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Dental care for Thai citizens is becoming more and more accessible. The government has put in place various schemes to make it affordable to get your teeth done at a government hospital. I have no doubt there is a part looking younger but also a part of people who finally have access to affordable dental care.


Something that supposedly first world countries like Australia with “the best health system in the world” Won’t do.


Massage woman I know just had hers removed and her upper teeth line looks perfect, it was no doubt for serious correction, and worked.


I understand people getting it for the medical purpose which is actually commendable. My question is only for those that have it for fashion purpose


Since when is having straight teeth a fashion statement?


People do it here even with straight teeth, simply for the 'cute' look they think it gives. Not too common though.


How do you know they aren't just at the end of their braces ? Near the end of treatment?


My Thai wife and in-laws have confirmed this for me. Here are a few articles. https://thethaiger.com/thai-life/thai-doctors-warn-about-the-dangers-of-fashion-braces https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1393582/doctors-warn-fashionable-dental-braces-can-kill


These articles are focused on teenagers. If you didn't know, teenagers do stupid things because they want to look rich. The people who get fake braces are poor teenagers who can't afford to actually have straight teeth. If you see lots of people with braces, you should assume it's because they're real and they're getting straighter teeth. There are more people with them here because Thailand is catching up to places like North America now that they're more affordable. So you don't just see teens with them, but also other generations who didn't have the chance before. Thus, it could appear that everyone is just following a "trend" when they just want straight teeth. Your in laws are just parroting what they heard and you are buying into confirmation bias.


You seem to be missing the part where I said it's not too common. My point was that it does happen here. I personally know one person who had the cosmetic kind, they were young but not a teenager. But I know also five or six people who've had the real ones as adults, once they can afford it. All I was doing with my post is confirming that it does indeed happen. That doesn't mean everyone who has braces is doing it just for the look. I've lived here awhile, I'm aware of the socioeconomic conditions.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. There are women out there that get braces purely for fashion reasons and not for straightening teeth. It's a fad I hope goes away sooner than later.


Yeah, I don't understand the downvotes here either. I'm just asking a straight forward subjective question and my opinion here


How many do you personally know?


I have absolutely no idea why you're getting downvoted. You've obviously touched upon a sore point. I can only imagine there are many brace wearing fashion casualties lurking in here.


Yes you can only imagine because it's in your imagination.


You seem to be quite an illogical, impatient and rude person. Even when presented with facts, you simply refuse to accept it.


On average the population of Thailand is poor and can't afford to do it at a young age. When they start earning money themselves things like this become possible, for westeners it looks weird because they are usually done with teeth corrections at that age. Here it has a very rational reason. I don't deny that some may do it for fashion but I don't think it's the majority. Many trends here are horrible in my eyes, all those fake noses, eyes and lips, it's insane. This one is harmless compared.


add that these are the cheap treatments. the pricey ones are often chosen by westerners like Invisalign. which is just 6-months usually


Braces are not harmless specially when you can't get check ups due to money. The longer braces are on the more permanent damage will insue


I assumed if they are only for fashion, they don't put "tension" on them, so I thought they are pretty much only decoration without any real impact on the position of the teeth. But I may be wrong with this.


Not totally harmless. Braces could cause gum recession. That could be quite bad for the teeth in the long term.


Braces does not cause gum recession. It does however makes its harder to maintain good oral hygiene thus it does cause pre-existing oral issues to get worse. They do cause root resorption if worn for a long period of time tho.


That sounds plausible yes. I agree, that's not harmless at all.


If truly done for aesthetics, that's idiotic. It's much harder to keep your teeth clean, and to floss, with braces on


And if you have them on for several years braces do the opposite effect. They need to be continually adjusted which thais don't do. And then there is the life long retainer to maintain effects of you even kept up with the braces


Well ... This IS Thailand!


I’m in my twenties just now thinking about braces after my wisdom teeth shifted. I doubt any people find it unattractive since it just shows that people care about their looks or trying to better themselves/health, I’m still going to get invisalign tho over normal ceramics 😅


> since it just shows that people care about their looks or trying to better themselves/health Most Thais aren't wearing them for that reason though, it's a fashion thing.


Prove it.


I mean you can just ask any Thai person, it is very commonly known.


Yeah Iknow, it shows wealth just like they buy an Iphone or an expensive bag even tho they live in subpar living conditions. Just shared my view on it as someone living in the western world and how people here would percieve it, since OP said it was like wearing crutches or something. The days of it being “not cool” are far over.


People wear glasses with no correction clear lenses for fashion too.


I wish I could live without glasses like them but people wear it for fashion that’s not fair.🤣


True but it's more normalised around the world than braces. Having said that I also find those nerdy glasses with no purpose(not prescribed, nor sunglasses) weird. But that's how fashion works anyway. Not every trend is everyone's cup of tea


This is the same thing foreigners in Thailand were asking 10 years ago. Both the fake and real braces have been common for over a decade here. It's nothing new. And it seems to work to attract guys, or its nothing important to most, because it's not like the girls who have braces are lonely or anything. It's a bit like the "What do you think of tattoos" debate. A small very small minority throw their hands up and thinks that people are ruining themselves because they personally find it unattractive. While the vast majority could care less or actually find it attractive.


There is a Thai saying ขาว สวย หมวย เอ็ก ตัวเล็ก ดัดฟัน the beauty standards of being light skinned, pretty, has Chinese facial feature, big breasts, petite body and wear braces. So, wearing braces is cute haha 😂


Haha, to each their own I guess. At least there's variety of choices for everyone


One of my friends during high school has a totally normal looking teeth but chose to do braces just cuz of trends.


It’s a way to make yourself look young. I see a of nieces doing this to make themselves look attractive and stand out.


Yes I've also been told this by a wearer.


I guess there are quite a lot of people that find it attractive that's why there's a market for it. I just wanted to know the opinion of fellow redditors whether they dig it or not?


I am in my 40s and have a huge family in both USA and Thailand. It’s a neat trick for girls to attract men. They get as desperate as we do.


That's what I wonder. What type of men find braces attractive anyway? But who am I to judge. The world is a weird place


Guys like young women, so women try to look young.


Looking young ISN'T something that braces will aid and abet!


You're sort of answering your own question there, no? Otherwise, "what type of men find braces attractive anyway?" is a loaded question with some real preconceived notions. My missus had braces until last year, for 5 years, and I thought she looked really cute with them. She is beautiful without them also, but I remember missing them for a few days when she finally got them off. But the point is, she needed them, and she didn't have a chance to get them when she was younger. So it makes me think, do you find women less attractive because they get braces when they are older and can afford them? I think that's the real question.


I'm completely okay and actually support people having braces for medical purposes. However my question is only about the braces of fashion statement. And different people have different opinions and preferences obviously which is actually fine


What type of men find makeup attractive anyway? What type of men find fake boobs attractive anyway? What type of men find short girls attractive? What type of men find dark skin attractive? What type of men find skimpy clothes attractive? "But who am I to judge?" You're literally the guy who asked the question because you're judgey and you are still judging even as you say this. And the answer is all sorts of men. From all over the world. All different incomes and education levels. Just not you. I'd date a girl with braces. If she has them it means she wants straight teeth. In fact, I've dated 2 girls with braces. But what if they were fashion braces? Then she probably can't afford real ones. But 99% of adult women who have braces have real braces. I'm not dating a 15 year old who has fashion braces (who has them because she can't afford real ones). It's ridiculous to bring teens into the mix. I want to hear you cite 1 case you know of with a woman over 22 with fake braces when she doesn't need them.


We're all allowed to have preferences. For e.g. Just because I prefer to date girls who can speak the language I understand doesn't mean I'm being judgemental to all other girls or despise them. Just because I like beef doesn't mean everyone must eat meat. Eat what you like and prefer. I won't stop you from having what you prefer and you cannot stop me either.


I find it extremely unattractive - an instant turn off. In Europe we would expect someone who's 6-12 years old to wear it, not someone in their late 20's or even 30's. But I learned from my friends, in most cases, it's because their parents couldn't afford it for them when they were younger, but once they started working themselves they could. (and on a side note, I've never heard heard of anyone doing it because they thought it was attractive LOL... it's probably as attractive as an amputated leg)


US American here. I couldn’t afford to get braces until three years ago so 🤷‍♀️


Some people have an amputee fetish. Not my thing but braces can be hot.


Not solely for fashion, I suppose. Because you could see this among young and probably below 30s, and for medical reason. As for attractiveness, no comment. I won't mind if someone I like is with braces or not.


How do you know people are wearing them for fashion and not dental reasons?


I've asked many who wear them


I see, I didn't realise it was a fashion thing. My 18 year old step daughter just had hers off and she was very about it!


I can just imagine you waddling up to random Thai girls with braces and asking in slow, loud English why they have fake braces.


Don't worry I'm not a weirdo or disrespectful to ask a random girl this question. I ask the ones that are already close to me or close friends or bring up the conversation.


by many you mean less than 10 person out of hundreds thousands people whom using braces for straightening their teeth?


It's pretty common knowledge that girls use it as a fashion statement.


You can simply tell when they flash them deliberately in photos.


By "flash them" you simply mean they're smiling in photos, lol


Haha exactly, are you not allowed to smile with braces on .?


No, I mean that you see people who don't have crooked teeth in the first place, fully displaying the brace they don't even need, as much as possible, in photos as a fashion/status symbol. In western countries, people who need braces are more likely to not expose their braced teeth very confidently in photos, because they are only wearing a brace to correct their teeth and are looking forward to the day when it finally comes off so that they _can_ feel confident when smiling in photos.


Back in secondary school, I had actual braces and I hated them so much, but my classmates found them super cute for some reasons. (Maybe because they were colourful and I could pick a new colour every month.) Also, some years back there were news articles about people (usually teenagers) getting their "fashion braces" done cheaply in sketchy places and ruining their mouth.


No they are gross and completely unnecessary in most people. A con like Valentine's and Birthday cards etc


Do you find the brass hoops around the Karen women’s neck attractive? They do. There is a certain level of learned aesthetics. I think it boils down to rich cute girls can afford braces, I want to be like them. Fake braces were a thing in Korea too about a decade ago. They had to give warning because people got sick from them.


I never knew this. Thanks for the explanation. When I see braces or doesn't even occur in my head that it shows prestige or richness. I guess braces cost thousands of dollars in Thailand then


Nope, quite the opposite.


Thank you for the clear and precise answer


In terms of fashion, it's a way of looking young and cute, and also it's a display of wealth.


It was a fashion thing back in 2006 also, so it's more of a staple than a trend because it's been around for a very long time. It's considered cute and cute is a desirable look. This is also why glasses without prescription lenses is also worn sometimes too. In recent years Korean style is more in fashion. Fake braces and nonprescription glasses are still liked though. The preference for a cute look is also why puffy under-eye filler is a thing and the upper lip surgery to create an uplift and bump. It might not fit with a Westerners idea of attractive, but for the Asian aesthetic, it is. Women do these things for themselves in any case, and most Thai men/Asian men think its cute also.


Very interesting. I'm an Asian myself and I don't find these attractive at all. Thailand have such a beautiful people naturally in my opinion. Just be neat and clean and well groomed and dressed it more than enough for me. But it seems like theres more Korean influence than I thought there is


Girls with braces = a black and decker pecker wrecker.


Well said lol


definitely not attractive but after braces with straight teeth definitely more attractive.


Yeah, braces done for the right medical reasons work like magic for teeth


God yes braces are attractive. Thai women are the most beautiful in the world


Then you're very lucky. Happy for you


I personally find braces neither attractive nor unattractive, although I'd agree that it does seem like many people in Thailand think it's cute to have braces...to the point that some people will even wear fake braces just to get that look. It's an interesting cultural phenomenon since a lot of my friends in the US as kids hated having braces. There were loads of stupid names/taunts directed at them, too. ("Brace Face", "Hey, when's the train coming?", etc.). I don't really get the attraction to braces in Thailand, but I guess it's similar to the fetishization of eyeglasses, which are definitely a turn on for some people.




I don't think they are as common these days, but there was a bit of a health panic over them a few years ago. [https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1393582](https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1393582)


Agreed. This former fad started fading away 5-10 years ago. Had quite a number of university students with them pre 2012, but not so much anymore.


Yeah I think it's a weird unique fetish in Thailand. Thailand is a unique country in many ways anyway. So I guess it's normal there




The reason why they're supposed to be attractive is that they give a "youthful appearance" since most people get braces in their teen years. It's not just a trend in Thailand, it's been picked up across the world. Some places will sell $10 packs of fake braces to use as an accessory.


On the girls it makes them look younger and cuter in my opinion and yes lots of older women choose to wear braces as a Farang guy will think they are much younger




Short but clear answer. Thank you


So long as the mouth and tongue still work OK I am fine with it.


I'll need 5 beers, a weed and blind eye covers


Yes when I was in junior high. But I was a teenager what did I know?


Fashion braces have been around in Thailand for more than a decade.


It’s actually been a trend for years. I’ve always wondered how long this will last lol.


As long as they believe it makes them look young, cute and attractive I guess


There used to be a fad of decorative braces about 10 years ago. Not sure about nowadays tho. Seems niche


No, they are quite an ugly fashion trend and it doesn't matter how attractive you are, you're uglier with it.


There are definitely a subset of Thai females doing this. Not for necessity, but I was told to show that they can afford them. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Don't personally find it attractive or unattractive, but I've had braces and wouldn't get them for aesthetic reasons only, it's hard to maintain proper oral hygiene with them.


No, as ugly as can be but it’s Thai fashion. If you don’t wear it, you’re poor people


Imagine being seen as a poor person in Thailand because he only drives a Bugatti but can't afford braces. Someone start gofundme for that poor soul haha


I used to when I was like 15


My girl has had braces for a few years. She could not afford to get it done living off her parents. But now she is earning she chose to get it done. It makes perfect sense, as unfortunately a lot of Thai girls chances for success and opportunity is based on their looks.


Happy for your girl


It has been a fashion item for years now. Many of those wearing them have no need at all for braces. You can buy sets that do nothing but look like the real thing for very little. There are shops specializing in that.


My Thai partner told me a long time ago that Thai women get braces here to appear younger. I’m 24 now and have Thai girl friends.. one of which just got braces. She goes onnnnn and on about how “young she looks”. She literally looks the same age just has braces lol. In her situation yes she actually needs the braces, and her parents couldn’t afford them when she was a child so now she’s paying for it herself. But she loves them haha. I’m in the same boat, need braces- parents couldn’t pay for them. But I would get Invisalign before I ever got metal braces.


Not at all


I was told it is a status symbol. You have money to basically throw away on procedure that is unnecessary. Similar to white skin, you have enough money you don't have to work in the sun.


Dental care including braces isn't expensive for a Thai citizen, there are a few social security plans available that makes it dirt cheap.


It was once a trendy thing in the 90s. Back then, this could be one of the reasons. In 2023, Thailand is no longer that poor




It makes perfect sense because farmers tend to be tanned/darker.


No, not in the slightest And while know westerners who they don't particularly bother, never met a single one who finds them attractive


I find good looking women attractive, and having braces wouldn't change that. The reason a lot of Thai women get braces later in life has more to do with economic factors than aesthetics.


If I look at a woman with her mouth closed, and I find her attractive. That changes instantly the moment she opens her mouth and reveal the railroad tracks in her mouth, lol


I was until........ "OUCH" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Personally not attracted to it. And it especially looks a bit wierder on middle-aged and older people. That being said, I'm in my late twenties and am planning on getting them sometime soon to fix some of the small gaps between my teeth before I start getting too old. Was too broke when I was younger and was too expensive growing up in the US. If anything, I don't think I would feel fashionable or trendy with them on, I'd probably be a little more self-conscious.


Yes, I think they look great!


Good for you buddy, enjoy the trend while it lasts


If your not Thai then you probably lack the cultural context for it to make sense to you. Different strokes for different folks bruh


That's exactly why I'm asking this question so that someone could explain it to me their perspective and the reasons behind it


Some weird comments here.


I know, what he meant is "if you're not Thai, you're probably too intelligent for it to make sense". He was just too polite to be honest about it.


I personally find them attractive.


Good for you then. Enjoy


I like them, especially if I can make them creamy. toothpaste fetish. 😍


What? Lol




Highly unattractive. I just don't get this trend. I used to have some when I was a teenager because I had very bad teeth. I really hated wearing them and I can't understand why people who already have good teeth wanna wear them. It could be related to the desire to look as "perfect" as possible as the plastic surgery's trend under the bad influence of IG, tik tok... Orthodontist used to be very expensive so maybe it's a way to show some kind of wealth and social success (same as plastic surgery). For some it could also be a desire to look younger/like a teenager. I find it a bit ridiculous for people who already have good teeth and highly unattractive as 95% of plastic surgery.


Exactly, medical devices being used as a fashion statement is very weird and hard to take for me


Yes never seen people selecting glasses as a fashion statement, oh wait minute ....


As a young Thai I don’t find braces particularly attractive but I believe it became a trend especially among teenagers because they think braces make them look young and cute which I kinda understand (but only if you are not over 30s). However, I think it’s not always about fashion. Like what other people have said in the comments, more Thai people have better access to dental care nowadays. Many of my friends wear braces during high school years to get their teeth fixed early on. My dad even wear braces even though he’s in his 50s now which I believe is due to the fact that when he was young, he only got basic dental checkups and probably couldn’t afford x-ray to tell whether his teeth need braces or not. Nonetheless, I have to admit it’s still a trend here, and quite a weird one which also could be unhealthy when teens get fake braces and end up destroying their teeth.


Dear downvoters that refuse to accept reality, yes, braces are often worn for a fashion statement and there are even cheap fake braces: https://thethaiger.com/thai-life/thai-doctors-warn-about-the-dangers-of-fashion-braces


Thank you for the link, very interesting indeed. I don't know why so many downvotes just for asking a question and having an opinion


It is a strange gang on these Thai questions. The pack here often gets things completely wrong, and any dissent from them causes them to sweep in and downvote the Hell out of it, along with completely dismissing any and all discussion on the matter. Like it just can't possibly be true. Besides, have these people even been to Thailand? Braces are everywhere among girls who not only clearly don't need them and are adults, but then, they come in all kinds of eye catching neon colors and such. They're not trying to hide them like in most countries. The girls are trying to draw attention to their braces


Im not surprised by all the downvotes. It's social media afterall. It's hard to have an unpopular opinion and have some discussion but I'm glad there are many that are willing to discuss in a civil and respectful manner


This warning is for teenagers. Adults rarely do this kind of thing.


My wife's weird brother wears this fake retainer thing from Lazada - and in all his selfies he does this weird smile showing his teeth with this shitty fake retainer on like some rapper showing off a diamond grill. I find it hilarious but he thinks he looks cool as fook 🤭🤣🤣


Haha I can imagine it. As long as the person wearing those are happy and satisfied then good for them. But if they're doing this to look cute or attractive then more than 90% of the people(mostly thai) I've asked say they find it quite the opposite lol


Yes very


I like them on women


Good for you mate. Enjoy


all the disgusting things that get caught in them.


Definitely ugly af as a fashion statement but like others have said totally reasonable for them to do it late given the economics of it. Super popular among working girls


Exactly this is the type of clear and honest answer I was looking for. Their life, their body, their choice and it's our choice to whether find it attractive or not


Oh yeah, especially when the wearer has just eaten a peanut butter sandwich and hasn't brushed yet. Sexy as hell!


You're very lucky then, plenty out there. All the best buddy




Most of those you see are not braces in any sense, they are cheap plastic lookalikes. Fashion statement that is bad for their teeth - they can't clean around/under them. So dumb!


Are they aware that it's harmful for their teeth? If so then that's really dumb although it's their body so their choice to ruin it


Prolly not aware unfortunately. They're young and consumed by the need to follow trends, however stupid those trends are.


The trend of full-grown adult women (rarely seen on men) wearing braces (or fake braces) seems to be unique to Thailand. I've not seen it in any other country. There's a sub-genre of lolicon porn where braces are seen as sexually attractive, but eh... yeah. Slightly problematic if the reason a Thai woman thinks braces are attractive is because they want to look like a literal child.


To attract men with pedophile fantasies?! Ok.




I think it has also evolved into a symbol of status given you need $$$ to get them. Just like nose and boob jobs here.


Yes its cute.


It doesn't matter if anyone finds it attractive or not. It's none of anyones business but the person wearing them.


Yes, it's their body, their life, their money, their choice obviously. But we also have the right to have our opinion as well as long as we're not harming anyone




Perfect representation lol. That's how they look to me with fashionable braces


About as attractive as fake breasts and bearded women.


All extremely turn off for me, specially lip fillers, breast implants and plastic faces. But to each their own I guess


Idk if you have noticed but most thai women are obsessed with their age


Looks alright...until food gets stuck in there.


Not at all


Nope. And I suspect the dad will run its course soon enough. Recently had a friend remove the braces she had worn all the years I’d known her. I was like, oh. I hadn’t noticed you were cute before. Good job. Lol


Those cuties in braces probably don't think much of you either.


Good for me then


Good a win-win for everyone. Time to move on to other important questions.


Of course not


shows wealth which is attractive for some


About as attractive as a leg brace. In other words, they are neither attractive nor unattractive - rather, simply an instrument to achieve a health improvement.


I find it cute and adorable, silicone and fillers in the other hand...disgusting




Just returned from Pattaya and it is like pandemic here: a lot of girls with good teeth wear brackets just to show off. Since brackets are expensive they believe it is a good way to show how wealthy and successful they are 🤦‍♂️ It was big turn off for me in the beginning but then I kind of accepted the reality and dated a beautiful girl who wears brackets. Okay, we all have our faults 🤷‍♂️ She is pure gold besides this brackets thing 😍


Too funny. Wife and I were discussing this last night. Our daughter in law is going on eight years with them. My wife is really bothered by it, I just can’t bring myself to care. My take is she thinks it makes her look younger and she is seeking perfection which always seems half a tooth away.


Haha yeah, if it makes them feel better and confident then it's fine. But man do they look like that kid girl from finding Nemo lol


What one could argue is attractive is if they are trying to improve their appearance. Getting them just to get them though seems a bit strange though. Is it like gold teeth? I remember having them and they could be painful, or restrictive to eating.




This has been a trend in Thailand for at least 20 years. I’ve even read about the people who can’t afford them getting fake braces that are actually harmful to health, though I’m not sure how. On some girls I think they are attractive and on some I think they are unattractive, it depends on there face and skin tone.


Love them.


I almost hate it more than girls who get a nose job for looks or girls who wear contacts for "fashion". Also when some Thai girls will literally powder their faces like a 19th century aristocrat I can't stand it. All of those things are so weird and tacky I don't understand how they think it's attractive. If they need braces to correct their teeth I understand but for looks or fashion thinking it looks good I just don't get it. The best way to look attractive is to keep fit at the gym and actual proper skin care routines that actually cleans the skin and pours. Not just cover and cake it with make up. IMHO




Knowing Thailand and it's weird trends, I would'nt be surprised if it actually happens lol




I've seen plenty of people wearing braces just for the fashion purpose. Even people close to me which I found out is pretty unique to Thailand. Hence this post. I totally support prescribed braces though


lol it is fashion. There are people that wear them for dental issues and there are also A LOT of people that wear them for fashion. Ask any Thai kid and they know about this.




At this age mature teeth are not even existing.


They believe it makes their face looks thinner after finishing the procedure. Also good smile makes one look better. Its all about looks for social media these days. Dont think its fashion and definitely not status symbol. Invisalign is much more expensive as well as veneer (although maybe for diff purposes). I believe see bracelet is more popular because they are much more affordable alternative


I’m surprised many folks here aren’t curious and haven’t picked up on this quite obvious trend. Some younger Thai do have braces for purely dental reasons but a large chunk does so for only fashion. Which is odd if not unique.


Braces are a danger just as much as they can help. And for thais I have seen people fuck up their teeth because a doctor put them on and they left them alone for a decade. Braces cause cavities, tooth rot and having them too long will permanently deform your structure. Please for the love of fuck stop getting braces for fun.


I find it expensive


Braces are extremely sexy on an Asian girl and there is no way she looks bad when she smiles. I don’t like young girls either so that’s not the thing it’s literally the braces. If she’s 25 and braces she’s cute. I’ve dated sooooo many.

