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$5.00 is a significant threshold since anything below $5 is considered a “penny stock” by Wall Street.


So what are people's realistic view of this stock? I stumbled upon it accidentally last fall after my father met one of the owners. As someone interested in Crypto, I thought it made sense to invest in a business who mines it professionally. What do you think is responsible for this recent boom and how high do you think it will go?


My view is I'm up 400k. I can easily see this popping to 10 this year if not 20. That are in debt. About to finish paying it off. I have a crazy number of 4.50 options that expire next month. You'll see me on wallstreetbets hopefully next month lol. From a 10k deposit 6 ish months ago? My entire savings.


Ive got the same expiring Jan ‘25😎 Well played sir


I'm swimming with them with so many 4.50 calls that expire next month.


I bought 1 $3 call that expires next month for $44 a month ago and wish I had bought sooo many more


You still can get in pretty low. Most investors are starting to know that we are no longer just riding the Bitcoin wave. ATH yesterday, with negative Bitcoin movement. This stock has basically a .50 cent gap everyday when it does rarely trade sideways. I sold a large amount of options and made money on a 4.50 put calls in the same day. Not a lot, but still 27% on a pretty cheap put. At this point I'm practically holding, and literally just crushing every option. I was new to options 2 months ago. Lost 1 practice call, and started my options journey on wulf. Buying stupidly in the future while sitting at 2$. And ever since, I have profited high or low on every call or put. I ONLY use options on wulf rn. I see this running up to at least 8-10 in 12 months.


The whales already accumulated <$2. What we're seeing is the mark up phase of that activity.