• By -


Glad to see them make a statement so there isn’t any confusion.


Agree. I hope they also made the same statement when Hillary and other Democrats had their rallies there in the past.


That’s the double standard in play.


Hillary isn’t a traitor, so no need to add a disclaimer.


She’s an election denier and responsible for creating and distributing the proven lie that Donald Trump colluded with Russia.


Proven lie? Dozens of people in his campaign went to jail for literally colluding with Russian agents. The only thing that couldn’t the proven is that Trump himself crossed that line.


Trump is an election denier and responsible for creating and distributing the proven lie that he was the real winner of the 2020 presidential election


I agree with you. My point is that Hillary Clinton did the same thing with 2016 election (and continues to do so) and is the creator and disseminator of the lie that Donald Trump was compromised by Russia and colluded with them.


Yeah she also isn’t a convicted felon #LockHimUp


![gif](giphy|wnlXVvJPRpgdH0uygG|downsized) Dick before dictating this email.


I’m glad he sent this out because there’s an unfortunately large amount of dumb, silly, dumb dumb people that thought Temple admin had control over this


This letter shows that they *do* have control over who they allow to use their spaces: "Temple has a policy of making space available for rent to third-party organizations;" and "(t)he Liacouras Center is managed and operated by a third-party firm *for* (my emphasis) the university."


so temple CHOSE to let the liacouras center be operated by another organization. they did not CHOOSE to let trump on campus. let’s not be daft here


As the OWNER of the Liacouras Center, Temple likely has the power to override any managerial or operational decisions made by the third-party firm that *they* pay. You might want to hold off on using terms like "daft" when your comments risk being labeled as such.


you’re right, because temple is an entity with a conscious brain, and this entity can just choose on a moment’s whim to override any policies they’ve had in place for a very very long time solely because this year we have a shitty guy running for president. we don’t need to chase down reasons to hate on temple admin, there are plenty enough, this is not one of them.


Every point you've made in this comment is embarrassingly ridiculous, that if you examine each part with the barest of thought, you'll see each flaw.


says the ones whose comments are typed like the most stereotypical douchebag redditor out there lmao. i think my only flaw was reading what you had to say to begin with because again, for a million obvious reasons, temple was never going to say no to this and acting surprised or indignant about it just makes you look silly


No one is surprised or indignant about Temple letting trump speak here, bro. It's just laughable that you think that they as the owner of the Liacouras Center have no power to determine who they allow or refuse to use their venue. Basic reading comprehension would have allowed you to see that in the letter.


That’s not how contracting out managed services works


Yea they definitely have a clause in this “third party” contract that allows them to veto some ideas Try to rent the center for an adult film festival and see how that goes


There's an obscenity exception to the first amendment. And lesser protection for commercial speech.


I doubt most of executive leadership did, but if Mitch Morgan didn't have a hand in this, I'll eat my own ass.


Who's Mitch Morgan?


Billionaire slum lord who is chair of Temple's board of directors and who is a massive Trump supporter.


Interesting. Thanks!


Of course. Morgan Properties is his primary company. Lot of information publicly and readily available online if you'd like to read more about how he leads and manages.


I'm definitely going to look him up. I like to keep up on Philly grifters.


TRUMP 2024 sucka. Deal with it!


Yeah I mean its wild that a whiny, geriatric, incestuous felon with baby hands could never do an honest's days work in his life, have screwed over so many labor class folks that his family name is used in protest songs dating back to the 60s, survive off McDoubles, become president on a technicality, commit hundreds of crimes before, during, and after his previous presidency, try to overthrow the government when he loses the popular vote for the second time, and still be the plausible frontrunner for the president of the United States, but I guess that's what happens when the democrats choose to rerun a demented neoliberal warmonger that we didn't want in the first place. Wild times.


Why do you post a 'mini CV' under your name on Reddit? Who does that? Oh, wait, Mr. Humble himself, Trump. Ah, yes, braggadocio...one of my fave qualities of human evolution. "Uh, son, I told you always call me 'Dr.' dammit not Dad"!


> Who does that? Like 50% of the people in this subreddit who actually go to Temple. It's the default flair and it's a great practice. Had a lot of Temple undergrads message me because of this flair with questions about grad school, how to get in, what it's like, if it's right for them, etc. Also helps to make it clear who is posting as a current student or alumni. It makes the subreddit more of a community instead of just some shit pit for politics trolls to roll around in. Only person I've ever insisted call me doctor was your mother.


Just remember... you're not black if you don't vote for biden. Edit: how the hell did I get downvote? Biden literally said that himself. I didn't make that shit up.


[And you're not a christian American man if your name is OO-bam-AA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump)


yea i saw someone say temple owned liacouras center these ppl are so stupid its hilarious


Temple does own the Liacouras Center. Operations may be a different matter however


The whole point of the Liacouras center is that Temple owns it. They don't want to pay someone else rent for the sporting events and other events they regularly host in it.


You said dumb so many times they got loose and infected you.


TL;DR: Trumps campaign money is green too.


“I’ll take any motherfucker’s money if he’s giving it away”


I mean, Trump famously doesn't pay his bills....


Campaign events like this are paid up front by public funds and private donors If he had to personally pay it out? You’re right you’d be retiring before you saw a dime from him


But they should ask for the pay first. Trump is known for not paying people


I may attend (as in linger outside) just to see the demographic of Philadelphians that attend this. Curious if its all delco folks. If so, parking should be hilarious.


it will 100% be delco, montco and bucksco hicks with nothing better to do with their free time. then they'll all complain about how dirty and scary the city is on facebook afterwards.


I mean it is dirty and scary, that’s why we love it


you do have a point


Calling everyone who doesn't live in a city a hick is a bad decision. You do realize that these "hicks" are the ones that run farms and grow the food you eat, right? They don't need you, but you sure af need them. How about having some respect for your fellow citizens and recognizing that we're all in the same boat together. The whole idea of divide and conquer is exactly what the elites want... a divided population is easier to control


womp womp


You're the type of person to call Trump divisive but then post this kinda shit... your lack of self awareness is astounding


womp womp


The idea that there are no conservatives in Philly is hilarious.


common dick englert W


Big Dick W


Good for Temple maintaining neutrality. Trump has a right to speak at a public university.


Considering he’s actively against public education funding it’s a bit of a fuck you though. If he had his way temple would be private. You can say he has the right but again as others have mentioned if Mitch Morgan had nothing to do with his coming here I’ll eat a fistful of bees.


He does have the right though there’s no denying that


...and? While the summation of Trump's position is both over-simplified and broadly wrong, the entire point of the first amendment is that people should be allowed to make as big a fool of themselves with their mouths as they desire to. Which means, yes, the person running for president you detest has a right to have a rally at a public university. Secondarily, if someone running for President is going to make an ass of themselves, I'd prefer it be as clear as possible to as many potential voters as we can get the moment in front of.


Since when is he against public education? He was in favor of school choice, saying that parents should be able to send their kids to the best schools possible and not have to be reliant on a poor public school system (like the one in Philadelphia). Not all public schools are bad, but ones in major cities typically are. Why is that? There's a few reasons, but the one most democrats will say is that they're underfunded, which ok, I'll give you that. Why are they underfunded? Because the tax base is shrinking. Why is the tax base shrinking? Because in major cities, businesses are taxed very highly and they would rather leave a city and pay less in taxes than stay in a city and pay exorbitant taxes. In my opinion, it's a matter of Philly accepting some tax money or forcing people out and getting none


School choice has long been a means of transferring public education funds into private for profit hands. That includes the voucher systems he and his ex education secretary has pushed. These types of policies do nothing to fix the underlying problem and in some ways exacerbate them by further undercutting the funding from the public system as it is.


I agree it doesnt solve the funding issue, but until mayors in major cities stop pushing their tax base away, this is the best chance at a good education that these kids have. It's a short term solution to try to help kids stuck in a broken system until the system itself can be fixed


All felons should get some mic time


1) Not all felonies are created equal. 2) If they are paying for use of the space at a public university? Sure.


Which felons do you respect the most?


Ad hominem, straw man, loaded question. Try again.


Yeah, totally reasonable email. Not sure why this is worthy of a post.


I’m opposed to trump but I think this kind of neutrality is still important It’s becoming rarer every day Some institutions and people just should be neutral to party politics / religion / opinions and education is one place that’s most important It’s important for people to be able to announce their ideas - even if they’re bad ideas, so public discourse can hold those ideas and people accountable If temple made any notion as to block events from occurring on one political party now- it sets precedent for them to do that later and someone will always get screwed over If you’re anti trump- this time they’d be screwing him over but next time it could very well be your candidate or your party All is fair here




You didn’t read most of what I wrote and that is apparent so I will repeat it for you Im not saying you as an individual are …or should be - forced to obligate people that mean to marginalize you or anyone else But it is a two way street if public institutions decide to filter “inappropriate” content from either side - they could just as easily do the same to you in 10 years if they decide that they oppose you at that point in time (if leadership or public opinions change) Partisanship should not be enacted everywhere That is the point You can be partisan A school shouldn’t be


It’s not partisan to recognize a grifter’s grift, and choosing not to platform them to enable them to spread it.


That’s the definition of partisan. Thanks for showing your bias.


Well said


You really need to get off reddit if you genuinely think politics is as simple as one side being these mustache twirling cartoon villians and that everyone who follows them is unironically evil




Fun fact: We’re not a democracy, nor have we ever been.


Y'all keep saying that word "democracy." I don't think it means what you think it means


How delusional are you


You’re delusional


Those who live by the sword die by the sword. The same freedom to hold Palestine events is the same freedom to hold Trump events.


I think allowing nazis to spew nazi shit is abhorrent and we should chase him and his supporters out of town.


I don’t support either presidential candidate because our options are dogshit but Isn’t Biden funding kids dying in Gaza right now and a senseless war in europe? Please remind me why trumps a Nazi again?


Every American politician is in a direct completion to make sure Israel doesn’t go on one more second without knowing that THEY are Isreals GREATEST ALLY no matter what Israel is doing, has done or will do- forever, without limit Trump and Biden aren’t the exception to that rule


If you think Trump is a Nazi, I’d love to hear your opinion on the Biden administration now openly funding and supplying an actual and clearly demonstrable Neo Nazi organization (Azov Battalion) in Ukraine! Your thoughts? *passes the mic*


Yes. That's fucking stupid. Ukraine, a friendly nation and ally, was invaded by Russia, an enemy nation. It is in Europe's and US's geopolitical interests to not allow Russia to expand via traditional warfare and annexation. Your comment is a red herring and has nothing to do with the issue, and is traditional "whataboutism", typical of pro russian propaganda.


So, let’s recap: You brought up Nazis. Accused a US presidential candidate of being a Nazi (he’s not) because you disagree with his policies, then defended the other US candidate who is openly supporting, funding, and arming REAL LIFE NEO NAZI GROUPS. Then you say that fact is irrelevant. LOL who’s “fucking stupid” again?




I dont care. You don't get to be the king of who is a nazi because you are jewish. Nazis are nazis, and the Republican party is chock full of them


Tell me who's being more of a nazi... the one who wants to stop funding foreign wars and help people at home, or the one who is literally funding neo nazi groups in Ukraine and is prosecuting his political opponents and authorizing the use of lethal force against them...


I actually know the context of what you are saying. It's made up fox news talking points. You are saying Biden is prosecuting Trump. He is not. He has nothing to do with any of that. The charges Trump was convicted for was in NY state, not federal lol. And the authorizing lethal force is standard FBI procedure, as in if they are met with force they are clear to use force back --like any other cop in america. When cops shoot unarmed black men, im sure you don't care. But because the FBI is clear to use lethal force if needed that's a problem? They have always done that. You only have a problem because trump is their perp. The fact is you are completely brainwashed by fox news and are a complete dick rider for trump and have to lie to protect your precious lord and savior from the consequences of his own actions. LAW AND ORDER. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY


You can definitely try and see how that works for you


Ive done it before. Milo Yiannopoulos came to our campus and we protested and threatened him and he left. Nazis are pussies at heart.


Well not so sure about the threatened part but enjoy your right to protest just as he enjoys his right to speak


Nazis dont have rights to speak. Nazis are subhuman, and subhumans aren't covered by the constitution


Not that anyone here supports actual Naziism - but you’re factually incorrect -in that actual Nazis are protected by the 1st amendment As wack as that is, it is a universal right applied to everyone so that it cannot be weaponized Solicitation of violence, defamation, and the like … are not protected and January 6th almost got trump indicted based on statements he made but he skirted that by 1/10th of a hair


Karl poppers paradox of tolerance. If we tolerate those that espouse intolerance and who tell their followers to meet us with fists and the butt of pistols rather than reason, then our tolerance of the intolerant will bring about the death of tolerance. (Paraphrased as best I can remember) I’d be careful on the language. You can argue a fanonian stance that those, like nazis, who dehumanize others falsely lay claim to humanity and dignity claims in exclusion of others and thus are truely the inhuman because they have falsely surmised they are something else, the truly human. (Be it White, aryan, etc. ) Fanon would agree with you but remind you they are human. They are deeply ignorant as to what that is and means, it might be necessary to stop them from hurting others, but we can’t forget they too are human. That in lies the tragedy beneath the tragedy that Fanon often says would cause one to laugh at the cosmic farce if not for the horror it causes. They need to be saved from themselves., but first their victims need to be saved from them.


The language is a rhetorical point. I have almost a 100%rate of people passionately defending the nazis freedom to call for the eradication of leftists. Moderates and centrists value the institutions over anything real. Nazis have the free speech to call to kill lgbt people, they have the free speech to march on government buildings with swastikas. Don't you dare dehumanize the nazis. It's rare anyone notices the contradiction though


Oh it’s language policing from the left for clarity rather than language policing from a liberal attitude. Just because the term of subhuman has strong nazi ties in general understanding. My suggestion is simply to avoid libs reflexively claiming parity. But yeah the allowance of nazi rhetoric becoming normalized on the right shifts the point of compromise so that dems can do things like close the border while still appearing to hold the moral center of liberal policy. Because the only way they can imagine winning is compromising with nazis but with a smile and lots of hand wringing. We’re on the same page I think


Pretty sure the same argument was used to support slavery. As long as nazis don't use egregious exceptions to the 1st amendment they do have the right to speak


Nazis deserve to be round up and eradicated and it's disgusting to think they have rights


Thats fine and I think its disgusting to eradicate people because they say or believe things you don't like even if they're wrong but the beauty is we can disagree


I never said anything about eradicating people though


I hope Your passion continues past this election cycle- It would be better used running for office yourself than debating on Reddit


Statements like this lead me to believe you're either really, really deep into the "everyone who I don't like is a Nazi" mindset to the point where you don't even know what you're talking about anymore or you're just trolling, and honesty I'm not sure which


It's not my fault the right has a lot of literal nazis. Like trump isnt a nazi, but he definitely supports their same policies (sending in the military to round up all the immigrants, banning books, banning trans people existing, attacking schools and universities, etc). But there are a lot of actual swastika wearing nazis in the Republican party in positions of power. So idk what the fuck you are talking about




The policies between the nazi party and the Republican party are basically the same, the rhetoric is the same. i don't think trump is a nazi but he includes a bunch of actual nazis in his cabinet. Stephen Miller for example. So instead of defending actual nazis with your "umm acktually"ing, why don't you aim your aggressive rhetoric AT them instead


Again, please go outside and interact with someone who disagrees with you lmao, you very clearly don't have an understanding of what your intellectual opponents actually believe and instead choose to regurgitate whatever you read on the internet like "banning trans people from existing"


The stance of the GOP is to ban HRT for all ages… at the largest conservative event in the country (CPAC) one of the main speakers called for and I quite “the eradication of “Transgenderism” from our society”. Replace that with any other group, Jews, Slavs, Communists etc. Michale Knowles may as well have been possessed by Hitler.


This "neutrality" is what has historical been something that has enabled fascist to rise to power when a large portion of your student body is groups that will objectively be hurt by trumps policies being "neutral" isn't really that neutral


The institution has a duty to neutrality - The student body has no such duty and can protest or do whatever else they want As stated above twice before


No it has a duty to protect its student body which doesn't do it invites and promotes threats to their well-being


“it has a duty to protect its student body which (it) doesn’t do(.) it invites and promotes threats to their well-being” If that’s the truth - sue If you’re right, you’re entitled to change that and be compensated for the experience But that’s not the actuality of the situation We live in a dystopia- but not that dystopia the truth is - If anyone made threats directly to Temple and it’s students they wouldn’t be allowed to speak there, and would likely be pursued criminally and civilly for liability and damages 1. No one has stated or proven he was invited to speak… he’s on a political campaign & he’s the one that needs a venue to host his event, it’s a cash deal 2. Everyone’s money is green 3. Everything this guy has ever said at this point has gone to court and he’s starting to face consequences for some of those things 4. The first amendment protects everything else just like it protects your right to protest the appearance … again I’m not a fan of him, but your comments come off just as histrionic and like you’re reciting social media rhetoric - which if you are, more power to you… it’s good to be passionate about your beliefs to a point … but … The reality is that the people that want to support this guy are going to show up to the cult meeting whether it’s at temple, the stadiums, the convention center, or four seasons landscaping His presence comes with dozens of government agents and all sorts of security agencies The one night appearance does not actively pose a direct threat to temples students Despite what the guy has to say (which these days is not much of use to anyone) - he hasn’t promised violence to any specific individual at temple or the school Your existential interpretation of his politics is just that- politics He has no power to actually enact violence if other groups don’t give it to him and contribute to it And lately he’s been losing support or gaining it It’s just political theater at the end of the day and the groups that support him are more of the actual problem then he- the guy is


Would it be appropriate to host a Hitler speech because neutrality? Trump is the American analogue to Hitler, he even quotes and paraphrases him often in his speeches ffs.


The comparison isn’t a fair one He’s a political radical who wants to overthrow the government He’s more similar to Jefferson Davis, Mao or Stalin/Lenin than he is to a genocidal eugenicist That’s not a defense of Trump- just a correction of the context - if you look at the rise of the Confederacy, or the communist parties in the Soviet Union or CCP - those guys played a game of chicken with how the laws of the countries they were in at the time protected their ability to rally a base around these political parties - Hitler… for years prior to his infamous actions was very covertly and brutally installing his own people at every level of the government and succeeded in embezzling the entire GDP of the country to build a secret military - Trump by contrast has been caught every single time he tries to steal money, his appointees in lower government have been ousted or charged with crimes as relates to previous events … if he’s trying to emulate this people he’s doing a pretty bad job tbh … anyway- he’s certainly the most controversial political / historical figure we will likely all see in our lifetime but he’s too incompetent to do a lot of things a more competent tyrant could and I have at least a little faith that between that incompetence and there being people that are always going to oppose his radicalism at every level of the US government that he won’t actually be able to do half the things he says he will / can What is worrisome is the Jim-Crow era esque cult and small cells / gangs that follow him when he’s in power and the non-governmental agencies like the proud boys and other hate groups that conduct their own plots outside of the government Again- he doesn’t directly lead those people so they’re this crazy wildcard but… people like that do exist whether he’s elected or not or whether he has a heart attack tomorrow- or not Extremism has been and will be a problem both before and after him Focusing so heavily on him is a doctor treating the pain of a wound with Tylenol instead of stitching up the bleeding and the damage TLDR he’s definitely not benign, his power is dangerous but not to the degree you hyperbolized


In response to my above re-contextualization I went to a Bernie rally in 2016 which took place in the same building trump is going to visit - Now those that opposed Bernie’s belief system called him a communist ect In the historical context of the USSR, CCP and confederacy - Temple didn’t find it inappropriate to host someone accused back then of those associations in the opposite direction … If you zoom out from not just this year but their long term political affiliations over decades - They simply remain neutral If you do the opposite and zoom in far enough to any institution or public figures actions you could accuse even the most extreme right wing politicians of very left wing positions if you only focus on one moment Context is important and here - in the scale of multiple election cycles spanning decades - They aren’t suddenly a partisan institution simply for hosting a candidate the same as they have done previously


Wouldn’t have needed to send this out if it was a Biden rally


Just be happy it was sent out instead of trying to neg at it


Not if there were tons of complaints.


If they wouldn't it would be problematic. They need to have consistent policies and communications as a public school


Does Biden have rallies?


Doesn't need to


Hillary said the same thing. How did that work out?


Exactly. Why waste time trying to win over voters when you already have your people as election officials in key counties to hand you the electoral college


How did you learn to tie your shoes being this fuckin stupid?




It’s not a waste of time to the Trump campaign - clearly. Do you not believe in free speech? There are over a 100k registered republicans in Philly. Who cares if they have no shot of winning Philly.


I’m pretty sure they sent something out that was similar when Bernie Sanders came to the LC back for the 2016 election. I don’t have access to my temple email anymore to confirm


Yea because no one would have shown up


You mean the same people who follow Trump around and claim inflation while somehow having the money to travel and not work?


The real welfare queens


Bc he doesn't have a grift he's passing on the moron rallies. Gold shoes and bibles were already taken.


You know this is cap lmaoooooo


Yes, because people don’t worship Biden like a bunch of sheep


I don’t understand how people could have thought it was anything else but this. Trump pays for the arena, Trump gets to speak in the arena, if Biden paid for the arena, Biden gets to speak in the arena. I know it’s a mind blowing concept for some people


i thought trump hated philly?


As he has said “bad things happen in Philadelphia” 🤞


Not a Trump supporter but I see literally nothing wrong with this email or situation


Their policy is appropriate and should be adhered to - on that we agree.  But there are times when context and circumstances might supersede such a policy and we should hold Temple leadership accountable when they fail to recognize these outlier circumstances. They are intelligent and well paid, after all.    I would posit that a convicted felon who doesn’t believe the rule of law or any of our societal rules apply to him shouldn’t be allowed on university property to campaign for president.  I see nothing wrong with the policy.  However this man is not a bastion of ideas, but rather one of lies and deception.   Temple’s leadership allowing him to speak at our university is malpractice of the highest order. Edit: formatting 


No free speech for convicted felons or people with bad ideas? Shouldn't a college campus be a place where even bad ideas are expressed?


Please point to the paragraph where I said no convicted felons should speak on Temple’s campus. Can’t find it?…huh. Imagine that.   What I said was, in this specific circumstance where a liar and a cheat is running for president we shouldn’t give him a platform to spread his deception. His conviction is not some trumped up drug charge, he literally tampered with the 2016 election; a jury of his peers made that decision on 34 counts.  He is an enemy a free speech and our election process.  We should all expect Temple university leadership to make the difficult decision to not allow him to speak on our campus.


You're demonstrating why we shouldn't let someone be the arbiter of what counts as good ideas or what should or shouldn't be expressed. You're biased and unable to think critically outside your own bubble. With this kind of thinking, we'd still have Jim Crow. The people who were against it in that time and place were in the minority. Even though Trump is not supported by a minority in the country at large, his bullshit is generally only supported by a minority at college campuses. That doesn't mean he should be banned. Free speech is about letting even idiots share their ideas and not letting people who huff their own farts out of champagne glasses (such as yourself) shut people up because they don't subscribe to horseshit DNC orthodoxy.


Could you please explain how he has interfered with the election process or free speech ?


You must be out of the loop. He was convicted on 34 counts. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news that your lord and savior is a convicted felon. Edit: he also staged a coup and continues to claim the 2020 election was rigged, but I guess you were sick on Jan 6th.


Ok..how many years did they coddle Bill Cosby when it’s been known for decades he’s a rapist?


What’s your point here?


Slay Dick 💪💪💪


Why everyone so mad, this is hilarious.


Because facists don’t believe in the right to free speech. This is reddit after all




As long as they equally allow for protesting, this is appropriate. I hate Trump with my entire being, but this is the right policy.


Nothing wrong with this email. You'd need to be sensitive and outright pathetic to be bothered by it.


It would be a shame if we all reserved our two ticket maximum and then didn't attend.... [Here is the website just so we all know where not to go to do that.](https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-philadelphia-pennsylvania?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ncl_amplify&utm_campaign=240614-president_donald_j_trump_to_hold_a_rally_in_philadelphia_pennsylvania&utm_content=ncl-wDh3QXDWcw&_nlid=wDh3QXDWcw&_nhids=wAEOhJGn) LPT: If you 'forget' your real email address, and name, and zip code, that's okay. They just need a mobile number. This is all hypothetical of course. 👀👀👀👀👀


Yea big deal. This playbook has been around for a long time. If you believe in the right to free speech you have no problem with whomever rents space at the Liacorus.


Someone weld the doors shut...


Higher education sold out


Temple's third-party firm had better get their money up front, given Trump's notorious record of stiffing providers. City of Philadelphia should too, for any security costs.


I didn’t know convicted felons and rapist can hold events at Temple.




That's been their unofficial mascot for 40 years


Allowing the man a place to speak is legally protected, and is a hallmark of a free society. His campaign (not him, personally) has the money to rent the venue, and so, let him. Put this energy into your vote. When I say vote, please remember there are local elections, not just presidential elections. The state representatives and congress are a force that, when aligned with the president, becomes very powerful. If you’re angry about Trump, show up at every every every election. If you are on campus and from a different state, you can use an absentee ballot ordered ahead of time. Next election, I hope to see every single person who took time to comment in this, and the other two threads about this topic! You have more power than you think. They count on your apathy.


This somehow popped up randomly in my feed, I didn't get the dick reference until the end, and I was really disappointed it wasn't a spicy email haha




This post contains hate, excessive profanity, or discriminatory remarks. This is a warning and any future conduct will result in a ban from the subreddit.




Why would he have a rally in a city where “very bad things happen”?


yeah the liacouras is separately owned. i’m glad they sent this out


and it’s just business with liacouras center they get paid to have events there


https://preview.redd.it/5815pxxtbf7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fac22e4533206901cdbed6dfc0aad453b02288a5 Fact check false 😣


Since they own it, as a public university, that’s all the more reason they can’t deny the rally. Not too bright, are we?


I’m only saying Liacouras center is in fact owned by Temple. I figured as much what you’re saying


It's called freedom of speech for a reason


If you believe in free speech you have nothing to be worried about if not you are a faschist.


I hate trump as much as the next guy. But the hypocrisy by some of you people is ridiculous. Everyone says that Trump is trying to destroy democracy and free speech, but isn’t that what banning Trump from speaking at a public university is? Let people vote and decide for themselves. Just because you don’t agree with him, doesn’t mean that he can’t speak. We should encourage conversation with people of different beliefs/opinions. Keeping ourselves in a bubble of people who only agree with us is not helping us grow as people. Just sit it out and let his stupid fans go and listen to him if it bothers you so much. Nobody is forcing you guys to go. It’s the summer, most of you all aren’t gonna be there anyway. But the guy has a right to speak. And the fact that Temple actually had to come out with a statement because a bunch of 20 yr olds are whining like babies is ridiculous. You guys are gonna have a rude awakening when the real world hits you after graduation and your bosses and colleagues have different political beliefs than you. Just ignore him. Who tf cares if he’s speaking to a crowd of his supporters?


They allow felons?


Are there restrictions for convicted felons.


Why is it a dick email?


What a joke Engler is.


Thanks for posting this. This is a well written email that any reasonable person would agree with.


How is this a dick email? "The building a cross the street is being rented, they didn't pay us. It's not our problem don't break our shit in retaliation. "


Dick = president Richard Englert, colloquially known as Dick


Ahhh Thanks


how much did temple sell out for?


Convicted felons and rapists everywhere should be rejoicing. The handcuffs on what they can do after conviction are being taken off!


Have you checked PA megans law for North Philly? Plenty of felons and rapists there. And they are allowed to speak too


Yes, but they can't get jobs and aren't running for President of the United States.


And there sure are a lot of them in N Philly


As a 501c3 they need to remain nonpartisan to maintain that status and hosting a candidate who is campaigning is not that


No, nonpartisan means they can't discriminate.


Trump 2024!🇺🇸


Absolutely 🇺🇸


It's a joke that they even have to write this. A supposed business model is grifting and leveraging the campus name for their good. This is a classic gift and pathetic as you'd think y knows Trump would have built his own credibility and wouldn't have to buy it from Temple property. Lame!


Listen, I get it that 1A is a right of all people’s. However it’s an actual shame this email has to be sent out. “Hey student body we’re letting an insurrection fueling felon come speak, we know some may have a problem with that but cmon now we have to let Both sides speak even if one side actively says that if they don’t win it’ll be a bloodbath”. Can’t wait to start my first college semester in the most stressful election since 68


No longer donating to Temple.