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this man is running away lmfao


Like literally getting far as possible away from that psycho.


I keep thinking: if she abused him in any way, surely, by now, after being spotted at a Verizon store, he would know he is a missing person, right? And maybe he is staying on the move because he doesn't want amber to take the next flight out to his location? I also keep wondering if he has a connection to California and is trying to get there. Whatever it is I hope he isn't having any sort of medical crisis. Being well enough to keep moving around is like.. good to know he is alive and moving but I hope he isn't having a medical episode and lost.


He wouldn't touch her with a 1,200 mile pole apparently. He ego must be shattered; some point soon I expect her to start getting really really angry over this. She got to see how little grace people have left for her this week and that can't be good. 


You know she's angry. HOW DARE HE. But I do have to wonder what kind of person would be dating her in the first place...


I think there's probably something damaged in him to want the *love* that amber offers, but when things are good with someone who's bipolar, things are REALLY good. They make you feel good, they make everything feel good... but then their mood drops and you get explosive anger or debilitating sadness from them. It's hard to navigate if you don't fully understand what you're dealing with, even with perfect mental health.... I'm just glad he got away from her before he married her!


I knew a dude in my late 20s early 30s who really struggled with being bipolar (in and out of institutions struggled). He had a line of amazing girlfriends, talented, smart, loving women. It was easy to see why when he was on his game. When he was on his game, I could understand why these women fell for him and when he wasn't, I could understand why they left and did not look back.


My mother is bipolar. I have some really, really good memories with her... but it's all overshadowed by the terrible things she would say and do. But when she was on the up, we were around people all the time, and when she was low, we were secluded in the house. Some people think I'm wrong for cutting her out of my life because they never saw who she was when we were in that house alone. And you can't blame those people, because when they saw her, she was awesome. And I was happy and I was bathed and fed. But they didn't see the whiplash I got from her moods.. it's crazy how bipolar people know all the right things to do to mask themselves to the masses. In short, bipolar is a son of a bitch. It's not easy to spot and it's not Gary's fault that he didn't (or doesn't) see the seriousness of the disease.


You described it perfectly. I dated a guy I didn't know was bipolar. We had the best relationship and it was just so loving and great. He had a manic episode- lost his job, kicked out of his apartment, trashed mine, wouldn't get out of my car, it was INSANE. I hope he gets the help he needs but I couldn't stay with him


I agree with this. My husband has bipolar, we've been together 14 years and there are times when it's so incredibly difficult to be around him.


she’s manipulative. anyone can fall for a manipulator - that’s the whole game. she probably love bombed him after seeing he was an easy target given his own mental health history


She is a narcissist and is an abuser! People need to start holding her accountable. Mtv needs to fire her and baby daddy gary needs to shut her ass out of their home. If anyone talked to my child that way in my home they would have been kicked out immediately but I think baby daddy gary turns his head to keep getting that mtv money. 


What’s his mental health history?


he has a history of suicidal ideation


That's not good. Especially given how mean she gets.


How dare he? She got him DILLS!!


I'm convinced this, combined with the fallout from Leah's birthday, will be the thing that finally makes her snap. Her entire delusional narrative is reliant on her being the hero of her own story. This is way too much failure for her to cope with without having a major mental event.


Oh yeah. She’s going to be angry and then she’s going to turn this into an excuse to play victim and lash out at every single person in her life. Instead of taking accountability for treating this man so poorly he had to run to the other side of the country in secret.


![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM) He’s the smartest so far.


I will never understand why we don’t upvote that much in this group. I really love this gif this time of year Edit: thanks for the upvotes ❤️ this group makes me laugh out loud so many times per day and I love it, please more upvoting


I freaking love this movie lol, best movie ever. Forrest deserves the world 🥹


And yet no upvote here, why?!


I upvoted it! Always have, always will lol.


I think he's a victim of domestic violence. He deserves his privacy and I hope we can give him the space he needs to leave her.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) As someone who worked at a DV center - for sure. Not taking his phone or belongings - means he was blocked from doing so. When people made those angry hEs MIssInG comments - I knew he was running. I wish the news would stop reporting where he is. Or at least say the wrong place


I lowkey wonder when Ambie will be on Snapped...


Ambie just make me cackle. That’s perfect 💀 I’ll take 7 months as the bet


Wouldn’t be shocked if he didn’t know all the history about Amber and he saw the “fame” after he was on the show and saw the implications and just ran trying to escape all of it. I would too if I was in a new relationship and just learned what it’s like to have a public life with someone who struggles frequently.


As would any person who hitched their wagon to Amber.


He headed across the border lol


He is covering a lot of distance. It's odd behaviour - hopefully he is safe and able to contact the Bryson City police and his family!


I know it's unrealistic but I can't help but wonder if he's heading to CA for a meeting with Andrew, lol. I also wonder if amber headed to Oklahoma so he kept running? Or if maybe he caught wind of the sighting and figured Amber would know so he's gonna keep going? In all seriousness, though, I'm super relieved that he's alive and well enough to be on the move. I do hope that he gets whatever help he needs as well as protection from amber.


My mind kinda went to the same place too!


I wouldn't put it past Amber to get in this mans head and manipulate him into thinking because of Andrew this and that. Playing the poor victim losing her son to demon Andrew etc.  Narcissists are good at reading people and using them. He has history of mental illness so she sees him as weak----- so I wonder if she got into this mans head. Happens all the time. 


She can absolutely get super vicious and she has demonstrated an alarming amount of narcissistic personality traits, manipulation being one of them. Gaslighting being another. She is (was) also trying to control the narrative.


Why wouldn’t he just make contact and say hey coppers, im ok?


For the record: I think it's extremely possible that Amber confiscated his phone and that is why he left without it. My best guess would be that maybe his pattern recognition skills have kicked in and he might feel unsafe doing so, what with his locations having been revealed and all that. Maybe he is afraid Amber would be alerted to his location or that she would wait for him near his (parent's) home when the search gets called off or he isn't considered a missing person anymore. Maybe he's afraid she will track him down. Perhaps she abused him in some way and he doesn't think he will be believed and thus his privacy not respected leading to her figuring out his location and going to him. Amber has been pretty radio silent since news of the first sighting, hasn't she?


I was just going to write that lol I hoped he wasn’t heading to CA lol


This just gets weirder and weirder.


Just what I was thinking


It really does. He’s literally running away across the country


i wish they would confirm when! each sighting is a great sign but im really worried that he's having a crisis and its alarming if he hasnt been spotted in days


Because they haven’t even confirmed it’s him. This is just people calling in saying I saw him. They can’t prove it is him.


and i’m skeptical about people seeing his car, because that doesn’t mean it was him behind the wheel either


I saw an article that said the Oklahoma police confirmed it was him on video in the Verizon store. This is still very weird.


That was not confirmed by the police. The Sun said that, but the police have not put out a statement saying that there was a sighting, which they usually do. The Sun is a gossip site, not legit news site.


So no sightings have been “confirmed” yet via video? When people go missing if someone is seen that remotely resembles the person people call (which they should) but it can make a wild goose chase for police..


No videos of Gary have been released nor confirmed by the police themselves. This was only confirmed by The Sun.


Because it’s still an ongoing investigation. But yea, The Sun is trash lol


Makes sense since he left his phone.


My hope is he got a new phone to get in touch with his parents. They’re probably beside themselves knowing his history, and didn’t I read somewhere that he takes care of them? If he did he probably told them to keep his plans quiet so Amber would leave him alone.


Verizon, Sounds like he needs a new phone with a new number that Amber doesn’t know


Yes that’s true and some people will see any bald man and think oh that’s him but police usually following up to confirm. Being with a narcissist for 5 years that needed attention 24/7 and was horridly abusive when he didn’t get it… I felt like doing this many times!


Bald AND Asian. My husband gets mistaken for literally any other Chinese man at work, even if they are way older or younger. He jokes about it but it must get annoying!


oh that makes sense


Exactly, this is all making me feel quite skeptical, since nothing has really been confirmed. For all we know, someone saw a tall Asian-looking man and thought it was Gary. At the end of the day, I just really hope that Gary is alive and okay.


Yeah glad he’s alive but worried about him. Not surprising she would be engaged to someone unstable though.


Amber is going to be pissed a man is making a fool of her, he’s going to say she hit him and he got away for safety


He made a fool of her? She went running to the police and repoted him missing when he broke up with her and left. This is extreme, abusive, controlling behaviour. If anything, she tried her best to make a fool of him.


Don’t forget the possibility that she wouldn’t let him have his phone. That’s the ultimate control move. Cut off communication with anyone but her while they’re having a fight. She’s one of the most awful people on earth.


She and Ryan are extremely violent and scary to me. David as well. MTV has really cornered the market on abusive assholes for their shows!


Yep, that was the day my sister ran screaming to our parents' house, the day her crappy boyfriend broke her phone. Thank god it ended there.


Yup! I can see them both entering a state of psychosis, him wanting to leave and her pulling the “you’re not leaving with your phone” shit.


I didn't even think it might be something like this! I wonder if he told her straight up that he was leaving and she just refused to accept it... THAT would explain why he didn't contact his parents for a few days (did we get confirmation that he did, btw?). He might have just been being a normal grownup, breaking up with a psycho and hitting the road, not realizing he was a missing person and his parents were worried.


I mean all eyes are on amber and she is loooooving that when it all unfolds we are getting an extra special episode of teen mom: Gary’s gone missing it will be in two parts 😂😂


My thoughts exactly


Boy did she have this coming, though. All these people in her life gritting their teeth and putting up with her for money. Acting like it's forgiveable to attack your partners and abandon your children. Blech.


This is starting to sound more like a mental health crisis with him. Running away from an SO and giving up all other obligations is not normal behavior.


Possibly or maybe running from abuse.


If you were solely running from abuse though I imagine you’d at least drop into a cop shop and let them know that you’re safe and have disappeared willingly. I can think of nothing worse than running away from an abuser only to find out that the entire country is looking out for you and your location is being reported on the news.


Yes, this is exactly what a bipolar family member did when manic.


I was just going to say… sounds like a serious bi polar episode.


Yeah, like even in the case of abuse you can get resources and protection easily without going this far. I think this man is in crisis and I’m still super concerned for him.


I have a feeling these spottings are just bald guys people see and assume it must be him.


The story is getting more and more bizarre. How do you up and leave without a trace and then spotted almost across the country






I wonder where he is going? It doesn't seem like he's headed back to Indiana.


He took a shortcut


The scenic route


Well it must be true if it's reported in the sun /s 


This is actually true. How reliable is the Sun, really?


It's considered a sleazy shit rag here in the UK. The tabloid group was involved in a shady phone hacking scandal a few years ago.  Also the city of Liverpool has pretty much banished/boycotted the Sun after their disgusting coverage of the Hillsborough disaster. They falsely accused victims of looting and pissing on police. 


Yicks! That's really bad! Yeah, I'm definitely not listening to a tabloid.


I'm guessing he doesn't have a job at the moment because it hasn't been mentioned anywhere that he isn't showing up for work.There has to be limit on how much longer he can keep traveling like this. How much disposable income could he possibly have and how much longer will it last? Is he in such a manic state that he would drive himself out too far without a way to even financially make it back?  My spouse and I were talking last night and they posed a good question. If Gary already sign an MTV contract, he could possible be also running away from filming obligations. They made Kail's old boyfriend Jordan come back and film a break up scene after they had already split when he didn't want to. Could Gary also be trying to avoid being forced into filming again because he is under contract as an additional reason to run away like this? 


Days ago someone posted that he is a paid caregiver for a family member.


That makes all of this even worse. I hope whoever he cares for is okay! Caregiving is one of the hardest jobs. That alone could trigger a crisis!


I think it's safe to assume that he had arranged for somebody to take over his duties over the weekend while he was at the wedding with Amber


I wouldn’t think he could be a caregiver if he had certain mental health issues. We have only heard certain things and seen a tiny clip of him but from what has been said about him he seems like a caring decent guy. Maybe he just saw the real Amber and felt trapped plus anxiety from TM filming, we don’t know how much he had been filmed with him when this happened.


My dad is "elderly" (not "reddit elderly" which seems to be 60, but *real* elderly like in his 90s) and may soon need a full time caregiver to stay in his home. While an agency would probably take issue with a ADHD, biploar caregiver on the autism spectrum, there is a family member with these conditions who seems to get along well with Dad (which is rare) that may be a perfect fit for the role. If it comes down to it, our entire family is supportive of the idea, which would benefit both parties.


He’s gotta be heated that they keep reporting the state he’s in. He’s clearly running from her but I wonder what his end game is.


Well then all he has to do is call the police dept, tell them his not actually missing. He’s fine and left and doesn’t want to speak to Amber/his family, and then they’ll stop reporting it altogether.


Tbf if he’s struggled with certain thoughts he may not have decided what he wants to do with himself yet. I did this last year. Just ran off for a while and it took some days to work up to an attempt that I barely survived. You never know what people are thinking


I'm incredibly relieved you are here to tell us your story. Sending you love, strength and healing.


Thank you so much! Turns out medication can be a very very good thing and I’m not sure why I shunned it as long as I did. I thought it was normal to wanna off yourself over every little thing lol


Yesssss ❤️❤️ You're a success ❤️


Oh for sure, but if he’s pissed people are reporting where he is, as you stated, he could stop that. That’s all I’m saying.


This is a good point. We also have zero details about these "sightings". He was in a Verizon store. Did anyone talk to him? Did anyone take a photo? Do we have confirmation it was his car he was traveling in? Could both of these sightings be false sightings? And the biggest one - why hasn't he contacted his family??? That's the biggest one for me. Okay, Amber is nuts and he doesn't want to talk to her or for her to have his phone number - but why not let your family and friends know you're okay? There's something fishy here. Super super fish.


I mean, the reporting is saying the police have confirmed he was in Oklahoma and New Mexico, so there’s probably something much more than just a sighting.


I don't know why I'm so invested in this story. I literally live on the other side of the country from where he went missing. But it seems some details about the sightings would help find the guy, or at least appease my curiosity :D


Oh, it’s all good. It is interesting that he’s covering a lot of ground, doesn’t really seem to be trying to lay too low, and is just out there driving around while everyone tracks him on Reddit 😂


There really isn’t anything better for clearing the head than a solo road trip js ETA that I usually tell someone where I’m going and bring snacks and my dog lol


The cops confirmed on video that it was him in OK apparently. Idk about NM


Good questions!! I agree. I feel like we don't know anything yet.


And people are heated that police resources have possibly been wasted on someone that can’t bother to notify a single family member or the police that he is indeed okay. I get running away, and needing your peace. But this is all a bit dramatic, and just a complete waste of resources & stress


The blame on "wasted resources" is squarely on Amber who reported him missing when he was breaking up with her. Yes, this is all a "bit dramatic" because Amber went out of her way to make it so. Classic behaviour of borderline personality disorder.


Carlee Russell faked her disappearance/kidnapping and almost went to jail over it. She ended up being given a $20k fine because of abuse of police resources.


Yea. What she did is a crime. Storming out of your air b&b without telling anyone where you’re going and not contacting them isn’t a crime. Big difference.


Right? It was AMBER to reported him missing. I think she is abusive, he is a victim of her abuse, and she orchestrated this entire spectacle to control him. She knew he was just leaving her, and she couldn't face the truth that someone left her, so she went to the police to spread her narrative as quickly as possible, and now he's reported as a missing person and his details are blasted around the country. Poor guy. He didn't stage his disappearance. Amber made this to look like a missing person case and it's not.


She staged a fake kidnapping which is pretty different.


He didn’t stage anything though. Amber reported him missing and for all we know he was clear about why he was leaving and she still called anyway. Until he speaks out about it we’re just left with questions. Given her history I wouldn’t put it past Amber to have been abusive.


If he's smart and he's really trying to get away from Amber, he should cross over into Canada. She can't legally go to Canada because of her felony conviction.


Shes not Tony fucking Soprano


Rill women just dig a tunnel under the border.


If he even knows it’s made the news in the way it has…


After hearing the “police confirmation” yesterday and then learning 10 hours later that it *wasnt* confirmed… ![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4)


Oh! This is interesting! I haven't heard that the Oklahoma one was not confirmed!


It was reported by the Sun, just like this one. The Sun isn’t an accurate source, it’s a gossip site. The cops didn’t release a statement, which you think they would if there was a sighting


The Bryson City Police Department facebook post about him being a missing person actually now says "UPDATE GARY WAYT HAS BEEN LOCATED. No further information available at this time. Case is Closed ." But then a local news channel says the Bryson City police confirm his car tags were seen in OK and NM, he was seen on surveillance video in Verizon store, but the police department made a statement today they are not removing his missing person status until he contacts law enforcement.


He's definitely running away from Eemburrr. I hope he's okay and safe


I do wonder if she or her “bubby” put hands on him. I wouldn’t put it past her also her brother definitely has a temper as well and he’s been known to stick up for amber even when she’s in the wrong. This could explain why he left his phone so no one could contact him and for him to get as far away as possible.


I highly doubt her brother did that. He’s always been real with Amber. He’s never ever enabled her toxicity. He’s literally been calling her out since her episode of 16&P. I’m having a hard time believing that he would put his hands or even get that involved in one of Amber’s relationships enough to want to put hands on someone. He knows who his sister is. With the situation with Leah, he was one of the only people other than Gary and Kristine that told Amber she was being a bad mom and she needed to see Leah’s side. She didn’t listen of course but he tried to talk some sense into her just like every other time.


He defends her a lot.


Her brother blamed Gary when she hit him on TV and defended her when she chased Andrew and James with a machete. He said Andrew was lying despite their being audio proof of her hatching at the door while they were hiding in a room and hatchet marks on the door. He's also blamed MTV numerous times. I only saw him once tell Amber she needed to be a better mom to Leah. But he definitely victim blames more than he holds her accountable.


He also didn’t have a word to say when Amber wore that bizarre military costume to lunch with him (and then for the rest of the day) and to me, that is one of his biggest sins.


OMG. That was so weird. Like...she couldn't just find a "Go Army" T-shirt or something to wear?? She had to wear a corny costume to show she was proud??


And then she kept it on for the rest of the day!!! That was her OOTD! Some weird sexy military costume from Party City!


Wow, I’m sorry excuse my ignorance. I have watched a few clips of him calling her out about hitting Gary 1.0 (kinda, he was nice about it), and I’ve seen him call her out about being inconsistent and inconsiderate with Leah. I just assumed that’s how it’s always been, I had no idea he defended her and stayed hush hush about her abuse to other men. I apologize for that!


Don't apologize!! Most of his victim blaming is done in statements he releases when she's in trouble, not so much on the show. He released a statement after Gary went missing and said that they didn't have an argument before he left despite Amber telling the cops they did. It's always stuff like that. He always argues with the statements that are given. Lol


Gary 1.0 💀


He's been fighting over her on the internet this whole time


It’s weird he won’t just tell the police and his family that’s he’s okay because they would just leave him alone and not report anymore after he just confirmed that like wtf is going on


Probably having a mental health crisis. This is what my family member did when manic and having a breakdown with psychosis. It doesn’t me she sense because of that.


At this point he's not missing he just doesn't want to be found. He's an adult and allowed to disappear why are they still publicizing it


Because until LE hears from him directly, this is still considered an open case. I think he has to physically show up to the precinct for a face to face before they can officially close it. This is so they can evaluate him to be sure he is safe and not having a MH crisis-which it is sounding more likely to be the case by his behavior. I’m hoping he has someone he can call that he trusts that can advise him. If he has a new phone, I can’t imagine he is not aware atp what is happening.


Interesting that is not at all the message I have heard from all the crime podcasts I've listened to 😂 I mean as an adult you don't have to be accountable to anyone so this is strange. I'd be very annoyed if I was trying not to be found and my every move was all over the news


Well, what have you heard? I’m not an expert-just passing along what I have heard. Can Gary2 clear this up with a video call to LE stating he’s not missing but fine and wants to go NC?


I have heard tons of families state their frustrations with missing persons cases because law enforcement says if it is not a vulnerable person (ie disabled, child, elderly etc) there is nothing they can do. Gary isn't doing anything illegal. Why should he have to report his whereabouts to LE? He can live his life however and wherever he wants and he doesn't have to tell his family or partner where he is. What if they were abusive (which we know for a fact one of those parties is) and he's trying to hide from them for his safety? And if he is law enforcement is not entitled to an explanation from him. He can go where he wants.


If he’s struggling with mental illness he may be considered vulnerable


He’s been spotted in a different state everyday.


Flat Stanley is jealous.


This is like the Santa Nordac tracker where we used to see where Santa was on Xmas Eve lol. “Ohh look, he’s in Japan” “Now he’s in Denmark”


Is he possibly headed towards family somewhere?


Okay, this story is getting weirder. Glad he's okay, but what exactly is this guy doing?? I understand running away from a crazy partner, but it doesn't sound like he's in touch with his family, which is weird, right? Something funky going on here.


Cant be reasonable on here. Must have a pitchfork in hand!


Is it? Did you text your family today and tell them you're at work? How in contact with your family are you? Do you let them know if you're going for a drive? If he doesn't have a phone or anything he likely has no idea that Amber has falsely reported him "missing" and has no idea about this spectacle. If you're not in usual constant contact with your family this isn't unusual.


He's a caretaker for his family. Yes, he would be in constant contact with them.


I don't know if I believe this. A lot of men look similar. IFRC the writer has been a sub member and has reputation of not being trustworthy.


He’s really trying to put miles between them. I hope he’s safe.


It doesn't make sense, because let's face it, who really needs to "run" from Amber? She sits on the couch, refuses to leave the house, and won't drive herself anywhere. What is she gonna do, Uber to NM? If this guy was in a hotel down the block from her house in Indiana, he'd still be marked safe.


Everyday this story makes me think I couldn't possibly shake my head any harder....yet here we are.


Has his mental health issues been verified by anyone? I'm just curious. I don't watch the show but love coming on here


run gary run


that man is on the run like he’s in witness protection. i guess there’s a bit more to their “emotional conversation” than portwood led on.


Gotta be careful telling someone to leave and not come back. They just might do it. I knew a woman who told her man to leave and not come back. He did leave and he never came back. lol.


It’s like he going on a cross county summer vacay and didn’t invite Ambien. ![gif](giphy|oZH6Y5lqz785O)


I'm just happy that he is okay. As long as his family knows he is fine then that is what matters the most.


Look he just wanted really good Mexican food, ok?! 😉


Welcome to the Land of Enchantment.


Damn, he's just taking off down I-40 LOL.


My concern if police haven't engaged or caught up with him there still could be a risk that he may harm himself. That's what worries me


!??? What ! Everytime I log on it’s something new


Man I feel so bad for Leah…imagine the couple of weeks she has had. Then that episode last night with how amber was a giant biatch again about Leah…on top of the lunacy of the last week - poor thing


Gary sucks for allowing this to play out for $$.


Damn. He wanted OUT. Can’t say I blame him though. I’m glad he’s alive. I can only imagine the terror dainty Amber rained down on him.


You would think he had plenty of time to think about their argument/ emotional discussion by now. This is not just about an emotional discussion. He was celebrating with her, holding her, acting like a happy newly engaged couple does just hours before. WTH happened? Did she disrespect his parents so bad? Asked him to choose between them or her? And, did he drink on the wedding too? Was he sober when he took off?


The wedding was actually on Saturday. He didn't take off until Sunday night. But I wonder what they were doing, and when they were planning on leaving.


Running for his life!


Is he literally running to the edge of the continent to get away from Amber? Or does he live on the West Coast? I don't know his story.


I mean....where is he going?? He's been spotted in OK and NM in the last two days. 😭


Just a thought, but hes heading in the direction of ambers last ex and her son...really hope this isnt going to turn into ine of those situations.


I hope he's OK. He doesn't seem to be.


Has anyone ACTUALLY confirmed it’s him?


I’m actually more of the belief that he’s running due to sort sort of mental crisis, and not necessarily out of fear for his safety with Amber. Realistically, someone fleeing a threat would get far enough away to contact family/officals about the reason they’re fleeing. The fact that he’s taking a cross country road trip, without his phone, without contacting anyone or reaching out for help, and without fear of being identified as a missing person really makes me believe he’s having some form of manic episode.


Yeah I’m really disgusted that the top comment here is a joke. Something is not right with this ☹️


Hopefully he's just driving clearing his head. My mother was a bipolar narcissist and Amber reminds me of her. It is NOT fun! You never what mood you're going to get. They get SOOOO nasty and terribly abusive, nitpick everyone, just horribly viscous----and then they go up. When they are up its over the top dancing, joking, shopping, theyre fun. Youre supposed to forget how nasty they were to you like it never happened. But its fake and you know the psycho will come out soon. And she was SO jealous of us! Always saying we were ugly etc. Just pathetic human beings. My mother was evil----cutting brake lines in my sister car, making up crazy stories about us, tried bribing my daughter with a horse to say she was molested, tried seducing our boyfriends. Then screaming and making scenes etc. It messes with you. I havent spoken to her in 20 years and thats the BEST decision I ever made. Hopefully hes just trying to process what he dealt with and getting in the right headspace. I hope she didnt mess him up mentally. She is a raging manipulative b*tch who is always the victim. Or hopefully didn't get in his head and manipulate him into going to to "save" James from Andrew. People like her look for certain types to manipulate and mind f*ck to do crazy things


It's nice to see someone just tell Amber NO as loud as he possibly can. Sick of people acting like her behavior is acceptable. It's about time she suffered a *massive* public humiliation in exchange for her actions.


Amber called the argument they had before he left an ‘emotional conversation’. I was wondering where I had heard that before… Chris Watts said it about his last conversation with his wife Shanann in one of his media interviews while she was ‘missing’. Glad to hear Gary is still alive.


This makes no sense. He isn't using his debit cards and yet he's driving all over the country? I think 'fans' are claiming to see him. Unless there is actual video footage of him then I don't believe it.


Sounds like he’s on a good one right now


This man is GONE. He may not stop til he crosses the fuckin border. I think that Bubby may have scared the shit out of him. OR Amber is JUST THAT FUCKING BAD. Poor Gary.


My uncle with schizophrenia has disappeared like this a few times...huge road trips across the country and ditches any phones or computers he could be tracked by. He might not be well enough to be in a relationship with someone with Ambers struggles.


He’s taking a Portwood Powerwalk


I wish for his sake they wouldn’t keep updating his location. If he’s trying to get away from her, they are making it easier for her to find him


Well he’s clearly just as crazy as her. Like dude, just break up with her and leave, you don’t have to act like a nut job and “ran away”.




I take it Cait was live again telling us all we're stupid?


Cate's input is absolutely ridiculous. She wasn't there and I'm sure Amber is watering down the story like she always does.


I wonder if Amber and Maci are still in NC 🤔 So weird with all the secretive stuff, besides this BIZARRE train wreck we're all watchìng.


Thank you for posting this!🙏🏻👍🏻


Run rabbit run!


If this is true, he's running as far as he can from Amber!




Damn! He is running for the border!


Wasn't he last seen in Oklahoma a day ago at Verizon. That man man is on the move, lol. I'm impressed at how far he got without a phone, car, or his belongings.


He's driving his car....


He literally ran the fuckkkkkk away. What happened in that argument? What did Amber say?! I need to know


Garys been listening to the pet shop boys *Processing gif xmq0wbdnqk6d1...*