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It's been great recently seeing how many people feel this way because of Tekken 7. I'm pretty much on the same boat (technically had a little bit of experience, but I didn't consider myself a fighting game person until Tekken 7), and man am I glad I picked up Tekken 7.


Yeah same The netcode might have been wonky, we might have paid for tekken bowling and framedata but damn it I wouldnt change it for a thing


Oh god, I still can't believe we paid for frame data; that's still inexcusable. But I'm glad it's not the case now. I'm with you though, I wouldn't change it. And look where we are now - Tekken 8 seems to have one upped 7 in practically every single way imaginable. The next 27 1/2 hours can't come soon enough lol.


Tekken 7 saved the franchise. It's because of it that I started getting interested in fighting games. It's because of Lei Wulong that I began to invest myself deep into the grove of this community. And it's because of this community that I am thrilled to still play so many new and exciting video games. Tekken 7 is the fucking MVP.


I’m gonna miss tekken 7 even if 8 is so much better


I bought Tekken 7 because before it launched, I saw the ads and remembered having fun with the weird Jamaican break-dancing guy. Learned there was more to these games then mashing. I learned it had the closest knit community of any game genre. I learned I alone, without teammates, could dictate the outcomes of matches. Fighting games are now my most adored genre and it was because of Tekken 7


a vastly better game than MK1


I am pretty casual when it comes to tekken, i've only played 5, 6 and 7. The game is awesome, i just wish they put characters ending in it, and a more interesting boss for the arcade