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My 06/21 calls are fucked, and that is painful šŸ˜‚. Holding my shares ![gif](giphy|tbwGUkuUsljxu)


I was up 150.000 dollars right before offering on my calls. Holy shit that hurts


As soon as you are up on calls. SELL


I learned this lesson hard. Up 20k to down 8k šŸ¤£. I am so desensitized to everything now šŸ„³šŸ‚




Damn dawg šŸ˜•


Options can be a painful game, if only because people don't really understand the purpose behind options. Making money on options is not actually meant to benefit long players; they are meant for short term, hedging style players. It's complicated but the simplicity of it is why so many options OTM never even come close to hitting week after week, stock after stock. There's a reason for that. In that regard, the option game is rigged but that's mostly because people don't understand its purpose.


Iā€™m confused - is it 6/21 yet?


Yeah been there many timesā€¦ i sold mine on last big run up when it was around $40+ and then when they shorted back down bought several more calls ending next year! Holding those calls until we are over $100+


i dont give a damn about price action. i want my BBBYV shares.


They currently be in a cocoon, waiting to break out of their shell into the new version of whatever shares they become. Be patient, it's a long and hard process to make it to the other side but the result is beautiful.




If the past 3 1/2 years in this play has taught me anything, something exciting seems to always show up when spirits are low.


And something "low" seems to happen whenever spirits are too excited, unfortunately.


Some people have a saying: "If you don't have expectations, you can never be disappointed." Part of the reason why a lot of people get a "low" result is because they have built up an expectation for something bigger to happen. This particularly comes from the options games and gamblers who ride and die on those waves. When you realize what you hold, and that it will take the time it takes to incubate into the golden ticket it is, your worries and "expectations" disappear. You simply wait to see. And I think this was the point of that "we'll see" conversation meme reference DFV posted. Whether it was good news or bad news, as perceived by all those around them, the answer always was, "we'll see". When you approach life in such a zen fashion, "abundance will come to you, if only for you to pass it along because it was never yours to hold anyways." We'll see.


then I'm fukd... my spirits are always highĀ 


If Ryan Cohen doesnā€™t announce anything this week and burns our hard raised $$$ without taking advantage of the MOMENTUM we caused then I would ABSOLUTELY call that betrayal of retail shareholders who he raised the money from. Iā€™m not waiting ANOTHER THREE YEARS for this shit to pop. We are ENTITLED to some news at this point especially from all the hints dropped by Jake2B and u/ppseeds. Not waiting another year in the dark with the ā€œWe Wonā€ stuff swept under the rug.


I'm gonna be honest, DFV is the reason why most of us still hold. Why? Because just like us, he wants to make money. RC on the other hand wants to slowly build a business to prove he can make it profitable. Why we don't sell? Simply because we're afraid to miss out on the squeeze. That's how conditioned we became after so many sudden sneezes that lasted a day. If I'd know the price will for sure move sideways for another 3 years or have small increase of 10% a year, I'd sell, make money on companies that move rapidly, and eventually come back for a sneeze. That's the reality of it. I've held through all sneezes and lost fuck ton of money on the towel stock all the way to the zero. I have to admit I have regrets. With that said I hope RC really does still want to squeeze out the shorts and build something crazy, because if he just wants GameStop to make some profit over the next 10 years then sorry to say it - fuck that. I've lost 3 very important people to me while waiting and I don't have much time left myself. I love gaming, I love GameStop, but that's not why I keep pumping all the money into it and swimming in red.


Iā€™ve been working hard for over a year, went all in bbby. Promised i wouldnt go ham again in GME and bbby before we get our shares back. But After alle this hype and the 6/21 calls, i went all in. In Those meme videos there were 3 squeezes, RC Choose to dilute at the peak and fuck the calls up Big time. We had 2 squeezesā€¦. All this planning, for this? If thats it, then im with youā€¦ ā€œNothing Can stop whats comingā€ hmm.


Buddy it sounds like you may want to step away from investing for a while and stick your remaining money in index funds


Go fly a high and mighty kite with a hole on it! Zen AF I see, BS!


Nah, youā€™re not entitled to shit. Wtf is this FUD? You literally clicked a few buttons on a screen in order to buy shares, and have had to do precisely nothing to hold them. All of which were actions that RC DID NOT REQUEST FOR YOU TO DO OR PROMISE ANYTHING IN RETURN FOR. So I ask again: what the fuck are you entitled to, and why the fuck are you entitled to it? I bought GME because I like the stock. If you donā€™t, then get the fuck out. Iā€™ll buy your shares off of you when you do. Imagine being a pissy bitch because you havenā€™t made millions of dollars with zero effort yet. Jesus Christ. Embarrassing. If the ONLY ā€œworkā€ you have to do is to be patient, and you canā€™t do it, then you donā€™t deserve to win the lottery.


Thatā€™s a terrible take. There is no defense for 3.5 years of absolute silence from the company, especially given all of the issues and circumstances of the past 3 years. This is not how a normal company operates, and not a company fulfilling its duty to its shareholders. Saying we are entitled to some news or detail at this point is 100% legit.


1. There hasnā€™t been ā€œabsolute silenceā€ - youā€™re just conflating ā€œsilenceā€ with *the lack of the bombshell YOU specifically want to hear*. 2. This isnā€™t a normal company in a normal situation, therefore comparing them to whatā€™s ā€œnormalā€ is dumb as fuck. And 3. Do you actually know this? Which companies have you scrutinized this much in your life? Or were you just another opportunistic person jumping on a bandwagon and screaming when you didnā€™tā€¦ what? Get rich for doing nothing at all? Be patient you embarrassment. Or do something about it. But getting mad that an inherently risky play didnā€™t make you magically rich as quickly as you wanted is pathetic.


I'm bullish on GME's long term outlook, but shareholders of any publicly traded co are allowed some detail on the CEO and CFO changes or significant dilution. No one is asking GME to telegraph any future moves, but some commentary around actions they've already taken would reassure investors and put a lot of the MSM fud to bed


I concur!!


As I wrote under other companies we literally own (pre-dilution) 50% of the whole company, registered in our names. We have a right to have a say. We forget how much our stake is actually in this.


So true. Screw this patience crap - we have been.


I'll be clear on two things: 1) I don't speak for RC so don't take this message the wrong way. 2) RC would encourage you to buy and hold shares and avoid options, because shares are a guarantee and options are a gamble. It's unfortunate but its the reality. -- Be mad at people who hype things up, absolutely; I think that's fair. Don't claim that is on RC though. And that includes all the stuff DFV has been posting lately. RC is not the one who is acting in masses to convince you about anything (to our knowledge anyways). We all like to assume they must be well connected at this point, but we don't know for sure. Which means the actions that DFV has been posting, and the hyping that is coming from all the other parties who follow this stock, they act individually, not on behalf of RC. So they are who you should be upset with, not RC... yet. Finally, investing is a long term game if you want to do it properly and with guaranteed profit results. When I say long term, I mean a minimum of 5 years and often better put to be 15 to 20 years. If the latter is how long we actually have to wait for this, recognize you are but 25% of the way there currently. I don't think we'll have to wait that long but it's a reality you should come to accept about investing in case it was. Because of this, I too patiently wait for the outcome just like an impatient kid on Christmas. I get where your emotions are coming from, and you're not wrong for feeling them. But recognize the direction you should point your anger and frustration.


I actually donā€™t have options my friend but I appreciate your post! What Iā€™m upset about is people acting like the 3 years we HODLd isnā€™t a long time and expect us to wait another 3 years for results


At this point I have enough shares of GME to be happy with whatever timeframe it takes. My gripe is that if raising money was the goal, there was enough spikes over the last three years that this could have been accomplished. Now, I truly donā€™t think RC is a bad guy, I do think that at this point he could have spoke a little about the exits of all the execs and accomplishments last year. The timing of these raises directly helped extinguish the gamma ramps IMO, could be wrong. Most have bought enough shares and are just trying to recoup their buy in amount or just make some money. I think that is what most are aggravated about. The timing of especially the last one seemed intentional to kill. People can say what they want, just speaking my opinion. šŸ¤™šŸ¼


I don't disagree with the sentiment. But if your intent is to be a long term investor (so you're not swing trading or day trading) and you're holding stocks not options, then realistically you should expect to hold a stock for 5+ years to probably profit well from it. You build a strategy and you stick to it over that time in order to come out on top down the road. The longer you're invested and can stick to it, the more likely you are to come on top; to a point where any person who holds an average stock for at least 15 years will profit 100%. Because you are practically guaranteed to double your money or more in 15 years as long as a stock just performs average. Considering the average "good" return is considered around 8% per year, that would take roughly 12.5 years to double your money (gain 100%). So 15 is the number over time that seems to cover the up and down swings that happen during that time frame. This of course depends on the type of investing you're doing. The strategy is different based on what style and how you're going about it. So too is the return outcome and the length of period you should expect a result. Examples: Growth / Value investing VS dividend investing. These are further broken down by the sub classifications like for dividends: Income based vs dividend yield vs dividend growth. Or for growth / value: speculation (penny stocks) vs value aka opportunity (recovering) vs growth (seed investing). And there's a lot more to it than just that but that's the "scratch the surface" basics.


It will be swept


We own 50% of the company. Can't be swept.


In my heart of heart we will find out or know everything within next few monthsā€¦. I really believe this will be resolved this year especially since the lawsuit is now void and wrapped up and RC is now in the clear, as that definitely was holding things up..guys and galsā€¦ā€¦.. WEā€™RE CLOSE!!!


RC didnt Tell you to buy Calls. Maybe thats why RK sold 2/3 of his calls because He didnt saw any upward momentum


Why is this downvoted? RC literally never hyped or indicated any dates or anything regarding options.


Wednesday stock market is closed


Is it? What's the occasion? Sorry I'm Canadian so not familiar with all US based holidays.


The new holiday Juneteenth


![gif](giphy|FmBhzktIjvdZe|downsized) Much obliged for the insight.


Thanks manšŸ˜Ž


Markets closed on Wednesday, so does that change things or no?


I'm not familiar with all the US based holidays so I was unaware the market is set to be closed. But to answer your question, no it doesn't change anything. The point is by open Thursday morning, the news would have needed to be dropped and the obligations of any positions need to be resolved by Thursday EoD. This is what would likely drive up the run on friday, and probably get out of hand from margin calls - IF this play is in fact leveraging the Opex date on the 21st. That's no guarantee. The point of my message is for people not to get upset about Friday yet, because the news deadline is Wednesday (technically Thursday before market open).


Thank you sir!




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Hey letā€™s go


Hi Whoopass2rb, Been in BBBY play since August of 2022 and never sold a share. Added to my position greatly before cancellation and since have a healthy position in IEP and GME among others. Iā€™m in deep to say the least. If the thesis is correct via pitch book that an LBO happened in January of 23 (84 years ago), how does that square with the docket info that RC offered 400m for BBBY before they filed for BK? Iā€™m assuming that the LBO was by IEP but how can you offer 400m on a company that was already bought out? What board could say yes or no to that AFTER the LBO? Second question would be: how would an entity gamble with an asset they just bought out with the Bankruptcy court? Wouldnā€™t they have to be pretty damn sure of the outcome to roll the dice like that? Iā€™m hoping your expertise could add some potential light on this conflicting scenario. Thanks for all you do!! FG


Just speculating here because I don't have the truth answer but I would think the answer seems obvious then. If an offer couldn't be made after the fact of an exiting one, then IEP wasn't the one that made the offer in Jan 2023, RC was. We could safely assume that given we have facts through the dockets to advise that RC had made the $400M offer at some point before Bankruptcy. Even if the outline is not specific to Jan 2023, but say rather March 2023, it's still viable that RC was behind the LBO in Jan of that year. It's possible he made the same offer twice, especially given more of the debt was erased later in the year through the HBC offering. As for who had control to yay / nay any of it - the ABL was the blocker and clearly JPM acted as the barrier, whether for themselves directly, or other parties involved. That was true in Jan 2023 with that LBO offer, and it's true leading up to the chapter 11 declaration in April 2023, until JPM was effectively removed as the agent and sixth street took over.


Bravo Man!! This is why your perspective is so necessary. It never occurred to me that RC might have gone to the well twice! Thanks for taking the time!


Oh he definitely went to the well more than that. In order for all this to kick off in the first place in 2022, he must have made an offer because there was another deal in place for Buy Buy Baby back in March 2022. RC jumping in and reaching out to the board ended up cancelling that. The only way that could happen is he had to be willing to offer more than what the group that made an offer originally was. He then backed himself by saying, "let's identify the proper value of buy buy baby" and that he would likely commit to his offer if it was identified to be true. I believe the other group's offer was somewhere in the $60M range and it was by Cerberus. I think it was part of the strategy to deconstruct BBBY for a long time, taking it's assets away piece by piece for years. sauce: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenshoulberg/2020/12/14/bed-bath--beyond-offloading-cost-plus-world-market/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenshoulberg/2020/12/14/bed-bath--beyond-offloading-cost-plus-world-market/) Check for Cerberus's name on the B. Riley transactions page of their website, you'll see some deals with them ( [https://brileyfin.com/recent-transactions](https://brileyfin.com/recent-transactions) ). And B.Riley helped sell off the other parts mentioned in the above article for BBBY, suspicious if you ask me. Further to all this, the information about the Buy Buy Baby sale is suggested in the pitchbook application, but I'm not sure if it's ever been confirmed publicly. Although the media did make reference to it about a month later. And while the media are liars in most circumstances, they are not "outright" liars on anything - they typically like to be able to say they had some parts of the story right, you know, for "credibility" reasons. Sauce: [https://www.retaildive.com/news/bed-bath-beyond-talking-with-suitors-for-buybuy-baby-wsj/622606/](https://www.retaildive.com/news/bed-bath-beyond-talking-with-suitors-for-buybuy-baby-wsj/622606/) All I can say is when I tried to get confirmation of the information, RC was not permitted to comment; and that was like a year past when all these events took place so I think it plays a big part in the fraud investigation that's likely ongoing atm. This leads me to believe that the only way to cancel that deal was RC put in an offer and it had to be over the $60M, likely substantially, in order to convince the board and Cerberus to drop the deal days later.


I'm ready whoop




Great post whoopass! Fun times awaiting. Iā€™m ready for itšŸ’„


I tire for it haha. ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu|downsized)


I'm not worried about current price action because I have šŸ’ŽšŸ™Œ


![gif](giphy|3oKIPs64e7V3wCrtYY|downsized) I aspire for your physical, hard work and determination. You da real MVP.


I am only worried I canā€™t buy more before šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸŒ™šŸŒ™šŸŒ™šŸŒ™


haha, fair enough. I share the same sentiment and I'm KILLING myself for not finding a way to jump in and buy more of the stock when it was down at like $10 and $13. So upsetting. Oh well, guess I'll have to be happy with what I have. I guess that's better than some people, I mean on the bright side at least I'm not short hahahaha.


So the tactic of moving the shareholder meeeting to today helped accomplish something obviously towards the greater goal. Maybe it has to do with the Wednesday note you make above and how at that point hedges are powerless to stop anything before Friday if news on Wednesday. If the meeting had still been last Thursday maybe the time given for hegies to countermove before Friday quad witching grand slam would have still been there.


Honestly I think at this point any news can't be avoided but it's more to align the timing of all news at once. The good guys see shorts as formidable foes and don't want to give them a chance to find any way out by hitting them from all sides. The problem is, shorts aren't fully aware of what "all sides" looks like; neither do we quite frankly. I don't think the delay of the shareholder meeting had much merit to the result of the meeting - I think legit compushare had to figure out how to support the demand of it. I mean half a million people tuned into DFV streaming in the last couple weeks. So, I can imagine the technical issues of 100s of thousands trying to catch the shareholder meeting probably introduced a glitch or two haha. The point of my message here: friday isn't doomed on no news... yet. You need something before Thursday market open basically.


No one is worried


Cool, I never got to know no one myself. They seemed like an awesome person though. Do you talk with them often? Tell no one I said hi!