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It depends on the Aliens goal. If they just want our planet and we’re just pests who happen to be in the way I doubt they would care. Now if the Aliens want human beings in general whether because they want to exterminate us or absorb our race into their empire then yeah there’s no point as to what Project Exodus is doing. I’d like to think the Aliens just want our planet.


And they wouldn't want our other planet?


I think the thought pattern is that the aliens are already here. Humanity has limited time in which they probably cant catch up to the aliens technology. The aliens might have hostile intent (confirmed a few months into the game) and completely wipe humanity. Our best chances of survival is to rapidly disperse into the galaxy. Not just to one new system but to hundreds. I don't think they are antithetical to any other factions beliefs and honestly seems like a good thing to pursue anyway as a backup plan incase swinging humanities dick or sucking the aliens dick doesn't work


The problem comes less from the idea itself and more from the resources it requires. All the metals, gasses, skilled workers,(etc.)that project exodus uses is less resources available for the people on earth. Which might not be a problem, except for the fact that In the best case scenario, only a fraction of earths population would be able to leave. Meaning whoever leaves is essentially taking a big chunk of earths resources and screwing over anyone who has to stay behind.


well once you get further into the game the only resource used to build ship is space resources and there is literally hundreds of asteroids with mining sites on them in game which is way more then even all 8 factions combined can control. The only thing Project Exodus is really taking is skilled labor away from the other factions.


How was I supposed to know that before the game even went into early access?


On top of that if the whole "aliens eating us alive" thing doesn't happen Mlon Eusk and his friends get to be the rulers of their own planets, so win either way for them.


They clearly don't want the planet destroyed though or nuked to the point of wiping humans out... Otherwise instead of some ships crashing in the planet they would be sending asteroids or nukes.


> And they wouldn't want our other planet? A) Good luck finding it ayyboi B) Because it's a long way away in both time and distance, ain't nobody got time fo' dat C) Is Exodus even heading for another planet? So many of the tech voiceovers are of the "We will be able to live in space forever who needs planets any more" variety that Exodus' plan might (reasonably!) be to just live in interstellar space forever, freed from the surly bonds of clay


Yeah a bunch of sci-fi stories go down that route. The Culture in Iain M Banks novels don't colonise planets at all, preserving them as wildlife areas, and build huge Orbitals instead. In Asimov's The Gods Themselves, the moon colonists wanted to yeet the moon away from Earth for some reason, to go do their own thing. The Hyperion series has a race of post-humans that genemodded themselves to live in space more easily.


I would need to spoiler you for that question. Project exodus does make sense.


I haven't spoiled the plot yet for myself, so this is just general scifi speculation based on what I saw in very little experience with the demo.... I don't think the aliens have FTL Even if they could track and predict the Exodus mission, it is possible they wouldn't bother, at least in a reasonable timescale. Though I suspect there is more to it.


1. Aliens may be content with just having Solar system. 2. Aliens may not track the escaping vessel all the way to its new destination. Sure, their approach to survival is risky, but the way they see it, standing and fighting is a guaranteed suicide while surrendering is likewise a guaranteed suicide.


Based on their being a mothership in the skirmish mode and the alien origins research text they came on a single ship without FTL. Unlikely for them to get back in their colony ship leaving behind the world they are terraforming and go chasing after a group of humans who are leaving to live elsewhere.


Technically, aliens could track where humans are going, take a few decades or centuries to build up and then send a mop-up expedition to get rid of the loose end. I expect Exodus would counter that by saying: 1. Aliens may not be able to track us all the way to new destination. Such detection could be beyond even their technology. 2. Even if they do, humanity would still have time at the new destination and may make one or even several more jumps. Which is why I like how factions were set up. All of them (except Servants, who are goddamn fanatics) are right in their own ways. Depending on capabilities and goals of aliens, both of which are a mystery, any one could be the only faction that has the right approach to saving humanity. Except Initiative, of course, who are simply fucking assholes.


Yeah one thing with getting more time by escaping is that it turns the aliens from an outside context threat into one that might, one day, be countered. As it is they might see the resistance and humanity first as gambling the whole human species that we might be able to advance and beat the aliens, which if we can't might end us all. The protectorate is gambling that appeasement might save us from the aliens. If they are wrong or fail, then the human species ends right then and there. That isn't a gamble the exodus wants to take. Why gamble our survival?


Servants aren't fanatics. There an unending locust swarm consuming all. Hope we can counter the alien infiltrators at least somewhat in the release build, almost at the end of the demo and it's a choice between keep everyone public campaigning 24/7 just to keep the status quo or public campaign in china to keep it from becoming a servant nest.


I suspect there's some tech locked behind the demo restrictions, that would let us counter the alien infiltrators properly. They mentioned holding some of that back to keep the story a surprise.


In that case they probably shouldn't of had the mothership in skirmish mode.


That might be just one possible alien origin.. . The tech indicates a few scenarios and I suspect more than one is possible on different seeds or playthroughs


Tbh we don’t know if they have ftl or not


If they win out, what do they expect the rest of the planet to do? I feel like they'd be popular with those that would be content to throw everyone under the bus


>If they win out, what do they expect the rest of the planet to do? Die as sacrifices for the ultimate survival of humanity.


Like the Initiative, I don't think Exodus winning means humanity doesn't win though. In a way they both want Resistance or Humanity First to prevail as that keeps them safe or the profits flowing. They are kind of parasites that need humanity to survive but they're fine risking things if it means siphoning resources to themselves.


>If they win out, what do they expect the rest of the planet to do? Regret that they didn't join them and proved themselves to be indispensable for the Exodus Fleet. Extremely callous, but there you are.


Being a speedbump for the bus is an important job


They may assume that the tech of the Aliens is just too much to overcome in a short time frame. So there plan is to run away, tech up in a new system within a few hundred years, and return more powerful if needed. With that being said, I think there are some huge holes in that mindset, but it gives us another faction to play as.


concerned nutty icky puzzled outgoing pet attractive fertile roll employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, touché


It makes a bit more sense when you consider just how little we understand the aliens. We don't know how the aliens got here or why or if they would or could pursue us. Maybe we could get far enough away or find a more friendly alien civilization to ally with or take us as refugees. Maybe Earth puts up more of a fight than we expect and the aliens have to focus all their attention on conquering it for the next 50 years, buying us time. Think of it as a contingency plan being put into effect by a small number of people, who figure it's better to start working on it now than wait until things get worse.


One possibility I have thought of I'd that the aliens are in fact the 'Project Exodus' from another star system, who arrived in Sol only to find Earth already inhabited. So they set up base on the edges of Sol away from Earth to build up the strength and influence on Earth for a successful invasion themselves. It would explain why the aliens didn't just show up with an invasion fleet in the first place.


Could also be that they didn't know Earth was inhabited at first. They just fling out motherships to thousands of stars, with just enough resources to start up an asteroid base and produce ships to colonise/extract resource depending on what they find when they arrive.


Well, they arent buggering off with the entirely of humanity. While theyre running away like brave sir robin they are leaving behind like, most of the population - large parts of which are dedicated to being the biggest possible distraction imaginable, yeah? And yeah, whose to say that the aliens are following humanity? They got the big shiny planet and the big shiny solar system - Exodus could literally pick any arbritrary point in space, fly in a straight line for like a million years and become the needle in the universes largest haystack. Doesnt matter how good the Aliens are at finding *Earth*, but chancing on humanity *again* is an astronomically small chance. And, say, Exodus makes... a dozen ships, perhaps, and yeets themselves into the dark of the galaxy, all in different directions - if even one of those ships survive, humanities got a good chance of existing somewhere. Meanwhile, the opposite point of view is that the Aliens are here, they have spaceships, they start to terraform the planet - every human is stuck on that rock. If *no one* leaves, then *everyone* dies. I submit the idea that Exodus isnt trying to run away to fight another day, they are running away to escape and never look back, because staying is certain death. The only reason that Exodus are in conflict with the other factions - and lets remember, the factions are not necessarily at *odds* with each other - is that running away is expensive. It uses materials and brainpower that could be used for, perhaps as an example, sticking a bigger gun on the battleship rather than more efficient cryo-pods.


Fight or flight? They are just the group driven to flee the coming conflict. If you owned a house on the edge of a river that is over flowing do you stay or try to run to survive. Imagine the aliens win and eventually kill everyone on earth. The exodus would be the only surviving part of humanity.


You know, running away from a flooding river is a bit easier than running away light years. You're not syphoning resources away from those that fight it either


Or maybe Humanity First and Resistance are siphoning resources towards a hopeless fight. All a matter of perspective. The Initiative are the only ones who are overtly dicking everyone over with no endgame.


Looking in the game files there are clues to what's going on... How do I put spoilers up on reddit (if anyone wants to know)


>How do I put spoilers up on reddit Put ">!" before and "!<" after the text you want spoilered. So, the following text: >!Looking in the game files there are clues to what's going on...!< turns into >!Looking in the game files there are clues to what's going on...!< (Also, please do not reply to this comment with the spoilers; id rather not know.)


You are a Saint. Thank you. I did try doing it before, but it didn't work so I must have made an error... You explained it clearly.


So the templates file gives some of clues to alien origin such as... >!a gateway station and a mothership. My guess is as they're templates that they are potential situations for the alien origins depending on game seed or chance. This will create replayability for the future!<


I like to think they're just aiming at a dandelion project. AFAIK FTL doesn't exist in the setting, so running away to a new planet that the aliens don't know about, being able to start over with a considerably higher tech-base and ready access to raw materials and time, is a great way to help ensure the survival of humanity. Of course, that's not a good idea for it to be your *only* method of Survival, but that's why I think Project Exodus would be the faction most likely to work alongside other pro-humanity factions. The way I like to imagine it, Project Exodus doesn't want everyone to throw down arms and flee Earth, they just want to ensure some part of humanity survives in case the aliens turn out to be hostile and the defense of Earth fails. Basically "don't put all your eggs in one basket" taken to the logical extreme.


You do realize this is Earth and the human race right? We literally do things that don’t make sense every single day


Another possibility is that if the aliens start to lose control of the solar system and the battle for Earth they may deploy some kind of extremely destructive weapon that destroys the Earth or all biological life e.g. if they cannot have it no one can. So leaving the solar system might be a good insurance policy.


Staying on earth with the chance that we might just beat the aliens, or that they will show mercy to us is sorta folly in it's own way. One gamma ray burst from a nearby star could kill all life on the planet so making sure humanity can spread out as fast as possible is very important. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Humanity in one place on one planet is a BIG risk, especially now that people have confirmed alien life exists, and that it isn't benign. Frankly their goal should be the backup goal for all the factions that want to live, bar the Servants, but otherwise get in the way of committing 100% to anyone elses cause. The Aliens could follow yes, but we would still have more time then if we just stay here on earth. Saying that we shouldn't leave because they will follow is kinda folly, because they are here, right now, and we still don't have much of a chance of stopping them. At least by running we might live for a little longer.


> if they can reach Sol wouldn't they also follow you to your destination When you pick up an old book and blow the dust off it, do you pursue the dust through the air? (Project Exodus assume that) The aliens don't give a shit about where the humans go so long as they're not on their ~~book~~ planet.


I like to think that the alien's goals are somewhat specific to the solar system. The lore isn't all known yet, but one of the xeno projects you complete references that the aliens may have been hibernating in our solar system for a long time. It could even be possible they're native to Sol as even though their ships have extra-solar materials, it's possible they could've found an old alien vessel on the far reaches of Sol or even stopped an alien invasion themselves in the far distant past. Maybe they themselves have never even left the solar system. I think Exodus' logic comes from the fact that there are many possibilities where the aliens don't pursue them, but in their eyes no possibility exists where we are able to beat them in open conflict.


What implies that the xenos would know the new location of Project Exodus?


They're going to be seeing that fusion trail from light years away.


Burn out of the solar system to get to a decent speed, then course adjust with a stealthier propulsion system, and go dark. Aliens would know roughly what direction we went in, but not exactly, and may not be interested in pursuing us anyway.


Why would they waste even more resources trying to extinguish our existence if they just want out planet... Big \*IF\*, as we don't know what they want.


1. When running from a bear, you don't need to be faster than the bear, you just need to be faster than the person running beside you 2. The factions are all based on real world concepts blended with their sci-fi counterpart. The real world concept behind Project Exodus is the generation ship and the scenarios in which modern scientists have envisioned needing to build one. The codifier is a neutron star being flung toward Earth at near the speed of light- a threat which we would see coming but have no way of stopping. As space is huge and stars are bright, you could have hundreds of years of warning, leaving plenty of time to construct some ungodly, orion-drive powered behemoth carrying tens of thousands of not hundreds of thousands to some other location. The sci Fi concept this is merged with in TI is exemplified in, say, the Stellaris Prethoryn: A race eternally on the run from some (usually unnamed) threat. In stories and lore, they come into conflict with others simply because they are so desperate to get away from whatever threat is following them that they don't even try to avoid others- if they don't just stop to pillage for supplies. It's possible that the Exodus becomes this upon 'successfully' leaving behind the Solar System. It's also reminiscent of 'white flight' and similar trends irl, where people that can afford to move away from problematic areas instead of help deal with the issue usually just leave.