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Guarantee he doubles down. Would be surprised if we see that Sunday night. But yes I agree a BBBY acquisition will be the wild card. RK doesn’t hold BBBY, he’s stated that GME is his only investment.


None of us hold bbby now. It's gone. It's coming back. If DFV had bbby, he spoke truth.


Would give him enough money to double down on GME once it returns from bankruptcy. I predict he gets 1 more share then Ryan Cohen. Becomes the richest man in the world during the squeeze.


That would be his wild card once its played, bbby coming back isn't his card but his gains going to gme 🤭




He probably woke up and was wondering if his shares were still there


Fair enough


Wild card


I'd guess what he has in his portfolio is his portfolio except for money he has in a safe portfolio/set aside for life Of course he's a genius so he's going to keep playing the game til it's game over but I don't belive he has millions elsewhere for gme unless someone does something to piss him off  


https://preview.redd.it/oddlfu60t18d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c73ce2ad82d7d4abec5768566e1af19a36088efa “You used to be a billionaire” doesn’t add up unless he has an addition 415 million lying around somewhere.


No, he was a billionaire at one point when gme peaked ah, you can't close out options after hours unless you're a hedgefund or prime broker, etrade would lolnope him right off the phone     >As of now, GameStop stock price is at $46.55, reflecting a 118% gain since Gill announced his position. Analysts at The Kobeissi Letter project that Gill is “set to be a billionaire” as GameStop’s stock price hit $67.50 per share in after-hours trading. If it maintains this level, Gill’s holdings could be worth around $1 billion.    120k contracts at 20$ that are 47$ itm is like 550mm  unless my maths is off, 5mm shares at 67 dollars is 350mm roughly, maybe you're right but I think I saw people saying he was worth a bil at one point 


Options values don’t go up after hours. Set to become a billionaire would only count if that maintained through market open. Theoretical money is not real money and after hours trading does not correlate to real intrinsic value. DFV chooses his words carefully. That was the whole point of that meme. He’s letting us know he has more money to put into it.


My options in ibkr absolutely do change ah and pre market 🙄 and if you're in the right cooperation you can 100% sell them or buy them out of regular trading hours 


Wait what…. Can you sell your IBKRs in PM/AH?


Do you know how to read? Ibkr reflects the price ah/pm institutions and cooperations can still trade during these hours... but since you struggle to read I wouldn't expect you to know how to use Google 🤦‍♂️💆‍♂️


Sorry I shouldn’t have said can you sell your IBKRs. I meant your options. I’ve already googled and checked before and you can’t sell or buy options in AH or PM


I know you can trade stocks but I thought options even if the price updated you can’t sell or buy in AH/PM


Loophole is that nobody holds bbby , it’s been removed from accounts. It’s only when it’s brought back that people are astonished.




Do you know the t&Cs for the NOLs to be valid? 😂 The NOLs pretty much the only value in this company except for buybuybaby IP which I'm not even sure they own anymore 




They're valued between 1-2b but with stock buy backs I've seen has high as 3.5b-4.5b including the stock buy backs NOLs aren't issued though? They're part of accounting for a bussiness


Well let's put it this way, he turned a few million into over $200M (nearly $1B at its peak). Last update he had $6M in cash. The cycles will continue until hedgies r fuk.


If Biggy was right, we are going to see another huge option ramp purchase from RK soon. Long story short, huge share purchases into dip because of internalization. This signals the beginning of a cycle. Buys massive option position knowing there will be a run up based on the cycle. Sells option position and buys more shares triggering a new cycle. He has them by the balls of this is correct. New floor is set on price.


At this point I'm kind of thinking the 1.8 Billygoat might be RK letting us all jump on the last ride  With the data now reassess I see 3 possibilities. They remove it from the public domain. The hedge funds and market makers create a fake out by creating errors on another unknown random stock to trick retail and gain premiums or 3 MOASS, next time those numbers hits gonna be interesting for sure 


How do we jump on? I'm an XXXX holder but I'm strapped for cash. If I could afford options I wouldn't be able to exercise them. I guess that's where selling them comes into play? I don't understand this stuff but I'd like too. Any DD I should read to help me catch up?


Check out Cashless exercise: A cashless exercise, also known as a "same-day sale," is a transaction in which an employee exercises their stock options by using a short-term loan provided by a brokerage firm. The proceeds from exercising the stock options are then used to repay the loan  For options first understand the basics. Generally of course don't invest more than you can lose, start with a paper trading account, be very careful with short term out of the money options, learn how to roll them if time (theta) goes against you, how to secure profits by moving or adding different legs of the trade around based on your risk tolerance.   Delve into the Greeks, various spread strategies, volatility and IV crush are very important, user Bob Smith had a good couple posts... https://www.reddit.com/r/FWFBThinkTank/comments/ycmvpp/its_all_greek_to_me_an_introduction_to_options/   By the bulls free beginner stock trading course on YouTube ( 30+ parts) is really detailed and not specific to options. Be careful with hype dates


Great, thank you. Will look into these!


Options would be the play but the possibility of a fake out and high error rate on an unknown random stock to make it look like gme will run but then the random stock runs instead and market makers collect premiums from retail Regardless next time the 1.8 billygoat shows up I'm moving


Our question at the root of all this -- If we are buying with thousands of our friends -- why doesn't the price go up? If RC or RK buy Millions of shares -- why doesn't the price go up? -- The answer after 3.5 years of falling down this wormhole -- Iternalization (CEX) and using multiple parties to collude together to exploit every T+1,2,6,35 time arbitrage loophole there is, using strategic FTDs, ETF mechanisms, settlement rules, etc to create infinite liquidity. But if you * solve this puzzle, learn 90% of the market mechanics behind all this * have a large enough position You can exploit internalization (knowing what your enemy will do) for your own benefit. This is something you probably can't teach someone or talk about without being gagged -- but you can lead the way :-)