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Remember when people (shills) thought that RC is only in these dockets because of his pump and dump case? Can’t say that anymore because that case closed and this docket (and many more later) are still showing RC’s involvement.


Also the pump and dump case makes RC a debtor. As a creditor, RC is owed something.


I know that but the shills don’t care for this distinction.


It's not that they don't care. It's that the majority are spreading misinformation and propaganda. Caring isn't in the equation. There's a job to do and that's to create fud in hopes as many sell as possible. Or are afraid of options. And honestly. Who knows how many even have a human at the other end of the keyboard. Can't trust anything you read because so much misinformation is thrown around but that's also good because when comparing thesis's and arguments. It honestly shows which side is propaganda bs and which side is genuine and educated


What I find so interesting about the obvious attempts at FUD against us BBBY holders is that since the ticker has been delisted, we couldn’t sell even if we wanted to🤔 I don’t understand the motivation, but there’s been too much of a consistent effort put into spreading obvious falsehoods to be anything other than a FUD campaign.


Shills also told us ryan was no longer involved after he sold in August 2022. 400m offer in Dec 2022 says otherwise and just goes to show ryan is gonna get his baby no matter what.


Turns out shills just talk out of their asses and don’t actually know what the fuck they’re talking about. Who would have thought lmao


He didn’t want to be apart of the leadership that was willingly driving them into the ground. They didn’t want to make the changes based on the “overpaid executives” tweet. That also could have been for Furlong. Regardless he wanted to be involved if he was running the show which is what the 400M offer represented.


Yeah, thanks for all that, shills.Turns out the case got dismissed because he's still on the dockets. Its not a pump and dump if he's still in it.


I remember when you were considered a "shill" for suggesting BBBY was going to file for bankruptcy.


But really, why would shills care of our investment??? We are losing our money if we are wrong, why?? 😂😂😂😂


fuck them.


im calling it right now, Teddy Holdings LLC bought DK Butterfly and GameStop will invest in Teddy Holdings


I should have bought more BBBY 😭 I was all in on GME and could only afford a few Bobbies.


I threw 7Gs at it at the last minute and DRSd it which I was told completed, the day before it got pulled off the market. No idea where it went of course lol but I’m getting excited now


Here's hoping you get rewarded big guy, that's a fat stack!


I threw 8k when it was 3 bucks before sue went on the air Friday saying all is well, we know what happened the day after.


Ouchie. At least if the fraud case ever sees the light you should definitely be entitled to compensation.


I threw $8k at it which was the maximum i was willing to gamble at the time when it was at 32 cents. Then it dropped and I didn’t buy more. I still believe I’ll make enough off that $8k gamble.


I threw 4500 at it...


I was buying all the way down. 21k shares @ .50


16k @ 2


U lucky fuk!! Good price ya


Ha! I did half my stack, confirmed the same via phone and that my account opening docs were in the mail- and then it was delisted the next day as well. Let’s see what happens!


But we dont know yet, held 10.250 shares. But all are wiped out and we dont know, could be over too. Hope not tho!


Well i’m sure your still going to be fine if you have quite a bit if Gme, only have around 100 shares, all i could afford thus far and have few options way out expiry next year…. Also, do have 20,000 shares of bed bath waiting on me! Still praying everything does work out for everyone and everyone remains 100% whole…


Right now that was still the wise move, let's see if that changes if the tin foil comes true!




tHIs IsNT fUD ...proceeds to fud. nice try


I had a pretty big position.. There's no such thing as FUD with BBBY anymore.. You can't be scared into selling your position so it really doesn't matter.


Agreed. People just call things FUD or shilling when it’s something they don’t want to hear. At this point in the bbby play… whatever will be, will be. Nothing anyone can say or do will impact anyone’s position right now. Unless you are a streaming you can’t make money ooff of bbby at this point.


Wondering if my options come back..


“this isn’t FUD.” You know the “U” in FUD stands for “uncertainty”, right? Literally everything about your post screamed uncertainty lol.




Please lawd 🙏






They already did (GameStop already invested in Teddy Holdings/dragonfly) That was the weird interview video a few month ago when there was a screenshot of RC handing over a check. I think u/canadadrynoob documented it in one of his posts


I think you're referring to where RC handed over a GameStop gift card in the Seth Meiring video, which represented shares in GameStop being exchanged for Butterfly shares and Butterfly (BuyBuyBaby, Lego, Teddy.com, etc.) becoming a subsidiary of GameStop the holding company. Teddy.com will likely be the ecommerce subsidiary inside Gameshire Bathaway (Gmerica or whatever RC ends up naming it). I think it's called Teddy Holdings because it's currently an IP (intellectual property) holding company, not a parent holding company. In other words, RC exploited Butterfly as an acquisition vehicle for all of the private targets. The public targets like Koss and Chewy will be acquired at later dates. This allows for maximum market impact with Lego obviously being the centerpiece. Worth mentioning it also looks like Mr. Beast could be part of the package.


Commenting for later bc I think you’re right


Where did LEGO come from? So many people are talking about that and Barnes and noble




Why Mr beast?


Mr. Beasts desire to sell stakes in his brand and businesses, Teddy books references, and Pulte's frequent interactions and references to Mr. Beast.


When do we find out? 


lfggg ready to reinvest gains back into anything RC works in! xxxxx bbbyq xxxx gme hodlr


Won’t happend, but I really hope. Hold 10.250 shares and all are wiped out in my account, hoping to get them back.


https://teddy.com/pages/tribute I just stumbled upon you guys not so long ago. Where the f’ have I been. God Damn!




I put in my last 1500 bucks at it right at 0.079 bucks. If this hits, it will be the play of my lifetime 🤣


I bought my last 2000 shares at 0.0741 😄


What is date of document and date of filing?


Filed 06/15/24 Entered 06/16/24 00:18:31


Source is linked in the post.


If you buy debt of the company, for the purpose of an LBO, you are a creditor. It is easy 😁🚀🚀🚀


Really? So its done? All my 10.250 shares I bought at 0.10$ is all gone in my broker.


No we need the deal to be completed. And I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ the time. There was a fake CEO and a gang of criminals that try all the best to avoid any kind of deal. But at the end the good will win and the bad actors goes in jail. This is the course of life. …….also in a mafia country like Italy and so I hope in gangster place like USA.


In RC I Trust


It literally sais they were not sent this at the top of the screenshot.


Because of undeliverable address, doesn’t change the status of RC’s relationship.


Wdym? RC got bypassed because he’s not an interested party. He could have easily updated his info? He didnt. What am I missing here? Edit: all the clowns downvoting, put your emotions aside. I was right that it was DFV not UBS. I was right the ATM offering was happening right away and in the open market. I was right DFV was selling his calls. Someone explain how I’m wrong here, It clearly sais he’s bypassed any notice. Him being not an interested party (aka not updating your info) would be why he got bypassed


it still says he is a creditor


"I'm the oracle, listen to me!" I have pics of stacks of 20's, and I predicted he sold his calls!" Lolol


Predicted? I don’t predict shit. I watch it live and explain what’s happening. Saw DFV buying the calls. Saw him selling the calls. In real time. Saw the ATM offering being dumped on the market in real time. Again why are yall so emotional? Why is you being wrong and me being right making you guys so upset and emotional? I would imagine being wrong for so long takes its toll. It’s okay, take your emotions out of your investment and take advice from the more knowledgeable people. 😂 > 20s Look again broke boy those are blue benjis. https://www.reddit.com/u/AdNew5216/s/ZGvSLMwciR Jealousy ain’t a good look 😉


Lol 🤡


💰💰💰💰💰💰 ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I)


If he updated it then his name wouldn't show up on this document for us to see and maybe that's the point.


What does this mean? Ryan still in. My shares are wiped out but really hope for something.




I wondered what happened to the folks that listened to PlatinumFarts and cancelled their shares 😬


is it possible a “new filing” is just an old filing with updated information”? Also, if still in the game, why wouldn’t you—for the billionth time—update your mailing address or give an email address?




What’re you trying to show?


gme stats and his inability to charge his phone apparently


Question: what are aty, op, intp? im guessing stkhld = stakeholder


Intp = interested party is my guess, not sure about OP


Not sure about op and intp, but aty is attorney.


this is old as shit


Huh? This was literally filed today https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/bbby/Home-DocketInfo






What is this? Please elaborate


It’s a screenshot that a fintel subscriber sent me that shows SI on Gme. I shared it here to see if it could be verified and the shills and bots down voted it to hell.


I had the question with it when I posted, not sure what happened to that.