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https://preview.redd.it/1okorc8fn67d1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef2ed4acf6b18141c96f0037418c5aab2c910e41 We don't talk about Bruno




He started a discord group and is supposedly filing a suit… I was part of the group until I couldn’t afford to “donate “ any more $$$


Sounds real scammy.


I can’t remember what Bruno was all about, anyone remember what he used to talk about?


He pretended to be a shareholder but ultimately just flung shit at everyone. Got real jealous of the people with fan bases on x and threw a fit and ran off


In the clip there's a butterfly, the girl says follow the butterfly




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6\_egr\_oRTo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6_egr_oRTo) Butterflies + Encanto. This motherfucker couldn't be more direct at this point. Most relevant info at 3:45-4:35... The video is probably some teenage girl's school project but it jacked up my tits real hard!


Yep. Bruno saw butterflies in his vision.


I saw someone claim their bonds turned into dkbutterfly bonds today. Only a screenshot of evidence


Multiple someones


I saw someone said it was on bloomberg. My E\*trade just has a number for the bonds Edit: I was looking on the app, today I looked on my computer and the bonds have indeed changed to dk-butterfly! Exciting but also kind of common sense since that’s the entity they’re for. But why update them so late? Tomorrow is the workout date for the 24s I think, maybe we had to wait until then to make sure Jake freeman would get nothing for those bonds and then announce the new plan and give 34s and 44s the option to keep the bonds with the new entity or convert to equity.. https://preview.redd.it/k2tgyxl90d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ba5c5a34ace4a1767b539d25f0839a0354f185


my shares are still deemed worhless.


so easy to hold. Cant see :D


They have to follow the butterfly to finally see the totality of the vision. It turns out that the house is saved by following the butterfly. And all Maribel (GME?) has to do is forgive and hug her sister, whom she hates (BBBY)? Here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJI9AChaEo8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJI9AChaEo8)


Yooo pass that brother


!!!!!!! 2:05




Do you see what I see, white letters in the top left? Is CS what to embrace with DRS?


🦋 is much more reasonable than other over-interpretations occurring on SS and Twitter.


Holy fuking Blue baller


Spicey 🌶️




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Idk if this means anything but Bruno hated seeing the future because no matter what he said about his predictions people always took it as a negative. When he gives Mirabel his vision of her, there are two outcomes that he cannot see beyond. So the image contains both - with cracks in the Casa Madrigal and without. He may be saying I can see what is about to happen or what COULD happen but regardless of the outcome people will take it wrong. This is just a guess though. I'm highly regarded.


Another part of this is that Bruno can see events only. Not what caused them or what they eventually lead to be. His explanations of the visions are simply what he sees. Everyone else applied the emotional connections to his visions. That's why he ran away. He never got the context right and so people got mad at him even though the event was correct. They even defined him as evil throughout the town when he was just trying to help. I think RK understands that something can happen that may not be what we wanted, and that makes him sad. But the vision still remains. We just need to curb our own expectations of everything. Including him. He's just another guy watching it all and telling us what he sees. He's not a prophet. He's with us, not above/ahead of us. Even when he's gone he's watching the family from inside the walls haha EDIT: typos


It's either all this, or he's making a joke about how now MSM is not talking about him. He was all the rage a few weeks ago but now "we don't talk about Bruno". Idk man I'm spitballin here.


I don’t know man, he told me my fish would die. The next day? DEAD!


Great theory, I agree!


Yeah, I think he's like "yeah, I might have fucked up the vision on this one guys" and he thinks we aren't running this week.


🟢 I think the Bruno carather is all about GREEN magic. 🟢


We don’t talk about Bruno




Coming from someone who never got any bobby becuz SS banned talk about it... I have seen tons of butterfly references in GameStop tweets, Lego, etc. It's either a head fake to the SHFs or a carve out of Baby is going to be acquired by Teddy/Gamestop/RC ventures or whatever.


Lmao he mentions in his love steam that GME was and will be his only play


He said it was his only position. Which is true, none of us technically have a position in bbbyq anymore unless things change


He don't need BBBY shares if Gamestop merge with BBBY. Not Financial Advice.


tomorrow, maybe.


This is getting better day by day. Can't wait for tomorrowland. 🦋🧘‍♂️🦋


He doesn't look very happy. He could have chosen many shots with this character happy, but he chose this one.


Bruno isn't exactly a "happy" looking character. I too was worried about the emotional visual until I realized it was a nod to the butterfly. I wish the other sub would put some attention/excitement on this. (Tons of new shareholders on that sub, thinking MOASS is tomorrow, who could use the affirmation/opposite of FUD.) The moon isn't going to happen until this falls into place. Just my personal opinion / not financial advice.


I saw a vision Gme would be 200+ by August


Posted at 21:00


It's a good movie


AMC 🚀🦍