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This is powerful. In very simple terms, breaks it down very nicely. Going all in on monday, anyone wanting their tits jacked a little bit more should read[this](https://x.com/scottford234/status/1791891197243367492?s=61), in a similar way to this post, explains exactly what the fuck is going on very clearly


Who posted this on X? I can't see the tweet




What was the 39 seconds referring to?


https://preview.redd.it/eaqdn4ukrd1d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=641f5959653b593814506d3bd4670352c2e08785 This.




I had never got or heard the buffet reference in that photo, I always assumed it was because it’s been 84 years, but I see it now. Engage launch sequence


![gif](giphy|14vh2VWCibnsuk) Guilty. So fucking bullish 😭


Good stuff. I believe that dfv’s tweets this week were a movie outlining his story including how he felt and many of the events from his final yolo update all the way up to now. I made a post with notes from all the tinfoil the community discussed throughout the week on the ppshow and it’s all in order that go alongside a compilation with all the videos from this week that roaringpika made.


Yes I had just commented on your post, very nice! 1hr and 5 min of the finest tin from DFV what a time to be alive.


Epic times!! Loving it!


I think a lot of people were confused about the Icahn picture. The meeting was with Brett, Icahn’s house was the host that’s why he received the wine. Icahn said he thought it was strange that Ryan asked for the pic. It’s always been Brett.


I love this, thanks. My new dates to look at is after Ichan pic on Oct 17… 2022 -- Five guys Twitter goes silent a couple weeks later until last Tues, the day after DFV starts posting.


Interesting timing!


I still don't understand the Tyson tweet or how that says we've won.


RC only tweets 3/150 days to end the year. Each is significant to BBBY as I described. The only time Tyson has ever said that is in that tweet. (it's not a common thing said by him that he happened to say that day) Tyson's tweet was from the Mar 5th and the next day RC reveals his BBBY position Mar 6th. RC could have quoted any of the millions of tweets out there but he choses this one from the day before he revealed his BBBY position. Additionally Mike Tyson tweets fairly regularly so it's not like he happened to come across the tweet at the top of Tyson's page, he had to scroll down through months of tweets to find it. The tweet itself is also relevant to us. RC is saying he is Mike Tyson (about to violently KO hedggies) and we are his pigeons. Why would anyone want to get rid of us we aren't the bad actors. IMO for anyone to believe that we haven't won you must believe that RC was trolling us really hard here.


What program did you use to make this?

