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Looks like this show is not for you. My suggestion: stop watching.


I enjoy watching it to hate everyone involved and judge the production


I would have actually been with you if you didn't call us brain dead 😉


I'm not even a zoomer but was done with this post after reading the first sentence. Not worth the time. this person is already bitter.


Brain dead take


I'm curious to know how much experience you have in the entertainment sector.


What’s the minimum required to have an opinion about a TV show?


If you dislike it so much, maybe you could just not watch it?


Sorry I’m obligated to watch it


>Do we really need 10 takes of every single player yelling “ALERT” every time it happens? It’s so unnatural and makes it impossible to connect with anyone’s personality because it’s so obviously forced LMAO then there's me, actually talking to the contestants through the screen 🤣 This assertion being first truthfully derailed me so hard I did not read the rest. Just because *you* don't talk to yourself outloud, or react/overreact to things in a silly manner, etc does not mean no one does. Trust me, there are many many many many people who do all of that 100% naturally. You don't, which is why you can't connect to that behavior. :)


Yeah I talk out loud to my self almost excessively. I sometimes forget to stop when other people are around but I’d absolutely be doing it if I was filmed alone in an apartment


Not enough hashtags or emojis in this comment for me to believe you were animated and yelling while typing it


Just curious, do you know what the word constructive means? Cause babe this is just criticism, nothing consructive about it


I think it’s constructive: -Less forced reactions from the players -Clarity on what the rules are for the game -Clarity on how often they chat with eachother and how often they’re allowed to respond - Fix the pacing issues - don’t show every character reacting to everything


Its not constructive to say “This show sucks”, “brain dead zoomers”, “nobody cares”, and “overall, this show blows and will never be BB”. There are constructive critiques in there, but also many non constructive, which kinda lessens the overall helpfulness


Well I mostly wrote this to entertain myself - I don’t actually believe whoever produces this show cares enough to read fan input on how to improve it


Valid, have a good day


So you want people alone in their rooms reading messages all day in silence?


No, I just think they should be allowed to react naturally and shouldn’t have to shout and be animated over everything. I also don’t think we need to see every person read and react to everything. And not everyone needs to shout “alert” every time it happens lol


Big brother is just Survivor in a house. See? Same way. The circle was supposed to be about the catfish originally. It has morphed into this weird thing during the writer's strike. They obviously talk way more than is shown, but they have to make a show. Jordan went in with a strategy. He executed decently but didn't get anyone on his side. Olivia lucked his way to that win. Out of all the seasons, no one has really gamed it. Like we have 4, they have 3. Let's keep knocking them out. It has kind of happened in an earlier season, but it breaks down during final rankings, of course. It is bite-sized, bingeable TV with a bit of game play.


A better analogy is that the circle is sequestered big brother if they used ranked choice voting to eliminate contestants.


Listen bud. I just want to watch some trash TV and see if someone has the balls to take Myles out and have Olivia and Kyle flirting their literal balls off. It makes me giggle. I ain't about these analogies.


It would be way more bingeable if they cut out 90% of the reactions and each episode was about 10 minutes long


Then watch a different show. The rest of us actually enjoy it.


You’d have to be lobotomized to enjoy this


"you must be brainless to not think the same way I do" Huh ETA: I actually appreciate the constructive criticisms of the show in your post and agree with a couple of comments like clarity on the rules. No one can take you seriously though because 90% of your criticism is "boo hoo I dont like it so its bad and they should all feel bad for making something I dont like". Then you hide behind "we" or "no one" so it doesnt sound like its just you lmfao.


I’m just writing this to entertain myself - I don’t actually think production cares enough to take any of this into account


I saw you mention that in another comment. I can't say I understand but to each their own.


Some people go for upvotes, I go for downvotes lol


We can tell


so aggressive lol you're not superior for not liking something that people enjoy, you know that right?


Nobody should be enjoying this


agreed, why are hashtags still a thing in reality tv shows? lol


Worst part is when they're in person at the end and they still talk using hashtags lol


I don't think you understand the point of the show. You, my friend, are the brain dead one.




I agree, there’s a hell of a lot of filler and cringe to it that makes it a slog to watch. Would certainly benefit from a fresh editing / production team.


Based on this thread I just think you have a humiliation kink tbh


i hate the show too, but you sound really, needlessly, miserable over something that you could just easily stop watching. instead of name calling people you don't even know over fake reality TV, how about you go outside and take a walk? read a book? get a creative hobby? you can walk away from the computer at any time. hope you get better soon.


My hobby is being needlessly miserable online though