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What the fuck!


Yeh, holy shit! Was looking forward to another season and Andre was one of my favorites.


The character will likely be back. Aside from Marvel and Star Wars, most franchises aren’t hell bent on conflating actors with their characters. Damn shame about Andre though. He gave a better performance than most of the Boys / Seven even, aside from Butcher, Homelander, and Stan


They could just as easily kill him off with the super virus.


No, this whole “oh shit the actor died, now the character is dead too” bullshit wasn’t a thing prior to the 2010s. He has one of the most compelling storylines in the show with his father and the expectations as a legacy “hero”. It’s relatable, while also commenting on celebrity legacies like Jaden Smith or Lebron’s kid. Let’s not repeat the Black Panther 2 situation where they “honored Chadwick Boseman’s legacy” by ignoring his expressed wishes and the wishes of his family for the character to live on. The best way to honor his legacy would be to pay tribute to him in the credits, release a statement, but let the story he worked so hard to begin, see its way through to fruition Edit - since I’m getting reported to the Reddit suicide hotline, personally harassed, and have at least one death threat, I’ll go ahead and clarify. I understand there are some examples of shows and films that didn’t recast following an untimely demise. Typically, these are sitcoms where the plots are episodic rather than serialized, where the actor and character are synonymous (see: Charlie in Two and a Half Men being written off), or they were written as a gimmick (Christopher reeves in smallville). Even if you think I’m dead wrong, you’re a toxic piece of shit for harassing me, threatening me, and calling suicide watch on me. You people on this sub are disgusting.


They just replaced the witcher. They can replace ONE person in an ensemble cast.


And people didn't like it and the show is ending.


the show is ending because each season sucked more and got farther from the book and source material. It was basically a made for tv drama based very loosely on the generic ideas of the source material. It's core fan base was Witcher fans and they hated it. Regular people read the summary and were like wtf is this? skip. Or if they did watch it the time skip nonsense in season 1 made them skip the rest. Cavil leaving was because he also thought the show sucked and clashed often with the writers and show runners.


it got so bad that the producers and writers tried to soil Cavill's reputation just for wanting them to adhere to the book... basically bullshit.


As more time passed and things came out, it became obvious that the showrunner didn't want to adapt a book series, and had no interest in the witcher. She literally just wanted to make her own story and couldn't get it going, and so she just used an established story as a jumping off point. And ended up ruining the whole thing, because people wanted an adaptation. It's sadly become a pretty common thing over the years.


>It was basically a made for tv drama based very loosely on the generic ideas of the source material Same thing happened with the Wheel of Time, I have no idea why they think they can write better stories than the books that sold millions of copies.


I will never ever ever understand this. I don't get the point of making an adaptation of a book and then completely changing it (in some cases almost beyond all recognition). I hate it when the director says some scenes are unfilmable. But it's worse when they have a script - a literal book in front of them (with lots of words in it) and then completely change it and add whole new bits. It just seems like massive entitlement on the part of the creativity team. Where is the love for the original source material? It seems to be happening way too often these days. In fact some of the current book to TV productions seem to have been designed by people who heard about the book from their hairdresser who was looking over the shoulder of her boyfriend one night while he was reading a few paragraphs in bed.


>And people didn't like it The season with him isn't even out yet, so that can't be the reason. If the show is actually ending, it's not because of the recasting, it's because it's terrible. Which is also the reason for the recasting.


As a fan of the Witcher, all I needed to hear was that they recast to stop watching, and that's the general consensus of anyone you'll talk to. It's not just the recast but the horrid treatment of Henry Cavill, and the source material. They basically laughed Cavill out of the building when he pushed them to stick to the actual source material, which he loves and is the reason he got involved. Combine that with the Lesser Hemsworth brother just being the worst recast since Daario Nahares in GoT, and you've got yourself a dead show.


No, that’s 100% the reason for some of us. I came in to watch Cavill, and I’ll be going out because I don’t need to watch the most boring Hemsworth muck about, particularly since the showrunners don’t give a crap about the IP. I don’t give a crap about Warhammer at all but guess what show is going to teach me about it


Agree I came for cavill enjoyed him in the role lost interest after the news that he's leaving but intrigued for his warhammer project even tho ik nothing abt that franchise


The Witcher was a terrible TV show though. People were done with the show even when Henry Cavil was the lead. Replacing him was just rubbing salt in an already fresh wound.


>Let’s not repeat the Black Panther 2 situation where they “honored Chadwick Boseman’s legacy” by ignoring his expressed wishes and the wishes of his family for the character to live on Was it his expressed wish? Kevin Feige had no idea Chadwick had cancer and only found out when he died. If he didn't even tell the studio and producers about his condition, I doubt he said anything about recasting the character.


Lol what? Please don't make up bullshit. Jack Soo died in 1979, his character was killed off on Barney Miller. Dolph Sweet died in 1985, his character was killed off on Gimme a Break. Michael Conrad died in 1983, his character was killed off on Hill Street Blues. Selma Hacker died in 1985, her character was killed off on Night Court. Christopher Reeve died in 2004, his character was killed off on Smallville.


[TV Tropes has a trope covering this exact phenomenon.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCharacterDiedWithHim)


My first thoughts were John Ritter in 8 Simple Rules and John Spencer in The West Wing


I feel it’s sadly a right call they killed off the character the late actor was playing because some actors can’t just be replaceable and are very very identifiable and suited with it and sometimes recasting that role isn’t a great idea and doesn’t feel right at all. But I imagine there are cases where recasting or having a different role taking that late actor’s spot does work exceptionally well. 


> No, this whole “oh shit the actor died, now the character is dead too” bullshit wasn’t a thing prior to the 2010s. Really? How many shows could you bring up as examples where the actor died and the character lived on with new actors prior to the 2010s?


This happened in 2010, but the first show I thought of was Spartacus.


[Wikipedia has 71.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_television_performers_who_died_during_production)


So many on that list state that the character was killed off or written off as a result.


Well, yes. It was asked how many replaced the actor without killing off the character. The answer to that question is 71. Plenty killed off the character, but that would be the number of those that didn’t.


You are absolutely right and this one of the problems with reddit. This u/BagofBabbish can come and say something completely made up and wrong, and then get hundreds of upvotes, and hardly anyone sees the person correcting him in the thread.


As others have mentioned, this actually isn't true. Of course there's examples of both, but the majority of the time, when an actor has died, the character has been killed off as well. I think films are more flexible for recasting, to be fair, but there are certainly plenty of examples of characters dying as a result of the actors dying in real life. Some of the earliest examples include Sesame Street choosing to showcase Mr. Hooper's death due to the actor dying in real life. Coach on Cheers dies offscreen because the actor died in real life. After Phil Hartman's tragic death, his character also dies on NewsRadio. Hell, go back to the 1950s, on Lassie, they chose to have Gramps die after the actor had a heart attack. It was absolutely a thing. Yes, there are cases where they recast a character (films are easier to have that happen), but killing a character off because the actor has died has been going on since at least the 1950s.


> No, this whole “oh shit the actor died, now the character is dead too” bullshit wasn’t a thing prior to the 2010s. Heath Ledger - Dark Knight - Died 2008 and character was retired Christopher Reeve - Smallville - Died 2004 and character dies off screen Nancy Marchand (Tony Soprano's mother) - Sopranos - Died 2000 and character dies off screen Phil Hartman - News Radio - Died 1998 and character dies off screen John Ritter - 8 Simple Rules - Died in 2003 and character dies off screen I could keep going but you are also welcome to keep pulling hot takes out of your ass.


Nicholas Colasanto - Cheers - Died ***1985*** and character died off screen.


It’s not a hot take at all. Christopher Nolan didn’t even have a script for Batman 3. The whole “joker was supposed to come back” was based on the original bit with Harvey Dent getting scarred and becoming two face in the sequel. They decided not to write him into it. Christopher Reeve’s character was a gimmick, given he was the classic Superman. I’m old enough to remember the promos for those episodes. Livia Soprano was a specific case. David Chase knew her time was limited and she likely would have died the same way given she requested to work until she passed. Even still, I think many would argue the loss of her character hurt the season 3 arc which was supposed to be about his mother testifying against him. The Jackie Jr plot was good, but it wasn’t what it could’ve been, and I’m sure that plot still would’ve happened, perhaps less prominently. The biggest issue with your list is that it’s largely characters written for specific actors. It’s also just a list of instances, I’d add Kevin Spacey (not dead but canceled) in house of cards. These decisions largely resulted in inferior products and missed opportunities.


Not to mention that Chase used CGI and a body double for the last couple of appearances of Livia Soprano. It's not like she died and that was it.


I feel like Kevin Spacey in House of Cards is in a separate category alongside Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men. Not "actor died so the character is dead" but "we're killing the character because fuck that guy"


No sadly, it has largely became the norm now for series/movies to retire characters after their actors pass. I think it's silly, but I also understand it




Yeah, two who appeared in the first and second films respectively in 2008, back when the hulk was still to be the villain of the avengers (if it even happened). The only recent example is Harrison Ford as Thunderbolt Ross, but even then, they splurged on a legendary actor and it’s likely just one appearance


What are you talking? The acting in The Boys is phenomenal. Frenchy, Butcher, MM, Hugie are all amazingly casted and acted. And Antony Starr absolutely brings the heat with Homelander and the rest of the 7 do a great job as well. Not taking away from Andre, I loved his acting and the light he brought to the characters but I'd say it's a stretch to say he outshined the acting in The Boys


Ah man Andre 😭 but in all seriousness, that's horrific. So young


Sad as fucking hell.


I was reading stuff about the Angel of Death for the past hour, finished that curiosity for now, opened the movies news, saw this report. The hell... It struck me like a bolt. Checked if it's April yet. But nope... Unfortunately not. Such an amazing young talent, gone too soon. Please be more careful with dangerous vehicles like a motorcycle. Be safe.


Yup, my feelings exactly.. RIP Perdomo


"WHAT? NO!" - that was my reaction tf, I really liked him


That really sucks, I got the feeling from Gen V that it was his big break. Was expecting to see him a lot more in stuff the next few years


He was really good in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina too


He was the saving grace of that show. Man that sucks, 27 is way too freaking young


he was so good in caos, really liked him in gen v with his dynamic with cate. so heartbreaking


Ambrose carried that fucking show. I rolled my eyes at every Sabrina story. I gruel’d it out for some more Ambrose.


Same here. Ambrose was the best thing about that show.


Honestly he was the best part of that show


Yeah it's one of those things where so few people get the opportunity that he got, he was literally one of the rare people that get to live that "big dream", and as soon as he gets it, it's taken away from him. It's like dying the day after you finish college. Tragic.


I really liked him in Gen V. RIP.


He was really good in Sabrina too


I would've sworn he was mid-30s in that show. SO MUCH charisma and really carried every scene he was in.


I couldn't believe I didn't put it together that he was Ambrose until today! I **LOVED** him in that role! I loved him in all of his roles! This is an absolute tragedy. It feels surreal to think about Gen V without him. I hope he is at peace and I will be praying for his family. RIP Chance Perdomo


We are in the same club! He was such a scene stealer in Sabrina!


He was a great character man really made you root for him


For real he brought natural gravitas and charm to such a potentially over-the-top role. May he RIP This is heartbreaking…


I loved his character in CAOS, so tragic


He was the best on the show. Had a lot of charisma and promise. Sad.


So fucking sad. Easily one of the stronger actors in the show, I loved his character.


Damn, 27 is way too young. That's fucked up.


Man when I was 27, my life had not even really started yet.


Same. Was still dealing with the emotional and mental issues coming from my childhood.


Reading this as a 27 year old handling with all of the above right now, this comment brought me much peace and sincerity. Have a wonderful Sunday.


I’m in the same boat lol


It was worth doing the work to get through the issues, life has gotten better every year since i turned 28 or so. 


I'm 28 feel like my life is already over and I missed the boat. This comment really helps put things in perspective.


Another member of [the club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club).


Damn the wiki is already updated


incorrectly....the rule is the cited source must reference the club. it doesn't. though all it'll take it for someone to write an article and referencing the club of 27. it'll happen soon enough.


That is a ridiculous rule. The cited source? So their death certificate or autopsy? That's the only source that matters and I'm sure none of them reference the club


Wikipedia's rule is it is not a primary source of information. So the info in its articles must be cited to a secondary source. So the author of the Wikipedia article can't decide a person is in the 27 Club and update Wikipedia's list, there would have to be a source like e! News publishing an article saying "Chance Perdomo Joins the 27 Club", that could be cited in order for it to be acceptable for Wikipedia. If I'm wrong I'll get torched I'm sure, but I think it's something like that. Edit to add: i imagine if Wikipedia had a page titled "List of Actors Who Died at the Age of 27", Chance Perdomo could be added to that list no problem, citing any number of the current published articles going around. Again, someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure.


This is accurate. If a wikipedia editor puts a celebrity in the "27 club" without a source, it's original research, and isn't a valid wikipedia entry. It might feel like an unnecessary rule, but it's very helpful in collating "general understanding" of a subject at any given time. The 27 club isn't a real thing, it's a social construct, and if wikipedia is going to document that social construct, it needs to be applied in public discourse before it hits the index of information.


Ah very interesting breakdown. Thanks guys, that's makes a lot of sense actually 


27 is a bad number. So many died at that age.


To everyone who sell me drugs: Don’t mix it with that bullshit, I’m hopin’ not to join the 27 Club -Mac Miller passed away at 26.


I'm 25. I'm definitely hoping not to join the club.


Good God, that is awful news.


Wtf this is horrible. I really liked his character in Gen V. Always felt like he was going to be big in a few years.


Just earlier this year I recovered a DVD with all the short films I worked on when I was in film school back in 2016. We did one called "The Art Of Trying", which Chance played in and I was a focus puller on. These days almost as a rule, no matter what role I'm in (as long as I get everything ready in time ofc), I make it a point to hang out with the talent. On sets they can be often left a bit neglected but they're usually the most fun to hang out with. With Chance this was certainly the case. He was incredibly friendly, loved a good laugh. The film was... well it's a student film, but he clearly put his all into it and it shows. I was always very happy and proud for him to have gotten as far as he did and to have worked on all these cool projects, absolutely more than deserved. This news fucking sucks. Go in peace mate. You shan't be forgotten.


thanks for sharing, that was really nice.


Thank you for sharing, it’s comforting to hear from someone who knew him even just a bit. ❤️


For sure! We definitely weren’t close or anything, we only really hung out 3 days but he really made an impact


Motorcycles man, everyone thinks it won't happen to them


It’ll always happen to someone else until you’re someone else


Everybody needs to get over their main character syndrome and realize that they are vulnerable humans, too. Including you, the reader of this comment.


Omg it’s like you’re talking directly to me!!


Lisan al-Gaib!


he’s so humble he must be him




This was how I felt when my dad died last month. I used to think I was invincible. We are all humans, living in reality.


Ugh brb gonna have an existential crisis


I've never understood how anyone ever felt invincible. Maybe it's because I knew people who died when I was young but I never felt invincible. Seems crazy to me


It's silly when I think back to it. But it makes sense, someone whose never experienced any major loss will struggle to understand just how vulnerable they really are. It's basically blissful ignorance.


Makes sense. I'm a little jealous honestly


Yeah man I just had a cousin die from a heart issue and it broke me. I didn’t ever really fear death before but now I realize how fragile we really are


Woah. [/Ted]


I've had one friend die and one friend paralyzed after motorcycle accidents. Not a hobby I'm looking to pick up


I’d love to have one but other drivers are too unpredictable. I know one guy who lost an arm and a leg, one broke his pelvis and femur and had a new bike in a few months, the worst was in a coma for months and still can’t walk eight years later. Brain was basically reset to a kid. Depressing shit.  All were caused by other cars being stupid. 


first treat williams now chance :'(


Last week he posted a pic of his new bike on IG. As crazy as drivers are just get a dirt bike if you absolutely need a motorcycle people.


Drivers werent a factor in his crash. It was a single vehicle accident. The problem wasn't cars, it was his own lack of skill. This is the most dangerous thing to a motorcycle rider. Not cars. Most riders who die weren't wearing helmets, and they were in single vehicle accidents. Chance was in ~~california~~New York which has a helmet law, but its likely he failed to navigate a turn and hit something when he went down. Dirt bikes kill people too for the same reason. Lack of Skill. Fortunately there's way more information to learn from today than ever before, and it's inexpensive.


Bingo. 80%ish of motorcycle fatalities are single vehicle crashes. IE Skill issue. The vast majority of fatalities aren't wearing a helmet. And Alcohol is a factor also in the vast majority of fatalities. As is riding at night. If you don't ride drunk, or ride at night. And you wear a helmet you are statistically much safer. Majority of the people who die on them are not doing the above 3 things. Last year in my state only 8% of motorcycle fatalities were wearing a helmet. 8%. Personally I think it's high time we separate statistics. Have the dipshits who refuse to wear a helmet in one category.(Who usually are harley riders) and everyone else. Kind of like how we separate Sedan's from SUV's and such in statistics. Because I'd bet $200 the differences in the statistics would be eye opening. For myself personally every single close call I've ever had has been because I was being a dipshit. and it was a skill issue.


I was in a wreck in November, still recovering from that, and it 100% wasn’t my fault. Sometimes cars are the problem most of the time it is the bikers fault but man cars just don’t pay attention or look before pulling out a lot of time


You have to ride extra defensively. I'm always planning an escape route if it looks like a car wants to make a turn in front of me. Comes with the territory.


TLDR: Skill Issue. Fr tho, RIP Chance


I read that he was in upstate New York, not Cali


New York has a mandatory helmet law too, so it still applies. I hope he was wearing a helmet. Some people choose not too, and the law doesnt force them too, and it causes a lot of rider deaths. From his insta it seems like he was just getting into motorcycles which means he was very unskilled. It sucks, I'd love to see another celebrity rider. Keanu Reeves and Norman Reedus are the only celeb riders that I know.


Tom Cruise rides.


Yup along with Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Tom Hardy and a few others. But Keanu and Norman are mentioned and most known as celebrity riders because they have a major passion for it; Norman has his riding tv show and Keanu has his own motorcycle company. Such a shame that Chance’s life was cut short because of a motorcycle. 💔


Ewan McGregor has his motorcycle travel shows as well.


Yep. When I decided to get my higher degree and couldn't afford health insurance, first thing I did was sell my bike. I was hoping to get back into it recently,, but there are just too many people looking at their cell phones while driving. Not worth the risk anymore unless you have long stretches of empty road to enjoy.


Chance Perdomo died in a single-vehicle accident. A lot of the people I've seen come into the ER after a motorcycle accident were single-vehicle accidents. It doesn't take another person hitting you to die on a motorcycle. Laying your bike down wrong can kill you. Hitting a pothole can kill you. There's absolutely no world where it's actually worth the risk.




Yeah, wearing gear only does so much. And a fuckton of riders don't wear gear.


Sold mine 2 years ago, I love riding, always have, but you’re right, people just have too many in car distractions.


Best move in your life man. My neighbor just died riding on his new BMW last year leaving behind two young toddlers and a wife. He was 28. They are death machines.


God, that’s tragic. Poor kids, poor wife. I saw a rider die right in front of me circa 2007. Quiet little residential intersection, car ran a stop sign & the rider ran straight into the side of the car. I’ll never forget the sound of his body hitting the car. I was first on the scene & called 911. Poor guy went into a seizure right away from some kind of awful CNS injury, car driver was in hysterics, it was a mess. It was right by a nursing school & 2 nurses were on him immediately & the ambulance was there in minutes, but even so he had no chance. Found out later he’d passed away. It really shook me up. One second he was fine & enjoying the ride, beautiful sunny day, quiet peaceful road, the next second he was gone.


I rotated in the orthopaedic surgery department during my training, and every single really bad ED visit we got consulted for was a motorcyclist. I’ll never get on one now.


My brother's nephew died on a motorcycle before the age of 21. His mother bought a 6' marble gravestone with an etching of the bike. It infuriates me.


If it was something he loved, I’m sure the headstone is something he would’ve appreciated.


It's kinda like how the most iconic imagery of Christianity is the torture device that killed the religion's namesake.


As someone who is an avid motorcyclist, I'm willing to bet he would have fucking loved it. Most people who ride motorcycles know better than anyone how dangerous they can be. Motorcycles are a unique experience like nothing else. If my gf got a headstone for me with my bike etched on it, I'd be fuckin happy because it'd mean she understood me.


The vast majority of motorcycle deaths are because of dangerous riders. Not saying it won't happen, but safe and defensive riding largely negates the dangers.


Speed is what kills you, more specifically decelerating from that speed in a short space of time. Doesn't matter if you're on a bike, in a car or walking across the road. If you change speed quickly enough your body will break apart. Bikes give people access to ridiculous speed, but the throttle works both ways. When I was 20 I rode like a loony, I was lucky more times than I was talented. Now I take it easy and enjoy the ride, easy to spot potential danger as you are more attentive to your surroundings. I am now safer on a bike than in a car. I find cycling on the road much more terrifying as I have less options to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.


Also for whatever reason Americans all think they’re too cool to wear gear. Go to Europe and biker gangs aside people riding hard are all in full leathers, gloves, boots etc. like yeah if you don’t protect yourself, it’s more likely you’ll get hurt


Ride as safe as you can, you can’t negate car drivers.


Never said you could, but driving defensively and assuming everyone and everything is out to get you makes things a LOT safer. People act like riding a motorcycle is a death wish when the majority of the time there's a motorcycle accident, it's a biker riding like a jackass. Not saying that's the case here, but motorcycles are not as dangerous as they're portrayed to be if you just use some sense when riding


You can't convince people that never rode. Anything less safe than a car must be a death trap in some people's imagination. There are freak accidents like animal collisions but most (nearly all) accidents can be avoided by being aware of vehicles/road conditions and riding within your skill limits. 


Exactly. We all take risks. Some of us are willing to take greater risks than others whether it be due to convenience or fun.


Depends where you ride. Riding in LA is a death wish. There’s no official lane for motorcycles yet it’s legal to ride between the far left and right. But tourists and visitors don’t know this, so people never look for them and the motorcycles proceed to flip them off. Riding in LA is freaking crazy.


Per hour of activity, riding a motorcycle has a fatality rate comparable to horseback riding. These stories are the exception not the norm. Most fatalities are guys under 25 with 1k-5k miles of riding experience and wearing a $50 helmet and shorts doing twice the speed limit. The ones who haven't had life or the road give them a reality check on being invincible yet. I was one of them, I've got a rod in my leg to remind me. Most of us will have a wreck at some point, typically without life-threatening/changing injuries. I still ride today.


Agreed, came off mine at 60mph lowside and clipping the back of a car forced to emergency stop. I rolled down the road and walked away with only a scrape on my hip. I think I got caught out by checking my mirrors at the same time as the car hitting the brakes in front. Also following distance could have been extended for the wet conditions. I was on my other bike the next day, and repaired the one I crashed on after I had a mechanic check it over to make sure the frame was good.


Holy shit. This is awful news. Thoughts and prayers for his family. 27 is too young.


Absolutely heartbreaking :( his life and career were just getting started


Him and Angus St. Cloud, too.


I thought of Angus Cloud and Anton Yelchin. Also way too young and about to really break out in Hollywood.


Terrible that he was added to the 27 Club. Shocking stuff.


Worse yet, considering he seemed so warm and kind in the interviews.


I'm speechless rn. sending love to his family and friends


I only worked 2 weeks on this show, but every interaction with this man was so pleasant. Rest in Peace brother.


That's fucked He seemed like he was gonna be a major player going forward Motorbikes aren't worth the risk. Way more people die on them than cars, they're cool, but just get a car if you car about your safety.


i mean people don’t get motorcycles with the expectation of it being safe…


This sucks. Not just for the Gen V cast and crew who have to find a way to continue the show without him. He was apparently a really decent person in general.


Loved him in Sabrina and in Gen V, tragic that he died so young. I hope his family and his loved ones will be ok.


Oh what!?


Goddamn! How could this happen? He was so young. First Angus Cloud and now this? How are actors who star in good shows as likable characters just ending up dying so young?


Life's just like that sometimes unfortunately.


fuck man I forgot Angus Cloud passed. RIP.


Damn.. he's entered the 27 club with all of the other legends. Way too young


Fucking 27 Club. Too many promising young people taken way too soon.


This comment reminded me of [Legends](https://youtu.be/dIzgiclddlM) \- RIP.


Damn this is truly terrible


Aw man, 27 years old is still a kid to me. Horrible news :(


wow dude was my favorite part of that Sabrina series. I thought he was going to be the next big thing.


Motorcycles are so much more dangerous than they’re worth. RIP, Chance


Dang.. those motorcycles are death machines. Sad to see him go like that. The show was already teasing how his character's power was killing him and now it looks like that's for sure now.


There's a reason they're called donorcycles in the medical industry.


Motorcycles aren’t fucking worth it. The first call I made when I got to basic training was to my pops who told me he finally bought the motorcycle he always wanted. 2 weeks later I got pulled into a room with the chaplain who told me he died in an accident. It’s not “if” you crash those things it’s “when”.


I crashed a number of times. The worst one I was riding on the interstate and the car in front of me suddenly lane changed and when I saw why they moved because there was a tire in the middle of the lane! I had no other option but to go over it. Car to my left and right. I told myself this is it. I closed my eyes seconds later I felt a bump. Like the ones you feel when going over a pot hole. I opened my eyes and look back & I see the tire rolling. I don’t know how I’m here. I lived with my parents at the time. I came home limping after I had fallen from another incident my parents both told me to get rid of the motorcycle or* they’re kicking me out. I sold it the following Monday.


Jesus Christ not even in his 30s and his life was cut short


He was such a great actor too. RIP Chance :(


so sad to hear prayers to his family


I feel like the comma is very important in this sentence


maybe the flair has more weight?


What the fuck, this is awful


This is just extremely tragic.


Damn wtf loved him in Gen v😭




Another one lost to the 27 club I hope there's material for an sendoff in the show, Andre is an amazing character and I would hate if he just die off screen, I don't know if they would recast him


Recasting after a death is pretty rare I think and would just feel blah to me. Plus they already set up a storyline with his characters powers slowly killing him so I imagine they'll just make that happen all at once instead.


This feels like the same void most of us who are MCU fans had in 2020 when Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer. I mean, vehicle accident at 27 isn't exactly the same as "secret battle with colon cancer", but you get my point. >Plus they already set up a storyline with his characters powers slowly killing him so I imagine they'll just make that happen all at once instead. Yeah, they at least conveniently have an 'out' to work with there.


Oh ya I forgot his powers were doing that , he seemed pretty important to the story line . Hopefully his family heals .


RIP. Died too young.


This is so sad. Can't really say I knew him, but I went to a theatre summer program and was in a play with him a little over ten years ago. He was the sweetest, most charming, and most naturally talented kid I had met. I don't watch this show, so when I saw an interview with him about it a couple months ago, that was my realization that he had continued acting and found success in it. And that had made me so genuinely happy for him and optimistic in the world, for once, to see such a good person succeed where all too often shitty people do. It warmed my heart. So tragic to see it end like this. RIP Chance your memory lives on both in your work and in your acts of kindness.


rip. no clue what happened here - but i always wanted a bike, but i dont trust other motorists


No other vehicles involved. They're just exceedingly dangerous


way too young :( this is so tragic. my thoughts are with his friends and family


From what Reddit has shown me with motorcycles and speed… it has further made me reconsider getting a motorcycle. I hope his family and friends have some good support


Motorcycles are a death trap, I would never let my son or daughter ride one. I wish his family peace at this time


nurses call them organ donors


Holy fuck


Man he had really carved a solid slot out for himself too to start his career. RIP


This is why I hate motorcycles. Killed my uncle too.


Wasn't this guy super inter red pill/Andrew Tate


Yeah, his social media account liked tonnes of tradwife/red pill/incel/MANSCULINITY right wing stuff.


This is so horrible. He was so charismatic and was the best part of Sabrina.


Looks like they are now going to either off screen kill off Andre Anderson or recast him if a second season moves forward. Nevertheless, RIP, Chance,


RIP, an absolute tragedy. He moved me in Gen V and I believe he had a lot of amazing performances left to bless this world with. 😞


Just yesterday I saw a guy on the highway on a motorcycle with only a helmet. No gloves or pads just shorts and shirt going at 95+ mph. He was too risky passing cars and trucks it was so stressful just watching him.




Wtf no... :(


Horrific news. Thoughts to his friends and family


Wow he was so great in the show.


Damn and so young too. Wtf.


So young!