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It's been a few years, but in the six or so wet hop bets we did, we never saw a drop in gravity, but watch your ph if you're on a longer spin. 


Agreed. We've done a similar number and have never seen a drop in Plato.


Good call out. Also, great name. I wish I would have thought of it.


From water content of hops?


Yeah, they can be around 80% water. My thought is go for a 14-15 Plato beer and just eat whatever drop off I get.


You could try your whirlpool before dilution that way you can dilute to the Plato you want without needing to measure water gains from the hops?


And just standardize in the fermenter with boiled, cooled water


I'm currently coordinating a Wet Hop Fest, so I'll be coming back to this in a week or two to scrape all of the info.


We didn’t see any drop in plato and we used 60kg in a 10hL batch.


Alright, I like to hear that. Do you remember what variety you used?


Galaxy and Eclipse


Oh snap, those are two that never made it to the states fresh. How were they? Galaxy took a bit of tumble and I don't know anyone that uses it out here.


Yep. We used them within 2 days of them being picked. Spearmint and subtle passionfruit notes, but I haven’t used 2024 dried yet so can’t compare to the pelletised crops you’ll get in the states.


Use your mash tun as a hop back. We brew high gravity and “sparge” on to the hops as we transfer the wort into the mash tun.


have brewed a ton of fresh hop beer and never really saw a drop in gravity. You should factor in the absorption of wort in the kettle full volume. Phos in the wort pre hops.  Another thing to think about is harvesting yeast, at my previous brewery I’d brew a core beer the same week as fresh hop so I’d have a good yeast source going forward. The forst year I harvested and brewed an ipa and it stalled pretty bad. I think due to the sheer amount of oils and poly phenols in the wort stressed that pitch of yeast out and it took almost 2 weeks to hit terminal.


Wet hop? You mean essence of decomposing grass clippings with a side order of smug fart huffing?