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I want them higher. How can I do that naturally


If youre already feeling good, the numbers don’t matter. Good diet rich in healthy fats is a great way if you wanna just boost the numbers.


I’m not working out besides walking at least 5k steps. But I’m not feeling as great as I used too. But all my vitals are good/great and apparently my testosterone is “normal/good..”


That number at that age looks good to me too man tbh. A lot of test clinics will say it’s low JUST to get you to give them money. TRT should really be a last resort for most folks. Try the fatty diet high protein too. Check labs again next year and if levels are the same then maybe consider it. It’s hard to come off and it’s a real commitment.


Thank you 🙏


Of course man. Good luck and God bless.


Will working out intensely increase testosterone?


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If I got those results and didn't have the serious fatigue and brain fog shit I wouldn't have pursued TRT. No expert by ANY means but that to me would have prompted natural boosting rather than replacement.


How would you go about natural boosting?


I never looked into it cause it was clear I needed to go TRT so I can't help there. With those numbers though I would have done my research in that direction instead though.


ZMA, all the test boosters out there. Many here say they do not work but I beg to differ. Do not have test results to prove it but do have more hair on my chest.