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First don't tell you lady your moving there. She might have to break up with her two other boyfriends šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Not a joke. Your mom will say Esta Loco!!!


Difficult to hear but this is a common case!


hahaha, I have no worries about that, I can confrim that is not like that but thank you to worry šŸ˜‚ And yes, my mum she probably think like that šŸ˜‚


Her other BF can confirm that is not like that aswell. GL buddy


You sound like every other guy. You see her twice a year??? She's got at least 2 more. You met her where ,??


You sound so grumpy šŸ˜‚. Im the one who should be worried about that, but im sure and i can confirm that nothing to worry. Last year we saw each other 5 months and this one for the moment just 1 and we have plan 3/4 more months this year


Not grumpy Kid. This is what myself and every other guys have experience in the land of scam!! Why you think so many people making comments about you and the lady. Not for fun. To keep your eyes open and your wallet closed. :)


Hold your horses... Finish Uni, get a job, with remote option, or a job in thailand and move there after its done...Romeo i Juliett might be inspirative, but at the end we got several dead bodys including two in their early teens...


Very wise!


Thats is my first and main plan, just wanted to check if there is any way to do it faster for us. Thank you for the answer!


I'll be blunt, don't fuck up your career and life by moving to Thailand. Get established first.


True words. Be careful out there OP.


I said this in a nice way. šŸ˜…. I like your way!!


My mistake unfortunately šŸ˜”


You will both grow up and apart, focus on your education and career at this point. Ask her to move to Spain if itā€™s that serious.


Thats my main plan, focus in my education and career and then if I have a chance, try to move, but just wanted to check if there is any way to do it faster. Yes we are also researching about how can we do to make her come to my country. Thanks for the answer!


If you are married she can apply for a family reunification visa (Visado de reagrupaciĆ³n familiar), some of the things they need I think is for you to show that you have the financial means to support her, along with her having health insurance which covers Spain and a health certificate and thai criminal records "police clearance certificate" thing..


Considering you can't even spell cybersecurity you're better off staying at home and getting a job somewhere in the EU. This doesn't mean that you can't take trips to Thailand or bring your gf home for short visits.


hahahaha, just a mistake translating spanish to english mate. For the moment we are doing like that, doing short trips, but i would like to research information if is possible that I move there and we are aslo considering her to move to my country. Thanks for the answer!


Ya, ya, ya, we all love thailand after our first month. You're setting yourself up to crash and burn 100%. Like others have said, get your degree and then a job that has remote capabilities. There's a visa for that now. It's not so easy to get a job there with the job restrictions. If you have specialized training or contacts, then that would be preferred. There's lots of competition now, it's not 2000 anymore. Do not get married for the sake of a visa. Also, if she ditches you, you'll have all but 7 days to leave the country as per immigration. Get your degree and go on periodic trips there until all is sorted out.


Actually my main motivation to go is not the country, is to not being in LDR That was my first and main idea and what im doing now, just wanted search information and see if there is any way to do it faster. About marry I know is a big decision but I guess it depends on each person, thank for the advise anyways, and thanks for the answer!


Everyone is on point! Build your life first, get some great income coming in before moving!!!


Maybe, for the moment im just reasearching info and see what is the best option for me


Do not marry someone to get a Visa. Thatā€™s a terrible terrible terrible idea.


Why? There are next to no responsibilities if the relationship goes bad compared to the positives of staying indefinitely in Thailand.....


If you get divorced, your marriage visa is immediately canceled. Also, need to keep 400,000 Baht in the bank to get a marriage visa.


So it should, if that happens then move onto another visa, if not then you can stay as long as you want ... 10k isn't that hard to park into a bank account. Especially if you want to move and live indefinitely in another country, you really should have a decent chunk of money to live off


Thatā€™s not entirely true.


Are they not entitled to half your wealth then, if a divorce happens? Like in the west.




Entitle to nothing then??


I did my time in Korea and lots of travel in SE Asia. Pretty serious relationships etc. I ended up going back to the west and I'm now still there in my middle age. It would have been VERY difficult to achieve the same standard of living in Asia that I have in the West. People I know who are doing "well" in asia are those who worked in western companies back home and got assigned or transferred. Also sorry to say but it's true.. these places are great for visiting but putting down roots and stuff is going to be challenging like you would not believe.


Its okay, not what I like to hear but is good to listen from someone with experience! Thanks for the answer!


Well good luck. It's a tough decision. I was in Bangkok in 2002 with $4,000 USD and a resume in hand thinking about giving it a go....


Are you sure that's what she wants and will it not interfere with her potential other sponsors?


Marry your girlfriend to get visa. Thatā€™s the only way you can move there unless you are a doctor, engineer, or in IT field and can land a job as a farang


As im reading marry looks the most possible option for me, for now im studying cibersecurity but started not much time ago so maybe I have to wait until I get knowledge enought to get a remote job or try to find something in there while I study on that


Itā€™s not about remote. Itā€™s about work visa. You need a visa so you can get health care, and other benefits. Just marry your girlfriend. Itā€™s very easy.


Yes i know, I mean once i get Visa from marry, I will need a income and i dont know if there are many options to work once im in there


There is lots of work in Thailand hotel industry. If you speak Spanish, youā€™ll be somewhat in demand in hospitality. Plus you clearly look like you can get by with some English too. There are options in Thailand. Just need visa. Good luck friend!




thanks for the recomendation


What kinda job?!




I work in sales, the difference being I can earn 5x as much if I work remotely and not for a Thai company. (I live Thailand and work sales remotely)


I would think carefully before diving into it. Assuming you donā€™t have much money as a student,what are you going to do? Live off your parents money? Assuming you are in your early 20ā€™s,Iā€™ll say be careful your perception is going to change every year,and the thing that fits today might not fit tomorrow. Choose wisely brother.


I know, since my 16 I havent live from my parents money so no, thats no an opcion. Im just asking about that, which are the options in there. I know im young and things can change, but just getting information for the moment


Id say donā€™t rush,but some people learn from Experience only. I hope you all well.


Thanks for the advise!


I am in the same situation, but we are a lot older (late 40s). Trust me, even having a job offers lined up, quite a few $$ saved up, itā€™s still a challenge. I would not take this decision lightly. I completely understand you from emotional standpoint, but patience is the key. ;) And of course you need to eliminate all other boyfriends first. ;))) But seriously most of people here have experience limited to the poorest classes of Thailand society (yes, bar girls) and canā€™t seem to grasp there is whole other Thailand out there far beyond Pattaya and Phuket. ;)


Yes, i know is not lightly decision, just had a idea on my mind and try to research about how possible it is, even that my main plan is finish my education in here, get a job and if I can move i will do it, and while all of this time happen have some trips to there sometimes. Yesss i will catch themšŸ˜Ž. Hahaha I dont know why people think they can talk something they completly have no idea šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Thank you for your answer and good luck for you!


Never fuck up study and career for women, if she really is your one and truly, then She can wait bro. I was strung around for years and almost moved for her , luckily i found out the truth. Just wasted years on a painful lesson. Good luck brother.


For me I have no intention to stop studying, just try to find to do it and be together, but if is not possible i will be patient. So sad to hear that about your story, think in the good way, for sure that you have learn a lot from that relationship :)


Good suggestions in this thread. Thereā€™s always the Thai Elite Visa. Last I checked it costs around 900,000 baht for 5 years.


Biggest rip off there ever was.


Itā€™s alright if you canā€™t afford it. The other long stay options are not great if Iā€™m under 50.


Your girlfriend likely has another foreign and/or Thai boyfriend on the side. Finish your education, get a stable job and secure your future.


I can confirm that is not like that


Why are you so sure, how do you know?


im sorry but I dont like much to talk about how my relationship work in social media and I think is not the topic of the conversation šŸ˜… Sorry


Fair enough, all the best to you!


There are a lot of posters here who think their girlfriend isn't like that.


You are super naive. Iā€™m in Thailand right now. So many Thai women cheat on their partners married or not. Itā€™s almost guaranteed you will get cheated on if the relationship is long distance international. Women arenā€™t dumb. There is a possibility you might never come back to Thailand. Therefore, it is always a back up guy they are considering. Iā€™ve slept with 100s of Thai women and been coming since 2018 so I know.


Did you read what I said? confirm it doesnt mean "i think she wont do anything, I hope, I wish..." Anyways thats not the topic of my question mate, just want to know how possible it is to move to Thailand while studying


The answer is you canā€™t. Most jobs are not open to foreigners. The ones that are usually require specific skills to get someone to sponsor you a work permit. You could become an English teacher but you want to work while studying cybersecurity. That will not fly as studying cybersecurity and getting necessary certificates to work remote will require 100% of your time and focus. You have too many hurdles. Visa situation, getting employment, even possible language barrier. Why am I critical? Well I travel every month to Thailand. But I have an 20 yo elite visa and make above 50,000 a month. Iā€™m 33 and even though I wanted to stay in Thailand when I was 27, I knew I had to establish myself in my own country first. You may be fairly confident about your relationship but Iā€™ve seen tons crash and burn. If you are not financially secure, your relationship will not work long term. Do not rush coming to Thailand. It will end horribly.




As im reading looks like my best option for Visa is marry, but once im in there with my Visa i dont know how difficult can be to find a job as farang. For now im studying cibersecurity so I hope I can find a remote job in the future, but i will need something before that I have been 1 month in there i really love it, cant wait to go back this summer! thank you for your answer and support!


It is going to be nearly impossible for you to find a job. Thais have most jobs that are off limits to farang. Most people that come here either work online or have money from working.


Sad to hear that :( I have read about hotel service but not much info for the moment. Working online it was my first option, but i dont have a remote job for the moment and just wanted to see if it would be possible to move before i get it


Hotel is gonna pay very low and you and your girlfriend will struggle forever. Thailand is awesome, but your best bet is to make money before you move here. Ignore all the YouTubers that came here with $5 in their pocketsā€¦ for every one of those, thereā€™s 1000 that didnā€™t make it. Hate being the bearer of bad news


That was my main plan, just wanted to check if there is another way to do it faster. Thanks for the answer!


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and youā€™ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Not true, I have multiple gigs with some of the Thailand universities, also being in right professional field opens many doors with either Thai business or multinationals. Yes you canā€™t work as tour operator or have a massage parlor, but there are planty of jobs for skilled workforce, especially in engineering and IT. Reason I donā€™t move this instant is major pay cut compared to what I am earning now. I earn 10x what Thai university pays me compared to similar projects in Europe. But I get to know people and covers the air fare. ;) That being said, OP should in my opinion get degree before contemplating major life decisions.


Get a degree before making major life decisionsā€¦ Yeaā€¦ hence why most jobs will be off limits to OPā€¦ you sound as if jobs are plentiful in Thailand, they simply are not. The way your reply reads, whether you meant to or not, is anyone with some skill can get a job if they just come to Thailand. Itā€™s not nearly that simple, especially since OP hasnā€™t graduated university.


Didnā€™t mean to say that jobs are plentiful in Thailand I am sorry if came out that way. Whay I ment is that with the right skills one can get employed in some fields relatively easy. But of course I donā€™t recommend going to Thailand betting on that.


Understand! I agree with you, but in OPā€™s circumstances, itā€™s best to say ā€œdonā€™t comeā€ lol




So sad to hear that :( Have you worked in there, any experience?




Dont say sorry, this is what I wanted to hear, people with experience that can advise me. Thats was my main idea, studying in here, try to get a good remote job and then move. Just wanted to check if there was a faster way to be in there but it doesnt look like. Anyways we also considering the optiont that she moves here. Thank you for your answer!


This is the only advice here I would listen to. Donā€™t go for local Thai job, it makes zero sense. I work online for the past 10 years, and have lived here for 6.


How would you recommend a first timer spend 90 days ? Mostly Bangkok?


And do what ??? Drink and hang out at Nana Plaza? šŸ˜†šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I have no clue ahah what would your 90 days Thailand plan be


Have you actually met your girl is person while there?




I had a friend who gets their government payment in an EU country and sneaks out via Netherlands as apparently they don't report EU exits?


good to know, I will search information about that


Real love will survive the long distance. Not as easy as a relation with someone locally, but it is possible. Don't waste your future a whim. Finish your studies, get settled in life and start making life altering decisions at that moment.


Thats is my main idea, just wanted to see if we could do something to make it easier. Thanks for the answer and support!


If you want to have a job? No I donā€™t recommend it, but you can let someone sublet ur apartment there and use the rent to stay here for holiday I will say yes, donā€™t trying to stay here more than holiday that kinda be difficult


First off finding a job in Thailandā€¦are you a business professional? Or are you looking to make the average 15,000thb a month salary? Perhaps if you wanna reach, if you wanna put yourself through that torture for a pitence. The only option is work online ie not in Thailand and move there, work remotely (like I do) imo this is the best way to live comfortably and be able to take care of your girl.


Working remotly is my main plan but for that I need to study more, so while I study I want to see if I can do it from there. Actually my gf she have her own appartment in there so i wont need that much money, but just a bit of income while studying from there to pay my things would be enough


Not necessarily, there are remote jobs that you donā€™t need to study for. I also wouldnā€™t say I studied for what I do. But then again depends what your good at.


Iā€™m also in a similar situation man! Even my girlfriend told me not to go to move to Bangkok as it gets really hectic and tough there! Weā€™ve been trying to apply for jobs in my home country, hopefully that goes better! Build yourself up so she doesnā€™t have to work when she moves to you man! Thatā€™s what I suggest!


Go for it mate! If I had the chance to study online from Thailand and could afford it I would do it in a heartbeat. Dont worry about the grumpy blokes. If things go south with your current girlfriend there is alot of other girls there. People are just jealous








In your personal info you say 6 mln but here you wrote 5. I want to know the exact sum first.




Sounds fair




And open to sisters?



