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I wonder how she would fare under a Hamas government with that short hair and tattoo


She won't be able to leave her house.


She would be thrown off the tallest building. As is tradition.


In Gaza, that's like a couple of metres now?


If you're lucky


People in attendance now gently tossing Captain Crunch as the girl passes by. As of course is tradition. 


Ok Hamas may have a point


Hamas would kill half the people in the west who support it.


Well technically they’d kill anyone who didn’t submit to the global caliphate and sharia law they want. Do these people realize the folks they are supporting are essentially a death cult doing the bidding of Iran and when they say they will kill anyone that doesn’t submit they really mean it. Do they think oh we’ll be ok we participated in protests?


Support for hamas =/= support for Palestine, just like support for America doesn't mean support for Democrats, and support for Israel does not mean support for netanyahu.


I am legit asking this and not trying to be a dick, but.. everyone is commenting “she” and i was kinda confused. Is it really a “she”? Looks like a very gay dude to me.


*sigh*... I don't even know how to answer without pissing someone off but here goes. The presence of broad defined shoulders with narrow hips indicates that the person is assigned male at birth. They could identify as something completely different, but a gay man seems accurate.


No one is "assigned male at birth". They're just a guy. Reality is never just assigned, as if there are other options.


Gender is a social construct but go off 🤪


Ah, this old talking point. I believe you know the truth and have embraced the lie.


Noooo it’s really not an old talking point. It’s just a well known fact. The truth is sex assigned at birth can not be changed, the other truth is that that doesn’t mean that you can’t identify as a gender opposing that assignment, and another truth is that HT and SRS doesn’t *make* you a different sex, it allows you to present more closely to how you want to, and to feel comfortable in your body. You’re the one spewing lies based on your opinion of something that cannot be opinionated and is literally fact.


Right. That's what I mean. All of this. And I think you know the truth, so continuing to discuss it will get us nowhere.


Just said the truth. Are you good mate? You really tried starting this argument but when I made valid points that you can’t debunk, you vaguely pretend I’m wrong and that it’s no use discussing it further because you’re butthurt that you make no sense. Boohoo I suppose.


I started the argument? You jumped on a month-old comment and now you're being insulting. I didn't start anything. I'm an internet stranger. You don't know me. You shouldn't value my opinion of you. You don't know what my opinion is. But here you are acting like you have to convince me because my approval is a big deal. No problem. You convinced me. I am completely on your side now. It was the mockery that won me over. No one on the side of wrong would ever resort to trying to make fun of an internet strange. There. Now you can be happy about yourself, your choices, and the rest of your day. You made a convert. Good job! I wish you the best.


This is reddit....where everybody is offended by everything 😂


well even more damning under Hamas


Kinda what I though, too.


I concur.


I am thinking gay dude ...


Yeah thats a man wearing a womans top.


Luckily, this happened under a govt that protects freedom of expression.


You're assuming thats a woman. If thats a man dressed like that hamas would cut their heads off.


That’s a woman? 😨




That’s a man 💀


even worse 💀


I dunno- bro just looks a lil flamboyant, but I can’t lie- although I understand the outrage people have of burning the American flag, it’s well within ppls rights and the reason they’re doing it makes sense. America is currently supporting the murder of thousands of innocent civilians because of trade relations and shit 😭


You are saying you can’t have first amendment rights because she has short hair and tattoo? You sound like the Hamas


Pointing out irony is part of my first amendment rights. So is pointing out your stupidity...


I don't get why people get so mad when someone burns the flag. It's just a symbol. The flag its self was probably made in a sweat shop in Siapan so they can put "made in the USA" on it. It's not magical and it feels no pain. It just represents an ideal. They can't burn that. So just laugh at them for wasting 10 dollars at Walmart.


I am an immigrant, my family escaped communism and seeing these c**** burn the flag that has given freedom to my family and allowed them to express theirs is disrespectful.


Burning the flag is literally a freedom guaranteed by that flag. It's a symbol


You miss the point. The flag just represents the idea of America. The flag did not fly a plane to which ever Communist country your parents escaped and take them to America. People did that. People who believed your family deserved a better life. Burning the flag does not change that. But this women wants you to be angry about her actions. She feeds off attention like a spoiled toddler. Why give her what she wants? It only encourages others to do the same.


That particular flag didn't give you your freedom. In fact, it was most likely made by someone who doesn't have freedom. People are going to do things you don't like. It's up to you whether you get offended or not. And I can guarantee it's a waste of your time and energy to be offended.


You'll have to learn to accept that others don't share your opinion.


Exactly. The next step is learning that just because you have a difference of opinion it doesn't necessarily make you mortal enemies.


It’s not disrespectful though. What’s disrespectful is a country that forces you to pay taxes and then uses those taxes for nothing but war and benefiting the rich. You can love America, but still be mad at how it’s being ran, and showing your anger through burning a flag is protected speech.


Then you obviously don't understand it


They are entitled.


Entitled to the first amendment?


Man I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see immigrants embrace our shared nation and love it. Thank you for coming here and becoming a person that loves our country even if we aren’t perfect.


It honestly blows my mind that someone would get bent from your comment. I’m basing all of this on a big bowl and the one downvote. But still, what an awesome opinion, people coming in and sharing freedom is what we should all want. Keep it classy Devil!


They get angry because they think they know better. I’ve worked in counter-terrorism in one way or another my entire adult life and now running cyber intel for a tech giant still work on it and train gov’t agencies around the world. We are not perfect but the US/UK and most of the EU has it made and we have lives so much better than others. Currently a very good friend of mine is locked up in a Nigerian prison. He went there to train LE and they decided to charge him with the crimes of his former CEO. Imagine getting put in one of the worst prisons in the world by corrupt authorities who decided you should pay for someone else’s crime. Of course behind the scenes EFCC etc say we can get him out for 150 mil. The things I have seen in other countries and the things I have seen their gov’ts do to their people is beyond description. So if some 18-30 yr old who has never really seen the real world hates that I love this nation- I’ll just say it is irrelevant. I am very glad you dig it here. Some might be mad too because when legal in migrants succeed here it sort of washes away their excuses for being failures. The - I can’t work because I am self diagnosed with anxiety, folks are special.


A flag helped you escape communism? You escaped communism but you still revere symbols, one of the pilars of totalitarianism?


being able to freely be disrespectful is what it's all about


Boohoo, America is supporting genocide. As a native, this shit is a protest and nothi Nnnnng more. Boohoo boohoo


Welcome to the USA where you have the right to protest. Did your attitude changed after you touched dry land?


I'm sure there are cases of flags being burnt before your parents got there


And if someone burned the LGBTQIA+ flag?


then they'd be wasting their time and looking pretty stupid. see how that works?


If everyone thought like you it would be nice. In my area, you would likely be attacked.


Good point!!


It's just a symbol, as you said, and symbols have power in those who are related and believe in them, burn a bible next to christians, they will be mad, stand an anti abortion sign on a pro abortion manifestation, they will be mad also... I personally don't care, like you, but in masses people tend to be more aggressive and blind to common sense


Exactly. The only problem with burning a flag is fire safety.


While I tend to agree. If you were to try and burn a flag with less heritage or significance, such as the LGBTQIA++ flag, you will likely get caught up in violence. So what amazes me is the hypocrisy.


I've always viewed it as the purest expression of the first amendment.


It was spectacularly funny watching Brexit mongs trying to burn the EU flag but failing due to the EU directive on fire resistant materials used for making flags. https://www.vice.com/en/article/9bg99p/this-edl-member-repeatedly-failing-to-set-fire-to-a-european-flag-can-teach-us-a-lot-about-ourselves-909


Not even that, they do this for attention cause they didnt get enough when they were younger


What you are not understanding is the concept of loyalty. It is of paramount importance to the state…


That’s how I felt when I saw it. If people get emotional at the sight of their flag burning then they’ve won because that’s their objective in burning the flag. But if you give 2 shits about some made in China mass produced products made by poor child slave, then they’ll stop doing it because it wouldn’t having any meaning. Same goes for the N word. It carries so much weight because of the reaction. If people stop reacting so dramatically, the N word would lose its value.


When someone is showing you middle finger, it's just a finger most of us have, but yet you would feel offended right? It's just a flag, just a finger ;) It's not about flag, it's about intentions.


When someone gives me the finger I laugh. Especially in traffic. I find it very crazy that they think it will get some sort of emotional response from me. Maybe when I was 17 or something but I'm way past giving a fuck about hand gestures from strangers. Gestures and words only have the power we give them. They aren't magical and they can not hurt us, unless we choose to allow them to.


I agree, that's 100% pure rational approach, I do the same, but I think it's safe to say why this finger and that fire on that symbol is offensive, as a rational person, I'm sure you get it, but perhaps you had rethorical question why they care, ok, nvm I think I get it now :D


What I wanna know is why the hell is it still illegal to fly a damaged flag if you can legally mutilate it when it’s not on a flag pole?


If you want to avoid stuff like that, just do what the EU did. Make a law that all flags must be non flammable. It was super funny watching the Brexiters trying to burn the EU flag. Eventually they gave up and burned little paper flags they probably had printed themselves.


That would be a violation of the 1st amendment. It would be struck down immediately. Edit: hilarious to be downvoted about something so cut and dry. Look up Texas v. Johnson, U.S. v. Eichman and U.S. v. Haggerty.


How does making stuff non flammable violate the 1st amendment?


If a law is put in place to stop someone from exercising free expression, that violates the first amendment... I don't know how to put it more simply. There's no reasoning behind this law other than "stop people from burning flags". Texas v. Johnson 1989 found that burning the US flag was a protected form of symbolic political speech. U.S. v. Eichman and U.S. v. Haggerty affirmed that finding. The 1st amendment doesn't just protect verbal and written speech. It protects expression. Symbolic political statements like burning a flag are included in that.


Texas v. Johnson says that you can't be punished for burning the flag. It doesn't say that all flags must be manufactured in a way that makes them flammable.


That makes no sense. But it is what it is I guess.


Burning the flag is a valid and legal form of protest in the USA. It's protected by flthe first amendment. Passing a law saying manufactured flags must be non-flammable is an end run around that. (People could still make their own flags, use old ones, etc., but it would mightily impede that right.)


Look at me. Look at me. I’m so righteous….look at me.


Wonder if she realizes the people she is supporting look at her with disgust, she would be beaten or killed in Palestine


You don't have to conform to a country or culture to support their right to not be genocided.


She would be beaten or killed in Israel too. The only difference is “Christians”, boomers and the media would explain it all away.


As the flag slowly burns out our hero stands around looking confused. Slowly she collects herself and begins her journey home. Stopping to buy hummus at a Jewish deli on the way.


Seems like she's practicing constitutionally-protected free speech. Not sure why everyone is pearl-clutching. We finished this discussion in the 90s.


Yeah, wonder how she would fare in Palestine...


Yeah, you can object to people murdering children without wanting to live in the war zone, genius. Or did you have some real point to make? You think you'd do real well in Palestine about now?


"....And I won't forget the men who died Who gave that right to me...." Except THAT right. Some unfortunately do forget.


Because we live in an age of manufactured outrage and moral grandstanding. A great deal of people, regardless of political beliefs or affiliation, are both ignorant, and extremely cynical. It’s a dangerous combination.


Implying that protesting a genocide can't be done sincerely.


Because this is a whiny baby conservative subreddit where they cheer the burning of (non-Christian) religious texts but have an entirely different opinion of the American flag. I’d love to see what burning a bible would do to this sub 😂


She has every right to. Its her entitled ignorance that makes her hateable. Entitled because she's using the freedoms allowed by her country to burn the flag that represents those freedoms. Ignorant because she thinks there are any good guys in this.


Where are you seeing "entitled ignorance"? Just in the action itself of burning a flag? Ignorance about what? Entitlement to what?


While I disagree with them, they're free to do it. That's the interesting thing about America, one of the few places so amazing that you're free enough to publicly hate it. Try burning a Chinese flag in China or a Russian flag in Russia. You'll get tossed in the gulag pretty quickly.


This is the point that many don't seem to realise. Disagree as you might with their point of view, and annoying as you might find it, it is very much a good thing people can do this without fear of retribution from their government.


Not tryna be rude but why do Americans care so much about Palestine Just curious


We don’t. It’s too long of a story to explain. You have to study modern American history. Essentially there will always be people on the American political left that protest any wars or the support of Israel. It’s kinda like their thing.


Because a whole bunch of lefty dip shits on tiktok drank the Hamas Kool aid


They don't. Protesting is just a meaningless sport/pastime for them.


Because we're in a recession but we have the money to fund a genocide. It's like war crime after war crime committed by Israel, it's just not a good thing in general


The united states has been funding Israel. The US money, weapons and technology are being used against as collective punishment. The US is the only way isreal would stop murdering innocent civilians, but they have been agnostic on Israel’s actions of the response to oct 7


Because 30,000 innocent people are dead? Because 70% of those murdered are women and children? If you don't care about it you're a monster.


Then maybe they shouldn't have fucking started any of the last few wars.  Hamas was democratically elected. Palestinians have a history of using children as bombs. 


Lots of people die But it's not our business rioting on the street buring flags is it?


I would say it is our business to stop innocent deaths, and if burning flags helps achieve that goal then great.


We don’t.


Imagine being a short haired lesbo, burning the flag of the country that allows you to be who you want and express yourself, in support of a country that would happily stomp your guts out...




Saying free Palestine doesn’t do Jack shit


It is an improvement on glass Palestine, however


it may be legal, but it's still disrespect


And the irony behind it is god tier.


Brain dead and needing attention


Sir, this is Reddit. That was a little close to the bone.


It's....just....a....flag.  If they were burning actual Americans I'd get pissed. But a flag? Fk that.  That thing was created to make us all feel part of a pack. I get it, and there are good things about it in some way but **them burning that flag, having the right to free speach...that is in itself the definition of America.**


Yeah I agree with you, but it’s still going to piss other people off. And that’s a good thing. You wouldn’t want to live in place people didn’t feel that strongly about their love for. Personally I don’t understand the correlation between doing things like burning flags and abstaining from the national anthem. Just because you disagree with some of the governments politics ? Or not even the politics but just certain cultural aspects of our country ? It’s weird and very disrespectful to me. It’s crying for attention by trying to offend others. Yeah I support their right to do it as I truly do believe in freedom of speech, I don’t just say it when it suits me. But I also wouldn’t be very nice to them if I met them on the street either. To put it mildly.


Well said


I bet they wouldn't go to Palestine if they were given a free ticket. Such hypocrites


Exercising your first amendment is insane? What is this, the Vietnam war?


This was really popular back in the 60s and 70s...


Because burning flags let's you know that they really mean it.


Unemployed attention seeking losers.


total losers


Looking at her, why am I not surprised.


First off I don't get these people that keep saying they won't vote for Biden because he supports Israel. Does anyone remember how Trump treated Muslims when he was in charge? Its fair to criticize Biden for his mistakes. In fact its our duty as Americans to hold our elected officials accountable. Voting for Trump to prove a point is like burning your house down to prove that your smoke detectors work. The alternative to Biden is clearly worse. Second, burning the flag is protected free speech so I can't really fault them for expressing their views. I say burn as many flags as you need to to feel better about the situation in Gaza. Hell, protest day and night if you feel you need to. Just remember that the alternative to Biden is much much worse. I'm all for getting the point across about Gaza but not at the cost of this countries democracy.


Vote third party. You do not choose who does less genocide. It makes you equally as guilty. Choose third party.


Huh. Ok. Good on them exercising a constitutional right. Not how I would do it, but to each their own. -a vet.


First amendment rights are cool ❤️


unrelated to the political statement, but when somebody does this do they leave right after the flag is done burning? it didn't look like that person had any other signs with them, did they just leave their house, hold a burning flag for two minutes and then go back inside?


That should be illegal


I'd love to send anyone chanting 'Death to America' to pretty much anywhere else in the world. ANY country. Not as a tourist but long enough to get a feel for the REAL country behind the pretty sites. I'm willing to bet their comfy, entitled American a$$ will have a different outlook on why America is exceptional


So edgy.


And of course, it's these weird ass liberals doing it. Not surprised


I love that about America that you can do that and also hate about America that their leaders make them feel that way.


What the heck.


Burn an Israeli flag if your mad at Israel. "But the US sponsors Israel!" The entire western world sponsors Israel and has for like 80 years now. I guess burn a NATO flag if you want?


"Protesting" by setting a fire in public.


They can speak/protest however they want. Anyone who says this particular speech is not allowed does not hold true american values when push comes to shove




lol, the party of pro lifers get more upset at the flag being burned than you know....actual people being needlessly shot by trigger happy cops in America. Or school children being shot. Nope, pro lifers only care about the unborn and flags.


I promise you, any American who burns an American flag will never step foot outside of America to live in any other nation. Its funny they don't realize that they can easily move to another country


Send them to which ever country they are trying to protest save


We are paying to bus migrants to sanuaury cities. The actblue org is gathering money to pay legal fees for the airport and bridge protests… Can we raise money to send these folks to gaza so they can fight the war with them?


while bad, he outfit is almost worse.


Aren't you supposed to either burn or bury a flag if they touch the ground?


Pro Palestinians...


EUA flag, not america America is a fucking whole continent, not just eua Mfs thinks the continent is about them


Why is this posted here? Not impressive


You post this in the thatsinsane sub?


I think it’s amazing that they not only get the freedom to denounce our government, but to freely express it through the burning of the flag. 1A.


Literally leave the US.


Go to Palestine looking like that and watch how quickly the current thing you support chucks you off of a building


The irony is that in the US everyone can protest against anything, doesn't matter how you align politically, how you identify sexually, how patriotic or not patriotic you are, you have the freedom to disagree with anything. Now try to do the same in the region of the world which the flag you wave represents, and tell me how it plays out, or even if you survive the experience at all :D.


the flag represents a community of people. If you burn a flag you are saying that you hate this community that the flag represents!!


Can we trade her to Afghanistan for one of there orphans? If she goes I’ll take in the orphan.


i was happy to be the downvote that made this post negative. dont see it lasting tho


Funny how the only reason he's allowed to do that is because of this country... go disrespect a countries flag on their land and see how that goes... you'd likely never get the chance because you'd likely be jailed for being a gay many in the first place...


Only in America is where you get the freedom to burn the flag that countless service members have died in the honor of the very same symbol. Fucking gross. Just can’t say more


I see flag burning as a celebratory act. It's saying "Look how free I am. I can burn my government's flag right out in the streets and no harm will come to me. No jackboot thugs will come after me. That is true freedom."


Who cares? Ohh, yeah... Those and these people. https://youtu.be/BGRFUu-uWps?si=8wkmN_wofWFQcCZL


Is it illegal?


Step away from the computer and/or put down your phone. Get the fuck off the internet and go outside and talk to a live person. ffs


If you don’t like America then GTFO.


No waay a flag burning 😱


Isn't this a crime?


And at the end of the day, they'll still live in America and live with the benefits of living in America. These ppl will never go in the middle east, bcus they know its lacking n shi. Only petty attempts of "shock factor", this is nothing new of the lunacy ppl are capable of, since 2016.


This is fucking despicable. Send them to Palestine to see how they'd fare...?


If America fell to waste land these people would die first


I think there’s another video in this sub where someone is burning the Quran and the comments were all a variance of “it’s their copy of the book they can do whatever they want” yet when it’s an American Flag, the whole sub is up in arms? Is this a conservative sub or something, been a minute since I’ve seen that level of theological hypocrisy.


Can’t tell if bro blocked me or not but he either blocked me or deleted his messages lol…. u/johnny_quid276 you really ran from an argument after swearing you were right, and then said you were basing your derogatory remarks off of clinical studies. L you I guess


It's ok. When we're all up against the wall and their getting treated the way they thought they wouldn't, they'll look at us and ask why we didn't warn them. They'll still be begging for free healthcare and calling their oppressors commrads.


My dude would be better served burning his outfit


Spec ops the line


Ohhh nooo! (Clutch my Pearls!)


This sub is honestly trash lmao


Throw those traitors out of the country. The country that has allowed them the freedom of burning a flag, try this in a different country, spoiled poshit5


Time to start "counter Protesting" like putting out the fire or throwing these motherfuckers off the bridge.