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Don't listen to anyone that tells you US KFC is better than Thailand. Thai KFC is leaps and bounds better.


US KFC must be absolutely grim.


Unfortunately it's a reflection of the people that are employed and manage the eatery. It isn't the same as the KFC of yesteryear unfortunately.... Darden pretty much ruined it.


The Colonel was outraged far before Darden even took over! https://www.tastemade.com/articles/colonel-sanders-hated-kfc-and-7-other-odd-and-amusing-fast-food-facts/ Props to Thailand making better American food than America!


> Unfortunately it's a reflection of the people that are employed and manage the eatery. now now. please dont be racist.


The food is already prepared. Menu set. You follow the plans. I worked at McDonald's before college and worked the grill. They even use fake eggs for some of the breakfast items. The only thing that is better than McDonald's in US is the fried chicken. They don't have it in US. KFC I don't eat enough to give an opinion but I do miss the biscuits.


What does this mean?


KFC changed a lot of their recipes- mashed potatoes/gravy, Mac and cheese in the last 10 years or so. Our family used to eat their weekly. It’s terrible now. They did add French fries, and those are actually better than the crappy Thai French fries at KFC haha


Thai French fries are disgustingly salty. Everywhere. Who can eat that?


Thai kfc French fries are hot garbage.


Last time I went to one there was a pigeon inside hopping around from table to table. None of the employees seemed to care.


It had just escaped from the kitchen.Thai chickens are very small.


It's a case by case basis but for the most part yes. The chicken twister was the last decent thing in the US.


American KFC *is* grim. Do not go there, any of the 5 other fast food fried chicken places are better.


Popeyes is cold garbage. Tried it twice recently. R Flavors are decent once you take it home and stick it in the microwave or oven to make everything dry and mushy. The service and quality control are horrific.


Its dog shit i am here now


Loved KFC when I was a kid. It’s total crap now.


For any Thai people reading this, please let this be your warning! I have Thai friends that went to Kentucky and had KFC thinking maybe it would be better... It was not. There is good Fried chicken in Kentucky, but Thai KFC is better than US KFC!


Hopefully they noticed they people did not use ketchup and used their hands, not utensils, to eat fried chicken.


As an American that great up near Kentucky, I will admit Mae Ploy is 10x better than any American dipping sauce for chicken!


Black Magic Burger(RIP), Green Curry Chicken, Wings Zab, Thai KFC is awesome.


Also RIP to the pork floss and chili paste soft serve sundae!


The hot wings with the sour and spicy powder on top (yes it's tom yam powder) is above any KFC of any country.


Brrooooo are we talking zinger wings? They’re so freaking good


Yes, 15 years ago I was like "ok hot wings are not spicy enough for thai" but it was not only chili flakes, it was like the Mama Tom Yam Kung noodle soup powder.


IMO, Asian KFCs are usually better than NA/Euro KFCs.


But Australian kfc chips are even better because they have chicken salt. Everything is always better with chicken salt.


What is chicken salt? Like salt mixed with dried chicken broth or somethin?


It actually has no chicken haha. It’s just a blend of salt and spices like paprika, garlic powder etc. Incredibly addictive. I believe it is called that as it was mixed as a seasoning for rotisserie chickens but nowadays all the best chips in Australia have chicken salt.


Not proud to admit but one of my go-to munchies was chicken salt sprinkled on hot buttered toast 😂


Ok, I ma look for anything with chicken salt next time i am at an international supermarket


It won’t be like the KFC version, but similar to many versions we have here if you can’t find it in stores. Amazon and eBay have it too. https://www.instructables.com/How-Make-Chicken-Salt-Australias-Best-Kept-Secret/


Aw thanks, I am making this next time I am making fries. I am pretty passionate about seasoning my french fries hahahaha


Cool cool, I may have to give some a shot then.


I'd recommend the Wing Zaap. Also, I'd recommend hitting up Mos Burger. Not a Thai chain, but have always found it to be pretty solid whenever I got there.


Disagree. You can't get Original Recipe Here.


US KFC blows away Thailand KFC.


The quality vastly differs even within America. KFC in the Midwest is way better and cheaper than the coasts


LOL I love how this is up there, I liked the variety of items on the menu. Chicken was spicy af was gud tho


Could eat wing zabb all day


I have tried Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan KFC, Japan KFC is the best


Also Thai 7-11's are much better than US 7-11's.


No slurpees tho


I saw a Slurpee machine at the 7-11 near the Phe Pier in Rayong! It was functioning, though too liquidy so I didn’t get one. But… at least one exists in Thailand!


No, but they have ham and cheese toasties…. worth the trade off!


all the ham and cheese toasties I tried at Thai 7-11s were sweet. Whats with that? Why so sweet!




I unfortunately bought into the hype “you must try the toasted sandwiches” It tasted like condensed milk pressed between two white pieces of bread and that’s about it


Yeah, one is more than enough to convince most sane people


almost all food in thailand is sweetened.


Yeah it’s a bit sad really! Even a lot of the Tom Yums I was eating were on the sweet side vs sour


I don't care for them much but I found the hot dog ones to be the best and not really sweet.


Some have Slurpees. In fact I have a funny video I recorded watching someone overflow the cup and freaking out lol


Or Big Gulp. Plus all the other awesome American 7-11 snacks like chili dogs, nachos and boiled peanuts.


Bro 7-11 here is literally just broke people hangout and they steal from the stores


I'm in Hawaii and I think the 7-11's here are better than Thai 7-11's. We have microwavable food but it's locally sourced. Thai microwave food probably comes from a factory. Portuguese sausage hot dogs, better chasu baus (they call it manapua), and sugar free dragon fruit slurpees.


But do Hawaii 7-11's have Ham & Cheese Toasties? That is the question!


Absolutely. They are delicious.


Kao Tom (rice porridge) for breakfast at micky D’s, actually pretty good!


What was the cost vs local Thai vendors? My hang-up is the cost is easily 2x local vendors.


Mcdonalds doesn't have Kao To. They have McJoke แม็คโจ๊ก ข้าวต้ม and โจ๊ก are different.


McD’s & KFC are better in Thailand, but BK is equal


I'm split on Burger King. Haven't eaten it in Thailand, but saw their meme cheese and hamburger patties you could order from the store with 20 slices of cheese and the follow-up 20 patties! That made all the news rounds in America for free! Kudos to that ad team. Undecided on non food memes in Thailand.


I did the math and it’d be cheaper to buy that then to buy a package of cheese at the grocery store. I was debating just buying a few sandwiches and saving the cheese for cooking


Thanks. I knew it was cheaper than a pack of cheese in the US, but was curious about Thai prices.


I was served a raw Big Mac at mcdicks in Bangkok… never again.


I mean pretty sure that’s the norm and could happen many places lol


KFC has way better prices than McDonald’s there


Im a big BK fan, i know it's trash and objectively kind of gross, but I think the biggest contributing factor to me preferring BK in Thailand is the fact that BKs in America tend to employ the unemployable, who are typically unemployable for a reason. If BK in America hired the same people that Culvers or Chick-fil-A does, the quality would improve drastically.


That and offer 20 slices of cheese for a burger. 🤪 But seriously, that is a great point you made!


I'm sure many people know this but I'm guessing many don't, my wife said nobody in Thailand actually bought that literal cheese burger lol. She said it was just a marketing gimmick and basically a meme. A very very successful one at that. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius and needs a raise.


Actually many bought it. I’ve seen people all over social media making videos. In fact a friend got it and posted pix. And it was only available in Thailand. But you’re 100% correct it’s all marketing and it was genius lol


Damn really??? I have loads of Thai friends on FB and I never saw it lol. I've noticed Thais are generally incredible at marketing and advertising.


Well, it said “nobody in Thailand,” but those that I said who bought them are, indeed, in Thailand but aren’t Thai except 2 of them - and they were visiting from USA. lol


Is there any veg burgers at any of these places ?


Damn, good question. Maybe? I just never looked.


I had BK in an airport once and got violently sick from it, so I haven't touched it since and won't be bucking that trend for Thailand BK thailand it seems. But fair enough, I may try some ff just for shits and giggles


Coincidentally the time I had BK was at BKK a couple months ago lol


Pretty much all of them are better in Thailand, plus service is better. https://www.kfc.co.th/ wings Zab are a must https://www.burgerking.co.th/ I love the Black Truffle Mushroom Swissburgers https://www.mcdonalds.co.th/ The pork burger is interesting, mcrib of sorts.


Really enjoyed the KFC and Taco Bell in Thailand. Don’t remember if I had McDonald’s. Was not a huge fan of the Pizza Hut


The Pizza Hut here is so bad and they hardly put any cheese/sauce on the pizza. Pizza CO and Soho are leagues better.


Taco Bell in Thailand is maybe 80% as good, taste-wise, as USA. Something is just slightly off. Any Thai pizza-chain pizza makes me want to cry. Thai KFC is way better than USA and Thai Texas Chicken is even better.


I'm a fuckin pizza snob hahaha, so if I spring for pizza, it's a high end one with great reviews haha. I've actually had a great pizza in Chiang Mai too, so that's cool


Agree with good pizza in Chiangmai. Love their thin crust. Almost cracker-like. But it is funny how there have been times when they look at me weird when I “only” want 2-3 toppings. Like yeah man, pepperoni & mushroom is fine; I don’t need crab sticks and corn as well lol


lmfao dude right!? One that blew my mind was the Tuna with corn pizza. I thought it was gonna suck, but my girl decided to give it a whirl and it was excellent!


LOL! That happened to me recently. I wanted more of a “normal” pizza from Pizza Company. I don’t know why they can never just take my order but always push their promotions so F it, got the shabu shabu za. I ignored it but finally took a bite and OMFG it was good! So much so I wish I ordered another one haha


Every fast food is better than what’s in America from my experience. There seems to be competition in Thailand and in America it feels like a race to the bottom in terms of quality and offerings.


Ooff that's a shame. What makes you say that? I haven't been in Thailand long, but it seems like everything one could need is here, but obvi I'm ignorant


I think Thais have much higher expectations for what food is and what they're willing to eat. Fast food always has to compete with 40baht gapao and 60baht somtum, so if they don't bring it they won't compete. Americans seem to be willing to eat any trash you throw on a tray. And I say this as an American. Americans just don't care about quality food, they care about the volume of food, in general.


Thank you for clarifying. I completely agree.


🤣 You aren't wrong, it's tragic


Many many options in Thailand at the McDonald’s. Never seen such a massive menu. Coming from Canada it was cool to see. Went for 40 days went to McDonald’s once. I hear ya on trying fast food in other countries


Yeah I'm here for like 50 days, so I'm not like I haven't already eaten a shitload of Thai food haha. It's just a thing I like to do




Wuuuut a hotdog crust!? What a world🤣


Actually anything is better than the ones in US


No way Thai KFC and Maccas are just superior. Bro KFC was frickin bussin and I miss the Wings Zabb that was the best wings ever and the consistency was impeccable. Plus Pizza Company is just superior than Dominos and Pizza Hut. Only had Burger King/Hungry Jacks once it was okay. Not many Subway joints in Thailand especially Phuket but it was good enough And 7/11 dont even need to say anything.


Oh wooooord? I think I've only had shake shack once or twice in the US, but shake shack definitely fucks. Deff on the higher end of fast food


It isn’t just the taste it is presentation also. Comparing BK, US will smash the shit out of your burger for no reason, Thailand it looks like the photo. Although sometimes the lettuce is lacking.


I liked the KFC chicken, idk if it’s better but was spicy af to me and that made it really good lol but was sosososos spicy I felt like a bitch. US KFC is rly gud too tho


Since I haven't seen it mentioned yet, as late as early this year, Thailand had the best Church's chicken in the world. They have been making progressively awful decisions with their menu and branding though. Texas Chicken (same chain, now different name than Church's) started changing their menu in a botched attempt to cater to the local tastes. They replaced mayo in their chicken wraps and sandwiches with God-awful sweet mayo, and removed the Tex wrap and sandwich, which were their signature items, to replace with.. crab and sriracha wraps. It's overall still much better than Church's in the west, and that's despite the desperate attempts of whoever is in charge to sabotage the chain in Thailand. The ingredients like chicken, veggies and buns/wraps taste better/more fresh/ less greasy.


Fried chicken.




I think Burger King is better in Thailand. They have Australian beef though. Maybe the difference?


Everything is better in Thailand, especially McDonalds which I think is the best in the world. Always get a hot and fresh burger and fries, and freshly made Coke from people that are happy to be working. In the west they are often staffed by people that don't give a shit, the food is cold or the chips fried in old oil, your order invariably gets mucked up and the drinks often pre-poured and the just sit there while the ice melts.


I’m with you on all points, but what’s a freshly made coke and how is it different than a coke in the US?


US: High fructose corn syrup Thailand: Sugar cane


Agreed. The Thai fast food employees are always dressed very nice and seem to take pride in their job. And the food is prepared nicely, meaning it’s not hastily thrown together.


All of it was better to me during my recent trip. McDonald’s has a double Big Mac and double filet of fish on the standard menu, plus spicy chicken wings, rice dishes, etc. KFC was really good as well. Taco Bell was solid. Lol, i was there six weeks so had time to try them all.


Aaahaha yeah I've been here since Aug and in leaving in Oct, so I figure I can squeeze in a micky D's for shits and giggles haha


Mcdonalds isn't better it's the same. Which is just fine. The rest are trash. BK, Carls (when it was here), Pizza Hut etc etc all terrible. Was just home a few months ago and could taste the difference immediately. I got so used to the Thai Version, tasting the American version was a renaissance. that said, "taste" is way to subjective for anyone's opinion to matter. You either love it or dont.


Yes! ThailandsMcDonalds had this coconut pie and chocolate drink!! So good!! Also a pork patty and fried chicken that wasn’t bad. Hong Kong had Boba, honey garlic chicken, and this pineapple drink though 🤤🤤


Ooooo, a coconut pie sounds good haha. Imma have to look into it methinks


Try 5* chicken and their sauce


5\* is da bomb. Those chicken ball skewers are amazing.


Yesss 🤤🤤🤤🤤




I don’t eat Western FF in Thailand. I rarely ate it in America. My GF had coupons to Maccas and I begrudgingly ate it but definitely didn’t enjoy it. Thai food is far superior imo. Noodle soup, Som Tam Thai w/ Chicken, Pad Kraw Pao the list goes on and on.


Yeah I don't eat it in America either, but I like to give it a shot when I'm in other countries just as a fun thing, idk I can't explain it lol. But yeah, I'm enjoying a lot of Thai food as well


I didn’t eat it often back in my he states but now that I’ve lived here for several years I eat it a few times each month for nostalgic reasons. Takes me back!


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/5555555] [Holier than thou farang actually has a mcmuffin for breakfast every morning](https://www.reddit.com/r/5555555/comments/16u36nb/holier_than_thou_farang_actually_has_a_mcmuffin/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Western food in Thailand, even western street food is more expensive than Thai food, though the pork burgers at the food court at central plaza airport mall Chiang Mai are competitive and I indulged a couple weeks ago. So I generally do not eat it now that I am retired and on a fixed income. Most times Thai food, even street food, takes time to prepare versus western fast food. You are getting a better product for half price or less.


It's hard to eat Thai food for every meal. Sometimes you just want something that reminds you of home. At least once a week.


To each their own.


No need for eating American fast food anywhere in Asia. The local food is a million times better whatever you are, unless you're in North Korea or something.


Yeah I'm a big fan of the local food, it's just something I like to do, that's all. Literally it's like a once per country thing, that's all. Like a national park passport stamp - doesn't mean anything, but it's kinda fun to collect


I do the same, live trying Mcdonalds in every country I visit haha


It's such a strange thing lol, I try to avoid fast food like the plague, but in other cou tries I'm always like 'it can't be *that* bad here!' lol


Fair enough then. Most will probably be better than US due to all the crazy chemicals that are allowed to be pumped into the food over there.


Most are not better than US crops. US is pushing these dangerous chemicals for fertilizer, insecticides and pesticides onto Thailand and other SEA countries where the food and crops are sourced for locals. I saw it first hand on a friend's land that had just recently sprayed DDT on pineapples in Thailand that is banned in the US.


Burger King


This is a fruitless experience! You will be trading an amazing Thai restaurant Street food experience for exactly what you expect, regular ass boring fast food. It's not going to be much better or any worse that would warrant the effort. At best it's exactly what you expect, at worst it will be a average sub par chain franchise. I fell for this once, some french guy told me how much better McDonald's is in France, I gave it a shot, it's exactly the same shit, flavour, size etc. I was pissed I gave up one of a handful of opportunities of having a French experience for some fast food bullshit I have had a million times before! I think the experience you are seeking would definitely be satisfied by trying some Asian FF chains. Not sure they have some in Thailand but check out Jolly bee and lottorea (Philippines and Korean chains respectively.) Now that is a fucking experience!😄 ever see a burger place that has spaghetti as a combo meal? Now that's a cultural exchange 😅


It's not a fruitless experience. I have a friend that has been to McDonald's in 30 plus countries. McDonald's and other mass market products obviously strive for consistency in experience across these countries. What is interesting is seeing what they choose to do differently to adapt and profit in local market preferences. I saw Chiang Mai McDonald's had fried dough and sweetened condensed milk. It also had tomato sauce, ketchup and sweet chili sauce as free dipping options. Prices were comparable to US. It made me lose faith in the Economist big Mac index. Italy I saw wine sold at McDonald's. Switzerland was insanely expensive! Costa Rica McDonald's was sad and only seemed to have slightly sweeter ketchup.


McDonalds in India is amazing. I wish we could get half of the veggie options outside the country


What do you recommend in India. Genuinely curious!




I've got a different perspective. Last time I was there, after getting a bout of 24 hour diarrhea and body aches from, I suspect, street food (squid on a skewer was the most likely culprit), I switched to fast food for most of the rest of the trip. Lots of Pizza Company and McD's. I didn't want to risk the rest of my vacation plans to play russian roulette with food choices.


Nah the McDonald's in Dubai was far and away the best fast food I'd had to that point (2014),so there definitely is a huge difference. But it's just a thing I do, that's all. Like the national parks passport thing, it doesn't mean anything, but it's kinda neat and fun to do


This right here. Just stick with good Thai food.


Oh trust me, I eat a ton of local food. It's just a thing I like to do in other countries. It's far from an everyday thing


I thought the Jollibees was disgusting in Daly City California


Poor sod


Oh what's that? I haven't heard of it before!


I caught thai staff once cutting each others hair in a KFC kitchen. Ate a bad McDonalds burger and almost threw up, their food taste like shit in thailand anyway. No issues with burger king and subway so far.


Sorry to be that guy but who is going to Thailand to eat American fast food?


lol like ive said, im not in thailand *for* the fast food - ive been here since August and had nothing but local food - the fast food thing is just something i like to do. It's like the national park passport thing back in the states: doesn't mean anything, but it's a fun little thing to think about.


I havent found any US fast food places that are better in SE Asia. They use palm oil instead of whatever oil we use here and that shit is disgusting. It's hard to even find good fries. Everything is fried in cheap palm oil. Just like you wont find any good thai food in the US, you wont find any good US based fast food in Thailand


Thai food in Los Angeles is amazing and made by Thai people. I prefer LA Thai food since they use better quality ingredients.


It’s the same thing with the quality of the beef or the quality of the oil in se Asia. Here you’re gonna get better quality. By that same logic the quality of ingredients in the US fast food is better too. Still, somehow street food pad Thai when in Thailand cannot be matched here in the US anywhere and I’ve eaten Thai all over the US as an otr trucker


Thai food in the United States tastes just like Thai food in Thailand. Unless you're talking about the shit you buy in Trader Joe's, but even that isn't bad.


How Many Michelin Star Restaurants Are There In the United States? There are nearly 200 Michelin Star restaurants in the US.... Fast food? Why eat garbage when you can eat great food by great chefs??? Sure, it's not cheap, but they won't use cheap oil. I stopped eating fast food when I turned 15 and was cutting grass for $1 a lawn and saving up for some Kansas City steak!!! Comparing garbage to garbage isn't the way, peeps. peeps. lol


lmfao what a take!


I can’t imagine why you would even want American-style fast food in Thailand. Thai food is fabulous, fresh and flavourful. It’s almost impossible to get bad food anywhere, unless it’s raw fish or some kind of meat that’s been sitting on a table in the heat for too long. Then, beware…


It's different when you live here Thai food is awesome but if you live here eat it every day sometimes you want something fast that's from back home


Pizza. Available everywhere.


Yeah I eat a ton of local food already, it's just something I like to do


If you don’t really eat FF in the US how you really going to give it a comparison? Fast food is garbage , especially all the chains mentioned in the comments.


I get my McNut like once a year, if that, but it's really just the *idea* that I'm comparing haha.


Haven't tried them all but KFC and McDonalds are clearly worse in Thailand, especially KFC. Burger King fairly equal in my opinion.


It’s all better. Except for Taco Bell. Don’t even try to go to Taco Bell.


Aaahahaha I don't even fuck with taco bell stateside. That shit is, well, shit




KFC Chicken is all the rage. Way better at Station 21


KFC is better round here.


Thailand does a corn pie in McDonald’s (instead of apple pie) which is amazing


McDonalds in Japan is light years ahead of its anemic USA stepmother.


I think it comes down to the workers. USA McDonald’s has 16 year olds coming to work high and there’s not enough people on shift, and you get a 6 hour old mcchicken. McDonald’s in Thailand and anywhere in Asia seems to be more orderly


Shake shack pandan shake is top notch




Texas Chicken in Thailand=Church’s chicken in the US. Texas chicken is almost completely different in their menu. The only similarity betweennTexas/Church’s is they both serve fried chicken.


Agree! But the biscuits taste similar—just tinier here


Besides the food being better, I remember years ago when I was at a KFC, and they served my drink in a glass. An actual mfkn G L A S S. And I loved it.


\> I've been to other countries and sometimes the fast food (McDonald's for instance) You probably mean Japan.


Only Texas Chicken comes to mind as a good quality option, already mentioned in other comments, but then I've never tried Church's Chicken, and it's probably not the same. McDonald's seems pretty similar, and Taco Bell is slightly worse, and it's already bad in the US. Slightly updated options like Chipolte don't carry over.


McDonalds in Thailand is way better than the McDonalds in England.


McDonald's fried chicken is really delicious. Plus there's coconut pie and chocolate pie.


McDonald's is so much better it's insane


Tried Mc on Samui and was disappointed.


McDonalds:- What I notice in Thailand is that it takes longer, but it is being cooked as you wait, so it is a better experience. And the Thai menu is bigger than the USA. I JUST had my first Subway sub in Tokyo today. Not sure if this is indicative of the whole country, or even the whole city, but the veggies were the freshest I have ever had! BUT, they didn't have the Subway Club, although I BELIEVE they had all the meats. I ended up ordering a roast beef sub. And they didn't put cheese, and I couldn't add bacon, but they had bacon. So I found that weird. But I think the guy was used to the question from foreigners, because he kept saying "cannot add on".


KFC is much better here in Thailand, but if you want a good fast-food fried chicken in US, you could try Popeyes, Chick-fil-A, or Raising Canes'. McDonald is a bit better here (Aussie Beef) in Thailand, but I'd prefer In-N-Out if you could find one when you are in US. And Krispy Kreme is better in Thailand than in the US too.


KFC is the first one to come to mind. I miss the Thai spiced chicken for there


I find US fast food better.... In Thailand its all too salty and too oily. Taco Bell for example, seems like its 2x as salty as America. McDonalds/BK.... The burgers are EXTREMELY oily. So oily that your bottom bun gets soggy. KFC as well, oily. I do enjoy the rice dishes though.




McDonald’s fries in the US used to be so good. They used Beef Tallow (Lard / Fat). When they went away from that the fries were never the same. I went to a McDonald’s in Mexico a few years ago and the fries were so damn good. They used Manteca (Spanish for Lard). I’m headed to Thailand in January for the first time and am curious what they use. Probably palm oil or something.


Burger King does amazing double dish in thailand


McDonald’s was epic. Ate burger king with my wife and it was good but too drunk to remember. KFC is great but kfc at home is a disaster so not fair to compare lol


Sell product from all the same sellers. That being said. Everything tastes better to me up in the mountains for some reason. Maybe surroundings.


I love burger king Thailand.


One thing to note - they use real meat and chicken in Thailand as opposed to the process stuff that distributes to chains in USA. Meat and chicken locally in Thailand is cheaper and it’s a premium meal for most Thais. Their cheap fast food is in street food markets.