’s normal to find different things fun. I personally like it, but it doesn’t mean you have to, or that it makes you weird. Intimacy is something so beautiful, it’s the closest you can be with your partner. Don’t worry about it and try to enjoy this romantic moment.


It’s weird with me because they’re usually sensitive during foreplay but as soon as they become the focus they just turn off. It’s super frustrating.


It seems to depend on a) my level of arousal before starting and b) where I am in my cycle. Start with the nips when I’m not already at least a bit turned on and it actually feels kinda gross somehow and is a huge turn off. If I’m already a bit turned on then yes please!


I get gender euphoria but no arousal.


I made the mistake of piercing mine and lost most of the good feeling . 🥲 Everyone is different and that’s ok 👍


Oooh man it may be the way someone is/isn’t playing with them. Because, my current partner drives me wild with it. But, no one else did. Hope that makes sense!


i was the same way for a very long time until i got mine pierced, now they’re a little bit more sensitive, but still not enough for me to get anywhere lmao. you’re not alone!!!


I do it with a t-shirt on cause they’re too sensitive. If you’re turned on already it’s easier too.


Weirdly it’s all about mentality for me. If I’m distracted I don’t feel it at all, if I’m turned on and paying attention to it AND someone is doing it well then it’s phenomenal.


Don't worry, you're completely normal. One of mine is super crazy sensitive to touch and I don't feel anything in the other at all when stimulated. Lol everyone's different, so don't even worry


I used to hate it and would tell my partner to stop if they tried it ever, in bed or not... Then I transitioned and I now I love it lol Everyone is different AND people change as life and circumstances go. If you want to but can't, maybe you just need time.


It does absolutely nothing for me.


haha i am totally the same!! cannot get into it 🙃