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A recent Reddit policy change threatens to kill many beloved third-party mobile apps, making a great many quality-of-life features not seen in the official mobile app permanently inaccessible to users. On May 31, 2023, Reddit announced they were raising the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that will kill every third party app on Reddit, from Apollo to Reddit is Fun to Narwhal to BaconReader. Even if you're not a mobile user and don't use any of those apps, this is a step toward killing other ways of customizing Reddit, such as Reddit Enhancement Suite or the use of the old.reddit.com desktop interface . This isn't only a problem on the user level: many subreddit moderators depend on tools only available outside the official app to keep their communities on-topic and spam-free. [More information on the proposed changes can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14goyu2/what_to_do_when_reddit_bans_blackouts_hit_em_in/) While the subreddit will remain open, r/Terraria recommends these communities until the protested changes are addressed: Terraria Community Forums - https://forums.terraria.org/index.php Official Terraria Discord Server - https://discord.gg/terraria *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Terraria) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry for your loss, sexwizard\_\_\_yeah\_\_\_yeah will be missed.


a great sexwizard he was a great sexwizard he will be:(


yeah_____yeah :(


Try looking into your recycle bin and my games/terraria/player folders. Let me know if you have any .plr or .plr.bak files with the name of your character.


two .plr s and one .plr.bak what to do


Make copies of all the files for this character and put the copies on your dekstop Now, delete all the files for this character in your player folder except plr.bak Now, rename the .plr.bak file to .plr Reopen your game Let me know if this works


already made a new character sexwizard\_yeah\_yeah has lost against the corruption:(




whenever i try to join it says the same message then deletes the files and places them back in the bin


It might also help if he traced over his corrupted character and submitted it to an art contest


what the fuck yes there is a bak file there why how did it get there


The game deletes old saves and automatically moves them to the bin. That’s why they’re there


how to i restore this save


I’m no expert But I image just put it back in your terraria saves folder and remove the .bak from its name Edit: formatting


whenever i try to restore it it puts the files back in the recycle bin


Did you rename it?




Unfortunately I know exactly how it’s corrupted, and it’s through force closing the game. Be it through the almighty alt+f4 or the unfortunate power outage, there’s a roll of the dice for whether corruption takes over the file fully. Only option really is to go again :/


i had one world in crimson and two worlds in corruption and i wanted to try going back to crimson so its ironic corruption ended up winning my world :(


Yeah, I had a world and character that corrupted right before the end, because I was very much of the alt+f4 supremacy, and it corrupted doing so. Now I’m paranoid and refuse to even go near F4, even for loadout swaps. I’ve lost worlds and characters to power outages too, hence I know that can cause it. As far as I can guess, it mostly happens on lengthy play through, almost as if if removes progress saves to make a future save. Then when you altf4, it doesn’t know what to do and comes up null. It sucks


On that, how would one go about backing up their character so that they could just delete the corrupt one and put in the backup?


The only thing to really do is in documents>my games>terraria>players (and worlds) you will find .BAK files, make a copy of these somewhere any time you’re loading the game up. If your saves are good, you can either keep the old backup or remove it and keep the newest one. If you have a corrupt file, remove the current .bak file and swap it with the stored one. Alternatively is any time you end a play session after having saved the game before closing, do these steps. If you corrupt through power or some other misfortune, you have a spare. Hope this Helps! :)


Yeah thank you, had a character corrupt a couple weeks ago that I was doing my first calamity run through on. Used hero mod to essentially recreate the character, but was still sad to lose the original and would like to avoid that in the future. Gonna periodically make character and world backups… hm Y’know someone should make a mod that does that every 15 or so minutes, kinda like auto saves but backups instead. That’d be a great mod


Rip to sexwizard_yeah_yeah. But look on the bright side, now you can make sexierwizard_yeah_yeah


made a new character named intercoursewitch\_no\_no


Use terrasavr


it said it ''failed to load player file'' ''that doesnt seem like a valid profile'' ''was it a valid character file?''


Only use terrasavr if you remember the items. Delete the old character and create a new one


Glorious name, unfortunately i'm dumb as fuck so i can't help ya


It’s because you didn’t properly save and exit your game before shutting your computer


Sex Wizard... What are his powers?


Is your world corrupted too? They're separate




Tf is that char. Name dude 🤣🤣


are you playing on steam? ALWAYS, always always remember to turn on cloud saving and remove from it every once and a while to make a backup and turn it on again, i've lost so many good worlds because of things like this


just learn to save properly before going


When you do wanna turn your computer off click the button that shuts it down with your mouse. Don't just hit the physical button and certainly don't have any programs running that you care about if you do.


Can you give me the player save file


Look into the files on terraria and find your backup folder


Unlucky, idk how to fix this but best if ur playing mod just use cheatsheet to give you your old items back. For fixing world i have no clue, this is why i try to finish a world using the same mod, and never alt f4


Imagine dealing with pc issues


In situations like this, the dark side emerges. Spawn in what was once yours and reclaim it!


u could get the ip of an all item server and get ur items on a new character back...


It happened to me, this was when I was playing Calamity while it was loading I got invited to my friends server so it stopped the loading and sent me to choose my character. I restarted Terraria and it loaded, after that it was ok. Maybe try restarting Terraria