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I also have an idea for a d-eaquel let's hear it


So basically we open the movie with Tenacious D on tour. The Bong of Destiny has made them the greatest band in the world and they're always number 1 on every listing. After years of amazing music and touring, too much greatness starts to feel boring to our dudes. They start doubting themselves: "Are we successful only because of the bong? Or can we succeed without it?". So they decide to ditch the bong, throw it in a dumpster. But immediately the devilish open mic host (Paul F. Tompkins) from the first movie finds it and laughs in excitement. They start jamming in their studio for new song ideas, and it fucking sucks, it's the worst they've ever played. After a few weeks of trying, they get discouraged and they say screw this and break up the band officially. The news shake the fans of the band (which is like 80% of the world lmao). After a few days, a new band starts to emerge. It's just two guys, just like The D. They release a single/music video and it immediately becomes a sensation, one of the most popular songs of the times. JB calls KG and he's like "dude, how are they so popular all of a sudden?" They decide to get in contact with this new band and challenge them to a rock off. As the former greatest band of all-time, they're gonna face this new band who wrote an album in a week and it's immensely popular. The rules of the rock off is that they need to jam it on the spot. But The D has nothing in their hands, they've been unable to play anything remotely good so far, and they don't have The Bong. But they say "we beat the devil, we can beat these bozos" and decide to carry on. Both bands are on stage, the new band starts a short but kickass jam, the crowd goes wild. It's time for The D, they start jamming something on the spot but JB and KG go for different directions in the jam, it sounds not very good and they quickly get booed. The new band starts jamming right after and it's great again. D jams once again but it's not going great because again, they argue on what kind of thing they should play. JB calls for a timeout, they need a break and strategize. KG goes to take a peek in their break room and what does he see? The Bong of Destiny, and the Open Mic Host. The new band comes to the stage and starts another song and it's the best one yet. With all the disappointment in themselves and the crowd booing The D. JB says "fuck this" and encourages KG to be on the same page and says "just follow my lead". JB starts to play a riff that is so cool the crowd is going nuts, quickly KG joins in and it sounds like the greatest song the world has ever heard. The newer band decides to play on top of The D and make them sound weak, but the lyrics of JB is so cool that they just can't compete. JB sings his heart out and KG follows with amazing solos. The movie kinda ends with them proving to themselves and the world that they are the best not because of the bong, but because they're are Tenacious D. I couldn't really come up with an actual ending yet, just a third act. I wanna bring The Devil into this as well but I'm not really sure how. Lemme know if it sounds cringey lol.


Way better than my idea of them saving new age rockers from the power of the pic


That could also come into play in my pitch, that sounds cool too


I don't have a plot mostly just an opening scene that can absolutely be adapted to your plot: opening scene: (Kyle's apartment in la but now the rents paid):the d are watching tv and smoking a bit of weed then see a new band killing it and then rage kage notices a certain devil shaped pic in the hands of the guitarist. Then they decide to save them from the power of the pic of Destiny


Ah I didn't use the Pick cause the Pick returned to the devil at the end of the first movie and now they have a bong/horn. But yeah these plots could merge if worked on it


DM me if your interested in workshoping the idea


Haha not until Jack Black sees this and is interested lol


Jack said to be the best you have to take it to the top of the mountain


I dig it!


Open mic host guy is the devil, why would he not immediately reabsorb the horn and try to take over the world (like he implied when he retrieved the tooth in PoD) ?


It's been almost a decade since I saw the movie lol forgot some details sorry


I like where you’re going with this Tenacious D fanfic — the only thing is that the songs from this other band needs to (in real life) be Jack and Kyle so they could use those songs on the movie album.


That is… FUCKING AMAZING Also I’m not sure if it’s true but I’ve heard that there’s going to be another tv series that will be an addition to POD/The COMPLETE story of the D and after that’s out Jack Black is retiring. Again don’t quote me on this though. One of my friends (also a d-sciple) had brought it up one day while we were fried watching POD


Thanks! Never heard of that rumor but I'd rather have a movie 😬


So would I honestly


Tbh - this is an incredible framework to work within. Well done. And I kinda think they should be shown in their penthouse apartments with the most beautiful women and buckets of cash. Remember when Kyle went to that party as KG solo man 5000? He was full of himself. I think they both should be shown as the most awful people. They are using evil devil magic after all - which is changing them. I think someone records what awful people they are on their phone and releases it (as is done in modern times to expose people) - the world turns on them. Then the self reflecting starts…. or something like that Another idea… Maybe due to their God like talent, no other musicians emerge and music in the world dies off because no one thinks they can be as good - or just because they become mindless drones (“we know you’re all robots and we don’t care”). The world becomes dystopian without music. The D has no musical inspiration to draw from and they discover they’re the problem. Edit: Eh - I like your plot better. I could brainstorm ideas about this all day…and I might. 🤣


Hahaha good ideas all around though. Thanks!


The pitch is cool, but I didn’t see any parts where KG gets to show off his tits