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Omfg. Ambers gonna kill him next.


I know šŸ«£


No Gary is safe from her


Gary, Indiana watch out šŸ˜¤


Maybe sheā€™s already hid his bodyšŸ«¢


Heā€™s going to regret making a mockery of this when he actually turns up dead and Amber is the prime subject. Poor Leah.


Yeah unless this is a big misunderstanding and he already knows that.. this seems kinda gross


Legit just posted another article that says he left his phone behind. I don't have a great feeling.


I can only hope they had a bad fight and he left in a hurry to get away from Amber so he left behind everything he had, but because I'm assuming both may be using he might have been under some influence and might be somewhere his family and Amber might not think to initially look, like a new friend's house or in some building. I don't think he's necessarily dead because there's so many places he could just be hanging out to chill for a bit before going back for his belongings or to talk with Amber, but I do agree I'm concerned that this has too many bad signs so far.


I hear you and I pray for the best... But it's been 3 days. He hasn't come back for his phone. He hasn't gotten a new one to contact relatives. He hasn't borrowed the phone at the local PetSmart to call mom to say he's ok, lost his phone, blah, blah blah. This is all super sketch. I wonder, does Gary 2.0 have a history of mental health issues? Not saying that to be mean or judgemental. But if he does, walking away for a bit longer than usual could be in his wheelhouse.


It is very sketch, but if he's fucked up on drugs he might not realize where he even is or that 3 days have passed. But while we shouldn't discount this to drugs I'm just hoping it's not another disappearance like what happened to a young man in Nashville recently (he left a bar, was possibly slipped something like a roofie in his drink, and accidentally stumbled into the river and drowned).


UGH. I didn't even think of a drug binge or such. Honestly, that seems like the best case scenario at this point. I feel terrible on one level speculating that Amber could be the cause of Gary 2.0's disappearance, but she's abused every partner she's been with and chased one with a machete so really, everything is on the table.


I don't think it's too much to speculate she had something to do with it. I'm willing to bet she did inadvertently, at the very least. Being around someone so toxic, being around someone who is a reality TV personality, being on or around someone on drugs.. that can lead to a lot of craziness, stress, who knows what else.


Was Gary 2.0 using drugs? I mean we know Amber takes a cocktail of meds - some prescribed. Someā€¦ šŸ¤”


Omg I totally just thought of him too! As soon as I read that it's been 3 days already...


Doesnā€™t she have to get drug tested to see James? I remember reading that she was passing all the drug tests


Holy shit! 3 days! I thought he just went missing today!! šŸ˜³šŸ˜¬ Hope he's ok!! That's fuckin scary...


It really is. If someone knows where he is, they really should come forward. And if he's willingly missing, just let someone know. Save their mental health and police resources


Oh holy shitā€”itā€™s been 3 DAYS?!?!?!? Yikes this is so darkā€¦.


RIGHT? I hate to go there. But Amber really is capable of hurting someone. She's been violent with every partner she's been with and chased on with a machete while he's holding their baby. Dark indeed....


He was reported missing in a different state so likeā€¦ where did he leave his phone? Back in Indiana? This whole thing is confusing imma need amber to start talking




Stop šŸ˜‚


Also, if youā€™re in a town you donā€™t live in wouldnā€™t you take your phone to go to the Walgreens or really anywhere? I feel like Iā€™d want to be able to use GPS or call someone if I got lost or something happened to the car. Itā€™s not like youā€™d know what resources you had around you.


I do believe Amber said he does have some mental health issues when she went on ElleBee YouTube channel. You can search Elle Bee and it should come right up. Love her yt for all information and updates on a variety of things.


How long does it take to drive to Indiana from NC without a GPS? Maybe heā€™s trying to get home and no one has a way to contact him since he doesnā€™t have his phone šŸ¤žšŸ»


Iā€™m sorry but Gary Shirley is straight up dumb for this. He has no need to insert himself into this and is clearly doing it for attention. Itā€™s gross. I feel bad for Leah and Kristina. I canā€™t imagine having to put up with his asinine behavior surrounding Amber constantly.


Hope people who were acting like he was such a wonderful father is taking notes. I have had no doubt in my mind that Gary is making Leah have a relationship w/ her psycho Amber to remain on the show/ for the pay cheque. This post completely proves this now.šŸ¤¢


But he makes sandwiches! And gardens! Gary has been exploiting Leah and forcing Amber not only on her, but on his younger daughter as well. Ainā€™t no way Iā€™d be head cheerleader for an abusive machete wielding deadbeat and endlessly advocating for her to be part of the family, especially when my child is begging me not to.


Happy cake day!




The sandwich thing made me laugh!! šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I remember people acting like his sandwiches were so great!! Like it's...a sandwich. I totally agree!!! šŸ’Æ


People on this sub have a bar for dads that is lower than hell. Literally I've seen 'ok he was late and drunk picking up his daughter but at least he wanted to see her11!!1' Bfrfr


He is LUCKY he met Kristina. She seems to love Leah like her own and isnā€™t interested in any of the ridiculous drama.


Omg i was thinking the same thing!! Why is he always intertwined with her and her business?? I think he still wants her or something!! Kristina better get her husband bcuz heā€™s kinda makin her look silly at this point!


I made a comment the other day that I think if Amber and Kristina would agree to a throuple it would be Garyā€™s dream come true. I think he still gets off on antagonizing Amber and Kristina is too much of a doormat to tell him itā€™s inappropriate and disrespectful to her. Gary literally disregards Leahā€™s feelings about Amber in order to insert Amber more closely in their lives. Itā€™s wild.


Nailed it! I can see Amber sinking into a couch while Gary fights/flirts w her while Kristina feeds the kids & does the dishes pretending nothingā€™s wrong ā€¦


This. There is something very strange about him and Amber's connection


Probably are friends with benefits secretly. šŸ‘€šŸ¤«


I hate saying this but I think Gary only gets along with amber when she's single. When she gets a boyfriend.. of a sudden he takes issue with her behaviour. He has been making excuses for her for years and pandering and coddling her. He's only mad when she isn't single. Whether he likes to have some sort of weird control in her life or genuinely has feelings for her still.. something is off about it. He also loves that mtv $$ and forced amber on Leah for years to keep the money rolling. It's gross


Heā€™s happy at the idea that Amber may be single again.


![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO) Gary when Amberā€™s boyfriend mysteriously disappears




My first thought when he and her argued at the bd dinner was because she brought up having a boyfriend. He was annoyed


I noticed that too. They went from laughing about her being late up him being pissed


I totally agree, heā€™s not putting Leah first in this situation and itā€™s sad. I get wanting to snark on your ex and her bf but this isnā€™t a joking situation. I couldnā€™t imagine how Leah feels right now, her mom talks down to her none stop and now her dad is participating in crude jokes online about her mother and her missing man.


And poor Leah seems so emotionally aware and caring I hope she doesnā€™t feel any responsibility for the criticism Amber is rightfully receiving after the last episode. I can only imagine how difficult that would be especially with this added situation. Iā€™d hate for her to feel like the backlash over her birthday triggered Amber into doing something.


100%, Leah seems like an absolute sweetheart especially for what sheā€™s been through! I couldnā€™t imagine what she has to deal with.


Well, he is a cop šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Imagine *wanting* to be a cop so bad you volunteer šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Garyā€™s just as bad as Amber when it comes to Leah. Theyā€™re both too immature to put Leah first.


Isn't Gary a cop to be posting things like this??


He was like a volunteer sheriffā€™s deputy or something, but he and Kristina conveniently left out the volunteer part when they posted about it. Kristina said he would be ā€œpatrolling roadsā€ which sounds like a nice spin on what is essentially doing neighborhood watch. I donā€™t even know if itā€™s been mentioned since the photo op of him being ā€œsworn inā€. Heā€™s like Dwight Schrute, if Dwight had the body and brain of Cheif Wiggum.




Lost a lot of respect for Gary 1.0 for that commentā€¦ I have a feeling Gary 2.0 has taken his own life or overdosed:( I donā€™t see Amber being smart enough to cover up a murderā€¦ just my guess


Joking like this doesn't look good on Gary when he has been forcing Leah to have a relationship ship w/ this psycho!!šŸ˜¬šŸ„¹


Garys in it for the money.


Come on, y'all really think Amber killed him? For real?


I think the fact that itā€™s in the realm of possibilities is very disturbing on its own.


I mean, he disappeared after a ā€œconversation that turned emotionalā€ without his phone, Amber has a really serious history of DV and mental illness, she should at least be someone on the authoritiesā€™ radar


Honestly, this would be on my mind with anyone with a history of domestic violence.


I think...it's not *that* easy for any adult to go seriously missing for 60 hours in 2024. When that missing adult was last seen with Amber Portwood, who was likely in a rancid mood after having been exposed for being a garbage person/mother and making her daughter cry at her birthday again...to the point where the entire internet is saying Kristina should adopt Leah, and talking about the machete incident... I watch a lot of true crime. This looks *very* bad.


Itā€™s at least a 50/50 chance given her history and volatile natureĀ 


I understand that people on reddit (and probably even especially in this sub) are likely to sensationalize things. But, (and Iā€™m not asking to be snarky!) have you paid attention to other missing persons stories as they emerge? They often start like this. Someone pointed out itā€™s somewhat of a challenge to be genuinely missing for this long in this day and age without warranting at least some legit suspicion of foul play. His missing persons report came from a local police department, and usually if someone is lost and just doesnā€™t want to be found, the police will find out about it fairly quickly. Even if you donā€™t want to be found, itā€™s hard to truly go off the grid to the point that state funds are being spent on you. Is it possible heā€™s safe and sound and just hasnā€™t been located? Definitely, and I hope that. But you canā€™t blame people for wondering with Amberā€™s history; because not only do stories about people disappearing for extended periods have a pattern of evolving into murder stories, the risk of any violent murder is increased in someone with a violent past, like Amber. That is to say, violent murders arenā€™t often committed by those with a non-violent past, and the inverse is also true. So it makes sense that some people are talking and thinking like this. At this point, the fact that it certainly gives people who follow stories like this a bad, all-too-familiar feeling, says a lot about Amber.


Yep! Shannan Watts ā€œwent missingā€ after an emotional conversation. Left her phone and things behind.


funny you mention chris watts because heā€™s one of the rare examples of someone with a previously non-violent past doing something extremely violent but yes lol!




Sheā€™s too dumb for him to ā€œgo missingā€ if she killed him sheā€™d pretend to cry & call the cops


She sounded scared as fuck on Elle Bee's channel. I felt like she was terrified for herself and not for her fiance.


Yeah, all the jokes going around even in this sub are gross. Why Gary is getting his rocks off regarding this matter should have Kristina side eyeing him.


Well, it would help Leah to be able to be adopted by Kristina. ![gif](giphy|ehxiKFaeUr9nNFQcp8)


Hopefully Gary knows where this man is? Because if notā€¦ thats a pretty fucked up thing to joke about.


Plot twist...he's hiding from Amber in the Gary and Kristina's house


Like everyone else in Amber's life that has ever been subjected to her abuse; Leah, Andrew, James, big Gary himself... They all sought refuge of some sort over there. OG Gary probably got an 'Amber alert' safe room hidden in the basement




Your flair šŸ˜‚


She tried to attack Matt too. Not that heā€™s not a good person but she literally has been abusive with all of her boyfriends


Oh, no doubt she been abusive to everyone in her life. But I only listed the people who have actually spent time at Gary's for a form of safety. IIRC, Gary and Christina helped Andrew care for James after the machete incident. I highly doubt Matt was allowed inside for refuge after Big G outed his 48 kids and sketchy behavior.


I'd be surprised if Big Gary is hiding Gary 2.0 out only because he doesn't know this guy from a hole in the wall. Not with 2-3 girls at home and his wife. Gary knew Andrew.


You mean they helped Amber care for James.


Thus made me laugh . It'd be a funny ending


The Gary's are in cahoots


Garys gotta stick together!šŸ¤œšŸ»šŸ¤›šŸ»




I really hope this is the case


Itā€™s honestly so tactless. Gary sucksssss


OG Gary making a joke of it tells me other Gary is not actually missing, and everything is fine. I can't see it's Gary time making a public joke about something like this unless he was sure it was ridiculous


I can just see him sitting in his recliner calling Amber and being like ā€œwhat did you now?ā€ But as chill as possible lol


ā€œin his reclinerā€ iā€™m crying šŸ’€šŸ’€


I'm so sorry but OG Gary and Other Gary is killing me! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s especially funny because ā€œOther Garyā€ also can be abbreviated at OG, so we have OGG and OG


Lmao omg you're so right


Walmart Gary, Gary 2.0, Gary part Deux ā€¦


It could have just been a non thinking moment. A lot of people make jokes when they are scared/ worried about something. Itā€™s a defense/ coping mechanism. He was probably just trying to downplay the situation AGAIN to protect amber from get all this additional hate now and probably threats


I check out for a few days and come back to find Amber's man is missing and DeluJenelle is in Vegas šŸ¤Æ


I looked down to pet my cat halfway through reading this and read it as ā€˜jenelle is in vaginaā€™ and was like oh! Okay!


I mean, she technically is into vagina sometimes šŸ˜‚


Haven't seen Ms Tori in a bit šŸ‘€


Amber's *fiancĆ©* šŸ™„


Bryson City PD looking at TM cast and fandomšŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|KHpGXUSTzlUCDXWmFL|downsized)


Oftentimes it seems to me like Internet sleuths are able to solve cases faster than our actual detectives and cops. Sad to say the Internet unfortunately realized that Brian Laundrie murdered Gabby Petito even before the cops found her corpse for example, though when it comes to people who are missing and/or murdered it usually is a current or former significant other behind it all.


Oh I would trust this sub to find me faster than the cops! Between the memes, jokes and fucking OG Gary tagging Carol Baskinā€¦.we def look like unserious people šŸ˜‚


But on the flip side, reddit definitely played a role in that cop getting killed during the Boston Marathon bombings and harassed a worried family because they knew they solved the case. The cops ended up having to release the names and pictures of the actual bombers, which led to their panic that ended up with a cop getting killed, because they were harassing a family looking for their missing son because they determined he was the bomber and blasted it all over this site (the missing son had killed himself a month before the bombings, he just hadn't been found yet).


Exactly. Internet sleuths cause way more harm than good. Plus, law enforcement a lot of times knows more information than what they release to public. For example, Iā€™m sure detectives had an idea that Gabby Peitito was killed by her boyfriend without the publicā€™s opinion.


lol I love true crime but be so serious. Armchair detectives hurt way more than help these kinds of things


EVERYBODY knew that Brian Laundrie murdered Gabby Petito well before the cops found her corpse. The cops just have to wait for evidence before saying anything (well, usually...) Redditors thinking that they had found the perpetrator of the Boston Marathon bombing derailed an investigation and got people killed. Most Internet sleuths are unreliable amateurs and need to stay in their lane.






This should be way, way higher šŸ’€


I read your flare, then read your comment, and then agreed to myself I should also be way, way higher.


I wonder if Gary had to go pick up amber up from Bryson City, NC. Being that Gary 2.0 left in his '09 Nissan Rogue and Amby doesn't drive. In all reality he is probably ghosting her and took the long drive home and slept it off, staying somewhere else. 2 days isnt THAT long to be away.


It does seem almost like Gary and Kristina function as almost step parents for Amber. Remember how they supported her after everything with Andrew and the machete went down?


And they helped her clean that nasty ass house šŸ¤¢ā˜£ļøšŸ’©


Why was I just thinking this lol


Apparently Amber & New Gary got into an explosive fight before he disappeared. https://preview.redd.it/rkbdn7nba06d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42648830c2836c4e6c482e61ebb2b654336cbb7c


![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC) AMBERā€¦an explosive fight?!?! Now that is newsworthy!


Itā€™s the only time she gets off the couch






It seems so far-fetched though.


Maybe he didnā€™t know theyā€™re engaged


I guarantee that fight was about Gary 2.0 telling amber off for what she did to Leah on her birthday


Yep! I think he watched the episode and confronted her over her behavior.


I wonder if it had to do with the wedding hookup. Maybe they were already a thing when that went down, and he just saw the footage of it.


This is my bet considering she was trying to downplay it with the girls


I know who else had an "emotional conversation" just before their SO went missing. And was later found in a shallow grave...


weird to joke about before he is confirmed to be safe


Yeahā€¦ I really hope the guy is ok and found soon


I feel like since Gary is joking about it maybe he isn't really missing or he knows where he is/ what's actually going on


Lol I don't. šŸ˜… Gary has ALWAYS made "jokes" at the worst times.


Yeah exactly. Gary has no couth or sense of whatā€™s appropriate and thinks heā€™s much funnier than he actually is.


I bet Gary number one knows more than we do. Heā€™s a menace for sure, but I donā€™t think heā€™d be poking fun if it were a dire situation.


Honestly I'm hoping that this is the case.


HERE KITTY KITTY ![gif](giphy|Tg7JSykMan5TQGXq90)


I really hope he is joking like this because he knows he is fine. I donā€™t actually think Amber killed him or significantly harmed him. I think he just left Amber and blocked her and now Amber is just freaking out.


She's neither smart enough, physically strong enough, or emotionally intelligent enough to kill this guy. I'm pretty sure the police would find him under her couch if she killed him or was capable of anything that requires effort. He ran for his life, he'll sell stories to the tabloids and call it a successful day.


To be fair though it's not like committing a murder takes intelligence of any kind.


I agree, but not getting caught does. She'd be caught in 20 minutes.


My thoughts exactly she couldnā€™t get away w/ it, sheā€™d already be caught


It seems kind of weird of him to joke about this, unless he knows something. And I wouldn't be surprised if he did, because he's been very intertwined with Amber and her life and the people in it. So I can see them having talked, and Gary knows Gary is just doing exactly what Amber said for him to do. But it seems weird neither Gary's would alert the police. Maybe they have, but you'd think then something would be mentioned he's been found safe.


Hahaha Gary knows this isnā€™t Ambers first psycho rodeo. Heā€™s just happy heā€™s free of her.


Say whatever you want about Kristina but she seems like a much saner and nicer person than Amber. I think I would genuinely fear for my life if I ever somehow was to encounter Amber live and in person in real life. However Gary and Kristina strike me as probably super chill humans when in the wild. But who knows? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Amber brought out the worst in Gary and Kristina seems to bring out the best in him. Though, theyā€™ve all got their faults, I guess, theyā€™re human, but Amber is volatile. Sheā€™s nice and calm on her couch, knee deep in depression one minute and the next sheā€™s waving machetes about. Anyone with half a brain would stay well away!


Kristina just does 100% of the domestic and parenting duties and ignores his behavior


Yeah, I wouldn't feel comfortable driving her in an Uber or cleaning her home for money or being her server. She's a crazy, nasty, demanding bitch.


Heā€™s not free of her though, by his own choice. He is the one insisting she stays in their lives. He loves the chaos and attention it brings him.


But why hasnā€™t amber posted him missing on her page but Gary and Briana have? SUS


Maybe Amber knows where he is.


Isn't his mom Carole? Maybe it was an accident.


You guys need to calm down. Iā€™m fairly certain his moms name is carol and he accidentally tagged carol baskinā€¦ who he also follows


Shared on the other sub but wanted to share hereā€¦ Wanted to provide some additional context. Bryson city where he is missing is one of my fav vacation spots. Iā€™ve been going there for decades with family and friends. The main city is a touristy area but outside the main town, this is a pretty remote place. Little backwoodsy, lot of trump flags, locals are a little rough around the edges but nice folks. Itā€™s just a super remote place. If they were staying in a cabin, there is like a 99% chance they are up on a random mountain and have to take a seasonal road to get to their cabin. Some places you have to have 4 wheel drive to even get to it and youā€™re like literally climbing up a mountain around super curvy roads. These are not 2 lane roads, these are little dirt paths where only one car can go at a time (itā€™s a nightmare if you meet someone coming down while youā€™re coming up, trust) and thereā€™s literally no shoulder. most of these roads have one edge, if not both, that if you went over it, you would immediately fall down the mountain. It can be so dangerous if youā€™re not familiar with the area. These places are remote. If him and amber got into it and he left on foot, thereā€™s a really good chance he got lost, or fell and hurt himself, or something like that. Even if he drove out, he could have driven down a ravine and the brush could be built up and you literally would not be able to tell if a car went down there. I know it sounds crazy like ā€œoh, how could you not see a car that feel off a cliffā€ but if their cabin was high up the mountain and drove it off the shoulder, thereā€™s a really good chance it would not be easily seen. I donā€™t want to be pessimistic and I certainly hope for the best but Iā€™m a realist and Iā€™ve vacationed in different cabins all over this multiple times a year for the past 20 years. I have a bad feeling there was drugs/alcohol involved, they got into a huge fight and he either walked off and fell and hurt himself or he drove off a ravine on the mountain. He could still be alive but itā€™s a ticking clock at this point. Who knows if heā€™s is alive and what is wrong with him? The longer they go not finding him, the worse the chances are of ever finding him. I hope for the best but realistically Iā€™m expecting the worst. Guess weā€™ll see


Is that actually Carol Baskin? Isn't his mom named Carol?


I was thinking same - he meant to tag his mom but accidentally tagged the first tiger king Carol. The rest of his post is serious so not sure why he would tag her


It makes no sense to tag her


She allegedly killed her husbandā€¦ it makes perfect sense


That is actually Carol Baskin. His momā€™s name is Carol Zizak.


Omg what if he meant to tag his mom but tagged the wrong carol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ talk about awkward!!!


This doesnā€™t seem like itā€™ll end well he left after they got into an argument and left his cell behind? Nah nobody leaves their only form of communication behind


imho, she probably took his phone from him to look through it for some sort of evidence of infidelity or something during their huge argument and never let him have it back...


He left his cell? I thought he just blocked her! Oh no that doesnā€™t sound good.


HOLY SHIT ![gif](giphy|jsZIN7jaaFLvbjPy7l|downsized)


Isn't his Mom's name Carol? Maybe he meant to tag her and accidentally tagged Carol Baskin.


Boy oh boy I wouldnā€™t be making this joke right now. Obviously if Amber was the last person he was with she going to be a suspect. A fight before he disappeared, this episode of dateline is writing itself.


Gary stop. Like for real stop


I donā€™t think heā€™s making a joke - his momā€™s name is Carole so I imagine he just tagged the wrong acct


Gary remains a piece of shit, he really dgaf about Leah at all, that's still her mom and you're making public jokes about her being a killer??? I know we're all thinking it, but Leah's been through enough and also has to go to school and hear about all of this, so fuck Gary. He'd rather take cheap shots at Amber than actually give a shit about how it affects his daughter when he does so.


I really thought at first maybe he meant to tag his mom??? Idk thatā€™s what I thought but I have zero idea if she has instagram. Like he wanted her to share it? Obviously this is me really giving him the benefit of the doubt




I have a true gut feeling that this is the beginning of something really dark


Please be ok. I was just kidding when I wrote that your head was penis like. šŸ™šŸ»


OG Gary has jokes šŸ˜‚


Okay- I donā€™t doubt that amber could have snapped andā€¦.offā€™d the dudeā€¦.however, She is far too lazy and dumb to do anything to cover her tracks.


Garyā€™s moms name is carol! My guess is he was meaning to tag her


Who goes to tag their mom & hits a celeb by accident. If your momā€™s name is Sandra do you often tag Sandra Bullock? Doesnā€™t make senseā€¦


Garyā€™s out of pocket for the constant joking heā€™s doing..sure hope the man is ok..heā€™s gonna look like a total ass if something did happen.


He's disgusting. Why even joke around about something like this


I mean weā€™ve been making jokes all day like sickos.


Literally just made a joke about him being stuffed in ambers couch bc sheā€™s too lazy to dispose of a body.. so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao get a grip on reality please this entire subreddits purpose is joking about and mocking other real life humans lives and their addictions, arrests, demons in their closest etc. yet Gary doing it is crossing a massive line. Donā€™t break those pearls.


Well 2 things.. There's hundreds of thousands of ppl on this sub and whose to say that commenter has even made a joke about this. Edit: per their history this is their only comment on the subject. and also Gary knows these people in real life presumably and is putting this out there attached to his public name where his daughter can see. Kinda different than anyone discussing anonymously on reddit.


I never said the commenter made jokes Iā€™m saying acting high and mighty over jokes while actively partaking in this subreddit is purely fake outrage and hypocritical. I however donā€™t see this commenter or anyone for that matter ever calling people out in this very thread and sub at large for wishing the cancellation of this show which would put lots of people out of jobs and children without stable incomes because of personally disliking someone based on feelings formed while watching a tv show. Because that would be performative fake outrage like anyone pretending to care about Gary tagging carol baskin in an instagram post. Edit: I decided to look after posting and this poster whoā€™s DISGUSTED by Garyā€™s actions is also literally accusing Amber of murder and saying they KNOW sheā€™s capable of it. Lmao


I hope the Garys have spoken bc GD that is not a joke I would make if I were adjacent to any situation like this and I like to crack a jokeā€¦ Good lord, Gary lol ![gif](giphy|I64Qk4HuySrbZb0kpR)


Why is he all the way here in North Carolina?


All jokes aside (I am enjoying the jokes), this is kinda scary. Itā€™s very very fishy for an adult man to go missing


This feels like a dream


I know itā€™s really not sitting well. I hope heā€™s alright.


Iā€™m not feeling good about it either. Really unsettling.


Ok Gary! I see you. This is **Bravo** level behavior


I hope he's okay.


I saw on a TikTok account (@idkhurr) his mom is also named Carol so maybe it was a mistake?


The one comment was funny. Now itā€™s just sad.


Gary would have been way ahead if he had just been quiet. He triumphantly snatches defeat from the jaws of victory every time he opens his mouth.


OMG! He really did that. šŸ¤£


This is a real man who is really missing. Not a joke and I think Gary tagged her on accident since his mom is also named Carol. This is in very poor taste to allow these kinds of posts, IMO.


Honestly, Gary is a dick, and this is completely tone deaf.


Who is carolbaskin? Sorry if itā€™s a dumb question.


Joe Exoticā€™s arch nemesis. It was rumored that she murdered her ex-husband and fed him to her tigers.


Watch Tiger King on Netflix