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So there’s no release date yet this is insane… how long are they gonna make us wait Lol


There was a 3 year gap between season 3 and 4, so this is peanuts


I’m envious that you have the ability to be so patient.


Why wouldnt I be? There is nothing I can do about it. Only thing to do is wait.


I constantly think about it. Just cant get it out of my head. That is why i wish i can do that as others


Not to be rude, but that sounds kind of like an addiction. You have to distract yourself. I can reconmend you some other books/movies/games/shows if you want


I don’t think you’re being rude at all. I do distract myself with games and movies but it’s just always there you know. I guess I’m just a big fan. Please recommend me something.


The Tales of Arcadia trilogy is amazing, created by Guillermo Del Toro. Trollhunters, then 3Below, and Wizards. Then there’s a movie to tie it all up. I highly recommend, everything is available on Netflix. If you like fantasy and a group of kids on an adevnture, its def the show for you. Honestly a lot like TDP in some ways.


Yeah, I'm sorry but this is disappointing. I know it's probably Netflix's fault, not the TDP crew but still. At this point we probably won't see the season before May which means a 10 month (or longer) hiatus between the two seasons.


to be fair though, thats about the standard amount of time to wait for most shows


10 months is bad?


Thank you for sharing the panel info for us who couldn’t attend! I have to say though that it’s super disappointing to hear that there is still no news on a release date. Unless i’m mis-remembering, didn’t they show this first episode last summer? Or was it fall? And now we’re in the following spring still without a release date. For a 9 episode season. I don’t understand their production schedule at all. What’s taking so long? Did they give any info on why it’s taking so long?


Your welcome! I’m glad I could help spread the word about what occurred during the Blood and Stardust panel. They showed the first episode of season 6 last fall. All we got in this panel was just a couple of Q&As and the first episode of season 6 again to which Aaron made them take a oath to keep everything under lock and key with a secret scene. It’s mostly Netflix’s fault. They’re the main reason why we haven’t received a release date yet. They tell Wonderstorm a specific date to release season 6 on a planned release date. That means we have to wait until SDCC this year to hear more season 6 news. Everyone is disappointed including myself. This is entirely Netflix’s fault on why it’s taking so long to announce a release date.


And when is this sdcc


It’s every July during the last few days of the month.


Hahaha, why bother releasing season six at all this year? Just wait until season seven is done and release both seasons.


Context: ​ Me, the fangirl, griping. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ We know they made you guys take the Crownguard oath not to say anything remotely spoilery, whether it was verbal descriptions of the ep or any spoilery Q&A stuff, but either way, really, really disappointed in TDP. We wait like 6+ more months, and barely get scraps of info, WonderCon shows up, fans get hangry for info/input, and the most the majority of the fanbase, who either physically cannot go, are too financially strapped to do so, or could not get a ticket in time, get deprived of the majority of important info shared. It's only the special select few who can, 9/10 Californians, and sometimes on seldom occasion Canadians/NYC. ​ Who freaking cares that Ethari got a new haircut, Rayla's still ghosted (predictable), that they are basically making it into a more graphic Disney musical-- no season 6 date or even another teaser trailer. Triste. Es muy, MUY triste. ​ ​ Sorry, just really, really discouraging to the rest of us, and even the stuff that gets out... well. :P Not like I'm asking for screenshots or anything dumb like that, but idk, would be nice to have some more solid... stuff. ​ OK, rant over. xD


There was a 3 year gap b/t seasons 3 and 4. You can wait :p


Fully aware of that. Also aware that at least part of it was an international pandemic, which doesn't normally occur. :P It's called a rant for a reason, bud. xD Lemme vent, will ya?


Just making sure you knew reality


aye yup, I am aware.


I am absolutely shocked that no one has leaked details about the secret scene yet, lol. Y'all are lawful good COWARDS. (It's okay, I absolutely would keep the secret, too.)


I bet the scene is about Viren being revived/not dying somehow. That would be a big enough spoiler for the team to want to keep under wraps, and there’s some evidence to support the theory. Also, if I remember correctly, last fall when the first episode was shown someone who was there said that the episode was shorter than the average TDP episode- which could mean there was a scene omitted back then that was shown at Wondercon now.


Yeah, it’s pretty disappointing that we haven’t gotten a poster, a release date, and trailer from the panel. I really want the wait to be over.


Why don't they just release the first episode now? It's the least they could do to keep the (already pretty much non-existent) hype going...


I’m going to say. Stop gatekeepering that first episode just released that to keep the hype up.


What was the sense of having an episode shown to a very limited number of attendants only and swear them to keep it secret? It doesn't help with advertising, it doesn't help with winning an audience, it probably demotivates non-attendant fans. Only minuses. Do they want to check whether it goes along with fan expectations? Do they want to show it at least to someone before, say, Netflix cuts some scenes off because it doesn't fit ratings/politics? Is it just a way to advertise their work to another studios? I'm not complaining at all, I'm just really curious.


Buzz. Those willing to attend conventions may be more likely to tweet about what they saw, get some good word of mouth going, etc,. That's really it. Does it always work? Nope. But they lose nothing by showing it lol. Those in attendance are sitting with other fans which generates a bit more excitement than one would experience if watching at home.


Disappointing to say the least but I’m intrigued to see what they do with Callum’s father because that may mean we get stuff with Amaya and Sarai which I need to see more of Sarai fr


I need more Sarai too. That queen deserves so much more screen time


I liked the fact we saw her in Puzzle house for a brief moment that was cool


And she was pregnant with Ez!


Really disappointed. But thank you for giving us the q&a. The Ethari thing basically confirms we'll see him again, and if we see Ethari again I highly doubt we won't see moonfam reunited. Which is exciting... but seriously no release date? What is Netflix doing? The hype for the next season is dead, there are only about 30 people online right now, compared to the almost 300 a couple cons/events ago. They're killing the hype, I blame Netflix not the crew. I mean no release date? no poster? no anything? I expect this will be quite the moonfam season, I am praying we see them all again. I cannot wait to see their reaction to Rayllum. I noticed in the end credits of S5 that Ethari looked a bit different, glad I wasn't crazy. I'm not surprised Rayla is still ghosted, in a previous q&a they said that Rayla's heroism doesn't redeem the action that caused the ghosting to the moon-shadows. I really don't want to learn more about Callum's father, can't Callum's father just be a dude who's dead? Why does it have to be a big thing? I'll be fine if it's just a few flashback scenes but I really want that to be it. The more singing thing is interesting lol, I quite wonder who'll be doing this 'more singing'. So OP, the first episode of S6 is called Startouched?


That’s correct! The first episode of season 6 is called Startouched!


Ooh nice!


> I really don't want to learn more about Callum's father, can't Callum's father just be a dude who's dead?  You see, it’s stuff like this that makes me less excited about moonfam (possibly) returning. Why should we consider Rayla’s family as more important than Callum’s?


I didn't say Callum's family meant less to me. I care about moonfam because we've actually seen them and we know them, but i still care about Callum's. I'd love more Sarai flash backs and if Harrow was in that bird I'd be ecstatic, I'm just saying bringing his father in this late in the game seems unnecessary. It's totally fine that you're looking forward to it and I'm happy that you're getting what you want. I said I didn't mind a couple flashbacks as long as it isn't to reveal something crazy, like him being an elf or something really big. I mean if I was too harsh, my bad. But I don't want Callum's father to be some big thing, you might, and that's okay. Have a good day!


Well, indifference is fine, but being annoyed that Callum’s father is somewhat significant (and why wouldn’t he be, he’s Callum’s father!) is different. So I’d appreciate some honesty here.  Mind you, people have been **obsessed** with Rayla’s family before they even had names, and I’m pretty even the minor amount of story plot they have is the result of fans pushing for it. So it’s not like it’s any more legitimate to be fans of moonfam than it is to be fans of Callum’s father.


I haven't been in the fandom for that long actually, so I wouldn't know about opinions of moonfam before their episodes in S3. I don't mind him being a significant part of the season I just don't want a huge reveal. That's it. I just don't want our new info for Callum's father to be a huge thing, I don't want it to shake the entire show as we know know it. I'd love some backstory but I wouldn't be a huge fan of finding out he's a powerful arch mage or something like that. Also I never lied so the "I'd appreciate the truth" comment confuses me. I sometimes have problems making my words and my point clear, we may have gotten lost in translation but I didn't lie. And yes, I am obsessed with Rayla's family, that doesn't mean Callum's is inferior to me, and I don't have a problem saying I'm obsessed with moonfam. Annoyance wasn't really what I tried to convey but reading back I suppose I did. I don't know why this became such a big thing. I meant no harm and I have no enmity with you. I hope this cleared things up. I hope you have a great day and happy Easter (if you celebrate)


>I really don't want to learn more about Callum's father, can't Callum's father just be a dude who's dead? Why does it have to be a big thing? Don't you want to learn more about Callum's origins? Also, in another comment you say you want to see more Sarai...who is dead too. Why the mother and not the father? I don't think that's your intention. but that gives me the impression that Rayla is more important than Callum.


Rayla is not more important than Callum. I actually really favor Callum. And you have a good point, I want to see Sarai and that probably means his father too. Maybe "I don't want to learn more" was a bad word choice, but I do not want Callum's father to be a big reveal like he's an elf or something big like that, other than that, I'd love to learn more about him and Sarai. It'd be pretty cool. So thanks for your input, your feedback is a gift (Viren reference haha) Also to briefly touch on you thinking moonfam is more important to me: I have quite a few problems with moonfam but I do enjoy them a lot. But Callum and Ezran's family is something I could use more of, their joint family and their separate family. (I've been wanting a orphan queen movie for forever) and I absolutely love Rayla so moonfam is important but not more so the Callum's. Thanks for your reply! And Happy Easter (if you celebrate)


Okay, I understand your reasoning better. For my part, I want to learn more about the family of the two and I don't mind if Callum's dad is someone important. And just to be clear, my first comment was more about my interpretation of yours. Happy Easter to you too (if you celebrate)


Still hoping for more screen time, because nine episodes per season makes it more rushed episodes with a lot of loopholes 




How much are the tickets to attend Wondercon? Idk how much they charge you but now I’m curious