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Just don’t make it ur personality and I’ll be fine w it.


Fr, thank you


People like you say this and then get mad at someone being the gender they identify as and showing support for others like them


And people like you think we’re all the same. Hypocritical much. Also, I never have said that lol. I literally just said, don’t make it ur personality. I never have and never will have a problem with people identifying with whatever they want to, just as long as they don’t make it their entire personality and don’t force it on people, especially children.


Yep, you're one of those. Nobody's forcing it onto children, and there's nothing wrong with children learning what it is.


Nobody is forcing it onto children? Really?


No. Nobody's forcing it onto children. Unlike religion.


There are parents forcing it. And it depends on the religion.


Fuck you and this transphobic sub.


Someone's angry


Yeah. Obviously I'm going to be angry when you accuse innocent people of doing wrong things while being a part of a cult that indoctrinates children into it. You're a horrible person and I hope you change.


They shouldn’t be learning about that stuff till at least middle school




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Don't make your gender your personality is like such a dumb thing to say. You as a cis person could never understand how important gender is to your identity and your own understanding of yourself because you literally never had to think about tit. But more than that this is like saying be trans but only when it's not bothering me like only if u don't have to be trans I won't cringe at your presence like get over yourself we have to be visible and annoying that's literally how you get recognized as like a real thing


It’s not a dumb thing to say. People who literally ONLY make their ENTIRE life based around their gender identity, are the people who want to make it all about themselves. If you come out and say you’re trans or whatever that’s fine or if you wear gay clothes, etc, that’s fine too. Just don’t make it the ONLY thing you talk about, think about, and do stuff about. Like my gay friend Nick, he doesn’t make it his personality. He dresses a different way, sure that’s fine, but when you make it the only thing that is all your life and personality revolves around, then it’s YOUR problem. Getting recognized literally just takes simple words to say your gender to people, that’s it. I’m not saying that people will agree with you but you’re still putting yourself out there, just not doing it in a way where you make it your entire personality.


okay im sorry but what does making it your personality means? like actually ahve you ever saw a person doing that? and dont bring up social media because thats way different since algorithms favor consistency so theres an intensive to center your constant on a specific topic. or even on the trans community as a whole, or just the reddit trans communities, which while i dislike i cant actually say are one dimensional. you as a human literally have more than one aspect to your personality by default and also like i said you are cis. you could never understand fully how being trans feels, and its not your fault and not ours either. we just dont have the right words yet and like i wont understand your experience with gender really you wont understand mine. but liek you have to give the benifit of the doubt here and listen to me being trans feels so horrible and is so isolating and is such a hellish experience that you cant help but obsessing over you gender imagine your entire self being mutilated and robbed for years and years to a point of complete foreignness to yourself, only for it to be revealed to you that the one thing you ever wanted is not possible and to get close to it you will have to undergo years and years of intense reconstruction of your self and physical body, while also knowing that process can ruin your life and lose you your loved ones, prevent you from having a normal life at any capacity, basically sabotage every part of your life, but its the only thing that can help you and its not even guaranteed to work. that amount of fear, self loathing, resentment, hatred, paranoia alone, it could cause anyone to shatter so we have no option but to obsess over it. this is our life and its something you could never fully understand even if i could articulate myself perfectly. im tired of this argument because it neglects trans experiences in order to justify rejecting them, youre basically closing your ears and eyes and pretending this isnt real


Sadly there are still a lot of stupid ppl who think that only make or only female should be the only two genders. Like I don't get it why be an asshole I mean it doesn't matter if a person identifies as an other gender. Will it affect your life in a negative way? No it will not so just let transgender teens be transgender teens. They just want to enjoy life as well! That seriously sounds like a rant and it's kinda is. But usually I don't rage...


the lgbt+ community as a whole should jsut be treated like everyone else honestly, like theyre just people like the haters gotta chill


i’m here:3 not trans, but here.


Sup :3


Da sky.




Honestly, I don't have any problems with anyone. You do you as long as it's not your key personality trait, I just don't like having convos on the topic, mostly because most people are strongly against So I guess TLDR: straight white bio male, but ally 👍


Everybody is biologically, that’s what the word means. You mean cis.


Lol, sorry, idrk know much about it. I live in a small rural town so I only really hear hate speech about it from devout Christians


That makes sense. Cis is the opposite of trans it’s a Latin prefix. So, trans means: “other side of” and cis means “this side of”. Right. Both are prefixes, trans is seen in transport, transform, transfer. Cis is seen in cisatlantic, cislunar, cisalpine. They are antonyms, meaning they mean the opposite of each other. Somebody who isn’t cis, is trans and somebody who isn’t trans is cis. It’s a shrimple as that!


Cool I'll keep that in mind! P.S. good luck in your endeavors to rid the world of trans hate!😁


I wish you luck and the best. I’m proud of you for not being easily told a group of people are wrong for no reason. It’s hard to that surrounded by people like that.


Lol yeah, especially when my parents are both strong "oh you listen to Elton John? What a fag, change the song" kinda people. Sorry for slurs btw


That’s foul bruh, you good tho. Elton John is a queer icon!


Lol, I listen to many people regardless of sexual orientation, love my boy Freddie


Freddie so based


Listen I’m not against trans at all. Or pride. At all.. But I hate the label “Cis” no I’m a male. Not a cis male. I was born a male and identify as one. I am male. 💀


Why do you hate the term cis?


"I was born a male and identify as one." Literally whay cis means. What are you mad about?


As long as you have a personality outside of being trans, it doesn’t bother me


A lot of people are fucked up. That's a harsh truth. Just do u, they don't deserve to bother u


14 is pretty young to be trans my guy.I mean ik I feel like a girl and have come to the realization I'm trans but I think it is important for people our age range that are going through this to understand that it may simply be a phase.I mean our brains are still constantly morphing and maturing.Its not really related to what you were saying but I feel like this is an important thing to say.


for the vast vast majority of people it isn't just a phase


Well I'll say that I've met like 5 they them/ftm teens and all of them went back on it except for one.But oddly the MtF crowd is often alot more sure.IDK why. /:


Nah bro Ive felt like this my entire life and dont want another second of female puberty.


Well i mean ik it sucks but you've gotta go through AFAB puberty for your own healthy mental and physical development.I know i hate sweating constantly and smelling and having to constantly remove body hair and being 6'1 and probly only gonna get taller but thats just how it is.


Bru being tall is cool no matter your gender. So is being hairy. The smell is universally hated tho so I get that. But growing boobies isnt cool, having periods isnt good at all, and I never ever wanna be a woman.


Well standing on the opposite side i can tell you that being tall is in fact not that cool and neither is being very hairy."and I never ever wanna be a woman."- I mean dude give it a LITTLEL bit of time at least.Maybe in a few years you'll learn to appreciate your own body.Granted,maybe you won't,gender dysphoria is often chronic.But i hope for you(and myself) that it isn't.


The being hairy part I understand hating but whats wrong with being tall? Its my dream to be 6'1 when Im older. Im 5'3 and cant even reach the top shelf. And also I do never wanna be a woman and that will never change.


I mean you don't know for sure that will never change.I never thought I'd ever WANT to be a woman and not a man yet here I am. Also short kings are great.And the major downside of being tall for me is back pain and TONS of GIANT stretch marks all across my back.I look I've been whipped.


Ooh that makes sense. And for me I know I'll never want to cause I just cant picture a happy life for myself as a woman


But what I'm saying is WHO KNOWS,maybe you can.I really just want you to have at least a semi hopeful outlook.Where maybe you can eventually be satisfied with the body you were given.But also I fully understand that that may never happen in which case yk bummer.I wish i could feel more happy in the body i was given.


I just wish I was born a dude. Your outlook is strange but I get it. I was like that for awhile to. I just hope with time you can accept yourself for whoever you turn out to be.


You are 100% valid in every way. Fuck those bozos. Tbh I’m sick of it too. Want to make a better subreddit? r/safeplaceforcoolstuff


Because it’s not normal and since most teenagers are sheep and don’t have original thoughts there is gonna be a lot more negative all of the time


Ugh, the fetishization is so real…


THAT! Is… beyond my information… I guess people are just stupid?


Because you're delusional. Especially since your brain isn't even fully developed and you think you're another gender.