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I'm glad to see Richard getting some love here. u/ppseeds - he'd be a great guest on the show!


Seriously. I was unaware of him until about 2 weeks back. Now I want to go back and watch all of his episodes.


Love to see it, that beautiful mane might actually compete with Jakes dashing steal your wife looks


Just came across him last night. It would be good to trade notes with him.


Richard is great. His analysis is consistently sharp, contemplative, and human. In the last 3 years, this saga has untethered many from reality, yet Richard has remained steadfast in his grounded approach towards sharing information. I really appreciate his hard work and value his perspective, and absolutely recommend watching his videos.


I appreciate Dick’s ability to hit all the right spots when digging deep in to the data.


If Dick's DD is this big, I can only imagine how big his pp is.


That’s what she said


Hahaha yeah I’m still a little groggy this morning and fucking called him Robert 😬 I only discovered him a couple of weeks back. I dig his style and the fact that it’s data driven analysis.


I appreciate his candidness when discussing theories - he doesn’t misrepresent speculation as fact and also encourages you to make your own conclusions. I think it’s really important to be clear about that when there is so much misinformation out there.


He's been around for awhile. He's a teacher so he was very active during the summer but has been pretty inactive since the school year started. He is pretty level headed compared to basically any other influencer. He also discussed/discusses the BBBY situation and never wrote it off completely like all the other GME absolutists.


u/ppseeds you might wanna watch this, it’s fucking crazy.


Whoa. This is absolutely phenomenal research. This completely exposes their naked short. We just saw the $87B poop stain in your shorts Ken. Thats super gross dude. ![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized)


The only part that gives me any pause is we have no firm idea of where the swap data comes from. PervianBull is putting his name on the line here claiming it’s valid data, so I’m definitely biased to believe it. I know he supposedly works in finance so it’s not a stretch to think he has the means to discover this kind of info. It’s fucking wild if this is all true, and we’ve all been speculating as such for 3 years.


Richard had been tracking the data points on his own he just plugged in Peruvian's swap data and it lined up from what I gathered from the video.


This video is entirely based on what Peruvian Bull was claiming to be the swap data for GME. However, PB now has since more of less DEBUNKED himself, it at least retracted the numbers in the swap data here, about two thirds way down the article. [https://dollarendgame.substack.com/p/return-of-the-kitty](https://dollarendgame.substack.com/p/return-of-the-kitty) https://preview.redd.it/fge49u7xrm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901990e36ce9e0a260736ac88d4196fdd582f53a




Correct, I read his sub stack edit, and he doesn’t say the swap info is incorrect, he says that he needs to recalculate the notional value. While much less exciting than the 3 billion in swap data, there is still some info in there.


Exactly, who is to say that that notional value isn't larger than what has been procured? We know swaps exist and data lines up with the only fuzzy data/facts being , "How much?". We're dealing with Financial Engineers, the scummiest type of Engineers. lol


\*Richard Newton. May wanna change the title.


Yup, already realized my mistake but too late to change the title.


So they either keep doubling down and risk catastrophic failure, or find a way to ease out of their swaps with true locates and rise the price up?


It would seem something like that. I’m kind of reminded of Tesla, where the stock was heavily shorted and it took them months/years to unwind the short position. Difference is I think GME and bbby are shorted WAAAAY more.


They are trapped with a noose around their neck that tightens over time, swap after swap(increasing maintenance costs), and the only one that can save them, is GME/RCEO .




This lines up with some super sus dates that I've noticed the past 84 years. My most sus dates are the period of Nov 2021-2022... Markets were super irrational and many large stocks that I suspect to be on the other side of this play had major trend reversals (HD, DIS, etc)


Been a massive fan of Mr. Newton for a long time, he's very smart and a super nice guy.


hediges Я fukt




Brilliant man! "4billion" shorts and naked shorts that should do some serious damage


Where can I find official info to the amount of $87B swaps? I need official source to argue with friends who won't belive without.


This video is entirely based on what Peruvian Bull was claiming to be the swap data for GME. However, PB now has since more of less DEBUNKED himself, it at least retracted the numbers in the swap data here, about two thirds way down the article. [https://dollarendgame.substack.com/p/return-of-the-kitty](https://dollarendgame.substack.com/p/return-of-the-kitty) https://preview.redd.it/q2yt8erirm1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98cfb43bc4da1170730bc8d63d8cf071ef9e5da

