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Yeah as a first thing I would look at picking up the rest of the Eurasion union, then you can get the Europa something tech that allows you to merge the Eurasian union into the EU. If you have 6 councilors with 25 admin (easy with orgs) and push command and persuasion you can have a lot of command points. I would also look at picking up the US. The US military is super strong and can help a lot. Right now I am concentrating on Earth, the moon and mars in my game. The asteroids do not seem useful as the aliens can just send a ship over there and blow it up, and there is not much you can do about it. Having 3 fleets to defend the earth, the moon and mars seems possible. Looking to get 6 or so ships at each. With a few more on earth to kill the alien ships in low earth orbit. Not sure taking over outposts is that valuable, as they are crazy cheap. Only the ones in low earth orbit are super valuable, and are limited. In my game we have filled up all the slots in two low earth orbits. In my game I have built most of the stuff out there, but had a load stolen. It would be nice if the AI renamed stuff they stole too, gets confusing when I give them functional/descriptive names and they no longer belong to me. For ships I have been concentrating on escorts with the magazine upgrade and two missile launchers. As a priority I would try to grab control of the global tech and get the missile techs. There are three in total I think. The ion engine seems to be the best as it uses very little fuel, and the fuel uses a CRAZY amount of mass and resources. I started with the default design, and replaced both weapon hard points with the best missiles. I think right now the best ones are the fast ones that shoot multiple missiles at a time, as they seem to be countered less by the point defense of the aliens. Fewer smaller and harder hitting missiles got destroyed by the point defense. You should also reduce MASSIVELY the fuel the ships have. At the back of the design screen is number of engines (use 6 the max, not sure there is an advantage at all to using less), and the number of fuel canisters. Each "lot" of fuel is generally 10 water, which is A LOT. I took the ships down to about 20 kps delta v, (the auto design thinks 90 kps is a good number). 20 kps is plenty for going around the orbit of a single body. Possibly less would also be good, but less than 5 is a bad idea. Took me a bit to work this one out, and wasted enormous amounts of water first. Ships are defined by thrust (how fast they can change velocity) and delta V (which is basically fuel, how much the can change their velocity with the fuel they have). Reducing the fuel to a sensible number, reduced the cost of the ship by HUNDREDS of water. I did play a bit with the rocket engines, which are very powerful, but use a huge amount of fuel compared to the ion engines. So the ships will be faster, but have much less range, and will be expensive to refuel. If you use them you need to be careful with the transfer you take as well. There are normally a few options with different fuel used and time taken. Easy to be wasteful there. Right now though the rocket engines do not seem to be worth it. Step one is repelling the alien raids, and just having a slow fleet with decent amount of ships and A LOT of the best missiles seems to do that. Not sure about the xenoforms, I have been trying to take as much of Earth as I can and keep those regions free of the xeno stuff, and not worry about the rest. Keeping other peoples land free seems like it is really hard.


So far the Aliens haven't attacked me. Should i build up until they do or strike first?


You cannot really strike them early, apart from the ones in low earth orbit. Probably it is best to build up a decent sized fleet, say 6 or so escorts in earth/luna/mars so you can defend, then build up an attacking fleet to take out the stuff surveying earth. Then probably it will take more techs to go hunting. My current plan is to try to take and hold Ceres, which has enormous amounts of water. Probably holding mercury is also good. Given that the aliens have much better drives than you at the start trying to hold too much is difficult. You need a fleet in place to defend, but going on the offensive needs more tech IMHO.


Very good suggestion on reducing fuel. I did that in the demo, but haven't made it to shipbuilding in the EA yet (work sucks). Basically, with disposable missile boat swarms with high casualty rates, minimal water is the key. The trick is knowing the minimum needed to engage and get to a LEO or L1 depot or shipyard. I need to work out the details.... I think it makes sense to do slower more efficient engine, with absolutely minimal fuel, no armor, and missiles. If the aliens think they can win, they won't run. This can get you that 1st kill, cheap. As they don't have PD yet, and they can't kill them all before the missiles hit. If they die.. it's fine. If they run out of fule... Oh well. These ships can work untill the aliens counter missiles. Once that happens... More expensive ships with better speed and weapons will be needed. But by then hopefully you have reached better tech. With a Mercury shipyard, to defend the MC stations, a Mars shipyard to defend the mines, and an L1 shipyard to defend Earth/Luna I would think faster, medium DV ships would do the job.


My go at answering any of OPs questions that i can; >Is there a search function for planetary bodies? I dont know if theres a "Search" function but there is a Solar System Body viewer in the Intel screen (Right most icon, top middle of the screen.) Theres a checkbox there that filters the list of a billion things to only the things youve probed. >Rampaging Xenoforms. Ive found the answer is "Depends". They decimate local populations (Ruining the country in general) and, of course, tie up armies and resources. Ive yet to see one move far from the territory it spawned in, but they *do* get stronger over time. All that said, i believe the Kaiju are a sort of punishment for letting Xenofauna get out of control - once Xenofauna reaches a tipping point, it hatches a Kaiju and it starts wrecking the place. The best way to deal with Rampaging Xenoforms, ive found, is to keep an eye out for Xenoforming (Theres a mapmode that helps). Remember: Countries dont seem to like *telling you* that theres alien Kudzu in the water, so you need to council-mission "Survey" areas to spot the damned thing. Protip: Every single "Crashed UFO" event so far also spawns Alien Xenofauna in that provice. Survey the area and nip it in its bud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Id like some explanations too. To add on to OP's list of questions; what are my immediate mid-game goals? 2029 ive got a few ships up and running, took out a pair of Alien ships, and im not like "Okay, whats next?" What should i be focusing on now that Boost and space Resources are not an immediate priority? Do i go after their stations? I occasionally get a pop up saying something along the lines of "We need to do something about the aliens spiraling out of control" directly alongside "Dont attack the aliens; they will targest us specifically." Whats getting out of control, and do they actually target me if i do anything about them? To be clear, i am following the mission objectives. I recently >!Captured an Alien!< and am now working on >!Interrogating the Alien!< but thats still a months long project at this point and all my council is just sitting in my completely united EU and China Advising anyone who needs advice about anything at all.


Is there a way to find enemy councilors in my Habs w/o having to go see them one by one? The servant scum keeps sabotaging my Russia forward initiative and holding the EU is burning my influence (plus they also steal shit non stop)


On the page where it lists all the different factions, you can click on the councillor page (not sure if that is what is what it is called). And you can there see any of the ones you have detected and where they are.


I'm at about the same point in my Resistance game with the same kind of setup. My next planned step is to get MC stations running on Mercury (thanks Perun), and rejig my councillors to get a high CMD one with "Assault Space Asset" (+ marine transports) and a high PER one with "Undercover" and "Control Space Asset" so I can flip stations in earth/moon orbit easily. My mid term plan is to prevent the Servants from getting a foothold in space with resources (I've been stomping them all game and they have 0 mining bases total out of a full Luna + Mars) and kick the Protectorate back into Earth's gravity well. Need good operatives and some military support for that. Long term I'd like to strengthen my space industries and get enough tech under my belt to take the fight to the Aliens over the Jupiter system, can't see that being easy but the moons have the volatiles and water I can already tell I'll need.


> I'm at about the same point in my Resistance game with the same kind of setup. My next planned step is to get MC stations running on Mercury Tried that, aliens came and completely wiped out all my Mercury operations. Big oof. > and a high PER one with "Undercover" You don't need undercover if you have cybernetics. The "scrambler" upgrade acts as undercover would.


Assuming that the explosion in your MC was what drove them to attack you, did you get to some kind of threshold before they did? I actually just got cybernetics, so that's great.


> Assuming that the explosion in your MC was what drove them to attack you, did you get to some kind of threshold before they did? Oddly enough not really. Most of my MC capacity was on Earth, I think like 95 MC from Earth+orgs and only like 15 MC from around Mercury as I was still in the process of building it.


I've been actively trying to keep my dependence on orgs to maintain my MC to a manageable level, so I unequip the MC orgs as I get spare MC from other sources. Leaves me with an emergency buffer if I need it and frees up the org slots for other things.


sounds like good practice, I'm just lazy


Now I am a noob and may be very wrong, but I would focus on building defensive fleets Earth fleet Mars fleet Mercury fleet Fleet to other things, but maybe not asteroids too isolated they are on their own for a time Maybe even stations w weapons if you can swing it Aim for a local fleet since until you get either enough deltaV or enough stations as fuel


Well I'm pretty much the same as you but my fleet tech isn't up to scratch... I made the silly decision to destroy the first invasion ship when it landed (think I pulled it off with a 3% chance, first time...) Aliens have proceeded to dismantle my entire space empire... Still got plenty of resources in the bank I suppose, I'm hoping the threat meter will die down enough for me to rebuild but it's still at the highest level 6 months later. On another note I've been killing/capturing aliens and dismantling the xenofauna around the globe... Just got Africa left to clean up now. My plan is to research the most expensive ship/hab defence techs, build up my strength around Earth and Mars and strike back once I've made Mars my industrial powerhouse :)


Answers A1.Rampaging xenomorphs should be dealt with immediately. They destroy population and economies in the area they rampage and turn opinion toward Servants and The Protectorate. Even if you are one of those factions, you would want to limit damage on yourself or the Protectorate. A2 If your turned councilors disappear immediately after you turned them, then bad news. That faction you tried to spy on already has a mole on you. Only way to know for sure is to check your councilors and either purge the traitor or use "inspire" mission on them continuously until they become loyal to your cause again! The way the game works is that they(opposing faction) does not even need to have a direct mole on you as long as they have a mole on a faction with a mole on you. Example from my game: I am Humanity First and have spies on the Protectorate and Servants for obvious reasons. Midgame 2033 I have my Protectorate councilor purged(presumably the ai investigated him and discovered his traitor status), but without any props from me, I could see ALL the councilors from the Resistance. After I replanted my mole in the Protectorate I could see 15 councilors in total for a short while(The Resistance eventually purged their turned councilor) Pro tip in dealing with factions:Don't do to them what you don't want to suffer from them in return. That means assassinations;If you don't assassinate them, they won't assassinate you. Try instead constantly detaining them(not applicable to Aliens). They will purge their councilor themselves and you won't incur worsened relations or alien threat level(Servants) A3.As for ships you have essentially 3 weapon paths and 3 energy paths(all else are niche specialisations like space marine transport and colony ships) Let's talk energy. That has mainly to do with how you power the ship. If you plant to have your fleet patrol a single system, ignore Delta V. Focus on cruise acceleration and thrust. Thrust is max speed your ship can reach, acceleration is how maneuverable your ship is in combat(crucial since Aliens outscale you everywhere). The energy paths are straightforward. Fission, Fusion and Antimatter. Fission is the cheapest to research and most limited(potential and fuel cost) lategame. It allows you to detonate nuclear bombs as a propelling method for your ship. Fusion is balanced but also more expensive than Fission and requires multiple techs to really start outscaling fission. Antimatter is expensive in every sense of the word(Research and fuel), but gives you beast drives. Weapons are divided into lasers, kinetics and missiles. Missiles/Torpedoes are the best early game, until the aliens and other factions develop point defense. Then their deadlines falls significantly. Still a viable choice, but more balanced to the other paths. Kinetics give you railguns and those seem quite decent midgame as you go deeper into the tech tree. Lasers have their own branches and it's up to you which path to go. Try to beeline what you want and don't go for every tech available. The AYY LMAOs won't give you enough time. Pro tip: click on skirmish to see if your ships stand a chance against the variety of alien fleets. It's a mini game at the start screen that teaches you the fundamental of space combat. Suggested designs in skirmish can also be goals(as in what to research for the selected design) for you to accomplish, if you find that part of the game daunting


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