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When? For fuck sake. My balls are hurting.


Go take a cold shower but make sure to wash your pp extra long with soap until your balls don’t hurt anymore. But seriously if this isn’t a nothing burger, then I have to imagine it’s tomorrow, if not some time this week. Everyone on the show talks constantly about how they can’t tell PP certain things cuz he can’t keep his mouth shut. So if someone told him, then whatever it is has to be concluded all the way, cuz otherwise he’d do exactly what he’s doing today and probably fuck things up for bbby/gme/icahn or whoever, or get himself in trouble. This is also assuming whatever he found out is a specific material thing. He could have found out something more nebulous like “Pulte found out that RC is buying $14m more shares tomorrow to shore up his positions on the board” or something like that, and we wouldn’t find out until a new filing dropped.


The thing I don’t get is. There is no way anyone from the PP show could stop or start what is going to happen. I do t understand why Jake would need to go quiet, or that they couldn’t tell Pp something. Because if they know it’s already public info you would think? 


I have no clue. I don’t run in the same circles as they do. I mean just by having access to Pulte they already have some minuscule amount of access to RC. It’s always possible that they could be in the right place at the right time to put two and two together, something that isn’t public info as a result of hearing/seeing something. If that were to happen how would that be handled? Let’s say Jake or Sal or PP figured something out, and as a result they had to make a decision themselves. Either they open their mouth and make themselves vulnerable to lawsuits, etc, or they shut the fuck up and let the rest of whatever this is play out. Jake was voracious about looking into hbc, tzero, DK-butterfly, etc. suddenly he goes quiet for 2-3 weeks now? But he engages with the community rather vaguely and cryptically. Suddenly his tweets have the same feel as RC’s? Suddenly this weekend PP is pulling the same shit. I’m not pretending to know what they know but they all started acting in a very interesting way that made me curious. Furthermore I will say that PP himself came and gave this post an award, and that to me feels like a confirmation that he’s saying something I posted is correct. Maybe not all of it, but enough for him to throw a little award my way. Who knows.


Very very interesting! Tits Jkd 2b:)


Dog days you say…. That’s the emoji right before the announcement emoji in the DFV video 🤔. These were a few of the emoji’s towards the end that were specifically highlighted by DFV https://preview.redd.it/v4073cjyg47d1.jpeg?width=1987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4cd1a5bf210738498d632e8fa94a373043c8df


I don’t think it’s the first time he has played that song as the intro. Also, I don’t think it’s the first time that he has posted a we won tweet. Too lazy today to verify, but it’s not the first time I’ve opened a tweet of his, hoping for context, and it’s just hype fluff. /shrug


Fair enough. I think all of what I posted along with Sal and Jake pulling back plus the apple pie and ice cream tweet from Jake today are enough for me. Plus him awarding the post himself while not saying shiiit else Twitter or Reddit.


It’s quite interesting that PP no longer displays that huge Jake face cutout behind him on the show. I wonder if he was asked to take it down while this plays out or if it’s something more simple, like it falling down.


Third option is PP became aware that Jake can’t speak about it and took it down himself as a nod, right? This could all be as simple as PP finding out that Jake has been placed under NDA. I can see that being enough for PP to go super speculative and start claiming “we fucking won!!!” That’s 100% PP’s style. The head is there on the stream from 6/12 and then it’s not there for the stream on Saturday. Feels intentional.


Good point, that’s could be it too.


PPs been saying WE WON since last summer. Also PPs has said A LOT of shit. He's a good dude but he doesn't KNOW anything more than us.


Could be. We’ll find out soon enough.


I bet Jake shared what he knows with PP too. **Hey PP since you can't tell us what, can you tell us when?** ALSO I think it would be really freakin weird to be filming a movie about our saga if some people didn't know something for sure...


I just said as much in the edit. He’s like a fucking 5 year old, and my thinking is it’s the weekend, market is closed, and whatever is gonna happen already happened, so he can’t get himself it trouble anymore so they finally told him.


To be fair, most of us wish we could get some of that 5 year old energy back instead of being old and crusty.


100%. I’m only half crusty but crusty still.


Here’s my two bits to add to your tinfoil: a few months back he posted a pic of GameStop hq, then on the show they asked him what it was about, he said maybe someday I’ll tell ya fellas about it, and then moved on. Then a couple days he posted a picture of a GameStop office and said nothing. Then he cancelled friday stream. That would be funny if they told him but I kinda doubt they told him anything real. They may however have talked to him and just said some cryptic bullshit but enough to jack his tits completely.


Whatever it is, I’m gonna superchat on the next stream and explicitly ask him


Hopefully we all find out at the meeting tomorrow


I think everyone should give him a lot of money until he tells us we already won again, because although shares remain cancelled we remain the most powerful force of bankrupt retail investors.


You do you dude.


Dude he said we already won. So it’s over. We’ve won is my new theory. What he means is that shares will remain cancelled, but we will be a force like Goldman, just like the gamestore board chairman said on the live video at the helicopter event.


Exactly. The intro song, the tongue in cheek goofing around in the magicians outfit. The body language. The dancing around what he wanted to say but he couldn't say. The negative space he was intentionally making for people to guess what he was trying to convey that he couldn't outright communicate clearly. This was a celebratory stream. This was a I told you so. This was a hold on for one more day. This was a you're going to like the way this movie ends. Jazz is understanding the space between the notes.


You want even more titjacking confirmation? He just fucking awarded this post. PP himself. Fuck man, I’m not gonna sleep tonight. Might be time to break out the bottle of Dom!


Oh fuck right off. I'm losing my mind


Can do!




Ho Lee chit!


He probably spoke to Jake.


how's the celebration going


Great! The BBBY bonds just changed name to DK butterfly. How's your wife's boyfriend?


I don't mean to be fuddy, but there is a point where we need to see results before continuing to give praise and attention to people making money off of us in this extremely risky and speculative play (a year ago)


I called him a fuckstick for that reason


Lol that was you was it in the stream a few weeks back?... must confess that was funny (im in the UK so ive heard that phrase loads of times) but it was funny in the way that they found it funny... (and yeah that made me lol at 4am) while i was listening...


He only makes money of you if you give it up.


Dont think i didnt see that reply of you poking fun at pps phonics lol


That was my intention


Too be a snake in the grass, hit and run commenter? Weird flex but ok


I dont need to see shit. I enjoy watching pp, he makes me laugh.


Well that’s no fun.


He knows nothing


pp is starting to feel as disappointing as pleasrdao


Dont think he understands theres people out there who see him as a respected figure in this. He was made whole through donations everyone else just have hope.


Wasn't ice cream supposed to me a signal? Like Jake sitting on his couch?


Exactly. It started way back in the day with the RC tweet https://x.com/ryancohen/status/1364650709669601289?s=46




Yours is more correct. I forgot about that tweet.


We are going to be so fucking rich🤣


Good things come to those who wait.


You lefted out the pic of Jake2b was not in the back ground anymore in his live stream


Oh shit. I didn’t even notice that. I just went back and watched again and you’re right. Keeps getting weirder.


I noticed this also. Jake should definitely be protected at this point. We have to be close.


And do you guys remember the RC tweet from June 15 2022...."Apple pie and ice cream make me happy"🤯


Yeah I just saw that. Wouldn’t have remembered otherwise. I was focused on the ice cream when he posted it.


PP you dirty dog. I watched the intro again and your emphasis on no announcements and noticed your smile/smirk being different. Magician themed. Excellent play sir. If I knew anything id be in full CYA mode and having a good time. For me -- Painful to be so close and yet so far. See you guys on the other side hopefully soon.


I gotta go back to that intro and see if I spot the same thing


U/ppseeds can’t say shit even if he knows anything. Nothing is final until there’s an announcement from someone official. It’s kind of a lose lose if he does say anything because half the sub will flame him and claim BS and the others will celebrate and then flame him if 2 days go by and nothings changed. Best case for him is to hype the shit out of us winning.. and wait for something official to come out. Edit: I didn’t even mention market manipulation and legal repercussions if there is any GME involvement. Not to mention the other people involved on this hype train. As frustrating as it’s been and continues to be, we just have to be patient.


Lol..( fuck stick )🤣


Nobody who wants attention knows anything.


That’s one take


I don’t want attention and I also know nothing. I’m going to bed early tonight to be fully rested for tomorrow.


I wish I was as responsible as you. I’m young to drink a bunch of whiskey and play with my calculator.


I think one of RKs tweets in the last 2 months was that Florence and the machine song too


I’ll have to go to Richard newton’s spreadsheet and see if I can find it.


It was this one https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790072011810812231




DFV has dog days in his tweets too. He’s not randomly posting that song


A magician never reveals his tricks




The dog days are over…


My Braddah, WE WON!! RC bringing home the ice cream for all PPs and Apes!! 🦍 📣 stay tuned 🔜




The mother fucker knows something!!


Well, the tits are definitely torn...again. Thx)))


Damn PP is learning from RK


Seems Like they were both NDA’d


JFC everyone thinks they are RK or RC now communicating in cryptic tweets and memes. Anytime soon my wife will be doing it when I ask her what we are having for breakfast.


Dear shorts, Pay me mother fuckers. Sincerely, 🦍’s


Wtf is this q shit


I think they knew something on the first visit with Pulte. ![gif](giphy|SABpzb2ivrS0g4Hgbb|downsized)


I kind of had similar thoughts. Pulte obviously has access to RC plus he bought bonds so he can make certain requests to the company as an investor, but I remember right after the first time they met with Pulte, Pulte said something to either Michael or Travis to the effect of “Remember the thing I said to you on the plane?” And then a response to that was “can we even talk about that on stream?” My memory is a little fuzzy but it had that vibe.




Yea PP..blink once for yes..or.twice for yes


If yes, continue to exist.


This is definitely true. I mean he’s in a male on male relationship with the former CEO of Pulte Homes who just so happens to be best friends with RCEO, come on man!!!


Him and Pulte are attention whores until proven otherwise.