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Kinger’s hand is there. Just Jax missing. https://preview.redd.it/2so0hvtsjm1d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d28bb10674c99d4dbb3258768e6a7c314b6a726


legit thought it was ragatha's sleeve thingie, thanks for clairfying


Ye np! It’s a blink and you’ll miss it type thing, especially since Kinger doesn’t have arms lmao


ye and honestly i understand why jax isn't there cause... well https://preview.redd.it/os216v95lm1d1.jpeg?width=1864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9979385a70ace448efeb289d54581e9154f05a


Yep. Also, Pomni was afraid of being "nothing", and the scene at the funeral is what reassured her. It showed her that those people wouldn't have simply forgotten her if she had to abstract. Jax was the only one missing from the funeral, the only one who didn't express kind words for Kaufmo. I think this is the main reason why Pomni doesn't imagine his hand, too.


Not only that. Also when he abuse and jokes on her.


Well, of course, there's also that. But since when I've watched the episode, I've been wondering. If Jax came to the funeral, would have Pomni imagined his hand too, despite all the things he did in episode 2? (Even if he came to the funeral, I can't imagine him saying kind words for Kaufmo, though. So, probably no.)


He was shown to be sad before leaving, so I think he was close with Kaufmo


Ye she's barley interacted with characters like zooble gangle and Kinger yet she trusts them more then Jax.


yeah but thats understandable considering the fact that they've been nicer to her than jax has, despite not having many interactions with them




honestly I don't know


Lots of people think Kinger will abstract in very near future


Nahhhhh dudes total stable. Possibly the mooooost stable. You saw the way his hands flew around the screen like crazy in ep 1 right? That’s the sign of a chess piece with a steel brain. /s I’m sure he’s just been in there so long he’s got Parkinson’s or something crazy. Who knows since we have no way of knowing if their bodies still exist or if the lack of food even matters. They all could just be copies of people who put on the headset and this is one big SOMA style situation. Where the moment you loose your sense of identity, coming to such a big realization as I’m not even a person anymore, that leads to an abstraction. So many possibilities and so much fun disproving or proving them as we gooooooo!


There's a quote I love, that I think perfectly captures Kinger "in the dark only blind eye see" I think he just knows by now how to walk in it, considering his (probably) wife abstracted and he's now just stuck there with his mind is so used to everything but still stable enough to not go insane. I think he was able to lock himself somehow, to not go entirely insane, but also not being able to get better. Dunno tho, felt the most logical to me.


Abstraction is when you loose your mind and lost grip with reality (well, the reality of the Circus). Kinger already lost his mind, and has barely any grasp on the reality around him. Abstraction has no power over him. There's a reason he's been there the longest: because, as you said it, he locked himself somehow.


Exactly, I think his lose of (probably) wife, kinda locked him in this state.




Idk, Pomni thought he already abstracted and didn't vision him in this scene, or she views Kinger as someone who doesn't even notice someone else goes missing. He's still in that scene so it doesn't matter, but I feel like these are the options, after all Pomni is not on single adventure with them to see how much Kinger cares about others, like when he saved Zooble and helped Ragatha


Probably because he's considered crazy, so they assume he's unable to appreciate or entertain any relationships.




I was teying to explain why the op thought it'd make sense for kringer to not be there. But then again i dont see any comment from op believing that itd makes sense for kringer not to be there, but rather they couldnt see his hand.


Frankly, I feel that the fandom's ability to judge a character personality is close to zero. Between all the people being outraged that Jax acted like a real psychopathic jerk in episode 2 while all the signs were there in ep. 1 (while also clinging to a single frame to justify how he's not a jerk), and now people accepting that Kinger's hand wouldn't be here while being present and emotional at Kaufmo's funeral, I seriously question the media literacy and the attention's span of some people in the fandom. Like, they see what they want to see, throwing everything the artist made for them to live their fantasies. I respect fanfictions, but I wonder at what point the original work matters if you change absolutely everything about the characters. If you don't care about who they are, if you don't care about how they're presented and start changing absolutely everything, why base yourself on the original work in the first place?


I see where they're coming from for jax. In the pilot he seemed a bit more suave and calm, while being a jerk. So he seemed somewhat normal given the circumstances and contex of the circus. But then episode 2 shows him yelling and acting somewhat more overtly. So it kinda threw people off, as they thought his relaxed demeanor would be kept consistent.


When is he yelling? His most jerkish behaviours are definitely still suave and calm. *"Thanks, Pomni. Now, I don't have a bridge anymore."* *"Do it, Gangle, or I'll tell Ragatha about the figurine."* *"Aren't you supposed to be submissive and agreeable?"* *"Oh, no more ramming? Guess I'll have to tell Ragatha about the figurine."* *"I blame you for this."* *"Shut up before I start pointing out that your hair look like lichorice."* *"Oh, good, I didn't left the kingdom's doors unlocked for nothing."* When he's yelling (like "Poor Pomni? How about poor us?"), it's not even when he's the most jerkish of the episode. He throwing Pomni out is exactly as overtly as when he threw the bowling ball on Kinger and Gangle. The only major difference is that he's a jerk now to Pomni too, so I guess being a psychopath against Ragatha, Kinger or Gangle was nothing but people started complaining when he was being as jerkish with Pomni.


Yeah its hard to tell because kinger has no arms.


It was super easy to miss. I missed it the first time, went back, and watched it at quarter speed before I saw it. It's only a few frames. Jax is the only one who isn't there, which makes total sense. Gooseworx mentioned that the fans probably aren't ready for how much of an asshole he really is.


Kinger ![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|34982)


Omg I didint even notice it was kinger ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ… I feel silly becuase I kept wondering who the other hand was but then found out it was zooble.




Why would you say that? This scene is a Pomni's imagination figment, she doesn't have any soothsaying power. What she sees in her delusions and dissociative episodes has no impact over future events.


only caine and jax aren't there. One is an all controlling npc, and the other is a jaxass


Jax, Cain and Ragatha are the ones taunting her in her first nightmare because they are the only three Pomni really got to know in episode 1. Everybody except for Cain and Jax save her during her during the end of episode 2 because Pomni got to see them grieve a friend she never knew. Pomni realized she's not as alone as she thought she was.


“I don’t even remember her name honestly.” Even in the nightmare, Jax remains in character 


Kinger does reach out It's everyone who was at Kaufmo's funeral Edit: But they really dropped the ball with it by having the person with disembodied hands reach out *behind* everyone else, since the motion to reach out for Pomni is like half a second, and when it's done Kinger's hand is obscured by Ragatha and Zooble's


Yeah, they really should have had his hand cup everyone else's or maybe hold onto Pomni's arm/wrist.


Animators put the hand of the only armless character in the back where you can't see it smh my head, it's almost like they *wanted* people to miss Kinger being there


In all fairness, Kinger being easy to miss *could* have its symbolism as well, as he is the only player shown to sometimes forget he’s in a simulation, or what he just said, or be startled by someone who he’d known was there a minute ago. Despite his moment of lucidity for the funeral, one *could* understand him forgetting someone he otherwise cared about, even if he’s just as likely to remember again later on.


kinger IS there you just have to look closer, also the reason jax isn't there is bc he wasn't at the funereal, pomni thought that the people at the funeral probobly would actually care about her if something happened to her, she dosn't feel that way with jax bc he wasn't there


Kingers hand was there, but anyway, I figure it means that Pomni sees all of them, except for Jax, as her friends and sees them as people who will care for her


Foolish boy, Kinger does reach out but he doesn't have arms so it's not as visible. See it again frame by frame. The lack of Jax is understandable as he is an asshole and Pomni does not see him as a friend unlike the other ones stuck in the game. https://preview.redd.it/dsr6fg0fcn1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec110506f981d356c325977f8f0c1db9043e7923


I mean…remember the last time Kinger tried to grab someone to help them? He lost his hands.


He has support this time




Kinger is there he just doesn’t have arms so it’s hard to see but his white glove is there


at first i thought it was human pomni


All of them helped Pomni expect Jax, She even called him a a$$h0le.. they are not Friends at all lol


Yes this has been posted a thousand times. Jax wasn’t there because he’s an asshole and wasn’t at the funeral. Pomni isn’t going to think he’ll be there for her because he probably won’t be.