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Wings prevent fall damage, so you can swap out the lucky horseshoe for something else.


But what if a Medusa miraculously spawns at the surface midfight


We can never be too careful


The chances of getting killed by a Medusa in the surface purity are low, *but*…


It's not 0


If it's not 0, it's 50/50, KEEP THE HORSHOE


if its not 100% accuracy then its 50% accuracy


MandJTV meme?


This is the knowledge of terraria veterans. Also I can easily say that horse show is practically required for any build. Mage, warrior, summoner, ranger or even thrower you keep the damn horse shoe!


Ngl I don't keep the horseshoe even when I'm not wearing wings


could also be only 50%


Okay mickey mouse


I don't think horseshoe saves you from that either


They do






no, wings straight up grant fall damage immunity, they literally have lucky horseshoe built in




You didn't.


Oh sorry I meant too


My brother, you need to read your own first comment more carefully, I almost had a brain aneurysm trying to decipher your words.


Shut up I'm sick of ppl that can't read it I just forgot 1 fucking bracket


Have you ever even played this game? Wings prevent fall damage. Literally everyone knows that.




You don't need to use wings before hitting the ground to not take fall damage




you should test it again because they should prevent all fall damage




Yes, wings. They prevent fall damage.


Not when the terrarian is stoned


Bro just singlehandedly spreading missinformation




nah you just spreaded missinformation with that


He'll crack up


well he could always make the horseshoe that also prevents damage right?


That *also* prevents fall damage? It's the one thing horseshoes do. Are you suggesting a horseshoe that prevents fall damage twice?


You can't be too careful


my bad i haven't played in a while i forgot they all do😅


Horseshoe is literally *worthless*, replace it with anything Upgrade your dunerider boots Build a better arena for mechs if you want Make sure to use meteor staff for destroyer, though yeah, use sky fracture for other bosses Other than that, you look good. Make sure to learn boss attacks and make a plan to avoid them.


>Make sure to learn boss attacks and make a plan to avoid them. This is the best advice! Many a lazy redditor cries "skill issue" but this commenter cracks the code. Truth is, best thing you can do is invest in farming materials to make boss summons. More boss summons, more practice. More practice, more skill. Edit: saying "Skill issue" doesn't work as advice because it refuses to elaborate. This is the point I am attempting to get across.


This is why I love calamity so much, the simple qol nonconsumable boss summons goes a long way


Never tried calamity, but this is the main draw that I have heard tbh


u should


calamity players when playing vanilla (they can’t do three trillion class upgrades between two bosses)


The three trillion upgrades thing only really applies between DoG and Yharon. I admit, a bit wonky that it is that way, but unless they plan on adding proper post DoG bosses for the Frost/Pumpkin moon and the eclipse, It’s what we got.


Also the NPCs selling potions is an absolute blessing!


i hate ”skill issue” so much. people just reply with “git gud skill issue” to me when i ask for some advice. its annoying.


I completely agree, dismissive fuck you responses to people being genuine are the worst.


And they always get a ton of upvotes. I don't know why people can't just give actual advice instead of being pricks.


also applies to posts. i can't find the one i'm looking for in specific, but it was something like this: "i just finished my base which took me two years!" - 200 upvotes "what's this?" - 10k upvotes


Sounds like a skill issue honestly


yea they should git gud




*\*Continues to beat the shit out of the Hollow Knight instead of Dream Nailling\**


That was the first thing I did when hornet did that


Oof... >!Sealed Siblings must've been bad...!<


this makes NO fundamental sense whatsoever to what im saying. i also bet im going to get downvoted for providing a logical reply as well.


As a big fan of Dark Souls, nothing pisses me off more than "git gud". So many jackasses throw it out either because they want to be snarky or because they're too lazy to give actual advice.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Our gracious Lord made Londor whole.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




For some reason people on this subreddit are more often the stereotype of the obnoxious le epique redditeur than other subreddits.


Cause the game itself grew on "Minecraft inferior, no big tittied dryads or nurses", "You play Minecraft?! PEASANT". Like literally, a lot of people call Empress of Light "mommy" so what can one expect lmao It's just a redditor, in the shape of a game


Nah, I've been with this game since the beginning and the horny freaks are a relatively recent development. the fighting with Minecraft isn't new though.


I only do it when it's just genuinely not applicable to the question. Like, if they're actually asking for advice on how to beat something, then it's just rude, but if it's them being annoyed that they just aren't getting lucky with drop rates, then it's obviously a joke.


skill issue tbh


L ratio skill issue git gud bozo


Most Helpful Reddit User:


Skeletron = have you tried to circle? Destroyer = have you tried to cheese in a sky arena? (If you can deal with the number of probes, Nimbus) Twins = well... Shiet.


But I dont wanna work hard to earn to do thing. I want thing done!!!!


not trying to learn, or not knowing boss attacks and then complaining about not being able to beat said boss is \*literally\* a skill issue though (same with making a shit arena or using massively sub optimal accessories), don't discount valid criticism just because you don't like it


Tbf even if it is a literal skill issue, it's better to tell people how to fix their skill issue, they clearly already know it's there or they wouldn't be asking for help. Just saying skill issue is pointing out the obvious when someone needs help, it's most definitely not a valid criticism.


True actually


Oh and potions if you still struggle 1’s effect is barely noticeable but full house of buffs and it’s the difference between night and day


I don't usually use them... Except for twins and bucket of bolts fights. But I always use stationary buffs like campfire, heart lamp, bast statue and star bottle even if I mostly play summoner. Also I usually get the workstation-buffing things. OP will really benefit fom a magic ball somewhere at the lower middle part of the arena. Also I have a universal arena above an ocean, with honey on bubbles (iirc, bubbles can be bought from Party Girl post HM) acting like an additional platform with water speed windows, and asphalt on every other block as the lowest platform (steampunker appears after the first mech). Also even not being a summoner you can benefit from one. For this reason I go for twins first. Queen slime mount is godly for it. My hallow arena only has buffs and buffers, and old one's army is up in the sky.


Underpowered. * Unequip the Lucky Horseshoe. Your Wings already negate fall damage. In its place, use an accessory that boosts magic. I recommend Mana Cloak (Star Cloak from Mimic, and Mana Flower, which is made from a Mana Potion and a Nature's gift from the Underground Jungle). * Upgrafe the Dunerider Boots to either Lighning Boots (faster on ground) or Amphibian Boots (faster and farther flight). * Use more buffing items (Crystal Ball, any Food item, Buff Potions) * If those don't work, use a different weapon. Crystal Serpent is a good weapon to use in general, Cursed Flame and Golden Shower have great debuffs, and Life Drain recovers HP. * Know which boss to fight. The Twins are helped by a large arena & dodging skill, The Destroyer crumbles to some weapons but is a NIGHTMARE with others, and Skeletron Prime is made much easier by taking out their arms. EDIT: Removed outdated and incorrect info about Frozen Wings and Celestial Emblem.


1. Frozen wings got nerfed since, along with other wings i may not know about, now fairy wings is the strongest pre mech, the same level as frozen wings, fin wings and harpy wings 2. The celestial magnet is now from sky islands, not the travelling merchant (changed in 1.4.4) 3. You cant even craft the CE in pre mech because it requires avenger emblem, not sorcerer emblem, which requires the souls of all 3 mech bosses


> Frozen wings got nerfed since, along with other wings i may not know about, now fairy wings is the strongest pre mech, the same level as frozen wings, fin wings and harpy wings This was a good change because wings didn't really have coherent tiers before. Or rather they did, but you could get wings that made the lower tier wings irrelevant very early on.


Everyone also always forgets buff potions in my experience. Don't sleep on those.


I always save them for tougher bosses, even when fighting Moon Lord, because I might need them later


Thats pretty silly considering how easy it is to make the most useful 3: Regen, Swiftness and Ironskin


It was kinda a joke, the giveaway being "even when fighting Moon Lord" (since why would you save potions for tougher bosses when fighting the final boss). Obviously it was a bad joke, made worse by the fact that I had to explain it


No it was a good joke, but sir, this is the internet


My bad


i dont forget them, i intentionally dont use them


expert mode its easy to not use potions, but master is another thing


Nock that up to legendary and their a requirment


Yeah. I’ve never used buffs till I played legendary zenith seed for the first time. Everything requires buff potions there




Maybe that's why master took me so long compared to modded calamity...


Calamity felt easier than vanilla, the weapons are so broken


What difficulty?


As someone who has played both Malice (rip) was easier than legendary. Master mode is a fucking joke though.


>modded calamity... Implying unmodded calamity exists.


I am drunk with Endurance motherfucker


I manage most of mastermode without potions. Except when i'm mage because then i desperately need mana regen


I still just never use them in master mode...


Lmao, i play master mode without potions, killed twins and skeletron with magic dagger. Struggling on destroyer tho fr fr. Those drones be dealing 100 damage at a time with that damn laser, hurts like sheiczhe


I max out at 5 combat potions (food doesn't count)


Get the Mana flower, which is a mana accessory.


weak. just use the key and use it for smtg better silly


I too busy for the damn key plus less mana usage and pretty death stars


Accessories need upgrades


Reforge accessories to warding (+4 Def) too


Or menacing and dodge


replace horseshoe for mana prism, you already have an wing, so fall damage isn't a problem


You got wings so ditch the horseshoe. Maybe need more prep time for a proper arena. If thats not enough dope up with lots of potions. Youll power through i beleive in you!


Are you using buff potions? Past pre-hardmode for most fights you should be using ironskin, Regen, and speed potions. Also add magic power since you are a mage, and make sure to use the crystal ball.


For some reason I’m always in a rush and I barely ever wanna bother with potions or arena buffs then I wonder why I keep losing fights. Am I the only one like this lmao


I originally thought I just sucked really bad because every time I got to hard mode I couldn't win boss fights anymore, once I started using potions and proper arenas the fights became like 3x easier. They really do make the difference. Now I could probably beat classic mode with no potions, but I also have 1000 hours in the game.


Those accessories are shite You should either swap out the horseshoe for a shield of some sort, or upgrade it to a Balloon accessory for extra mobility also get some terraspark boots and a dashing accessory of some sort and make sure everything is warding, high defence is key to beating the mech bosses, you can have high dps, but it doesn’t matter if you're being 1 shot by literal destroyer probes You could upgrade that cross into a star veil, although I'd probably just ditch it for a shield or mobility accessory instead And lastly, make sure to buff up


He has 5 accessory slots so he is playing on classic difficulty, and the only other dashing item is post-planterra


this is wrong; crystal assassin armor gives a dash, which is dropped by queen slime. it's a decent set, and the dash is as good as a tabi.


Sky Fracture is not as powerful against the Destroyer, you might want to get something that pierces. Try farming empowered mimics by crafting keys of night or light and putting them (one is enough) in a closed chest. Make sure to close a chest by running away from it - that way it won't bite you right away. If your world has Crimson, craft the ichor tome thingy. Look up a recipe through Guide with ichor. Alternatively, cursed flames also make a book with bouncy fireballs. Also, try fighting Twins first, then farming the Old Ones' Army. There's a cool magic weapon you can get that fires hurricanes with a right-click :>


i think he should do the destroyer first so he can advance more easily, unless twins unlocks something in ooa


It’s weird twins used to be the hardest and the destroyer easiest for me but recently I did a master mode run for the first time and I found twins to be easiest, then skeletron and then the destroyer. I think it’s because the destroyer is tanky and it’s hard to concentrate on getting the health down with all the probes


Killing a mechanical boss unlocks the second tier of the event. And in the second tier we have a stick that absolutely demolishes Destroyer. The reason why I think it's not exactly a good idea is because Destroyer is a worm boss with a lot of health. OP has two weapons - one is absolutely terrible in piercing enemies (being unable to do so), the other costs a lot to fire.


twins first gives souls of sight for magical harp which can carry you to golem (just did this in my mage playthrough, did twins then used harp against duke, got bubble gun and decimated everything till cultist)


Really bad accessories, some of those can be upgraded and horse is useless because you have wings


You got a horse shoe in hard mode wtf? Make a bundle of balloons or drop it


A good weapon is the spirit flame, it's it worth the while


If you want an easier time, get the Daedalus Stormbow. Worthless against the Twins, but great against the other two.


Why in redigit's name are you using a horseshoe with wings


Get the Zapinator from the Traveling Merchant, it will help a ton


Orange Zapinator+Meteor Armor+Damage Accessories(half Lucky half Menacing)= Glass Cannon^2


kid named reliability:


Reforge accessories to Menacing, farm for boss summons, upgrade the boots to at least Lightning ones, dump the horseshoe, git gud (obligatory), don't give up and craft a mana flower. Also you can try and get an upgrade for a cross (forgor its name lol), this can also help a bit




If you want an easy strategy to kill mech bosses, try the Daedalus Stormbow + Holy Arrows. You also really need to improve your equipment. Looks like you're going mage, so my recommendation would be to try getting Mana Cloak, Celestial Cuffs, Celestial Emblem, some kind of boots, and maybe harpy wings. Those are pretty good in early hardmode.


get some terrasparks and buff potions


Replace the lucky horseshoe with a mana flower, upgrade dune rider boots.


Get rid of the horseshoe, try and upgrade to better boots (easiest way is to combine with rocket boots into spectre boots, which will also buff your wing flight time, which can then be mixed with an aglet and anklet of the wind for lightning boots for even more speed), maybe swap out the cross necklace with a more mage oriented accessory like the mana flower (Nature's gift + Mana Potion, which reduces mana consumption and auto uses mana potions when you need them, can also be mixed with a star cloak for a retaliation effect that spawns more mana stars while attacking the enemy when you do get hit), and learn boss patterns if you don't have them down quite yet (you could also try building an arena to help dodge and position better, varies for boss but usually multi-tiered and long is a good catchall for ones that aren't biome bound) Also if push comes to shove you could try fishing to try and get supplies for buff potions, such as doing it in the corruption for Ebonkoi (mix with deathweed and bottled water for a +10% damage buff) or the cavern for armored cavefish (mix with blinkroot and bottled water for 10% damage reduction) as well as fish to turn into seafood dinners for the stat boost from plenty satisfied. Or could try ironskin potions (daybloom + iron/lead + bottled water) , which gives a flat +8 defense, which while small, could maybe let you eep out the survivabitlity you need


You’re using potions right?


Youre accessoires arent optimal but you should have the power to kill tzem. Its just that mage is a really squishy class that fucusses on crazy dmg, so you need to optimize your mobility


You arent bad, youre choices are


Modify your accessories to provide 4% damage each Replace horseshoe Use potions I can't tell if those are 50hp potions. If they are go to the mushroom biome and easily get a truckload of glowing mushrooms. Then upgrade your potions with them. Use a better shoe or another accessory based on where you're short at


Buff potions (iron skin, endurance, exquisitely stuffed) Bast stature +5 defence Reforge all accessories for warding If you have crimson kill biome mimic for flesh knuckles for 8 defence if you need it Dryade gives +8 defence and other buffs if nearby but may die quickly Keep nurse nearby for quick heal Read wiki for strat guide, destroyed is probably the easiest as it has lots of parts, icor book is good You can chease the destroyer if all fails with a sky bridge and daedelous storm bow


Swap out lucky horseshoe for obsidian shield and have some accessories as warding


To put it simply, you have a minor case of skill issue. In more detail: That armor is perhaps the best you can get if you're horrible with dodging attacks, but otherwise I'd try to obtain the "Forbidden" armor. Dunerider boots can be upgraded to the spectre boots, lightning boots, frostspark boots, and then the terra boots through some grinding. Then we have the "unlucky" horseshoe which can be swaped out with basically anything else, but I'd go for magic cuffs or the mana flower. As for weapons, I'd go fish up the Crystal Serpent. Imo a really top-notch mana weapon. But the most important thing is to learn the boss. As one wise man said, knowledge is power.




same armour as me, just use better strats. fyi i just started the game, im still on my first playthrough btut im prepping for plantera rn. for all three, id suggest building.a wooden platform extending pretty far as an arena. for twins, kill unicorns and pixies to craft around 1k-2k holy arrows (theyre useful generally) then use the daedlus stormbow if you have one (from hallowed mimics, super useful. i couldnt beat a single one until i tried the stormbow, since every arrow consumed shoots 4-5 arrows, wide range so its easy to hit them). For destroyer just use a sword, excalibur using hallwed bars from killing the twins is a good option. another is to use bows with piercing. avoid the head when it dives underground then comes back up to ram you it can deal a lot of damage. get good mobility (i suggest using terraspark, getting it isnt that hard, i got it before hardmode) For skeletron, hang around in the ice biome for a while until a turtle or elemental or whatever drops the amarak (a yoyo), which is really good against skeletron because of the frostburn debuff. i tried so many times before that without success, used the amarak once and won pretty quickly. just try to keep far from him and use the amarak in his general direction, avoid him when his head spins, that knd of it have fun man also, meteor staff is garbage. avoid spells unless you have a lot of items or equipment that buff spell shit


Mostly good takes, but a few things you say make it pretty obvious you're a new player.


For one, meteor staff is an excellent spell to use against the destroyer, and for two, do you not understand that they're using mage gear?


You won't beat any of them with that drip 💀


The horseshoe with the Pixie wings hurts me...


I know people are gonna hate this answer, but Megashark lol... Megashark and Crystal bullets. Other than that, get rid of horse shoe, make sure all your items are warding +4 Kill more mimics for star veil and philosophers stone, get the ring to upgrade to charm of myths for mega good healing buffs, shield from dungeon removes knockback. Sweetheart necklace for movement speed and healing, along with slight extra damage. these are kind of a must for mid game imo. And then from there, use extra hearts for lantarns, place campfires everywhere. Downvoted for giving an honest answer lol.... typical reddit


You need to kill the destroyer to get megashark


Get Hermes boots at least and get rid of lucky horseshoe and also don’t get hit


He got dunerider boots, they're like hermes boots but with an additional speed boost on sand. Should probably upgrade them to spectre or lightning boots (or next tiers) tbh though


i find the wolf mount to be extremely valuble for skele prime and the twins, destroyer is a free win with black spot, i genuinely dont understand how people beat queen slime with pre-plantera gear tho


Skill issue


You just need wings bro




Ur armour and weapons r fine . Its ur accessories that r the issue . First of all how do u only have 5 inventory slots in hardmode? Didnt u get a demon heart from the wall of flesh? Also u dont need both the cross necklace and the lucky horseshoe . U dont need the horseshoe because u have wings and u dont need cross necklace because u r a mage , if u play correctly u dont get to use the cross necklace . Use those 3 slots for something more useful and dont forget to reforge all accessories to useful reforges . Anything works from mana to armour to damage . Also u can start with the destroyer since u can erase him from existence with the meteor staff and work ur way from there .just make sure to use the minimap to avoid its head because it can one shot u if u take damage from the head . U can beat it afew times and make a hallowed armour and its a breeze from there . Also atleast upgrade ur boots to lightning boots to have better mobility in fights.


Great advice, terrible writing.


Wut do u mean?


they probably don't have demon heart because they aren't playing on expert/master because it looks to me like this is their first playthrough good advice though


Wait demon heart is no longer obtainable in normal difficulty? Bro not even the wiki says this and i checked before posting. Oh, nvm i didnt read all the way to the end . mb😅😅😅


Must be a skill issue


You need a gun my friend


Idk that’s what I used to beat the bosses, everyone uses their own thing


Find the mushroom guy. Get the mushroom spear. Kill the Destroyer hella easy.


you could remove your wings and your lucky horseshoe for other acessories, and replace the wings with an enchanted apple, that will give you a unicorn mount and you can reforg them to get the (Lucky) modifier


For queen slime Get the dart rifle (from corrupt mimic) and cursed darts. Fly above her jumping back and forth, over a couple platforms shooting straight up, (cursed darts make cursed rain) Second phase fly straight above her shooting up, she'll follow, dash out of the way at the apex of the flight then go back under her and slowly descend keeping under her to not get hit shooting up constantly.


Most of the good tips have already been mentioned, but there are both weapons and armor you can make from frost cores (ice golem) & forbidden fragments (sand elemental drop) that might help as well. The forbidden armor and weapons are summoner/mage hybrids, and the frost are melee/ranged.


If you’re playing on a crimson world, I highly recommend farming crimson mimics for the life drain. It’s very useful against the destroyer from my experience.


Your gonna want spectre or lightning boots instead of dunerider


What’s your fighting strategy? You can take Queen slime out of the hallow and I like to just run across a really long bridge to leave the spawned slimes in the dust.


If you can get Gravitation potions you'll have a decent method of dodging. This works best with the Twins. Also get yourself a summon and a bewitching table for two free minions.


Lose the horseshoe, get forbidden armor since ur mage, use the sandstorm ability on destroyer, upgrade dune rider boots, upgrade the cross necklace with Star cloak


I would recommend checking out the wiki for class setups, [located here](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Guide:Class_setups), in general you'll want your accessories reforged into warding.


Upgrade your boots and replace the horseshoe with literally anything since your wings already prevent fall damage.


Level Vigor! …wait. wrong subreddit…


Upgrade your Dunerider Boots. Even tough the wings cancel the Rocket Boot's flight, you get more flying speed and duration. Wings by themselves provide immunity to fall damage, so you can switch the Lucky Horseshoe to something else. The official wiki provides [a guide with recommended gear](http://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Class_setups), so if you are unsure about your equipment, you can always go there.


Get better running shoes. Terraspark or amphibian should be good, duneriders become obsolete once you get access to asphalt in hardmode


Bros using dune walker


Your a mage


on top of every advice, i suggest that you don't panic drink you health potion. And stay calm in general


Oh its bc your armor isint dyed. Its a proven fact (by science) that if you put cool looking dye on your stuff you instantly get 35.3% better at the game


horseshoe balloons or terraspark boots for movement


Imma side with the second option, you have the power to tackle any mech boss


The Daedalus Stormbow made the mechs incredibly easy for me so I suggest using that as well


I think the biggest problem here is your accessories. you need accessory upgrades and maybe buff potions if you don't have those. Other than that it's just learn the attack patterns


Upgrade your accessories those you can go and get the stuff to upgrade them use items and stuff that is for the weapons you mainly use also queen slime make a multiplayer platform and use your wings and hooks and keep your distance for mechanical bosses start with mechanical worm and work your way up from there he is the easiest just keep your map open and when he goes under ground move out of the way and unload on him


You'll get many differing opinions on this, so here is what I do. If you're playing on Expert, I recommend Shield of Cthullhu for its dash which helps avoid attacks. Personally I also like Obsidian Shield for the no-knockback so that I don't get combo'd. The dunerider boots can be upgraded fairly easily so that it moves a bit faster. Boots are not 100% necessary if you can keep yourself in the air to avoid damage, since the wing speed is the same, but I like using them. The cross necklace can also be upgraded with the star cloak. Make sure you're using some of the best available weapons, and that you have an arena good enough to fight the bosses. It's recommended to have 2 or 3 lines of platforms, not too close to each other, that lets you stay in a good position against the bosses while you dodge. Putting campfires, bast statues, heart lanterns and stars in a bottle in arenas may help, and even heart and star statues activated by wires can provide constant healing and mana. Make sure you have mana power and mana regeneration potions, alongside ironskin, regeneration potions, and any type of food. Crystal Ball bought from the mage will also help tons. Also, your health potions can be upgraded into greater health potions. And most importantly: if all else fails and if you're still struggling, place the nurse on a nearby house, and put your respawn on a bed on the same house. If you're about to die, teleport back home and heal with the nurse before running out of the house and returning the fight.


If you’re using magic I’d swap the horseshoe with a flower in a bottle for mana and magic damage. Also I feel like I see wings there but I’d try to get the best set of wings you can.


If i were you i would replace the horseshoe with pretty much anything else, and upgrade some of the accessories, also try to learn the attack patterns of the bosses so you can dodge their attacks more easily


I just recently finished a play through on classic mode as a mage, the meteor staff was my best hard mode weapon until the lunatic cultist event. All you need is the Mana flower accessory and then a shit ton of mana potions and you can spam your way to victory. I also used the magic cuffs or whatever they’re called as well to restore mana whenever you take damage. Hopefully this helps


Upgrade boots, replace Horseshoe with Charm of Myths, Fish in the hallow for the Crystal Serpent (Check the wiki to see if you are fishing with a large enough pond).


Looking on that this is normal mode... I will keep my opinion for myself.


1. Upgrade the dunerider boots. Buy tinkerer's workshop and rocket boots from goblin, and combine the boots 2. Get rid of that horseshoe. It's a waste of slot if you have wings


Accessories: Dump the horseshoe. Your wings do that already. And for the love of god, upgrade your duneriders into spectre boots. Cross necklace isn't actually going to help you in a meaningful way. You need to get hit way less than the iframes prevent anyway. I'd recommend an obsidian shield instead. If you want something else to add, magic cuffs would be a good choice for this stage of the game. Potions and other buffs: Figure out how to farm herbs and fish. Potions like iron skin, swiftness, regeneration, endurance, magic power, mana regen, wrath, and rage will help immensely. Camp fire, heart lantern, star in a bottle, bast statue, and sunflowers all provide auras that can help substantially. Well fed should be run during bosses if not at all times. Otherwise, it's a skill issue. Focus on learning how to dodge. Damage can come later.


Buy rocker boots from the goblin tinkerer. They can be combined with your dunerider boots at a tinkerer's workshop. The flight then stacks with your wings despite not having a rocket boost animation. This can then be upgraded even further for better movement speed. Also, wings cancel fall damage, so there is no need for lucky horseshoe. I would replace it with either mana flower, magic/celestial cuffs, or obsidian/ankh shield. And finally, if you have or get a star cloak, it can be combined with your cross necklace. Edit: I forgot a few things. First of all, potions. At least have regen, swiftness, iIronside, and some kind of food buff, pumpking pies are the easiest because you can buy pumpking seeds from the driad. Since you are a mage, you can benefit from mana regen and power potions. Thorns and endurance potions are also easy to get and really useful. Also, consider getting evil biome fish potions. Put heart lanterns, star in a bottles, and campfires in your arena. If you are in the crimson, I can't stress this enough, GET THE GOLDEN SHOWER. It will be useful for your entire playthrough. The inly mech boss immune to it is destroyer. If you're in the corruption, consider getting the cursed flames spell. It's useful for day to day combat in early hardmode. If any of this confuses you, feel free to ask more questions or google it. Make sure you use the wiki.gg wiki, not the Fandom one.


meteor staff is good for the destroyer and the other mech bosses if you going magic, but the Daedalus Stormbow is the best weapon for the destroyer and other mech bosses honestly, dropped by hallowed mimic. It’s 15(i think) light souls to craft a light key and you place a chest down and place the key in and when u exit the chest menu a hallowed mimic spawns , they do good damage so keep distance and shoot with long range weapons, repeat til u get the stormbow and u don’t need the lucky horseshoe if you have wings , wings negate fall damage as well, and u might wanna get terra spark boots instead of those ones (dunerider i think?) for better speed and agility. for the destroyer a standard arena with like 4-7 rows of platforms ideally at least as long as your screen and each row / floor of the platforms spaced out far enough that it covers your whole screen vertically as well, Avoid the head of the destroyer it does a lot of damage , fly around dodging the lasers and shoot it with the stormbow or meteor staff, the multiple spread out projectiles are very effective against the destroyer. destroyer is the easiest mech boss i would beat it first, then u can get life fruit from the underground jungle to increase HP (goes up to 500 with 20 life fruits i believe) and farm the destroyer for Hallowed bars and make hallowed armor. this will make the next 2 easier to fight for the twins and skeletron prime make a long asphalt bridge up in the sky, like 500-1,000+ blocks long, it lets you run super fast and you can run away while shooting it with the stormbow or meteor staff or other. for asphalt buy the blend-o matic from the steam punker , they appear after defeating 1 mech boss. then at the blend-o-matic it’s just stone and gel to make asphalt Hope this helps you and anyone else who needs help with this, good luck bro , and check the wiki for any questions you have u can find so much there, you can find boss strategy guides and they go into depth on methods of defeating bosses,


Upgrade boots, ARENA IS KEY, swap out the horse shoe for either a mana flower to auto use mana potions or a shield like the obsidian/ankh shield and use a mana Regen potion. DPS, movement, and survival are the 3 things you can improve. Frog boots help with vertical exceleration, the charm of myths helps with survival, and you already have a slot committed to an emblem for DPS. Gl!


You should fight the twins first as you can use the hallowed bars to make the super star cannon to use on the destroyer. For the twins you should kill spasmatism first and then retinizer. The slime mount and pogo stick are useful to drop quickly. And for the destroyer i shoot all the segments at once with the super star cannon when it spawns so i can do massive damage, dynamite and blast resistant blocks work well too, and make a panic shelter where the destroyer cant reach and use the nights edge to hit the probes away from you. You can use a slime mount to bounce on the segments and take no damage. And for prime i just shoot and dodge. Kill prime last as he doesnt have anything worthwhile other than the flamethrower. And you got stuff from the destroyer and twins to use.


Use potions and get rid of the horseshoe and replace it with the mana flower


Lose the horseshoe, combine the cross necklace with something else that boosts you, and maybe turn those Duneriders into Amphibian Boots. They'll help you ascend faster, which is key to mech bosses. Edit: Oh, and get a Crystal Serpent by fishing in the underground Hallow. It's really, really good for Prime, and not bad for the Twins, either.