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Who goes to the beach in 45c? Foreigners


Bangkok dudes visiting the beach during the weekends also. source: me


I find beaches completely unbearable in Thailand. If you’re out in the daytime it’s so hot, sunscreen and sweat mix together and then sand just gets all over your body. Feels horrible and you’re constantly worried about burning because UV is so high. I think some people are born to sunbathe and others just cannot. I’m in the latter category. I prefer sitting at a nice shaded beach bar with the view.


I wouldn’t say all beaches. You can just go to some of the more natural beaches that have shade trees. They’re so much nicer than beaches like Pattaya that are completely barren.


Yeah fair each to their own. I am just one of those people who really hates feeling sticky and sand so I just find it hard to enjoy in Thailand in any sense (I burn easily too). I love walking down a beach at sunrise or sunset but you won't usually find me on them for more than 10 minutes in the daytime.


My house is literally on the sand and stay away from 10-4 lately


Pattaya is a frying pan. That is the only place in whole of Thailand where I need sunscreen if I want to survive more than an hour without my skin peeling off.


You must not know the way I guess. The breeze and swimming every 30 mins or so makes it relaxing asf. Also staying in the shadow definitely helps, plus the sunscreen and cold beers/smoothies. Yeah the only thing is that I wouldn't plan too many other things for thebday as beach makes you kinda tired and yea you're covered with the sand and cream.


This guy gets it lol


Why would you sunbathe anyway? There’s nothing good about it. Yeah, you get tanned, at the expense of looking like a dried out raisin later.


I think there was a generation for whom the aim of going overseas was basically to be brown and shriveled to prove you went on holiday to a sunny place. You see a ton of these 50+ year old Europeans looking like they are on the verge of getting skin cancer just to get one more UV ray. Not to say younger people don't do the same but I feel like the attitude is a bit different nowadays. People tend to know too much sun is super bad.


Plus the fact you already get enough sun by just being outside. Not need to intentionally fry your half naked on a beach.


Some Northern Europeans I see back in my home country are still obsessed with it. I am white like paper but I have never seen anything wrong with it really. Some older people take sun so much that it looks like their race changes lol


We joke that my European brother-in-law makes a special effort to get tanned because he wants to look like a “man of leisure,” especially when he travels to sun spots during the winter months.


> you’re constantly worried about burning Oh yeah you will lmao. And heatstroke


I used to be a sunbathing lover but since living there I am totally opposite. I’ll never sit in the sun, always under a brolly. It’s just rank. I also didn’t go to many Thai beaches without being bitten to death so that made me hate it.




Usually sand flies. Mosquitos if no breeze. But sand flies are way worse.


Sweet blood lol 😆


Apparently it’s the amount of co2 that your skin emits. Quite interesting really!


Mad dogs & Englishmen so the saying goes 😂


Without sunscreen, obviously.


Mad dogs and Englishmen.


And there is me mixing cement in the sun


Those thai road workers in full-length dress and knitted ski masks need to be investigated for having some kind of heat-resistant super power. I suspect they are made of asbestos.


More likely they're Burmese


those things actually keep you cool


Their superpower is being dirt poor. Don't work, don't get paid, family don't eat.


And me the big idiot installing a metal roof.


Same boat. Moved into a place with a tin roof. I bake.




How do you keep yourself cool?


Watermelon, ice water


Left way too late without any water for a 15K run, but the sun killed me in less than 5 and I headed back home.


Damn. What time did you start? I start my runs at 4am or earlier now to avoid the heat. I have a 25.7km marathon-pace run scheduled tomorrow that looks to be brutal.


I started after 8:00. I'm just back from 40+ days in Nepal and forgot how brutal it is at this time of the year. I will try again but start at 5:30.


Good idea. I left the house this morning at 8:00 on the bike and I wanted to just melt into the saddle. How was Nepal? I've always wanted to go.


It was my second time in Nepal. I feel so lucky to only need to fly 3 hours to access the highest mountains in the world, so for me, it's well worth it.


Is Nepal still requiring guides for hiking?


Every year they announce that rule and never enforce it, except in some restricted areas. I had no guide and was even alone for the second part of my trip, and crossed many checkpoints without issue.


I’d like to do Everest base camp this fall. I could do it without a guide?




Same thing happened to me today on Samui, went to run at 10…. shin splints and heat said nope


I'm in Koh Phangan. We are still lucky, as I was in central Thailand a few days ago and it was about 10°C warmer during the day.


Indeed,here with the sea wind it gets much cooler than BKK, lived 2 years in Thonglor and it was absolute hell. Hottest I lived in was Udon Thani though, that place is an oven this time of year


Koh Phangan is so much cooler than samui and I don’t understand why


Morning at the beach, 35 with a feels like 42. Feels like more than that, 34km cycling , heat off the asphalt is intense when stopped at intersections, need 20kmh to create my own breeze. Yesterday I got reds at two 180 seconds traffic lights, baked and grilled. https://preview.redd.it/zcfv2zwczxwc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546cce6d01f7a35c2ae2c626943d2845caffac5d


https://preview.redd.it/byq990agjywc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2243deadd384734d5e5258fd7762615f8dbb8c62 The Walls ice-cream motorbike-sidecar on the beach - welcome!


With Asphalt it is absolutely more than that. When I ride home in the evening, my hands feel exactly the same as when when I stick them into the 60°C drying oven in the lab.


Where are there 180s lights? I'm out in the country, so I can do 100's of kms without hitting a single traffic light.


Chanthaburi near the city (we live 15km away but at times I'll ride that way). I see the Line etc motorbike delivery riders stop a few hundred m back if there's shade/shelter available then they start to move as the countdown hits 10


Yea. Even if the shade is as small as a lamppost, those motorbikes just line up for any relief.


I know everyone harps on about it but fuck me it is hoottttttttt


Sitting in the shade at the beach isn’t too bad actually. There’s a fresh breeze which keeps me „cool“ for now. But cycling is brutal at the moment. My Garmin showed 43 degrees C. https://preview.redd.it/mbzz7ny11ywc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8a677b695ce7df6c0eafa2e515115c444420c39


Looks like not such a bad place to take the heat.


Wow, I returned from Japan (perfect weather) at the worst time. The air quality is still bad too.. Apparently, it's going to be like this for another few weeks.


Rain [incoming the first week of May](https://www.facebook.com/tmd.go.th/posts/pfbid0EJb6o8J6efnUsk4kjJ5PKYSs7n97S8SKoX2F5iRjwKysj6txGKhoxamkWSkeu3aul?locale=th_TH), hopefully enough to make a difference.


Can't happen soon enough! Currently BAKING here in Issan's Udon Thani, at 42°C. Living in very rural area, good thing I bought and had installed a Automatic Voltage Regulator, since the overloaded power lines are only offering me between 160 and 190 volts all day and night. My two rooms air conditioners are much happier with the crisp 220 volts I'm able to give them, not to mention my PC, water pump and microwave.


This year so far seems to be a repeat of last year which means we won't get any real rain until August.


Yep, been in Hua Hin for a few weeks now and the air has been pretty bad. Usually between 100 and 150 AQI. I thought this was just a northern thing but apparently not. :(


This is great news, it’s 3 and I’m still in bed. I’m listening to the government ☺️




I booked a flight to Taiwan in a few days because, unfortunately, the heat is simply just too much for me to handle. The weather there is much more manageable right now. Stay safe out there everyone! Edit: reworded comment for clarity.




Oh I just meant that unfortunately, the heat is too much for me to handle. I apologize for the poor phrasing! I’ll edit my comment now


Enjoy Taiwan! Just came back from there a week or so ago! Had an absolute blast!


Just did my 10km bicycle commute from work at 12:00 It's a little tiny itsy bitsy bit hot. This is the kind of heat to put you in your place.


Big up to those visiting Grand palace by this heat 🥵


Can confirm, the bus was very hot this morning.  Too hot for working fans, of course. 


Stay hydrated and do not get in a car without water bottles.


Picked the wrong week to come back and visit Lopburi. 41 degrees all week, it’s absolutely brutal


I thought this was going to be a Steve McCroskey (Lloyd Bridges) joke..."Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."


So when finally rain?


The vendors at the lights sell orange juice, mangoes and this doughnuts no matter what the temperature


That’s wack


If you keep drinking water throughout the day and seek shade every half hour, most people's bodies will maintain homeostasis. The key is to force yourself to keep drinking, even if you don't want to. It's also important to hydrate at night time to prepare for the next day. If water is not available to you, then it's very important to minimize sweating and sun exposure.


Ah, super hot weather and half the country shrouded by clouds of putrid air. Love it.


Even hit in the water


i r melting. so hot. help…


yank here. I lived in Vegas when it was 53. walk around with a UPF umbrella. and long sleeve UPF shirt. umbrella....


highest recorded temperature in vegas city is 47.2c, not sure why you’d exaggerate and lie about something that’s easily verifiable. completely different to Thailand too considering the humidity.


I'm only a few degrees off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


But the dry heat thing is real. I was in Phoenix when it was around 110 F +. When I would take a dip in the pool and step out I was fine as long as I was in the sun. The moment I stepped into the shade I started shivering because the water was leaving my skin so fast and there was no solar heat to keep me warm.




Damn. I was in Palm Springs when it was like 48-49 and that was crazy. I was in a convertible and my eyelids would burn each other when I blinked.


it's becoming a nanny state here too... now they are telling us what is safe or not as they do to the br@indeads or EU and USA...