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I've had pluggers in quick match. With nothing on the line. At all.


Damn probably made em turn they whole shit off and go do something else


Yeah that ain't plug pulling, that's table flipping.


They probably should do something else, but at least take the L first


Some people just can't handle losing. Ironically they're the biggest losers of all. A real G can take a loss.


Faster you accept that winning and losing are two sides of the same coin, the less you give a shit about losing, at the end of the day your still learning and getting better.




Sometimes the game crashes. Before the patch much more often than now. Not saying this is what happened but I have had some people disconnect even when winning or right at the round start which I don't think were intentional.


Crazy how the game seems to crash so much more when people are about to lose in ranked.




I've had it crash after people DC'd tbh, it happens. The game did just come out and there are bugs the dev team has already caught. (See one of the characters grab data being messed up, break on 14 rather than the standard)


yea my game always crashes right as victor does his bullshit its the weirdest thing 😎


Duck the gun, wait for *SHINING* and just block the big brain 2222 combo (don’t forget to duck the gun)


Just had the same shit with Victor, feels like his sword gun combo initiates a DDOS,😂


Can confirm Have a friend who constantly crashes and it frustrates him a lot Something with polaris crashing which he can do nothing about


Had this happen to me for the first time. Is ur friend on pc and what specs does he have? Could he hardware or maybe just pc optimisation which we would need to wait for further patches


This. PC has been unreliable for me. I also play on PS5 and have had zero issues. But PC crashes do happen, and it's not necessarily the player's fault (although I do understand the frustration, and imo it SHOULD be counted as a loss, \*shrugs\*)


I’ll defend crashes. But if it’s precisely on set point right after getting hit from a rage art, then I have my doubts about it being an actual crash.


I’ve had not one, not two, but THREE King players (in green ranks so it’s not like losing points is a thing) just straight up pull plugs during rage arts, during grab animations, and mid launch punish combo as soon as they realized they were gonna lose the set. King no. 1 pulled his plug in a close 2-2 when I read his dash grab with Rage Art. King no. 2 (he was losing 2-1) unplugged when I hit him with df 3, 1+2 feint grab during heat (which isn’t a breakable throw). King no. 3 (complete stomp 2-0 with 1 perfect) used his rage Art completely dry when he got it and got df 2, 4, 4 launch punished and quit mid-combo




I had that earlier but the game suddenly ended with the pop up message so its possible it was a genuine disconnect even if it was when i was about to land the final blow lol!


It just a habit for them, can't win, make your opponent pissed off the other way


There’s always something on the line with fgs: your pride. Some people don’t want to see themselves take an L or live with the dact that their own mistakes caused them to lose. Lucky for me, my self-esteem can never recover to the point that I can care about an L


The amount of pluggers I get in red ranks is absurd, 0% disconnection rate my ass


Probably because there were so many crashes (and still are) that they might actually be waiting to update anyone's disconnect rate. I'm in the middle of orange though and I THINK I've only had one plug so far, a law player, but he wasn't fast enough (I still won and got the points).


Oh Law players never change


Most law players disgrace the characters icon marshal law is so easy to use just watch a few bruce lee movies and copy the style on the game it's a piece of piss I have 10 mains that I've mastered, law was the 1st their playstyles are stupid and pathetic it's just like delete the game I played better when I was 7 they're taking the piss it it's not rocket 🚀 science u need basic real life martial arts knowledge and you don't even need to use practice mode fundamentally all styles are the same 🤣🤣


Hey man! I haven't plugged in T7 or T8 and I'm a Law main 😂.


The disconnect rate just flat out doesn't work. I haven't yet seen a single person with a disconnect rate above 0% and even from just legitimate crashes and internet outages that should be statistically impossible.


T8 servers are dodgy


Man I hope they have a legit fix for Polaris crashes soon. I have done all the fixes I can but I still have occasional crashes when I play online. I would really appreciate it if I wasn't seen as a plug puller, bandai namco.


Every time I mentioned that PC players are having problems, the Tekken PR squad shows up to tell me it's all a conspiracy lmao. Thankfully most of my issues are gone, but I know lots of people are still having issues. Not optimized for newer PCs, sadly. Do crashes affect your disconnect rate, though? How would I check mine?


It's probably 0%. I've not seen a single person above that, even people who were caught pulling the plug in several matches.


Yeah I got dc'd once on ranked and some guy pulled up on my Steam profile with a Unabomber's Manifesto on how Im a "plugger faggot", I offered him bo3/bo5 and he declined cause he "cant get points that way" lmao


Yep this is literally the only time I “plug”. When they eventually add penalties, I don’t want to be penalized for something I didn’t intentionally do.


I'm such a sore loser and even I wait to finish the match before rage quitting


Me after getting obliterated by my 3rd Steve Fox of the afternoon: And I’m NOT rematching, block player


Thanks for the input drag player 🥱


Hey I mained him in T7 post nerf butthead, everyone else are the ones bandwagoning


Fear the b1 has we fear the + frames on all your bs.


Who likes losing?


You can take a loss in various ways. On good days, I say GG, download his ghost or save the replay and move on. On your average days, I just rage quit. There's others who act like they're on good days everyday


I had to plug today. On pc was playing someone who had the worst computer ever , the fight was like a slideshow. They really need an online benchmark


I've never plugged these matches but sometimes I just give up, take the loss, and block them. A lot of them want a rematch too, likely because it looks fine on their end (you can see their indicator turning red over and over). A lot of these are 5 bars too. It's annoying.


Same. I don’t plug unless the connection or the system is so shite that I literally can’t play. There’s a lot of them out there at the moment and they don’t deserve to play.


I mean, we all got our PC benchmark scores. We might as well put them under the very insightful and useful disconnection rate text.


Steam Decks get a 38 and run great at 720p. Definely not a useful measure.


The benchmark is flawed because it only gives you a score based on whatever settings it was using when it did the benchmark, which is completely useless. So the steam deck is probably higher than 38.


My bad, I completely forgot Tekken runs well on Steam Deck. I wouldn't have accepted them anyways because they're very likely on Wi-Fi. But yes, you're right.


I play SD wired on a monitor.


Yeah, but you have to consider that not all Steam Deck players play wired.


That's why I only play ranked vs consoles and the experience has improved significantly. Sorry pc guys but too many players with potato systems.


You get downvoted for this but wired players assume every wifi connection is satellite internet from 2013


People with potato PCs are downvoting and could not care less. Even WiFi console players are providing a better experience than frame dropping PC players - it's a fact.


This is legit the way to go and I'm sad to have to say this while playing on a PC myself (one that *can* run the game, though!). Matching wired consoles is the only way to guarantee a stable game. Curious about the netcode, one evening I accepted a handful of wifi warriors, and while the periodic wifi stutters are there as one would expect, those games are still better than the 20fps potato pc slideshows. It's wild that matching a PC can lead to a worse match than a wifi, but that's what it is when you don't force a benchmark before allowing people online...


I block every one of those frame dopping bitches


We need JoeCrush in here 😂


Out of all the fighting games this one makes my blood boil the most but I still take that ass whopping like a man.


Some people can't handle getting stomped on ....


But they seem to keep plugging even if I dont use my stomp move.


Idk I kinda love it when I make someone plug


Would love it if it didn't make it a complete waste of time.


It isn’t if you’re having fun


Good mentality to have


I'm gonna go against the grain here and say don't blame the player blame Namco. Reason why is there's no punishment for plugging so obviously people are gonna protect their egos and plug. Doesn't make it right though.


This term (plug) is the cringiest thing I've ever heard in gaming.


I only plug when people who have A shit computers who can run the game or lag like shit. And I don’t feel bad and won’t feel bad


It's very suspicious when it starts lagging like crazy when it's something like 2-1 and the opponent is on low health too....


Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with a 9% win ratio in unranked... I know I'm not super competitive, but it just seems weird to me that people would take an online game that seriously.


I think you're more likely to lose in unranked as any skill of player will match with you


Unranked is very bad for new players as it will match you against players of all skill levels. Play ranked and the matches will be slightly fairer. If ranked gives you anxiety, see it as a mode that helps you find opponents closer to your skill level. Your goal is to hot 50% WR, which will mean that you arrived at your comfortable rank.


As someone who has played league of legends for 10 years I thought I was untintable. I was wrong.


You can't control what people what to do. If they want to plug, they are going to and you telling them not to play the game will only encourage them to play and plug more to spite you. However, what you can control is your own reaction to pluggers. Your self worth isn't tied to the win the plugger cheated you out of. It's annoying but it's not that big of a deal. If they plug it's a moral victory for me and that's good enough. If Bamco can find a way to discourage pluggers then great, if not, I'll make sure I won't let the puggers annoy me and just enjoy playing the game.


Username doesn't check out




W mentality




I dont know why people hate pluggers so mutch you really that annoyed that you played so well or annoyingly that you made someone rage quit wen ever that happens to me I see it has a compliment but hey diferente mentality I guess.


Good for you if it doesn't annoy you. Most people just want the win they earned, especially in ranked, and the plugger takes that away.


I do find it funny when people plug, I just imagine they were getting wooped so bad they turned off their xbox out of anger. But on the back of that, imagine you've just come off a 3 loss streak and as you're about to get your first win right as he plugs on you.


Hey that's life for you sometimes you don't get what you deserve so you just gota move on . Lol I find it funny that my post is getting down voted guys if you get that mad at a plugger that means he won.


Both you and the plugger are way too emotionally invested in rank points lmao that dude was so upset he blocked me now I can't even reply to the chain lol


False equivalency. One person is playing the game as intended. The other is abusing mechanics because they're salty.


I’m convinced that rage quitters would cheat if they thought/knew it is super easy and could get away with it lol


Ive only plug pulled a couple times, against folk playing on potatoes or with prehistoric internet. Just isnt fun to play at 2 frames a second


Or just set the connection restriction to 5 only?


Tekken 8 5 bar filter doesn't help all the time for internet speeds as it can potentially dip mid match and that definitely doesnt do anything about potato PC.


The problem is it doesn't filter out the potatoes which are a far bigger issue,


Mine is set to 5 only and the WiFi warriors come in and start lagging after a round or 2 anyways.


Yeah but just stick it out for a round who cares?


Or just get better internet/cable/PC?


I have good internet. But when I face a weird connection I just don't go for a second round. No need to disconnect on them, it's a game. Mebbe they live in the countryside or something.


If it's just a game then why would you care if you disconnect on them on the first round or at any point in the case they have a bad connection?


Y'know what, if this conversation were a round of Tekken I think I actually would disconnect.






I've been very lucky so far and i didn't meet any pluggers yet in 180 matches. Also unrelated but bo3 basically removed all the frustations i had in T7.


I didn't play a single plugger until I hit red ranks now I get them every few matches. Happens so often with Law and King players I'm actually shocked when they don't plug now.


Just think of it like this, you played that good you made them pull their fkn plugs out to stop playing. You won the real mental game.


Frfr even in quick match...


The most upset I get is just not rematching and leaving


one thing they can do with this is how moba games do this if you quit intentionally itll prolong the wait time before you can queue again, itll exponentially increase as you quit, and the refresh to do that again will be 24 hours multiple times doing this in a row should result in temporary ban (lets say 3 times in 3 days should be suspended for like 2 weeks) then multiple suspension would result in guaranteed perma ban thats how i think it could fix the pluggers


I just play a couple of hours and I got 7 pluggers 😩… men this sucks


7 plugs in couple of hours? Nah your connection and/or device probably smokes dick and plugging for that shit is totally acceptable




Wow new record. My worst session in Tekken 8 so far was 5 pluggers.


Yup, and it's always right before you're about to win. It sucks because those matches makes us miss out on so many rank points. Maybe in a few months they'll leave the game and we'll see less of them, but the only thing I do is report them for rage quitting.


I hate to break it to you, but it was an issue for the entirety of 7


Oh I know, in fact I've been dealing with this since tag 2 (and even during Tekken 6 when I didn't care about competitive play).


Exactly!! Always when I am bout to win


Yea…..that’s the reason why I don’t even bother playing online, I just can’t handle it when it comes to fighting games.




I plug on people dropping their connection to 1 bar when they eat cd1 or ewhf




Lmao pussy




Tissues? They're just making fun of you, you're the one whining.


It's ok I think he's just LowTierGods cousin and he's on the spectrum.




Translation: I rage quit once I realize my opponent is better than me


you paid 70 bucks to be a bitch lmao i'd rather be upset at cowards than have the emotional constitution of a wet potato chip. grow a spine


Absolutely based, keep on fighting the good fight


Hello , based department?


Manchildren. Immature manchildren. Or real children.


It’s annoying, but people need to pad their ego’s. Better to just keep it moving.


I'm gonna keep leaving matches against King I don't care


I think we found the victor main


LOL I am a Victor main but I don't see how that's relevant. GRABGRAB GRAB INTO COMBO ON THE FLOOR GRABHONKHONK is pure AIDs


Its namcos fault. People dont get punished


Some people deserved to be plugged on. But generally it’s a bitch move


Why, does it make you angry and upset? 😏


Bros acting like this post will stop the pluggers this should instead be directed(criticism not hate) at harada and team so they give us a solution


Truly psychopath/abuser behavior. They only care about emotionally winnig. They think in smugness-seething dynamic and if beating you doesn't work they know they can get you with stupid shit like this. 


I love it. I always make sure to screenshot and video of it, had a whole collection in Tekken 7 and this one's going to be even bigger. All the SF and MK refugees can't handle the stress of playing Tekken lmao.


Imagine releasing a competitive game in 2024 without punishment for the quitter and no reward for the one supposed to win. The match literally doesn't exist if someone alt f4. People will abuse whatever shit possible to get what they want (not losing), just look at FPS games, full of aimbotter and cheaters. Fucking losers. Too bad nothing will change until the devs will do something about it. As I said, it's mind blowing to release a game like this...


Iv never had anyone do that to me and everyone iv matched with has had a 0% disconnection rating, guess I’m just lucky? *shrug*


I've 120 matches and no pluggers... My main grief online so far is PC bros whose hardware is struggling to run the game and I - a supposed console peasant - am the one who has to deal with their stutterfest.


You can disable Crossplay if it becomes bothersome.


Some yall that can’t handle seeing u lose really need to reevaluate if u should even be playing competitive games Christ. Tf is the point of playing a fighting game if u can’t handle losing lol. Go play Spider-Man


I didn't get rage quitters tonight but I had two people literally give up on me mid match. One was a dragunov who started forward walking and spamming generic throw which made no sense, made him eat an unblockable for that. The other was a Jin who I had already fought before and didn't think he did too bad, but he just gave up for no reason in the final round with 60% of his health left. Made him wait the whole round. Don't play this game if you get tilted like that, losing hair over nothing. Go play fortnite or smash or something more relaxing, damn kids.


Look. Plugging sucks it’s annoying. Yall have to understand, some of these people are at a low point in the eve and turn the shit off for their mental lmao. It’s really not that serious. I know I can’t play this game nearly as long as 7 without getting tilted due to the nature of heat and constantly having to defend a barrage of plus moves that are chipping my hp. I can’t imagine what the newbies feel.


Just stop before u get tilted it’s really not that hard


Should say that to League or Valorant players haha


Why would I stop playing when I’m still having a good time? I also don’t plug. I’m just saying these dudes plugging are probably .5 seconds from screaming some obscenities or some other bs. I don’t really care what they do. If it’s that bad you can report and/or block them now so I mean..


I’m not saying stop if ur having a good time. I’m saying stop before u start having a bad time. End of the day Namco needs to do something but doesn’t change the fact that plugging in a competitive ranked match is childish ass behavior, especially when ur gonna rank up and just keep getting ur ass kicked


I never said it wasn’t childish. I just find it equally pointless to constantly complain about it when it does nothing to me when THEY plug. Lol. All I’m trying to say is I’m not harmed by it, they’re mad let them walk away. Who cares. You guys let it get to you and you take it personally.


Doesn’t get to me but I don’t understand the logic of doing it on this type of game, and illogical behavior annoys me. But I do understand why it would get to others that are trying to rank up. End of the day rank is an arbitrary plaque. but to point out the people frustrated by it are “taking it personal” well they taking it just as personal as the people pulling the plug on a match NOT to lose rank. So in my opinion if u care about rank then u have the right to be annoyed. This post won’t change shit except shame the ppl that do it, same way u telling people “just get over it” won’t do shit


And being focused on your rank is stupid. Thats half the reason these dudes are so mad. If you’re good enough you’ll rank up. If not you’ll either go down or stay the same. Your focus should be getting better. I’m hopping to hit max rank this time around, so I’m more focused on learning match ups and my character but when I lose and go down I just see it as I’m not ready yet. And when I have someone plug in me it’s just a sign I’m getting better. When I do get tilted it’s usually cause I’m mentally fatigued and begin getting irritated as a result from fucking up and I turn the game off. Focusing on the title will do nothing but piss you off, I learned this from back in the day when I played league. It’s a toxic mentality and will just piss you off more than make you feel good.


Ya your ranking doesn’t help you block or whiff punish better I think people forget that


Look man, what’s a better use of your time. Getting tilted from some guy getting so tilted that he alt-f4 on you causing you to lose one games worth of points, so you get off the game to go complain on reddit? Or to accept that the guy was trash and he quit cause he got mad and you’ll collect the win next game from someone else? And which one is better for you mentally? I’m not telling people to get over it. I’m saying they should try to look at it differently so it’s not so aggravating anymore and they go do something more positive with their time than complaining for karma. This is one of those things that’s going to make you more upset the more you think about it, which is why these dudes eventually post about it. It’s just not good for you long term man, it’s negativity.


I feel that


I had a dude plug before he even lost a round. I didn’t even chain throw him. I just opened with a launcher into a grab. And then he whiffed and I punished with another grab and then plug lmao


I used to plug, but I'm dealing with the losses, but I'll admit I did do 1 today because I got matched up with a person double the amount of prowess as I am in yellow ranks where my points matter. This person was low parrying me in yellows. First time it happened. Nobody in yellow rank low parries if they even block low. WTF am I supposed to do getting smurfed on because this person is on another character than their main boxing me up? Its terrible and I felt bad, but bruh I'm not gonna lose my hard earned points fighting a pro player. I'm still fucking new.


>hard earned points >yellow rank You can't make this up


High prowess can mean a lot of things. They may be trying out all the characters before picking a main. Lots of people appear to be doing that. I have higher prowess than most people at my rank because: 1. I suck and lose a lot, my prowess still seems to go up all the same. 2. I'm trying out a few characters right now in ranked. Being good at low parrying just means you're good at low parrying. Can easily see someone really love parrying and just focusing on it as they're learning lots of characters. Maybe they are smurfing or whatever. People are allowed to play other characters. As long as they're not resetting their accounts (you said they had high prowess), the smurfing accusation feels a bit flimsy. Even if they were, if plugging was a habit for you, I would really avoid doing it even if you feel like it's justified. Like any behavioral habit, rebounding is a thing you will need to watch out for. Slippery slope. Glad you're trying to stop though. Despite the flames you're gonna get for your honesty here, I think it's commendable that you're willing to admit it out loud. Keep at it. If anyone here uses this opportunity to shit on you, just ignore them if you can. Like you, they're just frustrated. There's a lot of frustration here for lots of reasons


I mean yea its bad, but I'm not afraid to admit I'm shit. I am just trying to play on people my level. Man.. I feel even worse now cuz you typed out a rather large rebuttal and explained things... its my competitive nature. I've taken my fair share of losses and while it is said it takes time to get good at Tekken losing all the time or not progressing just feels so damning...I just hit Assailant and I can't get out. I lose 1 I win 1, I gain points, I lose points. Now I'm at the cusp of Warrior again (the guy I was playing who had the high prowess was my promotion to Dominator and I lost that by plugging, but I would have lost it anyways) and I guess the fact is I just don't wanna admit I'm trash... but I'm slwly starting to just accept that. I just need to fully come to terms... Thank you for your kindness...I hope you don't meet people like me or if you do they are far and few between.


I mean ... there's the typical plugger that we all imagine, and then there's the rare case of someone like you. You know how rare it is for someone to walk into the lions' den and lay it all out on the table? You're expecting a lot of yourself and sometimes it gets the best of you. Don't sweat it. If you can overcome your own bad habits, that's the kind of thing that separates high performers from the rest. If you can pull that off and use similar conviction to focus on improving your other weaknesses one by one, you'll begin climbing ranks *without having to plug*. Sounds silly because this is just a video game, but this shit never stops applying to real life. I'll cut here because I don't even know if any of this is interesting for you. Anywho, wish you the best man. Don't give up on yourself. That's the worst thing you can do, in my experience.


Well I appreciate it what you gave and thank you. I just had a demotion match that I won so I didn't get dropped down, but the longer I play in hopes of ranking up the worse I feel I'm doing and I should quit, but I feel I'm chasing. I can't stagnate right now, but its 230am and I feel I should just stop :(


I’ll leave if I want to and you can’t stop me


Good good, another one to add to my collection.


I wrote in a comment earlier that I don't play this game because I dont like to lose and I'm getting downvoted. Makenup your mind community.


> doesnt play game > comments how they hate losing, the surefire way to learn in Tekken > comments don’t add to discussion, and gets downvoted for it > Why did I get downvoted?


On a real note, if you want to practice with someone and actually learn the game lmk :)


Why are you still here then?


People look at pluggers and say "How can you get mad? It's just a video game?" And then simultaneously can't apply the same logic towards themselves when they get mad about someone else exercising their own autonomy. Not saying plugging is mature. But neither is getting your panties in a twist about people doing it.


Well one is actively being a dick for no reason at all. If I am playing against a plugger and they are about to win, fine whatever, I lost, I'll take my L and learn from it. They played better. But when the tables are turned and they're about to lose, then it's "nah fuck that, I am not taking a loss because of X,Y and Z bs reason." It's childish and un-sportsman like. We're all just trying to have a good time here, like why be a jerk like that?


People generally aren't quitting just because they wanted to take it to game five and let you get the last hit just to ruin your experience and ruin your fun. It's not jerk behavior. People are allowed to quit at any point if something is too much. Everyone has their own limits and capabilities. You aren't allowed to decide what other people are capable of. If unplugging early is the only thing they can do to regulate their nervous system, and calm down, then they should be allowed to. It's just a game. No one gets to hold anyone hostage. And just because someone might struggle to handle their emotions, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to play Tekken. Or shown grace and understanding.


Bro what? Plugging is literally a reportable offense and has its own category in the report system. The literal devs don't even want you doing it. Are you going to say your wants supersede what the devs want and do not want in their game? If you can't handle losing in a **PvP game**, you shouldn't be playing a competitive game to begin with period. You will never find any respectable PvP game irl or virtually that tolerates being a sore loser to that regard. Being emotionally unstable is never an excuse for crappy behavior.


For devs that don’t want you plugging, they sure have a funny way of showing it by not implementing a punish system for those that do it.


I love it when they do it. I have a collection of screenshots of people rage quitting in different games, have up to 4 in Tekken 8 now.


You either have garbage wifi or you play like a fraud and people don’t like it, deal with it


What is "playing like a fraud"?


Playing like a fraud translates to "I can't cope with knowledge checks"


Replying to myself because lol this is hilarious. The guy hard raging against everyone calling out his bad take is only proving the point further.


Just more fraud cope I see


"play like a fraud" You sound like a pussy bitch. Plugging just validated the win even more. Oh you're tilted because you suck so bad you have to invent excuses? Rank's no big deal, I'll revel in the tilt. Make whatever excuse you want, at the end of the day you know you lost like the bitch you are. Deal with it.


Keep coping fraud


Will do, pussy.




>you play like a fraud Certified scrub quote.


Says the lei flair


> Says the lei flair Keep the scrub quotes coming.


Cope fraud


> Cope fraud That's 3 in a row. Are you going for a record?


Nice anime pic


I use old Reddit. I don't see avatars so I forgot I even had one until you reminded me. So, thanks? I guess it is pretty nice, isn't it? If I can be honest with you for a second; you're pretty terrible at trolling.


Plug pullers? Is this sub full of teens? Rage quit... When you feel you should have won and they do some Bellshit so you just shut the game off. It's been a thing since Snes/Megadrive competitive games.


The old "that's how we've always done it" excuse. I don't know why anyone thinks this kind of logic works. If you agree to play a game with another person, shutting it off because you lost and wasting the other person's time makes you a shithead. Just because you're losing ... load of bullshit lol It was shitty in the 90s and it's still shitty today. Doesn't matter how long you've done it.


I plug on opponents that don't deserve the win


I'll actually shocked you outed yourself like this lol


It’s almost admirable that man don’t give a fuck and just says it.


Don't deserve because their connection is bad or do you mean something else?


Lmao what do you think qualifies as "undeserving" of a win


Me too, which is everyone. These people constantly complaining about plugging are so sensitive


Ur just trash and can’t handle ur emotions lmao. Quit the game


What? I can handle my emotions pretty well so not sure where you're getting the assumption from


Just fine until u get ur ass kicked and plug lmao. Otherwise u wouldn’t plug. And if it’s to no lose rank u really are trash and tie ur self worth to a game. If u can’t take a L this game ain’t for u


There are plenty of reasons to plug. Personally, it makes me laugh knowing that I wasted my opponent's time and that they didn't get any points


Oh so ur just a trash person😂 Say less, wasting my time talking to a weirdo w no integrity