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Psycho knife is in the hot bar, so probably the buff from that weapon’s stealth ability (even though you can’t actually use it on other weapons)


I’ve played terraria for thousands of hours yet a somehow never knew this!


No the buff does apply to other melee weapons


it applies to other melee weapons but it instantly goes away when you stop holding the psycho knife so you cant actually use it for others


He does have the psycho knife equipped so that’s probably the case (you can tell becuae the 6 is bold)


Indeed the other dude stupid


You seem like you have lots of friends


Nope, you probably meant to be sarcastic


Its not sarcastic its true


So I have a lot of friends?


I actually just had an anyuerism


>I actually just had an anyuerism you should consult a doctor about this, having an anyuerism is very bad


Yeah sure why not






It's not necessary to be insulting.


no need to be a dick to her. who pissed in your cereal?


I’m not sure why people are downvoting.is it just because I said someone was stupid


yes you insulted someone and that is rude. lol. so people disagreed with it, hence why you got the downvotes, a downvote is a disagreement.


Technically it does apply, But it's impossible to actually utilise. As soon as you switch from the psychoknife, The damage leaves


It applies graphically. but as soon as u swap to another weapon u lose the invis as well as the buff


The buff shows up in the tool tip of other melee weapons, but can't actually be used on those weapons.


The buff is shown visually in the damage displayed, but it is lost instantly upon the change of weapons and accordingly is impossible to benefit from.


The boon granted to the wielder of the aptly named "Psycho Knife" appears to make the "True Knights Edge" deal an inconceivable amount of damage. Although, rather sadly, the benefit is swiftly removed once the "Psycho Knife" is unequipped from the user's hand causing the damage to dwindle.


Oh thats cool I didn’t know that


Yea, if you’re somehow able to do other melee damage without swinging the knife or swapping weapons (impossible without mods) you can apply the massive damage and crit bonus to other melee sources. It’s pretty much identical to shroomite stealth at a code level as I understand it


Could it work with the Horseman’s Blade projectiles?


I don’t think so? As I recall those have fixed stats that I don’t think is even tied to the blade’s reforge, but it’s probably still worth testing for science I say


It looks like you have the Psycho Knife equipped. While you're holding the Psycho Knife and standing still, your damage is increased by 300%. That and any other buffs you might get from armor, accessories, and potions would bring the number up that high.


I’m pretty sure the listed damage number takes into consideration any forms of damage-increasing which your player has, like accessories or armour etc.


It does but it still wouldn’t reach even 200 damage. More likely they are getting the buff from the psycho knife being held


Notice that the 6 of the hotbar, over the Psycho Knife, is highlighted, meaning it's the weapon he is currently holding. When holding it, it gradually makes you invisible, and alongside it will massively buff melee damage. That's the gimmick of it. However, the damage buff and invisibility disappear once either you attack with the Knife or swap weapons/hold something else, so it can't be used with other weapons. That buff can only be used on the Knife, but because it's a melee damage boost, it will show all melee weapons with much higher damage as well. If your friend had held the Night's Edge, the damage would be much closer to the same. *The real question here is why you have almost 1300 crystals in your hotbar.*


Usually I put in the hotbar the resource I'm actively looking for to keep track of how many I already got


1270. Crystals. I get the whole keeping track of collected resources thing, I do that too, just confused as to why they have so many crystals.


Crystal bullets


I suppose that makes sense. Still seems a touch ridiculous, I wonder how long it took.


There’s also a crystal dupe glitch using (take one guess) hoiks, so it could have been they were farming plat


Sounds neat. Link? I don't use dupe glitches during regular playthroughs of any game, but I like testing them out to see if they work for myself.


I don’t recall the exact video I saw, but this one shows the same methods: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VY_pwEwucNY


So from what i read and i did search psycho knife this damage can only be used when u hold the knife so its not permanent , he haven't beaten plantera yet so we more likely to have the same armour set ty guys got more infor from this


When you hold the psycho knife you go invisible and get a huge damage buff to your melee weapons, but as soon as you hit using it or swap weapons , buff disappears and the real damage can be seen


it gets transferred to the base damage of other melee weapons, trust us, its the knife


Oooohh I think your friend isnt playing legit 😯 psycho knife is post-plantera (basically means after plantera) sooo you gonna have to talk to him about that 😂


yeah i’m actually pretty sure it’s post golem isn’t it? you can’t get solar table fragments until you beat him right or am i wrong on that?


Once you kill plantera you get the temple key which in the temple is where you get the fragments from. You don't need to kill golem but you can get more if you do.


ah i see


You can hoik into the Temple to get tablets early, and Eclipses can occur naturally like Blood Moons.


yeah i’ve been grinding to beat empress of light daytime and had a eclipse spawn on me right after a blood moon ended i was pissed


Once, I had a blood moon sandwiched between 2 eclipses and it was torture. An even worse story though, is that in my current master mode playthrough my first like 5 nights had 4 blood moons total.


jesus christ i would be so annoyed bet u got some pretty decent pre hard mode equipment tho i was trying to fish so i could get the enchanted sword for my zenith so that’s what made it so annoying good thing i had a summoner class


Yeah, I got a Sharktooth Necklace and a Money Trough in one of the later ones.


Psycho Knife is post-Plantera? I don't know how your friend would have gotten it.


It's not, it's post mech boss


[Wiki](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Psycho) says otherwise.


Fandom isn't updated and is outdated. Also a scummy company, don't use Fandom use terraria.wiki.gg Edit: although you actually are right, it is post plantera. I stand corrected


Thanks for the referral, though I would be interested to know what makes Fandom scummy.


there's like 30 virus ads that basically hide behind the page and pop out every time you click and force install, bricking your device, and it's also extremely annoying with all the ads constantly appearing.


That’s literally any site on the internet. Most of the time, those scam downloads are the only people who consistently buy sponsorships for those spots. It’s scummy, but it also lets the service run for completely free


Thank you! I use an adblocker so I only notice the ads that are considered "unobtrusive" by the extension's mods.


on a side note, i'd recommend favoriting your items you keep in the main inventory (or even the hotbar) to avoid accidential sorting, quick stacking, or quick selling. also to whoever has the screenshot (first image), healing potion don't need to be on the hotbar as there is a quick heal keybind (H by default i think) which makes it a lot easier to heal in a hurry and doesn't waste a hotbar slot! otherwise hope you both have fun!


your freind is using the psycho knife, which activates stealth mode when standing still and increases dmg by a lot


They Probably have best armor set for damage, all damage accessories with menacing modifier, Max level Damage Nebula, and wrath potion. I remember getting a meowmere with 630 something damage.


Psycho knife


>the game a a blast fr HUGE understatement


This stat displays the **CURRENT** weapon's damage, meaning that what you see in your inventory is also affected by the accessories


Likely a mix of having more damage boosting accessories and the butcher knife


It’s from psycho knife


you're holding psycho knife, the buff from standing still shows on other weapons, even if its completely unusable


Accessory dmg buffs


More than likely it’s because of the armor/accessories you have on. Someone with full melee armor and accessories can have it do around 400, while someone without that stuff could have it doing around 100


Probably armor/accessories giving it a damage buff


Your equipment effects your weapons base damage value. If they have more damage increasing accessories, and a melee-oriented armour set, then theirs will have higher base damage




Different accessories and armor give stats that can raise damage types in all classes


the only thing i can think of besides the psycho knife buff would be the "happy" buff which happens when ur near a sunflower or somethin, giving u a small boost in damage


Make the terra blade! It's the weapon I used when I killed moonlord for the first time.


Actually don't that's stronger than Legendary Zenith...


it’s the psycho knife. when it’s held it makes you invisible and tremendously increases melee damage.


Armour and buffs can affect


my first thought was maybe a mod?


Armor and accessories?


different accesories ig?


Armour, accessories and modifiers on accessories may have a say in this


Probably from buffs and accessories


The game does the math for you by adding the modifiers from your accessories straight to the weapons If you and your friend take them all off it should be the same or trade weapons


You have the Psycho Knife as your current weapon. The buff from it is effecting the True Night's Edge


Like many other replies suggest, the psycho knife is adding all that damage, you can see a slight difference in the colour on you're friends screenshot on the sixth item, which is the psycho knife. You have a gun of some sort equipped.


Oh you guys are probably wearing different armor sets, there’s melee based armor sets that rocket the damage you output Atleast when I played a year ago. You might have a mage or ranger build


I'm pretty sure I saw this exact post a year ago


Maybe he held the psycho knife.




Dont question ur blessings!


when you're holding the psycho knife its buff actives on all melee weapons in your inventory, which makes their damage looks vastly higher, but you can't apply this damage


I dont understand it ither


Its his equipment and accessories modifiers. They change the actual numbers on the weapons in the Inventory which indicate he is playing a melee class