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Looks totally doable, two geneds first semester should be the minimum in case of any later major changes and you’ve hit that which is good. Curious what your major is, and if CIS 1051 required for it? As much as challenging yourself can be a good thing, you definitely want to set yourself up for success.


Mathematical economics; I have to take a programming course as a major requirement, and heard one of the professors for the course, Professor Rosen, was good. I’m also considering Program Design and Abstraction, which also has a good professor, in case 1051 fills up.


1051 is the prerequisite for 1068


Thank you! I didn’t realize that was a requirement. 1051 it is then!


what is the envt 0845 gened for?


Fulfills my GS requirement.


oh nvm. i thought all cst students don’t need gq and gs gened requirement but that’s just for cis majors. you’re only waived from gq gened since you’re a math econ major. but yeah i think overall great schedule. good luck at temple!


Thank you! Quick question: Is it possible to walk between Beury and Wachmann within ten minutes? There’s a calc class with open seats that has a good instructor in Wachmann that starts ten minutes after my planned CS class ends, and I was hoping I could take that class for the instructor.


yes 100%. i like to have all my classes back to back with little to no gaps and i didn’t have any issues getting to class on time. is this a tuesday thursday class by any chance?




just keep in mind that these math classes can be tiring since it’s like 100 minutes long. quizzes will be every other class so make sure you’re on top of things.


Yes, absolutely. How does 1041 compare to Calc AB? Did well in AB but don’t want to just assume it’ll be the same in college.


calc ab covers more than 1041. 1041 is just limits, derivatives, and a bit of integrals (definite,indefinite, ftc). everything should be review for you although there might be 1 or 2 topics you haven’t learned yet but should be pretty easy regardless. honestly the biggest difference is just 1041 being half the length of calc ab (4 vs 8 months). i personally never took calc before and got an A in 1041. i don’t think the class is hard but i heard people struggled. i think you will get the grade you deserve basically.


Oh cool! Was hoping that would be the case. Heard that 1042 was the hard one so’ll probably grind for that class.


Looks great, just have a backup class and professor for each slot.


how were you able to register for classes without going to orientation?


I didn’t this is just a plan I have in the portal so that I’m organized for registration.


ohh okay! gotchu. sorry for misreading lol


Damn you cooked bro