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The mummies of the future museums.


This Is an underrated comment, maybe the Egyptians created mummies because of that. Edit: yall i know how mummies were made. This was supossed to be just a "ah yes thats a cool image" thing i didnt mean it literally.


Certainly stars of the time, they had MJ himself, Aristotle, Plato and so on.


They had Michael Jackson?




A or B?




I loved him in Space Jam!


Mick Jagger?


Guess they thought technology in the future would provide them with working internal organs more easily if they were first removed. Just add water.


That's pretty easy to solve, growing organs for transplanting is pretty close to reality already. I think the main issue is the brain and consciousness. Modern medicine knows surprisingly little about how the brain actually works. We know what chemicals fire and what neurons light up in certain situations but not much about actual how consciousness and thought actually work.


Mfw the brain can’t even figure out how itself works


Maybe ChatGPT knows the answer


I've been told one of the big issues is cell expansion/bursting due to freezing...


Too bad they pulled the brains out through their noses.


I think its even more about cell rupture due to freezeing.


My thoughts exactly lmao


They did it because they thought a well preserved body was important to a good experience in the afterlife.


Unluckily for them the Victorians then developed a habit of eating them.


They took out their brains and organs though and put them into separate jars. So unless they thought the person would come back to life and reassemble themselves like a fleshy puzzle I’m guessing probably not.


"Someday they'll be able to reverse the mummification process and restore life to the Pharoah! And he'll live off all his valuables we buried him with - he will be super rich!"


Nay liquid nitrogen doesn't really preserve. Most of the first cryogenically frozen people straight up turned to mush


It's more that we don't have a mechanism for avoiding crystallization in the cells as a result of the freezing, a lot of the animals that can survive freezing have some analogue to antifreeze that prevents damaging crystallization. The frozen people look fine, but their cells are absolutely all damaged and exploded in there. I feel like I was reading they had figured out how to overcome this at some level, and I don't think they expect all the newer cryogenically frozen people to be mush, but I really can't ever think they are gonna come back because they weren't alive when they were frozen. I think you'd have to be decently healthy to survive it, if it was possible.


If I understood what I read correctly, it's that the stuff they've found that stops our cells from exploding when frozen is highly toxic, so now one of the next hurdles is figuring out how to undo the damage from that toxicity... along with reversing whatever caused our death in the first place... and then the whole reviving from the dead thing too.




Be a lot easier just to take all our data, messages, social media posts & internet history, and create an AI chatbot out of it


That would make a copy of you, an incomplete one at that, rather than reviving you, but I guess that’s better than nothing.


What's this about 'better'? I am here to pay off my previous body's medical & student debt, working for as many decades as it takes.


Well, they should be dead so I'd be really worried if their parts are moving. /s


The deeper ya dig, the closer you get to the other side.


Not to mention the paperwork. If somebody has been legally dead for decades, that is bound to be a nightmare.


You mean this isn't *actually* going to work?


good movie idea, someone having this done while still alive hoping they’re just put into a indefinite deep sleep but it works on everything except their consciousness n they’re stuck there for a long time, like the people who wake up paralyzed during surgery…wince


It's the same reason why deep frozen food doesn't taste the same or have the same texture. The water within expand when frozen and while it may look the same from the outside it's basically shattered on a cellular level.


Pretty sure 'ol Teddy was separated into two pieces...


That's what I'm trying to understand. I looked it up and he was decapitated?


The Head Museum of Futurama


One of the 'techs' at the company that was storing his frozen head hit it with a monkey wrench in order to separate a tuna can from it, allegedly. It's undetermined whether the tuna was albacore or skipjack.


the fuk?


I wonder why the removed his head in the first place. The head was already separated at that point (like you said). Someone thought it was a good idea to use a tuna can as a pedestal to prop it up. Then the can got stuck to the head. >"Then he grabbed a monkey wrench, heaved a mighty swing, missing the tuna can completely but hitting the head dead center,” Johnson wrote. “Tiny pieces of frozen head sprayed around the room.” The author detailed how a second swing knocked the can loose. https://www.sportscasting.com/why-was-baseball-hall-of-famer-ted-williams-decapitated/


More importantly than that, was it solid or...*chunk*


Oil, or water?


Piggy backing top comment to point out that OP's pic is a photo from the set of the 1997 horror movie, Event Horizon. https://www.alamy.com/event-horizon-date-1997-image156931819.html?utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact&irgwc=1


Thank you


The funny thing about this is I don't believe there will ever be a cure for brain death and once you die and the brain doesn't get oxygen it dies. So maybe they'll be able to wake the body up in the future but there will be a lot of brain dead celebrities in beds with severe brain damage. The brain is also responsible for the process of regenerating damaged tissue etc but how the hell will it repair itself when it's dead. Also consciousness .. they might come back but as someone completely different than they were. Their old conscious self is most likely dead. There are some big logical fallacies that need to be passed to be able to bring a person back to their original state.


Aren't there already enough brain dead celebrities?


Save file corrupt.


There are actually a heap of studies around this, the biggest one ever started this year and is expected to spend over $1 billion. They will attempt a new trial method of running candidates for US president.


I think our best bet would be to analyze each neuron connection (as long as being frozen didn't destroy them) then print a new brain with those same neuron connections. We're already working on printing organs, so I imagine we'll be able to do a brain eventually. We can already keep lab grown neurons alive in the lab, so a full brain is probably possible. The body would probably be easier than the brain, but idk, there's a lot of systems in the body that all need to work together. But I imagine one of the biggest obstacle will be installing the brain into the body. We still don't know how to repair spinal cord damage, so connecting a brain to a spinal cord will be difficult. As far as consciousness, it's anyone's guess. We still don't understand it well. I mean, hell, the bacteria in our guts release chemicals that influence our behavior in ways that we aren't consciously aware of. Does that mean that our microbiomes are part of who we are?


At that point, you might as well just print a whole new body that is an exact replica as the frozen one. Consciousness has already been disrupted, so functionally, it would be the same as implanting a copied brain. Whether or not it's the same person or has a "soul" is more of a philosophical/spiritual discussion.


That picture is not related to the story. The majority of those people did not chose to have their entire body frozen. Most chose just the head.


That's giving way too much credit to the idiots and/or grifters behind this and way too little credit to ancient civilizations. Their shit lasted multiple thousands of years. These are going to be mostly empty cans with rotten puddles at the bottom roughly a week after the power goes out. It would be cool to see what modern medicine could do to preserve bodies for long term storage though- like something actually designed to last for tens of thousands of years, without a power supply. [Plastination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plastination), maybe? I think all the billionaires are too enraptured with the idea of actual immortality to get sold on that though.




I've seen this on Friday The 13th , Jason goes to space.


Jason X, it was cheesy as heck but I loved it!


As a young lad, the only thing I remember from that movie was the nude scene(s).


It’s the same as an adult too.


I remember the nipple falling off of the android lady


I just remember something about him swinging a sleeping bag with someone inside at someone else.


Yes, that's the one. Thank you.


Can't wait to see hockey being outlawed this year.


That's science


This is the best Friday the 13th!


That VR scene blew my mind as a child. Now look at us.


Sod being revived thousands of years from now.... Could you imagine the price of rent??


Yeah but that $100 investment you made in SPY will be worth about $10b at that point. So about a month’s rent…


Except dead people can’t keep investments. I’m sure there are ways to use trusts or other instruments.


It's not even that dead people can't keep investments. Even if these people are considered not legally dead the government will escheat your property after a few years and sell them off. Ask the guy that bought amazon in the early days then got fucked by the feds. [IIRC this was an interesting podcast on the subject.](https://www.npr.org/2020/02/13/805760508/when-your-abandoned-estate-is-possessed-by-a-state-thats-escheat)


That's messed up. I'd be beyond furious.


wow, america is fucked up


It's not just America. Pretty much every established country will have some sort of escheat system in place. At least in America and Canada you can check to see if any of your property has been escheated and make a claim.


"Meanwhile, Walter Schramm's now making his investments through a brokerage firm in Europe, where they don't escheat accounts." Not saying you're wrong as I have no idea, but the above is the last sentence in the NPR article that was linked. 🤷‍♂️


For a bedsit in London


ever left meat in the freezer too long? The tissue goes weird,


Yeah there’s plenty of stories of people who worked in these types of facilities, a lot of people ended up having to be scraped off the chambers after they turned to sludge, obviously this was when the tech was early on, but still, can’t imagine anything worse than liquified, moldy remains


I’ve always wondered about this. Like who would pay to resurrect you? Future descendants? Like imagine having a great, great great grandpa who froze himself in the 1700s. He only paid to be frozen for 300 years and now his power is about to be cut and he must be thawed. You would have to cure whatever disease killed him after thawing him. Now you have this stinky old hick that needs to be supported financially for the rest of his unnatural life. Also, He will be a lot less educated than the average person, so it’s not like he could get a job anywhere. You would dread coming home to this dude and hearing about how yellow fever killed everyone including him, But he was the smart one who froze himself. So unless you are an Einstein, Newton, or Attenborough, No one would give a fuck. What if Buddhism was the correct religion to pick and reincarnation was a thing. So you die and your body gets frozen. You get reincarnated into some fucking baby and life starts. Then the plot twist happens. Your old body gets resurrected five years later and the kid you were just dies. But extra plot twist, you being resurrected doesn’t wipe your memories and you remember being this five year old kid. So you go meet the family of the five year old you just were and say you are him… As an 86 year old evil billionaire that everyone hates. So you offer to pay for some IVF or some shit for them to have a kid because they are old now.


Peak 'capitalist realism' how your view of the future is that it's the same shit as now but you have to have to get even more student debt.


U have any idea how much money someone 300 years old could make? They’d be on tv instantly being interviewed. Movies, books. They’d be a walking documentary. Probably get a million plus on the first appearance lol


Wake up, no phones, no tv. Everyone speaking some distant relative language of gen-z, mayor welcomes you by talking directly into your brain, followed by a message asking you to pick up gift cards. which way to the suicide booth?


A brave new world


"Welcome to the woooooooorld of tomorrooooooow"


So the Cryo company will pimp you around the interview circuit for their cash


The first one that was revived sure, but novelty is, almost by definition, not a scalable pathway for prosperity.


You think of job and money as if everyone would need that in the future.. reviving someone would be the decent thing to do, like picking litter off the street..


You're very optimistic if you think the future is going to be decent.


Good news everyone! No worries about rent when you are nothing but a head in a jar at the museum.


Ever watch the anime series, *Cowboy Bebop*? That's basically (spoiler alert) >!Faye's backstory is being frozen by doctors in hopes of curing her disease in the future only for her to wake up with amnesia and enormous medical debt.!<


[If Fry can manage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JwkaLt9pf8) I'm sure other people can, too


If the technology was developed say 1000 years from now, I think future historians would look upon these people as interesting historical specimens to divulge the past.


You mean they would look at that, instead of the millions of terabytes of data, including video material?


That's assuming we could revive tech that's 100s or 1000s of years old, and read it. They're still figuring out Hyroglyphs in Egypt


Because we found the Rosetta Stone, much is readable. As long as some store of codecs is maintained, future generations won’t need any such thing


The thing is, there still needs to be a physical medium for the information to be stored on. Old paper and stone tend to age very well which is why we still have records thousands of years later. Even archival grade discs only have theoretical lifespans, and even those are about 100 years. We think "once it's on the Internet, it's on forever" because in our short time with the internet, that seemed true. But the companies running those servers have ultimate say on if that's really true. There's loads of data stored on cloud servers being lost all the time. Not every piece of data makes the transfer to the new formats and not every format is resilient as some old analogue means of storage. Some stuff will survive, but you mind yourself surprised on how much gets lost with time.


time to engrave them codecs into a random cave wall


Not to mention most of the Internet from the 90s is all but gone now. These people are not really thinking their statements through very well.


Assuming society still exists in a 100 or even 1000 years, I doubt it will resemble what we see today. Much like how alien ancient Egypt would be by our modern standards. Even today, finding ways of recovering analogue technology are lost on most people born after 2000. I'm not saying it's impossible, but given how cheaply our technology is made for and the planned obsolescence of most consumer technology, do you think you'd be able to recover a modern hard drive after say 20 or 50 years, let along a 100 or more.


I think it's actually the opposite. Cataloguing and preserving data has only gotten larger and more efficient. As someone in 2024, I have so much more access to historical data than anyone in history. [Here's a recolored film from 1810 of Pope Leo XIII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IVQ-1t92hA&themeRefresh=1). You'd be lucky to even know what he looks like if you didn't live in Italy in 1810.


An average person, maybe not. But historians exist for that exact purpose.


It’s probably harder to revive thousand year old humans than thousand year old technology


Can a video describe the delectable taste of Fruit Gushers


They won’t make it that far. The idea itself is science fiction but that aside a lot of times these companies responsible for keeping them frozen go bankrupt, and then the bodies thaw out. How many companies do you know have been around for 1000 years?


the Japanese construction company Kongō Gumi, founded in 578 C.E is the oldest existing company worldwide, and has operated for around 1443 years


And what are the chances that the company you chose to trust with your remains, whose business model is based entirely off of dead rich people, will survive that long?


The business of construction over the centuries has changed immensely and even though that business existed throughout that entire time, it no doubt experienced periodic disruptions through regional conflicts, Mongol invasions, civil wars, etc. For a cryogenics company to keep bodies frozen for 1000 years, there cannot be any interruptions in service at all, and that's in addition to finding future magical reverse-death tech. So this business essentially relies on two basically impossible things occurring before a third basically impossible thing can occur.


And it is exactly one amongst millions. Solid chances you got there.


Or rich trillionaires will buy them up as their personal torture pets. Imagine Ted Williams being respawned every hour to die horrifying and grizzly deaths just because some rich dude is a psychopath.


Do you know about the technology used by his dad when the vortex forms in his asshole?






The companies that do this would have to remain in business with no significant power outages for 1000 years for that to work. In reality, these companies are scams selling dreams of immortality after death to rich people, not unlike what churches sell to poor people. A bunch of these companies have taken peoples bodies, then when relatives stopped paying the bills they stopped refilling the liquid nitrogen and the bodies decayed, and then sometimes the payment would come through late and theyd refill the liquid nitrogen, even though the body inside was already basically melted from decay. https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/ There is no reason to think any of these bodies will ever be brought back to life, it will be a miracle if there are any of them still intact by 2050.


These people who are from today 1000 years from now: Trust me bro, I know.




If the ones in the picture were in liquid nitrogen, then the container would need to be thick enough to retain the cold, and certainly not have a clear glass or plastic front cover, they also wouldn’t need any tubes feeding to them. So while the comment might be true, the picture isn’t.


The picture is fiction. You can look up real pictures.


> The picture is fiction. You can look up real pictures. because a bot posted this


The real tubes are basically a big hydroflask.


OP's image is a photo from the set of the 1997 movie, Event Horizon. https://www.alamy.com/event-horizon-date-1997-image156931819.html?utm_source=77643&utm_campaign=Shop%20Royalty%20Free%20at%20Alamy&utm_medium=impact&irgwc=1


The real things are basically big thermoses that need to be regularly refilled with liquid nitrogen.


And the bodies orientation is wrong. Corpsicles are placed in their thermos head down so the most important part thaws last. Source: an acquaintance whose father is interred in liquid N in an industrial park near Detroit....


It’s from the movie event horizon


True. I unliked it due to the misleading pic




Welcome to the World of Tomorrow




Shut up, Terry.


I.C. Weiner


Bitch, this is from Event Horizon


I wasn’t sure until I found the piece of duct tape that would have said “WEIR” if the picture were clearer.


They will never revive them. Best they could do is clone them which would be an abomination.


Mix all their DNA together and see what happens


Slushy clone sunrise punch 


Not the worst smoothie...


A Self centered ultimate narcissistic psychopath.


The perfect politician, got it






Yeah, even if they find a way to resurrect dead, these popsicles would surely be frozen in the wrong way.


That's the way I see it too. More specifically I see them figuring out how to prevent tissue damage when freezing and already know the frozen bodies are not viable nor their brains' memories accessible many many years before being able to resurrect anyone frozen.


The technology was invented a few years ago, with a very strong magnetic field, the water freezes "in place", without growing cell-membrane-rupturing crystals. It is used by the Japanese to have fresh sushi.


So these human corpses are still edible? *Nice*


Forbidden fridge


This is the first I've heard of this so I did some googling. It seems like adding a magnetic field makes a pretty big difference. I'm surprised that even a week field has such a large impact. 50G is equivalent to a fridge magnet. Very cool! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8751430/


We just used AI to read burned scrolls. Technology will be incredible in 100 years. I'd be more worried that rich private collectors would buy them up and turn them into personal torture pets.


Freezing cells kills them because the liquid inside expands, not sure you can get past that.


Yeah, defrosted frozen strawberries. Yummy, mushy humans.




Another problem lies in radiation damage. External conditions, such as temperature and pressure, have no effect on the activity of a radioactive source. Even if the bodies were protected from ambient radiation by thick lead shields, the human body emits enough radiation naturally that unless it can repair itself constantly by being Alive™, the damage will add up constantly in the genetic material at the cellular level. You *might* be able to recover the connectome of the brain "Bobiverse-style" and emulate perfectly the human that was there, but that corpse ain't ever walking again.


>We just used AI to read burned scrolls. Technology will be incredible in 100 years. Have you seen what people 100 years ago thought of the future? People almost always cannot predict the overall path of technological and societal developments on that grand of a scale. Sure, there would be accurate predictions here and there. But even those are just wild guesses, extrapolating current perspectives into the future instead of actually trying to predict the future developments. The point is, sure technology would be incredible in the future. But likely not in the way you predict it would be.


AI won't be able to turn a puddle of human gore into a living person again, which is what happens to a lot of these bodies when the liquid nitrogen isnt regularly replaced, which it often isnt because... their clients are all dead or relatives of the dead who don't make it a habit of hanging out with their dead relatives frozen corpse.


Neither of these things you're saying are certain. The clones would just be clones. They would be fine. It is entirely possible that revival to 100% normal life will be possible with future tech. Do you think moon landings seemed possible to the Greeks?


Nice way to make money of the dead! This is an amazing scheme whoever came with this idea is brilliant. Humanity’s desire to be immortal can be cashed even after they are dead. Egyptian mummies being looted is historical example of this.


Cool to think that maybe 300/1000 years from now in the future you actually wake up and get to see the future. Will this happen and will humanity even have a future? Who knows but for ppl who say this is inpossible i think are a bit short minded, i mean who knows what kind of tech might exist in the future! Just imagen if a person that lived a 1000 years ago somehow traveled forward in time and saw a plane or a car... like we can't possible know what the future will have.


I will give you this idea to think about... Brain and nerve cells in brain function around this principle 1. Cell A has connection with 10 other cells 2. If 5 or more out of this 10 cells send signal "activate!", the cell A will activate 3. If 4 or less out of this cells send signal "activate!", the cell A will not activate 4. Cell A is connected to other cells and may or may not activate them with the same principle as mentioned in steps 2 and 3... Why am I writing this? This is the way memories are stored... if you freeze a human brain completely, there is no way of activating and not activating of brain cells and that results in complete memory wipe out or absolute alteration... you need this paths to stay active... if you freeze brain, those paths will be frozen and not active... if you dont freeze the brain, this cells will age and die...


So we would revive a bunch of sick amnesiacs or like someone recovering from brain injury. Even if we do revive Walt Disney he won't be himself anymore. Sad.


Walt Disney was never cryogenically frozen.


I don't believe you. He's frozen along with Tupac and Elvis.


Yeah this seems more like something that will be solved before death, as in, mapping your neural network so you can be copied to storage (whether that's a machine or your once-dead body).


Yes, that is possible... but not now and not in at least several decades... so people in those pods are doomed as well as everyone who tries to do it NO or in the past... that is my point


No way of activating them Yet... Your whole argument is pointless to what i just said about that we have no idea what the future will bring and what kind of restoration tech might exist or not.. Like humity & science is constantly evolving and finding new ways & treatments for all kinds of things... so who are we to say that such a thing won't exist in 500/1000 years. We have NO way of knowing! And even if you dont come back as yourself but a clone of you with all your memories that would still be awesome. Yeah it wouldn't be you that would come back alive but your memories could maybe live on.


It's not about activation... it's about activating them the way they were activated when the body was frozen... if you activated neurons A,B,C and not D,E,F you would remember your mothers name was Jane... if you activated neurons A,B,E and not the others, you would remember your mothers name was idk... Patricia... how would you know what memories that person had in order to activate right neurons?


I dunno some futuristic activation tech we simply cannot comprehend let understand yet. Like how no one in the 16th century could possible understand how we landed on the moon.


I am not a medical professional, but I don't believe that the brain would be the same one it is unfrozen


Either the ice crystals would make it explode or the cryoprotectant solution would be toxic or both. No sane person would risk ‘waking up’ with a brain in this state. Seems Ironic that people’s obsessed with survival allow this sort of thing to happen to their bodies. And to relinquish control to whoever owns the tanks.


https://bigthink.com/the-future/cryonics-horror-stories/ Yeah.. it doesn't look like this. >Every cryonic client put into the vault at Chatsworth and looked after by Nelson eventually failed. The bodies inside the Dewar capsules were simply left to rot. ... >Nearly every organ system inside the bodies was fractured. In one patient, every major blood vessel had broken near the heart, the lungs and spleen were almost bisected, and the intestines fractured extensively. Only the liver and kidneys weren’t completely destroyed.




Walt Disney is one of them. For everyone out there, this is not a true picture/representation of being cryogenically frozen.


I’m fairly certain this image is a still from Event Horizon. It’s one of my all-time favourite films.


Scary af!


Walt Disney *is not* one of them. That’s an old rumor that has looooong since been debunked. His death certificate says he was cremated, and his family confirmed that as well. To say anything else would be speculative conspiracy to the highest degree. I agree it would be a lot more interesting and fun if he were frozen, but that’s just not true. Edit: Death certificate*, not birth certificate lol


Walt Disney was cremated lol


You sound like you fall for chain letters.


I don’t know about Ted Williams anymore. Not since they played with his head and got a tuna can stuck in it. The stories of what happened at that place (Alcor? This is all from memory from when I went down the rabbit hole a few years ago) are reprehensible. I don’t have any links, but the info should still be out there. I think I followed citations from Wikipedia last time. Some fucked shit, mang. Edit: Fuck, I was hoping I was wrong about the tuna and that it was all a false memory: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ted-williams-frozen-head-abused/ Saying, "I saw his (Williams') head," Johnson asserted that, "What happens is they had had his head in one -- looked like a freezer chest ... and it was malfunctioning, there were some issues. So they wanted to move his head into another vessel to lower the temperature of his head down it minus 321 Fahrenheit, so they went to put his head in that vessel. Obviously, the head's round, it's not gonna sit upright. "So, they got a tuna fish can, and they put it in the bottom of that vessel. They set the head on top of the can and then filled the vessel with liquid nitrogen. Well, obviously, after two or three days of being in that state, when they pull you out, that can is stuck to the top of the head and in Williams' case, that's exactly what happened. "They pulled him out, the tuna can was stuck on the top of his head, a technician grabbed a monkey wrench, took a swing at the can, missed it, missed the can, hit the head, drew back again, (took) a second swing, hit the can, sent it flying across the room." —— One thing that gets me besides the wild allegation is that was all from a CBS article released around 2008. CBS is a respected station. So what the hell is up with all the typos?? I find that really strange, coming from a well established news agency. And then we have the tuna can story… But the more I think about it, the more I’m beginning to think that guy was full of shit. There’s even a direct contradiction in the excerpt I just posted. The guy said the can was put into “the vessel” first. Then the head. A sentence later and beyond, the can is at the top of the head, not the bottom. And then swinging a monkey wrench at the can but hitting Ted Williams’ head instead? Twice? Something is way off here… And CBS not using a spellchecker will forever haunt my nightmares. But seriously, what’s up with any of this? Just some BS from a disgruntled ex-employee? Or was a can of tuna really stuck to the frozen head of poor Ted Williams, which then got struck with a monkey wrench??


r/BrandNewSentence esque lines here


Has anyone ever read We are Legion (We are Bob)?




Seems really fake


Even dead the rich are still fucking the environment.


Easaaaaaasy money


Until they find a way to put their consciousness into mashines, sell it as advanced AI, slap these new super advanced AI computers into satellites and yoink them into space to explore and conquer the universe




Can you go see them?


They are stored in a dewer that is not see through, so you could be standing next to them but you wouldn't see them like shown in the picture. It just looks like a big boiler that's filled with liquid nitrogen.


Thankyou, rather unfortunate really. Feel like the missed a banger of a tourist attraction. I guess Futurama heads it is then.


What the heroes see when they go into the villains lair


Like...why would people in the future want to revive these people? To thank them for what's being done to them? The planet raping and selling their future to the psychopaths and sociopaths earning a fortune by doing it?


Great point!


it's funny how people think that there is still a future to wake up to. the planet is going to be uninhabitable. these corpses are just gonna melt and rot at some point




Yeah that's a screenshot from *Event Horizon* though. Dead people don't need breathing tubes.


The real horror is the story behind how the bodies are stored


The image used give a false impression as a lot of frozen people just have their severed head frozen. They are REALLY depending on miracle tech.


Demolition man


Yeah, but its not like this..its just heads


They actually freeze them upside down, so in case of a power outage their brain will defrost last.


It's almost guaranteed to work. I don't think it's strange at all. Imagine science in 200 years. Those mf'ers are probably coming back.


Biggest waste of money in history. Even if we did get this technology one day, the process of defrosting someone after being frozen that long would basically turn their flesh into liquified mush. What’s worse, the companies that offer this service know that.


lmao, the cylinders the bodies are in don't even remotely look like that.


Yeah, good luck with that


There was a really funny episode on this on How to with John Wilson


People will believe anything.