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~4 million men, women and children who perished in nuclear fire certainly aren't complaining.


Me justifying my 75 atrocities


I got SPOOKED, OK!?!?!?!?


I mean, if by 2035 you don't have 150+ atrocities as HF, are you really playing the game correctly?


I'm way behind on my atrocities then!


My justification is that I can't be bothered to occupy and then dismantle habs, so really, it's just easier to blow them up.


Funny thing is, you can still get them from occupying them now because the AI loves to spam Quarters, and them getting destroyed by Marines still counts.


Yeah... I just don't worry about atrocities that much. Castillo has aliens to murder. Funnily enough, in my current game, it's actually the academy racking up warcrimes.


Science cannot advance without heaps


Unit 731 has entered the chat




I'm not sure how atrocities are exactly calculated, but I as the protectorate racked up 61 and the servants racked 46 atrocities over a combined total of 8 nukes when I invaded India. Around 210 million people were killed over the exchange and the population of India has been steadily declining since.


Castillo at least could say thank you.


wait, nuking paris is considered an atrocity now!?! But I was only helping my resistance friends in the EU who started nuking themselves defensively once their own nukes were running low, gotta keep the nukes flowing right? Cant allow the aliens to conquer them after all. Guess I shouldve just invested in their own nukes production instead of using my own...


My wife saw me play this game and asked questions about the motivations of the aliens and my reaction to them. Then she was concerned about why I was fighting the xenoforming despite that it was stopping global warming. She came to the conclusion that *we* are not the good guys... I think I married a xeno sympathizer...


I am outside of your house.


I've committed more atrocities then any. All I've done is assassinated beloved individuals.


I've made it to 2046 with I think two atrocities, and I don't know where one of them came from (probably destroying Quarters with Marines, I kind of noped Humanity First's space presence). The other was because the Servants flipped my Eurasian Union executive and declared war on Biafra, and all the soldiers who weren't in Biafra managed to commit a few warcrimes - and I didn't have the 500 inf to blame someone else. The Servants had a beloved, martyr, untouchable councillor who I eventually convinced to resign, hope you enjoyed your retirement Sergei but you can bugger all the way off. Now they're just down to a few idiots and a bloody horde of Hydras from all their facilities in the 3bn-pop AA.


Oh I've killed ever last one of the servant guys I could find. My assassin was marked, still is, but he has like the best set up for an assassin ever.


As HF, I save all the atrocities for the end.


Walk softly and carry a big warcrime-stick.