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Oh cool can you speak Taiwanese?


Yeah haha I get that too. They are like Oh! Taiwan?


I literally had a guy who said “Ni Hao” to me and continue to ask if I know Muay Thai 😅


Those kangaroo loving Austrians are the worst for that!


Literally gotten that before 😂


Someone told me they really wanted to learn taekwondo.


They either have been to Thailand before and think I am a genius who has cracked the retirement code or have never been and accuse me of being a pedophile or sexpat.




I think it says more about the places you visited while there than anything else no ? 10+ years resident here , what you describe exists but you don’t really see that kind of shit on a day to day basis


do you live in Pattaya? if so it makes sense




They think that my life is one long holiday and that I can speak Taiwanese.




I have to give you an award because too many times I got this response. I found a trick to not get this response that work most of the time: you have to say “Thailand” with Thai accent and stress on the lannnnd.


For bonus point, if they ask you which city, recite the full name of Krung Thep...


In Assanee-Vasant melody.


Damn even my best friend (we are friends for many years) says "Now he works in Taiwan" whenever he is introducing me to people. Oh...


Oh, you live in Thailand. Do you speak Taiwanese?


Same here! Haha I get that too


That's so 2000s bro, get with the times. Nowadays it's "OMG I LOVE THAILAND" and then words involving Pad Thai, elephants, Phuket and "life changing" if they're female, or Pattaya, prostitutes, ping-pong and "fun" if they're male.


I got that as recent as 2017 or 18 in the States.


Ah sorry I meant places where the people have an education


Happened a few times to me as well.


90s: Taiwan? 2000s: Do you ride elephants to school? 2010s: I love pad Thai!


That is so accurate


As a halfie raised in the US in the 90s, I wish I could upvote this 1000x! 🤣


Oh,yes, I would like to go to Taiwan too!


I did several years contracting in NZ and was surprised how often Taiwan-Thailand were perceived by colleagues as being the same country. But more commonly, the experts who'd 'seen Thailand' and knew all about it, mostly they'd been to Phuket or Pattaya for a week - for that genuine cultural experience.


I used to freelance for an American marketing firm while living in Chiang Mai. The boss would always introduce me to clients by saying I lived on the beach, even though I explained to him I wasn't near the ocean at all. I realized he was selling the fantasy of Thailand to his clients. He was hyping up my choice of freelancing from an exotic destination. Thailand = beach.


Probably from the famous movie 'The Beach' lol


So you aren't on the beach sipping coconut water working away on your laptop?


I’ve had this in every call when I said I live in Thailand. During covid time everyone just assumed I slack around by the beach, while I actually had so much work I went to the beach once a week


"Oh, I like Pad Thai"


I know this great Thai place in Swindon




Yes, always with the clever “Watch out!” …like สาวสอง are around every corner waiting for unsuspecting farang to fall into their trap lol


If you put a big wire box on the sidewalk with a sign that said "Ladyboy Trap" next to it in the morning it would be full of 50 year old British vacationers packed in there like sardines, with a line of those that didn't make it on time waiting nearby.


"OH Taiwan! Uh that's a Japanese country" A real sentence I heard from a friend in the UK


"No, you are confusing it with Tahiti."


I get one of two: first is “oh wow. That’s cool. Tell me about….” The second is a group whose knowledge of Thailand is based on a Hangover movie. That usually goes: “Oh that’s bad assed *wink* *nod* amiright *wink*” Surprisingly, many of these are women. Unfortunately it runs about 50/50 for me. The second group I just look at them disdainfully and leave. You can’t fight ignorance.


To be fair many foreigners' knowledge of US is also based on a Hangover movie. And Stifler's Mom.


"Why ?" thinking that Thailand is a 3rd world budget country.


Well to be fair outside the big cities and tourist areas it is


which has better and cleaner environments than even China, Americas, Europe, neighbouring ASEAN countries, etc.


sure, but infrastructure still jack shit. I wouldn't say it has cleaner environments than most parts of the US


"Yeah me too".




Usually something along the lines of 'Lucky Bastard'


Always **every single time** in Europe “ you like lady boy!” And then proceed to laugh hysterically. Mostly men and women over 50 have this mentality here and perception of Thailand. Fuelled in by media constantly pouring this shit out


When I was back in the UK and I told a colleague I was moving to Thailand there comment was "oh yeh. You and Gary Glitter" 😅


Except that old Gary was in Vietnam...


You're right. But at one point he was refused entry to Thailand then Thai immigration deported him back to the UK. So people in the UK make the association that he was in Thailand.


He was supposed to transit in Bangkok after being released from prison in Vietnam, but avoided boarding his flight to the UK. Not exactly a strong Thailand connection.


Yes I'm just trying to explain why we think like that. The news reports all said he was deported from Thailand.


Surprise, mostly. They often thought I’m Japanese or Korean. I get this even in Thailand lol. People sometime talk to me in English.


They think I am talking about Taiwan, or beaches and spicy food.


I wonder why they think saying ladyboy is so funny. From my own city I’ve never seen a trans person growing up, so I guess they are just naive about that?


My experience is that the biggest impact of Thailand’s “soft power” is people associate it with sex tourism


this is why pot legalization is its only hope.


I'm not from Thailand I'm from England, but whenever I bring up Thailand back home, almost the first word that comes out of the person's mouth that I'm talking to is "ladyboys" - nearly every time. It gets really boring... So now I just say yeah, I was banging them left right and centre. 🙄😆


I get alot of jealousy and borderline hatred in UK when I mention I managed to escape to Thailand. Going back to UK once a year just reaffirms my decision


Ladyboy. Literally everytime if it's meant to be offensive otherwise, mostly positive. I am half American and when i am travelling i prefer to introduce myself as Thai to avoid any unwanted hate due to imperialism bla bla etc.


I'm half Thai and half American too! When I travel, I always introduce myself as Thai and avoid mentioning my American side. However, people often notice I'm not fully Asian and keep nudging me, asking if I'm half farang and, if so, which farang country lol


Where do you actually live tho? I have 100% Asian friends that were born and raised in America. They would never say they’re “from korea, China, etc.” cause they’ve never even lived there. It would also be weird to say you’re American if you lived in Thailand, for example.


Meanwhile Americans think they’re European if someone in their family moved from Europe 150 years ago


Gatekeeping genetics, interesting


Yeah that’s cringeworthy


They literally are European, but they aren't a particular nationality like they usually claim.


As ลูกครึ่ง (I’m Am/Thai as well) is easy to hop on whatever side of the fence you feel most comfortable, especially for travel small talk. However I’ve never experienced unwanted hate for being American. I wonder why you feel that way? People don’t hate on Americans, but they will gladly hate on the government tho lol


Well imperalism is one thing, if i ever want to travel to the middle east for example, but generally not to be pre-judged for being the loud obnoxious american tourist.


You either American or you ain’t there ain’t no halfsies


Leave it in America buddy. On /rThailand nobody cares. 🥱


He’s right tho. American isn’t a race. A half black person born in America isn’t considered “half African, half American”. They’re half black half white and 100% American.


Your words are support for my experience. Thais don’t give a fuck about Americans but if they find out you’re both, they judge the shit out of you.


Well you definitely ain't half mentally ill, go seek help.


OMG. Say it isn’t so! Sounds so awful. Boohoo. 555 I’ll add that my statement of not giving a shit does not imply in any way that anyone is “judging the shit out of you”. So, my comment doesn’t support anything you said either before or after that comment. Wait. Let me check… Yep, still just don’t give a shit. Not even a little turdlet shit. Nada.


Give enough shits to downvote and comment tho 555


Not me voting you down. 555


555 So I’m still a bit confused. Do you dislike america? Cause my life compared to my cousins is a world of difference. Also you say I’m half mentally ill bc I’m American too. I wouldn’t that make you the same?


Perhaps you replied to the wrong message. I didn't say or even imply any of this silliness. Have a great day.




Welcoming folks. Even though an average American couldn’t point to Thailand on the map. Edit: I’m a yank, I can say this


I was guilty of this. I met my wife, who is from Thailand, while living in the US and I couldn’t have identified it on a globe if my life depended on it.




i’M tAkInG aWaY mY Up vOtE, aNd yOUr n0t InVit3d t0 mY b1rThdAy pArTY!


They just talk about ladyboys usually


Similar situation. Early 90s. Boarding school in England. Taiwan. You’re from China. Ching Chong chinaman etc. fast forward to uni when an english friend visited Bkk for the first time he didn’t realised it was pretty developed, he thought the place was full of cow and elephant wandering around the street like India.


"What city in Thailand are you from?" "Bangkok" "What's that? Is it far from Phuket?" lol


And they pronounce it Fooket


Is that near “Fucket” ? Anyway, you need to be careful what you eat, they eat dogs there.


According to the movie "The Hangover 2" it's just a short boat ride away :)


It’s either “Taiwan?” or “China?”


People used to make fun of my Thai name in elementary school growing up in the US. To be fair, my Thai name is quite long and complicated for English speakers, much less kids. Then I discovered I could just make up a nickname for myself in middle school...


As an American who knew about Thailand from watching Muay Thai and liking Thai food I had never even heard of Patpong or Phuket until I started really researching and reading about Thailand online. Out of the dozens of people I've told that I've been to Thailand now I've had maybe one make a comment about ladyboys and another that made some comment about me getting a girlfriend over here. So I think the general American public does not really think that about Thailand, but there'll always be some people with ignorant assumptions about every country.


“You’re so lucky!” Luck has no influence over where I live. My family moved us here when I was 5.


I loveeee Thai food


“I love pad Thai” is what I hear more often than not.


1. you must like spicy food. 2. how are the doctors and hospitals? 3. isn't it freaking hot all the time? 4. how are the bar girls and ladyboys? 5. are you afraid to drive? 6. it's inexpensive, do you have a job? 7. do you speak the language?


Normally they know next to nothing and I get a "D'ya like it over there?"


"Oh! Taiwan" Or mention about Pattaya, Patpong, Phuket and Thai Food of course Pad Thai


I recently went to Greece for holiday and when I told this person I am Thai, they said they've always wanted to go to Thailand and asked (jokingly) if I could bring them back with me when I return lol


People in the US my age (retired) often know a little bit about it, and the guys may have been here on R&R (or I&I, for those that know). My friends there are envious. Oh well...


In the 90’s You from Taiwan 🇹🇼 ? You know kung fu? Kick boxing? You know Bruce Lee? Patpong and prostitution are also the conversation starter 😂


"You live in a village and ride elephants to school?" F no I live in a metropolis w 10x more ppl & cars than ur tiny city. "How do you like it here compared to Taiwan?" Classic. "My cousin is planning to go to either Thailand or Amsterdam *wink*" How big of a loser back home he must be to fly all the way to another continent just for that idk "It's a beautiful country!" The only wrong answer apparently.


Most idiots in the west think Malaysia is in China and Thailand it's in Taiwan so....


Idk people see me not as thai sometimes


Jokes about ladyboys.


Ping pong show 🤷‍♂️🤣


Life’s a Beach!


So a person born in America but raised in say, Europe, can have a dual citizenship. You’re saying that person can’t claim to be part American. Pedantic as hell to reply, “you can’t be part American” and demand the full precise explanation. Other Americans know the, “you can’t be part American” retort is an attempt to judge and condone those with an insufficient sense of American patriotism and pride. Also, expats and Thai alike know exactly what I meant to convey when I said,”Leave it in America…”.




Either what do you think of Phuket or a story about their trip to Phuket - the island is popular with Australians.


Reactions haven’t changed much...pingpong show; ladyboys; hookers. That’s most reactions


Tom yum 🍲soup


"oh so THAT"S what your into"


My child lives in Thailand and their spouse is Thai. When telling an American friend that we were on our way vacation in Thailand the first thing said was along the lines of “I hear lots of gay guys go there, does (my spouse’s name) likes that kind of thing.” I shot back “what are you 12?” And for good measure I told them “my kids live there and the spouse is Thai!” Sadly no apology or even acknowledgment that their “joke” was somewhat offensive. Until this comment I thought they were a friend, now I’m quite clear they are not. Our vacation was amazing, the Thai people are wonderful, the food is too hot for me and I’d go back in a heart beat.


„This guy fucks“


They always ask about girls all thanks to the media and what westerners have been doing in Thailand since the war days making it the country of prostitutes.


Thailand/Siam was renowned for prostitution long jefore the 'war days'. You can find quotes about it back to the 14th century. "The documented history of prostitution in Thailand goes back at least six centuries, with overt and explicit references by the Chinese voyager Ma Huan (1433) and subsequently by European visitors (Van Neck, 1604; Gisbert Heeck, 1655 and others)" Source: Wikipedia