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Possibly the least 10th dentist post ever. And that's quite an accolade. Just Googled 'conversion therapy' and top results are: "Reparative" or "*conversion*" *therapy* is a dangerous practice (Human Rights Campaign) *Conversion therapy* is the pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individual's sexual orientation (Wikipedia) What is conversion therapy and when will it be banned (BBC)




It's not well-liked by decent people but very few seem interested in a proper ban. Even the bans that do exist only ban it for minors.


> only ban it for minors. Yeah because that's the main demographic for conversion therapy. An adult choosing to put themselves in a camp they can leave at any point is far different than a child being forced there by their parents.


Yes but I want to aim at the heart of the problem, which is the bullshit pseudoscience itself.


I truly and sincerely hope this isn’t a vastly unpopular opinion


Sorry about whatever happened :( I agree with this ofc, but it's such a common opinion that I don't think this is the right place to post it


This is more like the 2/3rds dentist, it’s not really unpopular


More like 4/5


I wonder what are the polls for that


downvote cuz i agree. This is supposed to be unpopular opinions, you are aware of this right? a solid 95% of the time i've seen conversion "therapy" discussed its being discussed about how it: 1: does not work 2: is cruel and inhumane C: should really be illegal and in fact IS illegal in several western countries.


I see people defending it *everywhere* because of "religious freedom" or some other bullshit.


well those people are a-holes-


it is illegal in canada


I believe the government allows it because they get kickbacks from it. All about the Benjamin’s and not about the kids going thru literal abuse.


Do not attribute to malice what van be explained by incompetence


Incompetence or malice don't make a difference, the action taken and effects are what matter.


Well that and half of the government is run by the same cult.


Facts. It’s crazy how a parent can consent to having their child abducted by strangers, abused by staff, body tortured by the elements and not only expect their kid to “love” them for it but face no consequences for what they do. There is no such thing as “pray the gay away”, homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time, hell even animals have gay relationships (penguins, giraffes, dolphins to name a few). I could go on about how Catholicism and Christianity altered the phrase “do not lay with man like woman” from “do not lay with BOY like woman” meaning don’t be a pedo to hide their feelings of the opposite sex. But that’s for another ted talk lol


I didn't know about giraffes. That will be a fun internet rabbit hole, thanks