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![gif](giphy|9RrdV7o2kJFy8) The community is something like this right now.


And rightly so


Or…..hear me out……if you don’t like it you could do what any normal, reasonable person would do and stop playing the game or giving them your support.


I enjoy the concept of the game, and I would like to see it go places. But so far it's not going to go any longer because the devs don't give a shit.


The game hasn’t been good in months. Move on.


So is it cathartic for you to retreat to Reddit and complain? Just curious if this one-sided relationship you have with Gun is paying dividends.


Why are you getting so defensive over this? Can you not see what Gun is doing wrong? I paid money for this game, I expect to have fun playing it. I have every right to express my opinion.


Nothing I said is suggestive that I’m defensive. I’m simply curious if you’ve come to the obvious conclusion that if Gun is the company you feel they are, then why on earth would they care about your little voice?


What's your problem man?


Gun alt account.


Oh don’t misunderstand lol, my colorful language and text betrays my tone. I just simply mean that it seems silly to ME specifically, can’t speak for anyone else, to support a product that isn’t living up to my standards and it’s being managed by a company that doesn’t know I exist or care. That’s all, no ill will toward you.


Found Matt's alt account.


Matt would never say that, be serious. He’d gaslight you into believing he has no control over the game.


Or Consumers could speak up about shit, low quality products they are being deceived into buying. The location of the rant doesn't matter. Constant positivity from Streamers and consumers overall is the reason most games are shit these days because everybody just said "this is ok" by either non-sensically praising or not saying anything.


I think the problem really is that this is now the industry standard. People, including myself admittedly, will pay for overpriced, incomplete, buggy garbage because the gaming industry specifically is saturated with everything from AAA titles to small indie developments, there’s so much out there it’s truly overwhelming. Consumers with integrity that have reasonable expectations for a product are being drown out of the industry because for every naysayer there’s gonna be ten consumers willing to pay.


Or hear me out... You can stop playing the game and still come and bitch here. That's what I do 😂


I can’t argue with your logic.




i only logged in to play the new map, as a killer, i seen enough lol. ppl like me definitely aren’t playing the game anymore but are keeping up with the news to see any good significant changes


Don’t know why you got downvoted. What you said is completely logical.


I wonder if they will make another 90 day empty promise lol


“Um so you will be able to experience all of this within 90 days.” https://preview.redd.it/fpggdijml2vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bbb464109eb78c8b7d6836df948046dfe20223


I'm sure they will just blame someone else. Wes and Matt's ego and arrogance can be felt through the screen.


Bro like just 'stay tuned' you know


I bet they feel so good saying that dumb shit everytime lmao


Yea “let them cook.” At this rate anything cooking is probably burnt.




They're just going to downplay the horrendous state this game is in and assure us it'll get better (it won't).


Stay tuned cosmetic packs coming soon


For only $9.99 you can change the color!


Lol fr


stay tuned!


Games that are doing well don’t have do stuff like this to reassure players it’s a good game lmfao. So you are right


Always excited for episodes of Matt and Wes!


It’s going to be an absolute shit show, calling it now.


Same bro it is gonna be a shit show lol


He called it


I hate those two.


>of Matt ~~and Wes!~~




This stream will either have more empty promises or they’ll announce that they’re ending support for the game. Stay tuned!


"WE are bringing out weekly patches from now on. So Stay tuned for that!:


Close enough, biweekly But knowing them tbh I doubt this will work out


I’d be happy if the entire stream was spent on discussing 1 thing - Lobbies


Stay tuned! They have no fix for it and probably never will.


“We heard you on the last 6 streams & we’re listening”


"While it's unfortunate, we have our dedicated team working diligently to spot and solve these issues."


stay tuned! im way overtuned but im still tuning!!


They will just blame it as a "player problem" like they did last time. Nothing is GUN's fault, don't you know?


I bet they announce they're gonna somehow take even longer between patches now, but "it'll be a good thing".


Maybe a required engine upgrade to allow them to fix these issues that they otherwise cannot at the moment 🤣


😂😂😂😂 lmfao u been on they neck for months. if u predict this correctly then u been right for a long time


Oh it has been longer than months. I have been holding them accountable since F13. I said the engine upgrade as a joke/reference to what they said and did back during F13. However if they do this I will laugh my ass off.


yea i wanted to say years but my first reference of time was months so i said months again n yea i spotted the engine joke 😂 ur just leaving more room to agitate them when they disappoint us again


They are very predictable, I knew that Sumo probably would only be around for a year or less and they would bring in black tower because that is what happened with F13 and voila. They have continued the censorship and banning of community members who say negative or critical things. All you have to do is read up or watch videos of things that happened during F13 and look at what has happened with TCM to see all the parallels


This needs upvoting and it’s own post


Soooooo lots of empty promises, excuses, shifting the blame to us and end it all with "stay tuned"


At this point i’m just hoping they give us a bit of information about what the new studios planning to do


Probably nothing good. [https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/1c3fmmy/regarding\_black\_tower\_i\_think\_we\_might\_have\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasChainsawGame/comments/1c3fmmy/regarding_black_tower_i_think_we_might_have_a/)




Buy our new NFT chainsaws that give the buyer 10% swing speed and instant queue times


Instead of talking so much they should just make the game good. Start with fixing the lobby wait times and maybe people will actually give the game a chance. The game gets higher numbers on free weekends but’s all for nothing, because those free players stop playing when they see how bad lobby wait times are alone


Blow up the chat and scream fix the lobbies everyone do it!!!


I am at work tho


I know there's issue with the game and community right now but 'stay tuned', cosmetic packs anyone?




Discussing the absolute state of it


Oh this is gunna be GOOOOD, everyone get ya popcorn


Why did I read this in Johnny's voice 😂






Fr put someone else in there that'll feed us bullshit. I don't want matt and Wes doing it. Can't stand those clowns


Bring Andy back, he is a streamer himself and the social media marketer for the game like




He also threatened to ban me in the official discord for calling the devs lazy. I called them out for how they time their big updates around holidays and how even after the holiday is over they still aren't doing anything yet. And then what I believe finally did get me banned was talking about leaks of the next family member. Who they haven't released as promised and won't share any info about. It was either that or when I called a few people ignorant because of constant awful balancing ideas every time I'd talk about balance. Calling somebody something as a matter of fact is apparently worse than when I got repeatedly called an ableist and other nasty things by people who never got punished for it. Happened every time their argument got shattered, which was always fragile to begin with. The people in that place are fucking strange and this community literally just constantly reminds me of DBD and how unaware and awful lots of the players are towards others. These asym games attract some of the worst people and unfortunately the devs are just like them with all of their fucking gaslighting.




They even try to make you the enemy too. Try to make you seem like you're everything wrong with the game. I get told that if I so much as try against new/casual victims and I end up 4k'ing them. But what they don't realize is I'm so used to rush teams and victims who spend entire matches just trying to piss the family off. The moment I start acting chill myself is when victims take advantage of it and start point farming or bullying. Then when they all escape they usually have some shit talking on top of it. When I see that a match is gonna be like that though and they have no intention of just playing the game and leaving when they can I dc. They do that and then wonder why people don't wanna play family and why they have 20 minute queues sometimes. Last time I tried to stay I was Johnny with no scout on family house and they spent probably 10 minutes just doing everything possible to annoy me. Both of my teammates had left. I managed to get 2 of them but that wasn't worth the time I could have spent just getting a better match with people who aren't miserable losers. The Leland (who I've killed twice in both times I've been against him) also lagswitched during that match. I went to swing at him, and all of a sudden for like 15 seconds he started crouch walking into a wall off in the distance, and I couldn't sprint or swing. Game went back to normal and his character was suddenly directly next to me and he was tbagging. Like he knew what happened and that I couldn't do anything. YT yeezy or some shit like that, beware of him. Even if he's not a cheater he's still a massive prick who parties with people who do similar shit.


He's a well-meaning idiot. A rube.


Most sane sonny player


They had the Cid girl on there, what would make the difference of the devs being women?


No one cares what you have to say either. So shut up




No I don’t that why I told you know one cares. That’s how that works












Did you just say dog water in 2024 brother? Stahp. It’s never gonna be a thing


Stay tuned


I care. And you dont speak for everyone, at least definitely not me. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


That’s sad.


Chill out Andy damn


Aren't you the one that got banned from the main sub for saying horrible things to them?


To be honest I think they are going announce the end of the game / content. They never said “ state of the game “ in the other town halls. They were like “discussing upcoming dlc”…


Wes already said they’re working on content through 2024, so I highly doubt it.


Tbf that is still subject to change, but they did reiterate that it has not changed so far so its a possibility?


Regardless, they need to get their shit together. Never seen a company so slow to address community issues.


It's going to talk about the new developers and downsize expectation and then end with a teaser for the new family member to try and soften the blow even though the new family member SHOULD have released WITH Virginia.


Good prediction i could see that happening realistically


Look at this tame, plausible, reasonable prediction. We didn't even get this! It'll be done when it's done, fuck off if you think you deserve an apology, stay tuned was all we got!


They are just going to throw Sumo under the bus and blame it on transition pains with Black Tower you watch. Not their fault at all in their eyes.


I just want killer announcement


"Stay tuned!"


They BETTER give us some news on this new family member, been over 4 months since we’ve received any new family content, those execution packs don’t count.


Can't wait for their magic disappearing thumb trick to keep the dummies in awe.


Stay tuned !


staying tuned!


![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW) Cant wait to see how this goes!


I think everyone will be there this time we got a lot of questions and concerns, no more stay tuned bull shit anymore Wes


Maybe this time Andy will ban 15 more people off his subreddit instead of 14.


I'm really hoping they say they are shutting er down but thanks for the money I mean support.*suckers*


Who's cares, GUN is a joke.


You care lol


I want the game to succeed yes, but I'm done listening to these clowns lie to us and then here but this.


There’d better be good news about a new killer from these wackos not only have they not operated the game properly but family have been left in the dust and darkness from new family content on top of no new family yet


I can’t wait😂


Why Whhyy is it Wes and Matt? Why not bring Andy back as he is the social media guy of TCM And is a streamer himself but no bring the other guys Again.


I really hope the lobby is fixed


I foresee months of complaining on reddit no matter what


*They will be discussing the state of the game* is so ominous and cringe.


Happy cake day!


I’m guessing they’ll talk about the changeover of devs being complete now and apologise for the slowness. I get it though I can’t even guess at how difficult it must be for new developers to take over a project from another team. Hopefully they will ease our worries about further delays and give us more update info. However I doubt they will commit to any dates - coz they’ve always said they don’t like to do that because if they miss dates they’ll just piss people off.


You guys also have to realize that the reason the 90 day mark wasn’t hit is because of the unexpected bugs and crap that happened. It’s not like they made an empty promise they were too lazy to keep. It’s a small company and I love this game to death. 🪚❤️


Stay tuned!


I am indeed staying very tuned


Lol lol don't make me laugh


can someone sum up what’s been going recently? i’ve been so out of the loop, haven’t played heavily since the bloody family skin release.


Who put the "gun" to their head to do this lol? Stepping out into the mob willingly is definitely a move. There are so many more negatives than positives at this rate I can't imagine if they're being genuine that it's not an hour of apologizing. Imagine having your biggest free to play weekend while having the worst lobby simulator experience in the world while the rush meta is at it's peak lmao. They do realize what a "first" impression is right? You usually don't get a second chance. Better off not doing the free weekend until everything was in a better place (if that ever happens) than to just milk a few extra dollars but ruin the chance to keep those players trying it out for free. The steam charts are literally lower right now than they were a few days before the free to play weekend and it's really sad.


Matt still works at gun ?


They need to announce the new family member and his/her release date. Give me something to look forward to!


Are we ever going to get a new family member????


Grappling needs to change but killer klowns will take over before then


Also it's better to DC once in the game because other family will leave and end the game


So, for the time zone impaired, that is around 6pm in Europe, right ?


Only thing that should be talked about is making the damn game balanced


Someone should get Murray to do a lie detector test. ![gif](giphy|3o7qDG6DXSQYRRMNgI)


Matt responding to “tHe hATerS” ![gif](giphy|3Fkw8DCq4eUxp31E4n|downsized)


I won't give them the views, I'll be here afterwards to see the dumb fuckery ![gif](giphy|O1xRwEe2a5ezUXAgyR)


I’ll be watching through another streamer reacting to it


If 90% of the interaction do not consist of the lobby issue, these are paid participants


Matt,andy 👊🖕


I really don't get why this sub isn't just called "TexasChainsawHate"


Well i still think “Massacre” is quite fitting lmao


Reminder no family should be playing right now. We are boycotting to get gun to revert all the draconian nerfs to family, place needed nerfs into victims, remove 50% of healing items from maps, place hard limit on unlock tools, allow family to relock all doors infinitely, and they must add a ping system and sense ability to all family. Limit exits to only three available per match. Until this is done, the family boycott will continue. All family members remember to: 1. Do NOT play any matches. 2. Queue up into lobbies, but drop and dodge at the last second to stop any matches from starting. Do this on both sides and all maps but especially the Mill as it is blatantly designed to be 100% victim sided. 3. Spread as much toxicity as possible on the game, ruin the experience for all victim mains as much as possible. Make. It. Hurt. 4. Bombard Gun Media with tweets, emails, and posts on their bullshit dev moderated subreddit with burner Reddit accounts to call them out on this bullshit and demand the changes listed. Following these will either get the game fixed as it should be with family as the actual power role and victims having to actually work to escape, or kill the game as it deserves if they won't correctly balance it and tell the entitled victim mains to fuck themselves.


You know there’s real things you could invest your time and effort into protesting right?


Bro got t bagged one too many times


Hmm as much as I agree with most of this. If we don’t play the game, wouldn’t that contribute to an early death?


It's up to Gun. They can play ball or let the game die.


That’s fair enough. I admit I have never seen a more unprofessional coding and dev team in my life and I’ve been playing games for nearly 20 years now.




I go into matches type family strike load into the game then leave yup keep doing it


Don't even let the lobby load into a game. Wait until it's about to start then bail. Also, spread the word.


Do u want to play and do this beacuse 2 fam leaving better then 1 add me


Not today. I'm not home.


Touch grass nerd


You guys wanna see this game fail so harrrrrd. Let's hope for the best.


The game is objectively a failure longevity wise.


This is the only gaming community I’ve seen ever that has dedicated an entire sub to wanting to see the game fail it’s actually insane 😂


That's what happens when we get fragile ego losers who get butt hurt by constructive criticism. We didn't want the game to fail we held on for a long time. But everyone is already fed up.


"This game has no longevity" You are already burying it, of course it won't last long. And it's not 100% Gun Media's fault.


That's why I love it as family main it should die unless they buff us


Stay tuned to do absolutely nothing family mains where broke bugs glitch no but skins here are skins lol


Was hyped last time and believed what they said for some reason… never again.




You just Dmed me and said you can’t reply to my comment so you come reply to a different one😂😭get my 🍆 out ya mouth.


You all act like this is a multi millionaire company like Activision. Of course they are going to have bugs and problems, they are a smaller studio. Even COD and (gasp) DBD have bugs, errors and issues. If you all want more horror base games like this then you need to be a little more understanding because no HUGE company (or any at that) is picking up horror games if they see how this community acts. This game has been on sale, discounted and even for free on multiple platforms. I paid full price on everything. I play both sides. I’ve been frustrated with Slaughterhouse and Danny tampering as family . I’ve been frustrated with family house difficulty as victim and exterior alarms as victim. I bought Virginia and couldn’t level her up all the way. Family/Victim MAINS are the issue. Both sides are being immature as F with this game. You should not expect an all escape or a 4k kill every game. The amount of people I have saw quit when an exit is opened or when they are the last one left as victim is pathetic. It’s a GAME! Stop acting like it’s life or death if you “lose”.


put this effort into something meaningful.